

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Realm vs Realm combat is also 1on1 or 8on8.

All it means is different realms fighting eachother. Nothing says it must be zergs!


Jan 22, 2005
xxManiacxx said:
Realm vs Realm combat is also 1on1 or 8on8.

All it means is different realms fighting eachother. Nothing says it must be zergs!

But it doesn't enforce 1vs1 or 8vs8 either. If it was back to the good ol' days where people really didn't give a crap about adding or not, I reckon people would have alot more fun. I mean, have you ever been in a zerg battle in OF? If you did, you'd know what I mean.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
But it doesn't enforce 1vs1 or 8vs8 either. If it was back to the good ol' days where people really didn't give a crap about adding or not, I reckon people would have alot more fun. I mean, have you ever been in a zerg battle in OF? If you did, you'd know what I mean.

Both in OF and in NF have I lead RRs. The only time I would think of running in a zerg.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
I think you entirely missed the point of the post.. That taking the completely opposite extreme of the 8 v 8 point was idiotic. My post was completely over the top and didn't hold up to any sensible argument.. but I didn't say anything that the person I quoted didn't say, only from the other sides view.

Tractartus said:
Golena said:
No where when I read the manual did it say I had to defend a relic.. no where did it say I had to take back a keep... If it's not written in the manual why the hell should I even think about doing it? cos you told me to on a forum?

Perhaps because its the whole point of the Realm v Realm combat? No, you don't have to, which is why PvP and PvE are kept apart in DAoC, pretty neat. But the assumption is that you PvP to help the Realm, else wtf are there Keeps and Relics? If you don't like that part of the game that's fine, but please remember why the game deliberately created a 3 realm RvR.

If the "whole point" of rvr combat is defending relics and taking back keeps then why are you running about in aggramon in the first place?? Surely you should be fighting enemies that are either attacking your keeps or trying to take keeps of the enemies. Just because someone put relics in the game doesn't mean everyone should spend 100% of their in game time trying to take them if they don't find that fun!!

You see the relics and keeps were created to allow people that liked that style of play to go keep fight. Aggramon was created by mythic to give the full groups somewhere to go fight.. That was it's purpose, that's why it's there in the first place.

If your going to demand that the frontiers get used for their purpose, as designed by Mythic, then aggramon is the fg v fg zone.

Guns were created to kill people.. that doesn't mean that if I get hold of a gun I should run around blowing people's brains out just cos that's it's purpose! I don't see the argument.. well I payed for this gun, I pay for the licence on it, so I should be able to use it for it's purpose regardless of what happens to other people.
Yes I know it's not exactly the same, but it's also not as far off as some of you people seem to think.

You see.. most of the full group crowd arn't trying to stop you playing your game, there's a few idiots, yes, but most of them arn't. However it seems that most of the zerging crowd are stopping the fg group trying to play their game, not because doing so will ruin their experience, but because they can, and the rules of the game don't stop them.. and for no other reason!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Golena said:
You see the relics and keeps were created to allow people that liked that style of play to go keep fight. Aggramon was created by mythic to give the full groups somewhere to go fight.. That was it's purpose, that's why it's there in the first place.

If your going to demand that the frontiers get used for their purpose, as designed by Mythic, then aggramon is the fg v fg zone.

As Trac said, plese show where it says that Aggramon is a specific FG v FG only zone and i will also apologise - as far as i can see there isn't a single place anywhere in any realm where it is FG v FG, and nothing else.

I just don't understand why this thread has even made it this far - it's like saying that everyone who's going to go to Camden has to have a particular haircut, or everyone going to Manchester has to walk in pigeon steps whilst they're there.

Aggramon is an RvR zone - nothing more, nothing less. It's an area accessable to all three realms where they can fight. (thats a full stop at the end there)

I've said, i can totally sympathise with your want for specific FG v FG combat, with no capacity for soloers or other FG's adding, but as i said before, even if we all did agree that Aggramon was to become the FG only zone, over a nice cup of rosie, then whats to stop FG's adding to your special little enemy hugging contests? Nothing at all - i would imagine another 8 charging into your fight would be more annoying than a lone archer interrupting the healer...

Silly argument that has no possible outcome unless one of devs is reading and is currently arranging a battleground with that specific rule set...

im sorry :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah and aslong as people keep adding, people will keep cursing and throwing abuse, some in vent, some in group chat, and yes some in pm or /as or /yell, so nothing is going to change really. We'll have more whine posts about adding, and more whine posts about getting yelled at for adding, but oh well, atleast we tried :)

Golena said:
You see.. most of the full group crowd arn't trying to stop you playing your game, there's a few idiots, yes, but most of them arn't. However it seems that most of the zerging crowd are stopping the fg group trying to play their game, not because doing so will ruin their experience, but because they can, and the rules of the game don't stop them.. and for no other reason!

So very well said, even in vent last night I was saying dont whine about adds when its insta rvr in HW, those are to be expected. You can keep your zergs, you can add, you can siege, you can do whatever you want and play as you please, just please stay out of Agramon so we have some place to do our own thing. I dont even see many people go to Agramon as it is, why would people start now and zerg there just to ruin others fun?

The way it is now is pretty decent, most people who go to Agramon go for the fg vs fg, some come to add and some have different ideas of adding but mostly its nice, just stop flaming people for adding outside of Agramon and hope those people will have the decency to not ruin our thing since they can have theirs (without whine).

And for people who say fg crowd is FORCING our way of playstyle on them? Bullshit. We just want to be left alone to fight like we want, and you can do the same.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Rediknight said:
As Trac said, plese show where it says that Aggramon is a specific FG v FG only zone and i will also apologise - as far as i can see there isn't a single place anywhere in any realm where it is FG v FG, and nothing else.

I just don't understand why this thread has even made it this far - it's like saying that everyone who's going to go to Camden has to have a particular haircut, or everyone going to Manchester has to walk in pigeon steps whilst they're there.

Aggramon is an RvR zone - nothing more, nothing less. It's an area accessable to all three realms where they can fight. (thats a full stop at the end there)

I've said, i can totally sympathise with your want for specific FG v FG combat, with no capacity for soloers or other FG's adding, but as i said before, even if we all did agree that Aggramon was to become the FG only zone, over a nice cup of rosie, then whats to stop FG's adding to your special little enemy hugging contests? Nothing at all - i would imagine another 8 charging into your fight would be more annoying than a lone archer interrupting the healer...

Silly argument that has no possible outcome unless one of devs is reading and is currently arranging a battleground with that specific rule set...

im sorry :(

Well, i give you a link.. a very old one at that which was before Agramon existed... it was the original feedback which most likely got Mythic to implement it..

Read that, see why it was requested (Ilum started the ball rolling with the feedback in which specifically said

Old.ilum said:
originally posted jan 05
"where you look for fights just for the purpose of enjoying a good and challenging encounter with another realm of roughly same numbers hopefully."


Old.ilum said:
originally posted jan 05

"Look at this suggestion - you make a nice set of land in the North Sea - would be about the size of an Old Frontier zone - some Sea around, instead of the zonewalls of OF. No keeps on this island, and no boats going straight the way here. Just have a landmass that people can jump near on the road between the frontiers. Anyone seeking just to fight can have it here."

but i wont bother saying more about why it was created :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2005
Hmmm an emotive thread indeed. I thought of a way to decide who is right and who is wrong, and the answer I believe is quite simple. Whilst I do appreciate that some people like to play FGvFG unless they are in a specific area there is no way they can be guaranteed to not be added on. Even in Agg, as its an open area, adds will and do occur. I do however totally agree that the FGvFG style of play does require considerable skill.

So if someone does add, is it against the CoC? And might it get you a ban? The answer to this as we all know is simply no.

However if you are verbally abusive to the person or people who added, is that against the CoC and might that get you a ban. The answer to this as we all know is yes.

Therefore until a closed instanced arena for FGvFG appears you will have to suffer and put up with adding. You have no recourse to disciplinary action against adds and no right at all to be abusive.

Sorry guys but those are the facts. If someone is abusive to me anywhere I will more than likely contact a GM and have steps taken against them. It is never acceptable to be abusive to anyone apart from the Hibs and Mids who as scum suckers deserve all they get.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Rediknight said:
As Trac said, plese show where it says that Aggramon is a specific FG v FG only zone and i will also apologise - as far as i can see there isn't a single place anywhere in any realm where it is FG v FG, and nothing else.

And I don't see a single place anywhere where it says if you go to rvr you must attempt to take a keep or capture a relic. But that's exactly what the person I was responding to was saying!

I wasn't saying aggramon was a full group only zone and everyone else should be shot for going in there.. but saying you can't try (i'll emphasise the word TRY, yes you might not always succeed.) and get fair fights in there because it's not what mythic intended, when they created the zone for exactly that purpose, is just wrong.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2004
Calcus said:
Hmmm an emotive thread indeed. I thought of a way to decide who is right and who is wrong, and the answer I believe is quite simple. Whilst I do appreciate that some people like to play FGvFG unless they are in a specific area there is no way they can be guaranteed to not be added on. Even in Agg, as its an open area, adds will and do occur. I do however totally agree that the FGvFG style of play does require considerable skill.

So if someone does add, is it against the CoC? And might it get you a ban? The answer to this as we all know is simply no.

However if you are verbally abusive to the person or people who added, is that against the CoC and might that get you a ban. The answer to this as we all know is yes.

Therefore until a closed instanced arena for FGvFG appears you will have to suffer and put up with adding. You have no recourse to disciplinary action against adds and no right at all to be abusive.

Sorry guys but those are the facts. If someone is abusive to me anywhere I will more than likely contact a GM and have steps taken against them. It is never acceptable to be abusive to anyone apart from the Hibs and Mids who as scum suckers deserve all they get.

Amen that man!


One of Freddy's beloved
Sep 20, 2004
A few days ago I spent a pleasant couple of hours in a group who made a massive effort to avoid adding on fg vs fg fights, who did not gank a single soloer and who roamed around rather than camp docks and such.

When we stopped I took my solo toon out for a run and got beaten up by 4 different fg's inside about 10 mins. Some of those were high RR.

It did make me wonder why we'd bothered.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Can't say I feel sorry for you 8vs8 guys, you reap what you sow :p

Spitting insults at stealthers/soloers/randoms for playing the game differently than you, ruining their 1on1 fights or their 5vs3 fight whatever, it's still their fight.

Not saying all of you 8vs8 have been doing that, but alot have

Edit: Goes for both sides, stealthers/soloers/randoms also, I got no idea who started this "war" ;p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Golena said:
And I don't see a single place anywhere where it says if you go to rvr you must attempt to take a keep or capture a relic. But that's exactly what the person I was responding to was saying!

I wasn't saying aggramon was a full group only zone and everyone else should be shot for going in there.. but saying you can't try (i'll emphasise the word TRY, yes you might not always succeed.) and get fair fights in there because it's not what mythic intended, when they created the zone for exactly that purpose, is just wrong.

i get it, you're just angry with me cos i ate the last Magnum in the fridge :m00:

To you everything is from extreme to another - there doesn't appear to be any middle ground! If i say i can see the solo point, i'm omgwtf oppressing those who want to play FG v FG, but if i try to sympathise with the fact that the FG's are fighting what is in essence, at the moment, a pointless fight even though i understand their desire for this kind of "arena" combat, i'm subject to the same tirade as i was before.

Just ignore me if what i say offends you, but i'm not stating opinion or anything - all i've done is spoken facts - if you want to keep on treating everything i post like a slight to your enjoyment of the game then report me or something.

You're acting like i stole your f*cking bike or something, dude... :twak:

I just play the game - i don't whine, i don't /t, /y insults, i don't even bother myself with the politics that go on amongst the groups of aggramon - sh*t, i don't even go there, but i seem to have rattled your cage just by entering this conversation.

You speak of respect and not /t abuse, then bug the sh*t out of me after every post i make. Get over it and stop acting like such a bloody child... :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Eleasias said:
The way it is now is pretty decent, most people who go to Agramon go for the fg vs fg, some come to add and some have different ideas of adding but mostly its nice, just stop flaming people for adding outside of Agramon and hope those people will have the decency to not ruin our thing since they can have theirs (without whine).

I think the decent people on both sides of the fence appreciate this, it's just trying to get any kind of consensus going on a board like FH is always going to fail (though atleast we've tried). I know I lost my temper with some of the fg idiots on the boards and in game (you'd think I'd have learned by now :p) which led to my initial idea to disrupt Agramon to create pressure - but it's been good to see there's still plenty of reasonable people that will do what they can to cut the abuse. Likewise, those of us "zergers" who have never had a problem with fg rvr in itself (just the attitudes of some) will do what we can to get people to respect inside Agramon.

As Castus said (and Flim said in the other long thread about it) if someone does abuse us now we can just Rightnow them. If I'm in a particularly bad mood I might follow them round and screw their own fights for an evening. I think the problem with trying to change attitudes through a board is that too many people (on both sides of the fence) are simply interested in winning an argument on here - whereas in game they might act a little more reasonably. I guess all we can hope is that some common sense kicks in when people are actually playing their toons, although it's clear that there will always be some who aren't willing to compromise. Anyways, I'm gonna get a few beers in and enjoy an evening in game :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Rediknight said:
i get it, you're just angry with me cos i ate the last Magnum in the fridge :m00:

You ate the last magnum in the fridge OMG... no wonder i'm so cranky.

Rediknight said:
To you everything is from extreme to another - there doesn't appear to be any middle ground!

My point is exactly that there should be a middle ground. I'm deliberately taking it to one extreme or another to make the point that it's petty and acting childish, and you picked up on this well, not because I believe it should be at one extreme or another. I'm using exactly the same logic as everyone else, i'm just using it in a different way, to prove that the logic isn't actually valid.

I think bracken put it best..

Bracken said:
too many people (on both sides of the fence) are simply interested in winning an argument on here

Rediknight said:
You're acting like i stole your f*cking bike or something, dude...

I'm acting like many other people in this post, just slightly more obviously, in the hope that some of the brighter ones will catch on to the fact that they arn't being objective, but only looking at things from their side of the fence.

I'm aware that many of the points I make are way over the top, and deliberately so...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
tbh even i have always participated in the '8vs8 no ++)' when i played, now afterwards i see how silly it actually was...

its like playing battlefield 2 on a full 32 player server and whining: "zomgffs, were trying to have a 3 vs 3 here stupid interrupting noobs" xD

creating sub-rules in a game that already has 'hard' rules when not 100% of the players follow it will never truly work (hence all the whineposts xD)
sure you can whine at those who dont want to follow it, but i have come to realise that you do not really have a valid thing to whine about, ofcourse you can make your point, but you are never 'right'...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Morchaoron said:
tbh even i have always participated in the '8vs8 no ++)' when i played, now afterwards i see how silly it actually was...

its like playing battlefield 2 on a full 32 player server and whining: "zomgffs, were trying to have a 3 vs 3 here stupid interrupting noobs" xD

creating sub-rules in a game that already has 'hard' rules when not 100% of the players follow it will never truly work (hence all the whineposts xD)
sure you can whine at those who dont want to follow it, but i have come to realise that you do not really have a valid thing to whine about, ofcourse you can make your point, but you are never 'right'...

:eek6: :eek6: :eek6:



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2005
Morchaoron said:
tbh even i have always participated in the '8vs8 no ++)' when i played, now afterwards i see how silly it actually was...

its like playing battlefield 2 on a full 32 player server and whining: "zomgffs, were trying to have a 3 vs 3 here stupid interrupting noobs" xD

creating sub-rules in a game that already has 'hard' rules when not 100% of the players follow it will never truly work (hence all the whineposts xD)
sure you can whine at those who dont want to follow it, but i have come to realise that you do not really have a valid thing to whine about, ofcourse you can make your point, but you are never 'right'...

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Just hope all the others will realise it before they quit playing :cheers:


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Theres a difference between telling someone what do to or telling someone what your thoughts are at the time.

Alot of people get this mixed up


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Morchaoron said:
tbh even i have always participated in the '8vs8 no ++)' when i played, now afterwards i see how silly it actually was...

its like playing battlefield 2 on a full 32 player server and whining: "zomgffs, were trying to have a 3 vs 3 here stupid interrupting noobs" xD

creating sub-rules in a game that already has 'hard' rules when not 100% of the players follow it will never truly work (hence all the whineposts xD)
sure you can whine at those who dont want to follow it, but i have come to realise that you do not really have a valid thing to whine about, ofcourse you can make your point, but you are never 'right'...

Nicely put :cheers:


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003

First of all,

Personal attacks are against the CoC. In future, Screenshot it, and rightnow it.


There is no such thing as "an 8v8 fight" This game is designed with mass combat between three realms in mind. If your in the fronteers and you see an enemy, attack it. Anyone who tells you your doing something wrong is living in the delusion that this game and everyone playing it, should have to cater for there prefered way of fighting.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Just think, if this thread was in teh RvR section - would the FGvFG dudes have even found it .......muhahahahahaha*!!

*(cheky attempt to wind peeps back up as teh threads seems to be losing steam at the moment and I got a new week in work ahead of me and I need entertaining!!!)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Haggus said:
Theres a difference between telling someone what do to or telling someone what your thoughts are at the time.

Alot of people get this mixed up

yeah I always mistake "don't add ffs!" as being told what to do ;)


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
..."don't add ffs!"...

I think I may be able to shed some light on this one. You see, in Old Midgardian, "D'oh n'tadh ehfeff ess" actually means "we could use some help here, please lend military assistance with all due speed". Which may be where some of the confusion stems from...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Svartmetall said:
I think I may be able to shed some light on this one. You see, in Old Midgardian, "D'oh n'tadh ehfeff ess" actually means "we could use some help here, please lend military assistance with all due speed". Which may be where some of the confusion stems from...


Class, hopefully this will now bring an end to this thread as its obviously just been a case of mistaken messages!! Teh FG's want us to add....and we didnt even realise!!!


Feb 11, 2006
Morchaoron said:
tbh even i have always participated in the '8vs8 no ++)' when i played, now afterwards i see how silly it actually was...

its like playing battlefield 2 on a full 32 player server and whining: "zomgffs, were trying to have a 3 vs 3 here stupid interrupting noobs" xD

creating sub-rules in a game that already has 'hard' rules when not 100% of the players follow it will never truly work (hence all the whineposts xD)
sure you can whine at those who dont want to follow it, but i have come to realise that you do not really have a valid thing to whine about, ofcourse you can make your point, but you are never 'right'...

no you would join a 6 man server for that, competely different, why are people saying this is a good post when its hes comparing 2 things that are completely different..... stupid


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
allure said:
no you would join a 6 man server for that..... stupid

You mean like joining a 8 man Guild Wars instance for 8vs8 instead of running on a 3000 player DAoC server?



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
allure said:
no you would join a 6 man server for that, competely different, why are people saying this is a good post when its hes comparing 2 things that are completely different..... stupid
well, as you said - you'd go play on a 6 person server. You call him stupid, even though in the first sentence of your post you prove his point!

The difference between the two sides of this argument are Guildwars and Camelot /shrug

It's like turning up at a Toga party in a Superhero outfit - just cos YOU wanted to dress as a superhero it doesn't mean that the entire theme is going to be changed.

I want BB's got rid of, but it's not going to happen no matter how much i whine. They are part of the game, working as intended.

Until those who decide introduce an RvR instance situation then you cannot guarantee fixed number, no adding encounter. Get over it :m00:

Whining just makes your throat sore and my ears shrivel, so just drop this silly, pointless argument which is just making the FG's appear aloof and consider themselves above the rules of the server. The soloers who insist on adding are just making themselves look like scavengers. If thats the way people want to play the game then fair enough, but stop trying to make other people play along with you if you're going to be that selfish.

Each one of you is one person in hundreds, we all used to get along... :|

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