Is this PvP? (*Contains harsh language)



Originally posted by Fafnir

Well it is a skirt... Looks like a woman on steriods.

:D :D :D :D

It could be worse...they could let female trolls wear bikinis..


Originally posted by Ardwan

It could be worse...they could let female trolls wear bikinis..

Atleast you would see that they where female's....

And hey why are some male albs wearing long dresses, and prancing around like women. Well at least i get a good laugh.

:D :D :D


On the PvP server can you do cross realm guilds?

ie. have a minstrel, skald and eldritch in the same guild.



Would you like to guild with a pesky minstrel, or a flower wielding eldrich???

Just hope they make some restrictions on the pvp if it comes...


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Ok. Cool. So let's start planning a "Justice" guild for the PvP server.

Which realm are we going to play?



Any realm is good, when you consider the following:


We have implemented a system where realms can use other realms' equipment on PvP servers. Not all items are usable, this is not a bug.

Further, when equipping an item that gives a bonus to a skill that you do not possess, you will get no benefit to your realm's skill. For example, if you equip a sword that is Blades +2 using your Slash skill, you will not get +2 to your Slash skill.

The item conversion is as follows.

1) All non-weapons and armors have been converted.

2) All shields have been converted.

3) Instruments have been converted as follows:

Albion gains access to 'Music' Instruments.
Hibernia gains access to 'Instruments' Instruments.

4) Armor has been converted as follows:

Helms are currently not cross realm usable.


Cloth: gains access to other realm's Cloth
Leather: gains access to other realm's Leather
Studded Leather: gains access to Midgard's Studded Leather and Hibernia's Reinforced Leather
Chain: gains access to Midgard's Chain and Scale


Cloth: gains access to other realm's Cloth
Leather: gains access to other realm's Leather
Studded Leather: gains access to Albion's Studded Leather and Hibernia's Reinforced Leather
Chain: gains access to Albion's Chain and Scale


Cloth: gains access to other realm's Cloth
Leather: gains access to other realm's Leather
Reinforced Leather: gains access to other realm's Studded Leather
Scale: gains access to other realm's Chain

5) Weapons have been converted as follows:


Staff: gains access to other realm's Staff.
Crush: gains access to Blunt (and one-handed Hammer weapons)
Slash: gains access to Blade (and one-handed Swords/Axes)
Thrust: gains access to Piercing
Two-Handed: gains access to Large Weapons
Polearm: gains access to Celtic Spear and Spear


Staff: gains access to other realm's Staff.
Hammer: gains access to Crush and Blunt
Sword: gains access to Slash and Blades
Axe: gains access to Slash and Blades
Spear: gains access to Celtic Spear and Polearm


Staff: gains access to other realm's Staff.
Blunt: gains access to Crush (and one-handed Hammer weapons)
Blades: gains access to Slash (and one-handed Swords/Axes)
Piercing: gains access to Thrust
Large Weapons: gains access to Two-Handed
Celtic Spear: gains access to Spear and Polearm

Sorry about the length here, just thought I'd illustrate that point! :D

Here is the full schmeer on the Mordred ruleset.

Count me in on this, for sure!


Argh, I just thought - I'd have to get my 500+ tailoring all over again :( :puke

Ah well, never mind!

Brannor McThife

Breni...IT WAS A JOKE! :D

I know the ruleset. (thanks for posting a local copy. ;) )

I caught TWO FISHIES!!!! ;)



Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Breni...IT WAS A JOKE! :D

I know the ruleset. (thanks for posting a local copy. ;) )

I caught TWO FISHIES!!!! ;)


Bah! You, sir, are a bounder and a cad! :p

But seriously though...:)


Originally posted by klavrynd
tbh i think the barbarians (viking tribes and the likes) did strike fear in people's hearts. Imho knowing that a bunch of savages can strand on the coast of your land, ravaging your men , ransacking the place and raping the women in the worst possible way did have a "larger" effect then being repressed by a bunch of no-brain well trained footmen with some prima nocte and taxes thrown in. Romans and knights in shiny armor needed numbers whereas (still imho) a small team of savages could take out more then the same amount of the ones you seem to fancy.

Hi, I have a bit of a history buff, and I've also been involved in 10th century Battle re-enactment societies for about 12 years.
So I know quite a bit about Viking history.
I have also been a member of Celtic Battle societies and have quite a bit of experience with Celtic and Roman history.

So, I'd like to clarify a few points about your views on the Viking military prowess.

In as far as being Vikings being scary, sure they were great at raiding in small parties and attacking small towns and so on, where they were largely defenseless.
But actually attacking military forces, their successes were considerably less successful.
But it was a pretty rare event for Vikings to engage in large scale combat, and actually they lost these large scale battles as much as they won them.
The battle tactics of the Vikings regarding conducting war were pretty primitive to say the best.
Take for example When Harald Haldrada invaded Stamford bridge
shortly before the Battle of Hastings took place in 1066ad.
The forces of Harold Godwisson (Saxons) were outnumbered quite a bit by the Vikings lead by Harald Haldrada and the Saxons quite severely trounced them.
This was partially due the the glaring error of the Vikings deciding to trudge across a Marsh to attack the Saxons and partially due to them deciding they didn't need to wear their Armor...
Not exactly very good forward planning.

Compare this to the Roman empire and their HIGHLY organised battle tactics. (It's actually a hard comparison to make, since the 2 cultures are about 800 years apart.)
But, I'd be willing to bet a large amount of money, that if you put an equal amount of Roman soldiers against an equal amount of Vikings. The Romans would win hands down.
Romans were in their age, and even in comparison to most cultures for a long period after that, vastly superior in quality of troops and quality of Command. Because of the following reasons.
1: Dicipline
2: Organization
3: Fighting together in organised tactical formations.
4: Training
5: Backup and Supply routes would be setup correctly.

The superiority of the Roman Battle formations were historically proven time and time again against the Celts who the completely trashed in a relatively short period of time.
And there are several battles documented that show the Romans
frequently beat enemy Troops who sometimes Vastly outnumbered them.

And regarding this quote:
repressed by a bunch of no-brain well trained footmen with some prima nocte and taxes thrown in
The so called "No brained Footmen" were actually highly trained soldiers, an unknown concept in in Ancient times and in the Dark Ages. In fact the Romans were the first to introduce an Army that any roman could just Join (Much like our Modern armies today), which was part of their success.
A Roman soldiers military prowess when used in conjunction with his other troops were truly a devastating force to be reckoned with. Which is part of the reason why the Roman empire was so successful.
Put 20 Roman soldiers against 20 Vikings, and the Romans would Trash the Vikings.

So this:
whereas (still imho) a small team of savages could take out more then the same amount of the ones you seem to fancy.
statement is actually quite inaccurate. and has Been historically proven so, time and time again.

And regarding Prime Nocte, There is not and never was a law called Prime Nocte, it was a Victorian Fancy invented for their Romantic view of History.
I think people's belief in the existence of this law today largely is the fault of the EXTREMELY historically inaccurate movie "Braveheart" which shows Longshanks declaring it...
This law NEVER existed.


well.. im definitely up for joining the guild. saftey in numbers :)

Being able to grp with any class in the game would give you some pretty diverse teams. Thats why i wanna know if you can do cross realm guilds....


I don't know what is more worrying...the fact that dansk spent time writing all that...or the fact I actually read it all :)


Well in any case...vikings didn't come to finland, romans didn't come to finland...why? They were afraid!! Ha! In your face Hågar! :flame:


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Well in any case...vikings didn't come to finland, romans didn't come to finland...why? They were afraid!! Ha! In your face Hågar! :flame:

Or it could be the same reason most people don't go to Finland :p

old.Gombur Glodson

arent the russians the only one who ever went after finland?


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
arent the russians the only one who ever went after finland?

They probably had too much Vodka one night, and decided to go for a walk


Originally posted by Ardwan
I don't know what is more worrying...the fact that dansk spent time writing all that...or the fact I actually read it all :)

:D heh..
Yeah, ok, I get a bit obsessed when it comes to people misquoting history...

I feel the need to correct it...


Russia was founded by Rurik and his brothers, and their rus (ruotsi) men, that settled in the area that is today Kiev.

Well Finland has been Swedish under a long time in our history.


I assure you that I'm aware of what PKers and griefers do... I'm a PK in UO and I kill everyone, regardless of who they are. If they choose to talk trash like people on that pic I just grief the fuck out of their asses by rezkilling them over and over, taking all their items, camping their houses etc. :/ Newbie killing on the other hand is something I do not support, unless of course they ask for it...

I love the RP PvP server idea. It would be great to be able to PK, and get rid of all the k3wl d00ds at once...


I think the only problem with PvP in DAoC is the con colour :)

You can't pretend to be a nice easy target, then whip out your sword of uber dragonslaying and carve them in two.

(a friend of mine liked to wander around collecting leather in UO. wearing his shepherds outfit ... the odd PKer would run up to steal his hard earned cash, shame he was a grandmaster swordsman)


That's like what some albs do in RvR, they wear robes, and carry staffs, so when some stealther attacks them, they quickly switch thier chest piece back to plate, and weapon to a nice big sword :)


Originally posted by Alrindel
Players on the other Mythic servers are reporting one happy side effect of the opening of the PVP servers... it sucks up all the griefers and imbeciles like a vacuum cleaner. All the regular realm servers are now all-round nicer places to play. :)

In Europe we have the added advantage that our pvp plonkers have to subscribe to Mythic if they want to get griefing right away, so they're gone completely, not just on another server. :)

heheh why u think Mythic opened it? ;)

All the cheating fux in one place too with a bit of luck..


God.. I see that most of you people must've had some REALLY bad experiences with PKs in your previous games. That or you're just dumb...


Originally posted by Ardwan

Or it could be the same reason most people don't go to Finland :p

I'd like to know that reason as well...


Dread Lord

2k+ kills

Bounty Board No.1

Next game plz UO is disgusting since trammel...:sleeping:


Originally posted by old.Khael
God.. I see that most of you people must've had some REALLY bad experiences with PKs in your previous games. That or you're just dumb...

Khael if you like to lump yourself in with the 12 year old l33t d00d PKers feel free, none of us were accusing you of doing so.

PK could make a game like this interesting in different ways, however it's like a massive flame for all the 12 year old l33t d00d moths to fly to.

Now if you consider yourself to be one of these people then all that about being a roleplay PKer is BS.

If not then why do you insist on insulting people who take offence at the 12 year old l33t d00ds? (or threaten to do something back at them, or are happy that they're going)

To paraphrase your obvious troll (actually thinkin about it your whole post probably is): Maybe you're just dumb...


Well, let me explain you everything very slowly:| Some people are saying bad things about PKs, about me, I feel offended and that's why I'm trying to defend myself... Nothing wrong about it.

Even if it is a troll, it took you long enough to figure it out, who's dumb here? I didn't expect much from a lurikeen anyway... :[


Ayam and Klavrynd in a guild? Evil inc? I must search for my dark side.

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by krill-nyd
Ayam and Klavrynd in a guild? Evil inc? I must search for my dark side.
Wear a black helmet, start breathing heavily and you're in. <grin>

Seriously though, every man and his dog will want his or her own guild as usual, which may make it difficult to raise numbers. We might as well induct quality players as soon as possible if such a server ever comes our way.

Murder is fun when you have friends to do it with you.

Ayam - MidPrydNyd


Hrm gonna have to have an alt in the murder guild if I do go with the police guild ;)

let my evil side out...

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