Is this PvP? (*Contains harsh language)


old.Ayam Ganbatte

Hmm, that has got me thinking: Cross-realm spying may be replaced by cross-guild spying on the pvp servers. I'm just wondering if that's a more acceptable form of spying than the mostly reviled cross-realm spying.

Single spies, double agents and triple bluffs are going to make it a fiendish place, I'll probably leave the game with paranoia.


Krill, we only act vile and evil etc. towards the community . In the privacy of our own well-hidden "Evil Inc. cave" we'll just be all nice and fluffy and have pillow fights and games of carebear-scrabble.

After all, what's live without balance?

edit : leave out the heavy breathing though, i dont like the smell of mashed tomte


Joining the evil or the good guild just to spy on them would be rather lame I think...

I'd make sure my characters both hated each other were I to do that :)

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by Fingoniel
I'd make sure my characters both hated each other were I to do that :)
Fortunately that's one thing roleplayers can do. Those others who are purely out to win are unable to do this.
Originally posted by klavrynd
have pillow fights
Just make sure Mrt's cushion doesn't sneak in else we're in for a world of pain.
Originally posted by klavrynd
After all, what's live without balance?
A painful fall if you're a tightrope artist.


Care-bear scrabble!!!! Weeehheeee, they will think we are evil but in our secret places we will cheat at care-bear scrabble.

I have a black helmet now, so I wonder if I can bring that along.

I had another thought--two in one day, I know it can't be good--woudn't it be fun to import all our current peoples into a pvp server. I wonder who we'd go to kill first?


i'm still after that singing freak Coren (god knows why but i want him death :) )

old.The McScrooges

Originally posted by old.Ayam Ganbatte

Single spies, double agents and triple bluffs are going to make it a fiendish place, I'll probably leave the game with paranoia. [/B]

Nah, you only get 4 character slots, you'd need 6 for paranoia.


Originally posted by old.Ayam Ganbatte
I'll probably leave the game with paranoia.

Take no notice of that unmarked black van parked outside your house ;)

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by Ardwan

Take no notice of that unmarked black van parked outside your house ;)
I didn't think the drugs and prostitution racquet I'd instigate on the PvP server would relate to real life investigations!


I dont care what people say to me, so heck, count me in for the Evil Inc. guild :clap:

I'd probably be a Skald... But nothing is certain ;)

(It has to be something small, a Kobold, Dwarf, Lurikeen or alike)

Does anything get dropped after a PK as 'proof' for your kill? Because then bounty hunting would be a profitable effort :p

Anyways, I cant wait till I can kick someone from a team because he's annoying and then gank him :clap:


I think some coins are dropped when you kill someone

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by -Wedge-
I'd probably be a Skald... But nothing is certain ;)

(It has to be something small, a Kobold, Dwarf, Lurikeen or alike)
I get the distinct impression that most people will be playing short-raced stealthed types, although I know no confirmation of that on the Mordred server.


Barf, NERF stealth ;)

Nah, I'd probably go for a clan like Shadowclan (, the idea alone of having 70 kobolds running through the country is just scary... Let alone having 700 (total of their guild) running through the country :p
(their not evil, but cant call them nice either, their nice... to kobolds ;))

But so far, stealthers arent top of the line on the PvP server... Enchanters seem to be 'the thing'...

old.Ayam Ganbatte

I think trying to recreate Shadowclan, Flowers of Happiness, or other infamous 'pk' guilds is a fun idea, good luck to those who do, but I'm more hoping that guilds on the European PVP server will build up their own unique reputations and features to attract interest and not bite others' styles.

Nemesis Warlock

The picture posted here has to do nothing with REAL PvP.

The guy who made this collage is a noob a child and a psychic.
If u red the sends closely u ll see he lures ppl out to exp with him and then attacks em... there is even one msg from one to kill him and this man said "no"... The prove hes only out to SPOIL THE GAME FOR OTHER PLAYERS.

That is not the PvP spirit.

the population will divide in 2 parts:

childs who have small dicks and get no women and do it to htmeselves after school while running around killing everyone in sight ... GO PLAY UT.

and the more matures who UNDERSTAND the pro of a PvP server.. not to kill kill kill... but to solve issues other ways ;)

Didnt u ever want to kill the annoying pratt harrssing u the whole night ? well go on;) To bring another aspect in the game. Doesnt mean u need to use this aspect ALL the time and this sever is ONLY round this aspect... no .... or ull have uo fellucca soon.

The PvP server is to be used as a normal server.. with enhanced possibilites to solve problems ;) not a 100% runaround killallserver.

The picture posted in this thread resembles nothing real its a montage of a pratt having fun spoiling others the fun.

P.S. Do a guild there and hunt pratts . The pratthunters ;)

Its a big difference if u make guildwars... even play a rogue... or just run around being dumb... if this man wanted to be a rogue... he wouldnt deny killing a man who wants to get killed after killing many others pretending he wanted to exp with em...hes a poor neurotic kid. Divide into RP aspects and RL childish ascpects...


Originally posted by Nemesis Warlock
childs who have small dicks and get no women and do it to htmeselves after school while running around killing everyone in sight ... GO PLAY UT.

Oi, most UT players are sound...its the Quake and CS players that are walking abortion advertisements. ;)

Nemesis Warlock

P.S. For all you...kill kill kill, PvP server is for mass gank and ect., saying things like " i pay the game i can play everywhere i want and how i want.. well "

I also could become a cop and sell heroin... i COULD but would that make that right (?? brain starts to act ? )

I could also go on the street and smack everybody i see ... and believe i COULD ;).

But like the golden rule says :
(for matures only fer sure ;) )
Not everything u CAN do is RIGHT.
and i dont know why a dude who knows hes doing against RIGHT .. play with other ppls...why pay money every month to spoil others ppl fun ... while u could have easily the same fun with a mass gank soloing game... well ill tell u

CUZ WERE HUMANS and he exactly knows he hurts a human behind that PC spoiling his fun by killing this char... not in game terms just ... unfair

Well this is psychic ;)

Rule by force will only be broken and broken and broken and broken....
If u want to mass gank play D2 or UT but dont come here to us RPers ( ye s i know ure a BIG guy and u CAN do everything YOU WANT ... youre sooo coool u can be unfair and no one can stop u WHAT ACHIEVMENT !!! it .. just listen activate ur brains and read what i wrote earlier...
Why spoil a game meant in other ways while not using a game build for EXACTLY THAT reason .... i cant understand ppl with that temper plyaing daoc instead of D2....

Blah i dont care... lets form a good guild and kill all those suckers...


ROFL Nemesis who are you to tell other people how to play this game? :/ Please stop preaching about how real PvP looks like, you don't even know what it is... same with RP - real RPers @ leest no hoe 2 spel :[
I for one haven't seen ANY roleplaying going on in daoc. All I see is people with idiotic names, OOC comments, ROFL, LOL, WTF etc. I'm not saying that it's bad, but it has nothing to do with roleplaying.
FYI pking in D2 doesn't exist. Less talk, more stfu kthxbye

Nemesis Warlock

ROFL Nemesis who are you to tell other people how to play this game?

I knew some idiot would say it ... any other arguments for being an idiot ? ;) for spoiling others the fun?


YEAAAHHH cuz im sooo cool and i do what i like ...

better hope ur neighbour doesnt like to hit u with a club... cuz .. ROFL who are u to tell him to do not ;)

Please stop preaching about how real PvP

let me answer with another quote ... coming from u too ;)

Please stop preaching about how real PvP is... well

dont tell me either not to preach then ;) which way u choose.. u loose.. u TELL me not to TELL others to do like this ? lol

looks like, you don't even know what it is

another sentence from a man without real arguments.
How do u know ? u dont ..

I for one haven't seen ANY roleplaying going on in daoc

Well maybe cuz YOU DONT DO RP ? Maybe u dont know at all what this means? lol intelly eh ? ;) Pretty good point to tell me i dont know RP and PvP from there .. lol

Why dont you just leave ;) ?
go ahead nobody misses u

Well i didnt ecxept another answer than this stupid one..

tell em : you cant do just what u want.. and they answer who are u to tell me what to do .. lol ... like a child ... I DO WHAT I WANT .. BLAAAAARKK.

.. well if american soldiers dont do any unlawful things .. theydont get sued.. so why does Mr. Bush tries to get em immunity in jugoslawia ?? ? same reason!

I just stated the picture in my words and this is my opinion about such people ..

(recognize that sentence ? )

BTW this thread is out of interest for me just saw it and posted .. dont let myself get into a flame/harrass thing by u so i wont answer anymore


Spoiling others fun eh? Jeez you talk like a hardcore carebear straight from trammel or eq, if you don't like people who spoil other's fun there are still other servers with non-pvp areas you can hide in.
Try not to confuse RL with games or you'll be inviting people to your house, then beating them up with a stick for harassing you in-game pretty soon...

dont tell me either not to preach then which way u choose.. u loose.. u TELL me not to TELL others to do like this ? lol

Well, you're saying that PKing isn't PvP. That's enough for me to say that you're a clueless trammelite moron. I don't even have to use any serious arguments in this discussion, because you're proving my point by posting here :/

Please make your posts a bit shorter next time, it's hard enough to dig through that mindless drivel as it is.


A RP PVP server would I play on, would never have patience to lvl another char though to get to those lvls where you are ready to gank as it seems on mordred

Uncle Sick(tm)

If u want to mass gank play D2 or UT but dont come here to us RPers

Har har har... that one cracked me up... us RPers...
... har har har... nearly popped a vein when I read your in-char posts...

Anyway... for you and Khael, Nemesis.
You kids are in terrible need of a hug from someone who actually cares...

Feeling better now?

[EDIT: Ah... dusty bookmarks...

[EDIT2: Carebear needed more impact... gawd bless Paintshop]

- Pathfinder -

Why a Trammelite would even consider playing on a PvP server is beyond me, and there's no bank to camp in DAoC :p Obviously a PvP server would be the refuge of the griefers, but that's perfectly allright - people start characters there so they can kill, maim, molest and generally grief whenever they feel like it. Since you still can't loot, it's not very hardcore :p


For someone who doesn't care you sure type a lot. Come back when you get a clue...
Anyway, thanks for the post and your RL pic, you look cute with that wand :/

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Khael
For someone who doesn't care you sure type a lot. Come back when you get a clue...

Huh!!!??? What? Methinks you need to start actually comprehending what you read... who says I don't care?
I care deeply... /snort

Originally posted by old.Khael
Anyway, thanks for the post and your RL pic, you look cute with that wand :/

I am already taken, sorry. Perhaps Nemesis and you can come to an arrangement?


Hmm..well if sickofit(tm) doesn't know anything about RP then i guess i can say...

Been playing normal rp since a toddler.

Played mmorpg since it became a "thing".

Played card based rp for years.

PLayed FFRP for a good 10 years now.

played computer rpg(not mmo) since..hell..for long enough.

And i have to say the same as sickofit , there's little if any RP going on in this game.


The thing is they dont have a to-hit multiplier on pvp server so dont really matter what color you are, you can easily get ganked by 2-3 grey cons.


If you really don't have anything interesting to add to this thread or err discussion just stay quiet. Ghey jokes are a bit old too you know...

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