Any suggestions on how to build up running/cardio?
I've always kindof hated running for any kindof long period. I litteraly can play football for 2 hours but I can't jog for tenminutes on the treadmill. What I want to know is how you make the jump from being able to walk at a decent pace for lots of time, to being able to jog...if that makes sense. I can walk no end but as soon as I start to jog I can't make it a mile even. I don't know if its a psycholical thing but I've always had a problem running for any sort of distance.
Any suggestions since people seem to be giving them in here?
Any suggestions on how to build up running/cardio?
I've always kindof hated running for any kindof long period. I litteraly can play football for 2 hours but I can't jog for tenminutes on the treadmill. What I want to know is how you make the jump from being able to walk at a decent pace for lots of time, to being able to jog...if that makes sense. I can walk no end but as soon as I start to jog I can't make it a mile even. I don't know if its a psycholical thing but I've always had a problem running for any sort of distance.
Any suggestions since people seem to be giving them in here?
Side note this thread has inpired me to spend an hour on my buildings cross-trainer tonight.
lol that was my biggest problem starting running, I was so embarrasses I got up at 5am and went round the carpark at the back of my old house. My first run 'in public' I was blushing so much I must have looked on the verge of a heart failure hehe but like toht said you never think of joggers so why would anyone think of you?
personally I don't listen to music when I'm out because it's dangerous, can't hear traffic or people coming behind you and the places i like to run usually I se a few dogs, its good to beware of them because if you run up and startle them you might get bit.
jesus an hour? lol I did 20k earlier and that took 43mins; I think the furthest I've gone was 25k, took maybe just under an hour and that's on my little stumpy legs so I wonder how far a normal sized person would get in an hour...keep me posted!!
I've just started going to the gym after many years of being a fat lazy bastard. I want to lose weight and get fitter for badminton and football. My week is planned like this;
Sunday - Gym(AM)
Monday - Gym(AM) Badminton(PM
Tuesday - Gym(AM)
Wednesday - Day Off
Thursday - Gym(AM)
Friday - Football(PM)
Saturday - Gym(AM)
Done this for a whole week so farp) and I'm actually enjoying it although the early mornings (in the gym at 6:30am) are tough!
I'm not very fit and to be honest I'm using the gym half to get fitter and half to stop me eating so much rubbish! The plan being if I spend an hour in the gym, I'll be less likely to want to eat McDonalds and sweets later in the day!
I tend to start with 10 minutes on a reclined bike, then 20 minutes on a cross-trainer, then a circuit of a few resistance machines (50 reps, low weight) and then a few laps of the pool.
So far, weight loss and fitness increase have been disappointing, but then again it's only been 7 days
So...what do other Freddies do to keep fit?
Squat Dead and Bench on the same day? Fuck that for a laugh![]()
jesus an hour? lol I did 20k earlier and that took 43mins; I think the furthest I've gone was 25k, took maybe just under an hour and that's on my little stumpy legs so I wonder how far a normal sized person would get in an hour...keep me posted!!
You get to train the entire body, don't see anything wrong with it at all =) And only once a week!
StrongLifts 5x5: How to Gain Raw Muscle and Brute Strength |
i'd recommend it, defo good for getting bigger/stronger all over, i'm like 3-4 months in and squat/deadlift on the same day doesn't make much difference once you're used to it!
I've done squat and deads on the same day a few times. Absolute killer for your hams though.
I wouldn't recommend it unless you are just doing light weights for toning.
Weigh 105kg's now, used to be 118kg's but my natural weight should be about 85 kg's as i am 1.83m tall.
Couldnt do any real exercise until recently becuase my bottom two discs were compressing due to the extra luggage i was carrying.
Still gives me trouble even now.
I reached 108 just strictly with diet and walking, however for the last 3 months now i have been playing footie on Wednesdays and some times on Saturdays.
I have also been hitting the gym as well Sunday, Monday and Wednesday with Thursdays and Fridays off.
Sundays - Cycling, rowing, jogging, skipping with lots of sit-ups.
Mondays - Weights - nothing too heavy as yet just basic toning of legs and lower back with a 1 hour session of circuit training. I also always makes sure i do at least 15 mins on rowing machine, 15 mins on the bike - INTENSE and the skipping (trying to build up to 5 3 minutes sets but it is really hard - can do about 1 and half mins constantly).
Wednesday - Weights - Upper body nothing to intense and 1 hour circuit again nothing to intense as i play footie in the evenings.
The hole aim is to try and lose 2.2-2.5 kg's per month, slow steady decreases in weight anything more drastic will only be artificial and i would put it straight back on again.
I dont kil myself with diet anymore as i am exercising a lot now but i ahve removed bread, rice, pasta from my diet. I also make sure pretty much everything i eat is grilled - fish, chicken and meat - with a ton of veggies and fruit pretty much all day.
Someone in the gym told me to reduce the fruits as well because of the sugar in it but i think that is just retarded as fruits are just awesome!!
If you're doing 20k on a cross trainer in 43 minutes you really need to up the level and actually do some work.