Is this PvP? (*Contains harsh language)



lol ive been there, and pvp server sucks so bad. You cant play the game, all you do is gank, get ganked, repeat, rinse, outta con and cash, quit.


PvP server sucks royally. Populated by griefing gits, as ours will be when it arrives.


-I first need to do a quest
-Then you can kill me




This picture shows exactly why a PvP server is a sad place to be. You might as well play counterstrike then or beat up kids on their way home from school.

It would have so much potential being able to kill another player in a real roleplaying environment, but it just is sad and utterly pointless the way this turns out to be.


Originally posted by klavrynd
best quote in the movie imo

"On second thought, let's not go to Camelot , it is a silly place"

"It's just a model"


Only solution here imho is starting a RP PvP server where 16yr olds with hormonal problems (i mean d00dz before anyone starts yelling i shouldnt laugh with people's handicaps) will not feel at home. This has proven to be a way that works and it keeps most off the RP servers nearly free of em.

ps: i still see the guy that followed me around for an hour pm'ing me "money plz , give gold plz" and similar phrases going ballistic when one lvl one got a full suit of pk armor and a nice pk sword/and shield by being nice.


Originally posted by old.Hendrick
This picture shows exactly why a PvP server is a sad place to be. You might as well play counterstrike then or beat up kids on their way home from school.

It would have so much potential being able to kill another player in a real roleplaying environment, but it just is sad and utterly pointless the way this turns out to be.

If anyone with the patience to put up with the d00ds starts creating a 'police' type guild :) protecting people in the spawn points it'd be quite cool.

Can you imagine that?

GM says: OK Humberton Guard! Let's protect Humberton!

Fingoniel sits on the bind stone.

l33t d3wd attacks newbie who's just /released.
Fingoniel splats l33t d3wd.
Fingoniel tells l33t d3wd he has the right to remain chewing the grass.

Course it'd be a nightmare to get to any level to be useful.

Once the gankfest finishes (give it a month or two till most people get bored and go back to their RvR servers) it might become interesting.

Not sure I can be bothered though, it's taking me long enough to level up in the nice happy servers... it'd take forever on the others.


Shadowclan was originally an UO guild where the players pretended to be just like the npc orc's there. They lived in a npc orc fort and demanded shiny things or food from anyone who came near. If the poor bastard refuced the orc quickly killed him. Now the Shadowclan can be found from many MMORPG's and it is indeed a RP guild with strich rules. You have to learn the language, you have to obey the officers 24/7 etc. etc. Great fun but not for everyone.
If the PvP server doesnt come to Euro the Shadowclan is enought of a reason to move to US :D

Hoowah bubhosh Shadowclan!

Brannor McThife

You know. Reading all this made me start thinking.

Sure, there are probably going to be a lot of people out there that are going to grief on the PvP server. But there may be some that won't. I mean, I feel bad about killing grey-cons in the frontier and strangely enough possess pity (just not for Blood...still coming for you with the dragon. ;) ).

So, honestly, I'd probably give it a go. Of course, I'd like to arrange with a bunch of experienced people, who are not griefers, to form a guild that would defend the weak. Hell, I'd love to be part of a "Robin Hood" style ROLEPLAYING guild where we rush off to hunt down bandits and bullies.

I think that the server can be fun. Yes, initially, we'll experience the same Midgard Uber Society powerlevelling like they did for full release. We may even find that some of them turn out to be good guys. I wouldn't mind seeing some SotL, Nemesis, Warder, etc. people out there looking out for the newbies. I think that the PvP server environment is going to be up to us as player. If the more mature of us band together and simply grief the griefers, they'll leave.

Anybody actually consider that no server hosts more than 3,500 people. And they're going to have ONE server for the whole of Europe?



We could just "persuade" Kemor or GOA to let some of us have high level characters to start with, so that we can effectively try to maintain some order

Brannor McThife

I'd more than willingly take up a "Sheriff" role. Be one of a "guild" that is dedicated to randomly creating SAFE zones. Kinda like roaming events.

Go around and create havens for low levellers to safely XP in. Of course, this whole scenario leaves itself open to a Bounty Hunter guild... Set a fee per level of the target (and class and guild...)

Doubt they'll do it unless it totally degrades into mayhem. Best solution is to create these marshalls ourselves.



There are only two scenarios I could see myself playing on an eventual european PvP server.

1) Taking a character to level 9 and stopping at that level just to run around, invulnerable to PKs, to mock the griefers and play tourist, or

2) Be a ranger in a guild of rangers, to serve and protect. That has some nice roleplay possibilities, and is the sort of thing I always imagined Tolkien-style rangers doing anyways.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Alrindel
1) Taking a character to level 9 and stopping at that level just to run around, invulnerable to PKs, to mock the griefers...

Bwahahahahaha! I am SO there with that. Make a whole guild of L9's. Can roam the countryside stalking griefers. :D



find griefer,

20 of us /point, /laugh


I'll buy that for a dollar

Brannor McThife

And, since it's an Anti-griefer guild. Constitution/gold means nothing once you hit L9. So, we just run around dying to mobs, and attacking their pure mob kills. Has potential. ;)

20 L9's. All with Con 0. :D

Find griefer. /stick



Well I would definately like to be in something like that, would probably be best if we had people from all the 3 realms in though, as I have pretty much no idea where stuff is in Mid/Hib, but know pretty much everything about Albion.

I think a group of rangers would be good as it wouldn't be that hard to level either, 8 rangers all hitting the same target should drop pretty much any mob fairly quickly, would also be funny as hell to see a griefers face when he gets 8+ arrows hitting him all at the same time :)

It would be good if Mythic could implement some kind of notice board where people could put a price on someones head :)


Actually, think of your best player versus player group :)

make one of them. Have some spares :)

or just get people to play what they want to.


I despise griefers in 'real' daoc, but you really can't complain about griefing on the PvP server, after all, that is the whole point, no ? To even suggest making it 'illegal' is pathetic.

Sure there will be anti-griefer guilds, as I am sure (and hope) there will be equally strong and organised griefing guilds. Thats the only thing about the PvP server that makes it even remotely interesting to me.

old.Gombur Glodson

despite the fact of griefing and such the pvp server actually has great opportunity for evil roleplaying.
you can be the evil highway robbers and such and then the idea of the robin hood guild could come in play :)


Well no you can't complain if someone kills you while you're on a quest, or 0.1 from lvl etc.
But if some idiot is stood next to the bind stone and kills everyone who respawns before they can react, or a lvl 30 going round killing lvl 1s, stuff like that is a bit too much, and if we could get some kind of Law Keeping guild going, it would be equally fun is some people got some kind of illegal Underworld type of guild going, where they try thier best to keep one step ahead of the people trying to keep the peace.


Needless to say I won't be playing on it, let all the little schoolkids and arseholes play there. It'll improve our realms dramatically.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
You know. Reading all this made me start thinking.

Sure, there are probably going to be a lot of people out there that are going to grief on the PvP server. But there may be some that won't. I mean, I feel bad about killing grey-cons in the frontier and strangely enough possess pity (just not for Blood...still coming for you with the dragon. ;) ).

So, honestly, I'd probably give it a go. Of course, I'd like to arrange with a bunch of experienced people, who are not griefers, to form a guild that would defend the weak. Hell, I'd love to be part of a "Robin Hood" style ROLEPLAYING guild where we rush off to hunt down bandits and bullies.

I think that the server can be fun. Yes, initially, we'll experience the same Midgard Uber Society powerlevelling like they did for full release. We may even find that some of them turn out to be good guys. I wouldn't mind seeing some SotL, Nemesis, Warder, etc. people out there looking out for the newbies. I think that the PvP server environment is going to be up to us as player. If the more mature of us band together and simply grief the griefers, they'll leave.

Anybody actually consider that no server hosts more than 3,500 people. And they're going to have ONE server for the whole of Europe?


Well up for that, Brannor old boy!

Not that we'll see a PvP server this side of Xmas though...

Brannor McThife

Better yet.

Why not make the PvP the RP server too.




Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Better yet.

Why not make the PvP the RP server too.



Aye, I was also thinking of that, maybe we should all start "hinting" the idea to GOA ;)


Would be good to see, but do you really think that it will happen?

A concerted effort should be made, though - the whole idea that you put forward up there would require a decent amount of Role-play to carry it off properly.

Still, it wouldn't take much role-play from the griefer's perspective, so maybe we won't do so badly anyhow! :D



i play on the US servers late at night after i have finished on ours and i have a char on modred PvP server and even when there is 3500+ people on and where ever you go there is dead people and getting chased :) it is fun i have not come across that type of swearing yet i even took my safety off at level 1 and as for quests most people actually group together to do the quest and then have a duel after it has been completed great fun sometimes u get a bored high level stealther who camps out side i.e camelot and kills anything that comes out if they dont have thier safety on it dont take long before another higher lvl comes and wipes them out, also thuergists seem to have a great time hiding behind things and sending thier pets after you almost as good as having stealth :) i dont play on there too much but i go there when i need a laugh and fancy chasing a few peeps and not have to worry about people saying sorry your to low to join our group makes a nice change :clap: i think you will find when we get a PvP server it will also be the most populated server on our list and even those who say now that they wouldnt go near it will not be able to resist the urge to see if they can have a pop at someone at such a low lvl also to join all thier friends and maybe kill them too :)

so if you see feactwo (my son) or youwantme on mordred please feel free to have a pop at us :twak:


I like the sound of RP guild defending the small :)

If it ever happens, give me a bell :)


Bwahahahahaha! I am SO there with that. Make a whole guild of L9's. Can roam the countryside stalking griefers.

I don't follow :/ When PKs gank you and kill you that's bad and you call that griefing, but when you gank them, make fun of them, and.. grief them that's ok?

Where are all these stories about 13-y old k3wl d00d pks coming from? Trammel brit bank...? :[
You're offending me, and many other people who PK, but unlike you, treat other people with a little bit of respect...


Khael, you're confusing PKers with griefers.

PKers will kill other players, hunt down a challenging foe. Track their deadliest enemies for weeks to kill them.

Griefers will hang around at bind stones killing the newly-ressed, go to low level camping spots, kill all the greys.

What the lvl 9 guild would be is an irritation :) they wouldn't be able to kill anyone (and if they did they'd lose their protection).
And I believe it was a joke.

The police type guild would be cool though..

As for making the pvp server RP that'd just be evil... but they'd need to hire about 500 people for ingame RP policing, as most of the griefers (note that word again, remember the difference) don't seem to be too keen on the roleplay stuff.

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