I've got a brand new combine harvestor



I would say novas are girls cars.

I know this will post will liven this thred up.


strange but true... I'm suddenly limboing under a pole and drinking rum from coconuts with attractive young ladies. brill :)


Novas suck ass, but I'd rather have a nova than a fiesta. Ford Suck ass coz its run by assholes. Does anyone else know what ford really stands for?


Vauxhalls are much better cars than crappy fords. As an ex mechanic I found vauxhalls better cars to drive than fords but not any easier to work on.
I personaly will never own a ford after seeing a program on TV about a mistake on a ford model that ford found more cost effective to pay off legal fees from familys wanting compensation from lost loved ones instead of paying for all the cars to be fixed. A company that values a few thousands dollars over a few thousand lives doesn't deserve my or anyone elses money.
But thats just my opinion.


i will defend the nova till the day i die... Even though i drive BMWs, new and old, fords, new and old, and a few other cars, i can safely say the nova is easiest to drive from the start, the most nippy, and it sure as hell is fun

bassically the nova is just a car to rang it round corners, wheelspin, and basically fuck about town in (when i say this, i mean when its safe, nothing worse than unsafe driving)

its a cool little runnabout, and thats all its designed to be... Fords are horrible cars really, vauxall are much better for the most part, and the nova is a sure winner... millions of owners who buy em for the reasons stated above cannot be wrong.

the good thing about them is the simplicity.. where on a beemer or a jap car you have 5 screws, 2 bolts and a locking machanism to hold somming like a door panel on, on a nova you have 3 or 4 screws only... not bad for fixing things on novas.

saying a car is shit is immature, you have to look at its attributes, and the nova is by far one of the best small cars EVER made.. i would recomend a nova to anyone whos after a small nippy car around town, though they are a bit dated now...

nuff said i think


yeah but they don't make em no more and they're getting pretty old so finding a decent reliable one is hard.


personally I cheer everytime I see a nova

broken down
involved in an accident

Cos I know its one less one the roads

and I laugh at all the novas with the Halfords seat covers hiding the tweed seats, false alloy hub caps attached with cable ties, halfords window tints, the stuck on bonnet vent that in actual fact leads to nothing but the bonnet underneath, the big bore exhaust end that bolted on to the original rusting pipe, the ones with no fear spashed in the back, the ones with 6 teens in there wearing caps and puffer jackets, the ones that smell of burning oil and / or petrol, the ones that....

ok I'll get me coat

I don't really have anything with the remaining 25% of the nova population as there just old ladies who pop down sainsburys early morning to get a paper

/me heads for the hills :D


Novas always have been and always will be shit. They were generally reckoned to be shit when they came out, and time has done nothing to change that. Novas are shit.

As for Novas being nippy. (/me tries hard not to start laughing). Novas are underpowered tanks. Compare a 1.4 nova (even an SR if you must) to a 1.4 205, citroen AX or Fiat Uno. All of a sudden the nova looks very slow and very very heavy. I have driven many small cars. A Nova SR, me Cinquecento Sporting, standard Seicento, several Puntos (the new shape ones), a Fiat Uno 45, two or three Fiesta 1.1's and a 106 1.1. As far as nippiness goes, the Nova was just ahead of the Fiesta (barely). This was a "good example" of a Nova SR, as in it was an H-reg and had only been driven by my gran. The Italians and french had the nova beat as far as nippiness goes ( the cinque especially, christ thats an unbelievable car in first and second gear).

millions of owners who buy em for the reasons stated above cannot be wrong.

No no no my simple friend you misunderstand. Millions of people buy novas for one reason. They are cheap. But then so is White Lightning cider. Draw your own conclusions.


Originally posted by Bodhi

No no no my simple friend you misunderstand. Millions of people buy novas for one reason. They are cheap. But then so is White Lightning cider. Draw your own conclusions.

Hehehe I like that


hes right, I don't like the guy but I have to agree hes right. Novas are cheap to buy to insure and to tax therefore you only get old grannys and young boy racer wannabes who can't afford a decent car and their parents won't buy them one.
My first car was a 1.1 fiesta x reg which I bought for a total of £45 ad did up at the age of 15 then drove the piece of shit for a few months until I got an astra 1.3 and now I got a cavalier 1.6i so I never have nor ever will drive a nova.


Can't see why anyone would feel so strongly about not likeing a nova, its a popular car amoung young people and the 2.0ltr conversitions work very well in this car . also you have the gsi which is a nice nippy car, maybe it is underpowered but they will outhandle most small cars on the road today and one of the worst being the ford fiesta .

As for Fiat's well its well known they go just as quick on the sills as they do on the roads .


Nova GSi? LOL. To quote Stu "Nova GSI - Torque Steer, its not a choice, its a way of life".


Yes good point but still you can't say its the only car with torque stear look at the Escort rs turbo .

Thats why I bought a 4wd car, its far safer and good fun on a race track


Man you're trying to prove its not a shit car by saying it has the same symptoms as another shit car. Slight argumental flaw there......


So ever car in the world but the bmw and fiat are shit ?

Whats wrong with an RS turbo its a very pupular and if left alone reliable car


Originally posted by 1Moon

Whats wrong with an RS turbo its a very pupular and if left alone reliable car

What's right with them?


You don't know much about car's really do you I gues that why you bought a fiat .

The Escort rs turbo is a reliable car in standard, its powerfull with a 130 bhp engine that does around 40mpg, the body work unlike most other fords has been treated and the shell of the car was stored in a wharehouse before painting unlike other fords as they were stored in a yard excluding ghia series .

Its a very nice looking car it comes with genuin Recaro seats which are very good unlike most cheap copy's used by other car manufacturers, alltogether its a well balanced and nice feeling drive .

And if you really want to get more power from it the limit is you wallet .

I suppose now the cosworth series is also shit ?


popualar != good

But at the end of the day you'll never understand, as you're clearly a boy racer/chava. Go back to pulling handbrake turns in McDonalds car park.


No point wasting the effort stu. You can't convince a caveman that a cigarette lighter is quite a simple principle, and not voodoo shaman magic. Similarly, you can't convince a G-bwoy in their cheapass skanky totally classless cars, that they are shite.


Listen to Moon he knows what he is on about! He bought a Nissan Sunny he must be well clued up!!

Right sorry to tear you diatribe about the RS Turbo apart piece by piece, but I am bored and it has to be done.

The Escort rs turbo is a reliable car in standard

No. The words "reliable Escort" go together like "classy Nova", "Interesting Sunny" and "Intelligent American". You know a lot about how crap the old CVH engine was then obviously.

its powerfull with a 130 bhp engine that does around 40mpg

That's a negative Ghostrider the pattern is full. 130bhp is NOT powerful in this day and age. Especially as the old escort carries about as much weight as an M1 tank. And 40mpg? You kidding? I am ashamed to say I know someone with an unmodded RS Turbo, he gets 25mpg if he is lucky.

the body work unlike most other fords has been treated and the shell of the car was stored in a wharehouse before painting unlike other fords as they were stored in a yard excluding ghia series .

So all those rusty RS Turbos I see round here are what? Not RS Turbos? Fords rust more than Fiats do nowadays. Fact.

Its a very nice looking car

No. It's an Escort with a bodykit.

it comes with genuin Recaro seats which are very good unlike most cheap copy's used by other car manufacturers,

OMG. IT HAS RECARO SEATS! So what? It's a shit car with nice seats?

alltogether its a well balanced and nice feeling drive

I'll agree with you on this one. Well, it is until the hideously laggy turbo kicks in and sends you into the nearest hedge.

And if you really want to get more power from it the limit is you wallet .

Yes. As in how nice a car you can replace it with when you realise its shit.

I suppose now the cosworth series is also shit ?

Not quite. Just not as nice as a Lancia Delta Integrale.


What car did you drive again Bodhi ?

god knows how you can say the escort rs turbo is crap when you own what was it ?

Oh and my limited edition Nissan pulsar gtir which is not alot different from the actuall rally car other then the drive train is way outa your league m8y .

But as you say the Lancia delta is a good car and I wont disagree but its far from the best a bit untidy and not alot to keep you amused inside it dosnt even have a radio as standard but if driving is what your looking for then its not far off the performance of my car, good old 4wd rally cars you just can't beat em for fun driving .

Lotus carlton is a beats but you try getting it fixed

And 1 last thing how powerfull is that engine in your car I mean if 130 bhp isnt enough for you you must be driving something quite powerfull I'm sure :D

Mr B

If you want speed and power then get a bike - unless you want to spend £50k+ no car is gonna even come close to a £9k sports bike.

I have a bike for being a l00n, a coupe for when it's too cold/wet and an MPV for when I have to take the wife out shopping.

Horses for courses and speed is not something that cars are very good at.



now don't start that again.

Anybody here actually been rally driving?

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