I don't go to the gym but have a little more active life then most people through work. I ride to and from work(it's not far really, 3 miles) 5 days a week and walk the dogs every day. Also do a lot of lifting and a bit of walking as I'm a Butcher. At home lately I've been doing a 10 minute routine of (6 minutes) 2kg light weights, (2 minutes) 15kg heavy weights, (1 minute)situps and (1 minute)pushups twice a day. Feeling better for doing that but not really seeing much results other then lifting is easier at work now.
Would be nice to get some advice on if I'm doing it right with the little routine.
Its most likely not a bad routine, but if you want fast visual results, you must aim a good way above the program you have running there. I've read of multiple good programs from people on here, and its pretty much a personal case on what suits you, your level and your dedication.
Doing excersises multiple times a day, even if short, isn't something i'd recommend for people who dont power pump. You need to restore your musscle. The times I grow the most, visually, is when im having a break from my program every 5th week. In start I did the same as you pretty much, used my freeweights once in a while, didnt get much result except for some strength, but d'oh, your lifting something, ofcourse your musscles respond by getting stronger.
Also for fast results, I highly recommend weight gainer, or a 85 proteine (If your skinny, weight gainer, if you got enough fat and got a sweet tooth, protein powder.)
Im not sure if youre aware, but the way the musscle grow is when you literally "wound" the fibers in your musscle, they will get larger if you train hard and rejuvenate hard, you must stress your self to the point where you cant take one single pushup further,and then try do one more. But also carefully, cause overload can cause longer term injury, and set you back. Feel your body basicly, USE the musscle instead of just trying to do that pushup, if you know what I mean. Its like handwriting, you can smack something down there, but if you really try, others can read it. Bad meta but the best i can come up with right now, sorry!
I'd personally recommend pullups, pushups, reactionary excersise, situps with lifted legs, leg lifts and back lifts to begin with. Will strengthen your "core", and make sure your "backing" musscles will support your primarys, like fx. biceps when using your 15kg's.
If you want to do a small program like that, I could only recommend doing 15 pushups, 20 situps every morning when u get out of bed, nothing like feeling a little pumped for the day