Is this PvP? (*Contains harsh language)



Who approacheth the Bridge of Death
Must answer me
These questions three!
Ere the other side he see!

Ask me the questions, Bridgekeeper. I am not afraid!

Brannor McThife

Yeah Khael, it was a joke. Like having this huge L50 troll trundling along with 20 L9 Kobolds /stuck to him (I like the idea of them all biting into his heels... :D ) asking "Are we there yet?" "I'm hungry!" "Can we stop, I need to make a pee pee".


All a joke.

The RP guild though, is not.



Originally posted by old.oldgrim
Who approacheth the Bridge of Death
Must answer me
These questions three!
Ere the other side he see!

Ask me the questions, Bridgekeeper. I am not afraid!

That'd be cool, knock people off their horses as they cross prydwen bridge and demand answers :)

(that or stand in the middle of the bridge in the echo room, demanding tribute)


I'll be giving the PvP servers a go, I miss the early days of UO and for that matter the scirmishes with the shadow clan.


Bowen: /filter
Bowen: /em nods to passer by
l33t d3wd: &^% off u &*(^ roleplayer
Bowen: /ignore l33t d3wd
Bowen: /em enjoys the blissful silence.

Well thats my solution for L33t D3wd syndome, as for the gank extra.. I like the idea of treading carefully and being limited to the areas I can go it just adds more of a challenge.

Whether I take to the DAOC PvP severs will be a personal choice if I don't like it I'll &^% off. Either that or I will form a guild to combat the area's I dislike and make things enjoyable for others that share the same opinions.


LOL @ pvp , RvR is MUCH better, if u wanna play PvP then play Q3 or CS! DAoC aint a PvP game, no matter how much GOA/Mythic try there will be no way mythich/GoA will be able to stop bad lang in PvP (unless they set the filter on so it cant be changed) if they banned every1 who uses bad lang in PvP then it wont be long til the PvP server(s) will be empty! i bet in the peeps in that screenie are there right now getting owned & saying "U MUTHER f00ker f4gg0t"! & using elite wordz like "I R IZ L337 U CANT KILL ME" lmao... :)

Brannor McThife

Ok. Cool. So let's start planning a "Justice" guild for the PvP server.

Which realm are we going to play?




Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Ok. Cool. So let's start planning a "Justice" guild for the PvP server.

Which realm are we going to play?



Well you can travel between all the realms, can't ya??


Albion of course! Call it the Knights in Shining Armour guild.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Ardwan
Well you can travel between all the realms, can't ya??
Weeee! Hooked me a fish!

FISHY!!!!! ;)

And Lanceloc...I still love that guild in Alb "The Knights who say Ni" - while beating up on someone, everyone in the guild/group is going:

G1 - "Ni!"
G2 - "Ni!"
Target - "OMFG WILL YOU STFU!!!!!!!!!"
G3 - "Ni!"
G4 - "Ni!"
G5 - "We shall stop when you give us a Shrubbery!"
Target - "WTF!?!"
G5 - "Ni!"




Might just be up for that one :)

Shame I canna play for the 10 hrs a day it'll take to get to a decent level .....


Omg yes it has to be the Knights who sayyyyyy Ni!!!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Anyone interested in an evil RP guild to counter these self-proclaimed justices of the peace, speak up and let us make evil the new black!

Originally posted by Fingoniel
That'd be cool, knock people off their horses as they cross prydwen bridge and demand answers :)
I've not thought about that, can you attack people on their horses? Would be fun to be a runemaster and bolt them off their horses. A deadly form of saddlesore. *rubs hands together and 'muahahas' *

Brannor McThife

Yes Ayam, you can. One of the first INREALM exploiters in the USA was an archer...who would shoot people as they rode by... Imagine PA'ing people as they ride past...stand stealthed on the bridge and knife as the ride up to you (bridges are generally crossed slowly)...wonder if they're classified as sitting and hence no defensive bonus...



Trying to shoot people off horses was one of the things Sinister did when he had his little jaunt in Albion ;)

old.Ayam Ganbatte


Evil just got more fun.

*puts two fingers to his smile*


if the choice is between wobbling around in some shiny armor acting like a shmuperhero or bringing fear into the hearts of the common man with Ayam (allso known as "the norseman with the beard"), my choice is made.

<rubs lifebane over her stiletto's and pulls Ayam's mustache gently>

Brannor McThife

That's where you're wrong Klavrynd, and that's why you play Midgard. ;)

Did barbarians strike fear into people's hearts? Or did a well structured wall of shining armour (Romans) and shields, acting with ruthless simplicity?

The view is in the eye of the beholder.

Just because they're "tin cans" does not mean they cannot strike fear into the hearts of mortals. Yes, by all mean,s play the evil person, we need you as enemies. This is good vs evil, rather than players vs griefers. You guild could require that your recruits go slay a grey con mercilessly (once), whereas ours would require a fair, arranged defeat of an almost even con enemy.

After all, our guild could make some shady deals with yours to take care of some troublesome enemies. You know... The enemy of my enemy is my friend type thing.

Hell, in all my travels throughout all three realms, I have only ever come across one creature that "scares" me...

A Lesser Telamon. don't care that it's ONLY L44...the fecking thing just reeks evil.




Originally posted by Brannor McThife

A Lesser Telamon. don't care that it's ONLY L44...the fecking thing just reeks evil.



Ahhh, its just the outcome of a Teletubbie/Pokemon night of passion ;)


Telamon are cool :)

only met the lesser ones... but I imagine the Medial and Greater Telamons are even scarier?

are they any taller?

And it's just a cornish giant wearing black-dyed platemail :)


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Telamon are cool :)

only met the lesser ones... but I imagine the Medial and Greater Telamons are even scarier?

are they any taller?

And it's just a cornish giant wearing black-dyed platemail :)

I don't think they wear plate, and I am not sure if the greater telamons were any taller than the lessar ones


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
That's where you're wrong Klavrynd, and that's why you play Midgard. ;)

I play a berzerker in midgard : fear the norsmen , fear the norsewomen even more , especially when they perform dancing bear tricks! (way to go mythic, berserker research anyone???)

Did barbarians strike fear into people's hearts? Or did a well structured wall of shining armour (Romans) and shields, acting with ruthless simplicity?

tbh i think the barbarians (viking tribes and the likes) did strike fear in people's hearts. Imho knowing that a bunch of savages can strand on the coast of your land, ravaging your men , ransacking the place and raping the women in the worst possible way did have a "larger" effect then being repressed by a bunch of no-brain well trained footmen with some prima nocte and taxes thrown in. Romans and knights in shiny armor needed numbers whereas (still imho) a small team of savages could take out more then the same amount of the ones you seem to fancy.

You guild could require that your recruits go slay a grey con mercilessly (once), whereas ours would require a fair, arranged defeat of an almost even con enemy.

None of that , i'm pro heavy initiation rituals! *veg*

After all, our guild could make some shady deals with yours to take care of some troublesome enemies. You know... The enemy of my enemy is my friend type thing.

Only money thrives me, I have no friends (except for maybe Ayam ;) )

Hell, in all my travels throughout all three realms, I have only ever come across one creature that "scares" me...

A Lesser Telamon. don't care that it's ONLY L44...the fecking thing just reeks evil.

Never seen those i think. But i do know that the little valley in raumarik with the icestriders or what are they called (the rooting basterds) really scare me even if they only con yellow


Goddamn motherfucking son of a bitch, i say go to hell with your fluffy assed poodle. And another thing, fuck you!

Just love it when a thread sayes "harsh language" :p

Nevermind, go about your business.

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by klavrynd
Only money thrives me, I have no friends (except for maybe Ayam ;) )
Ah, and thus Evil Inc. was formed (name being worked on!).

*takes off his gloves and claps slowly aboard his steed, looking down his nose at "The Knights That Say 'Help mother! It's Evil Inc!'."

Skyscrapers in each realm's capital city shall have our guild emblem emblazoned on them in magical glowing lights. My ring shall be kissed by kneeling (read: cowering) subjects. Lightning shall crash whenever I make an entrance (and it happens to be rainy).

*rears his jet black steed around and digs his spurs deep into its sides, riding away, ducking arrows and bolts from those enthusiastic about knocking me from my horse*


the flaming Raukavits (sp) in muspelhiem near the bridge are scary fekers ;D

and oh yes will i be going to a pvp server when it arives


Actually the moorliches scare me far more than the lesser telamon :)

As for tin cans not scaring you:

Yes the tin can guards in your home town ain't gonna scare you that much.

But I imagine the roman legion as it marched into Dacia (was it dacia? one place where they slaughtered the locals, think it was the same campaign as the guy in Gladiator is in) was pretty damned terrifying :)

marauding invaders are scary :) no matter how organised they are...

A bloke in a kilt hefting a massive sword charging down a hill towards you screaming his head off is pretty scary... :)

old.Gombur Glodson

especially if he died his head blue :)

old.Gombur Glodson

at least you didnt call it a skirt :p

- Pathfinder -

Telamons don't wear plate, other than the helm, they wear studded :p And did we somehow lose the original discusion? ;)


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
at least you didnt call it a skirt :p

Well it is a skirt... Looks like a woman on steriods.

:D :D :D :D

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