Gamah said:Gratz you worked out the average rpts required per week for 4 years? and this proves what? Daoc is Euro has been out for 3 years 10 months not 4 thats the first flaw in your "maths"
Then for your "maths" to be effective you need to find out what breaks he took from the game, any holidays, times he didn't play etc etc.
Marc said:"sux not r0x"?
Gamah said:Gratz you worked out the average rpts required per week for 4 years? and this proves what? Daoc is Euro has been out for 3 years 10 months not 4 thats the first flaw in your "maths"
Then for your "maths" to be effective you need to find out what breaks he took from the game, any holidays, times he didn't play etc etc.
Gamah said:Don't think I speak like that? but ok. I used to, but I am to old for that stuff now, and if I do say it, its because I am mocking someone or something.
Gamah said:Anyway said my peice now,
Marc said:i before e, except after c. Such broken english, lets all laugh at Gamah.
Gamah said:Yeah I make typos, I am also dyslexic although it is minor. So go ahead, when you finished maybe you can take the piss out of disabled people![]()
Uberlama said:Hahahahahahahaha,
I just realised that Gamah's grp is actually Severance grp xD Sorry then but if we see you fighting ever again at least I will add on you all the time.
Severance is a guild well known in alb (like zergerance etc) from old frontiers, a guild which added on fights all the time and this didnt change with NF neither.
We tried to do the not-adding policy on agramon, and on other places too if those grps didnt add on us on that day yet. Of course u can't always pull back from a fight, or there are some terrain problems u can't see when other grp adds on your fight in time, or you are just tired and slower.
We will keep this behavior against good setgrps, like the mid grp (groove maybe, really dont know excal grps) with Fuji in, or if good setgrps comes back like WI etc.
But every day we getting added on by grps like Rastafarion, Func type caster grp, and many hib grps (not the grey-blue ones from excal, sadly i dont know the guild name but credit for them not adding mostly). Stev says all the time dont add, pull back if we see 2 grps fighting , even if its hib-mid, and we do it . But we are getting really tired of this. We start every night not adding on them and they still add on us. I dont expect any of those whiney bitches to believe me, as they already know this is the truth.
And that you (gamah boi) going to personally, and criticiseing someones english knowledge without knowing anything about him, is not just ridiculous but childish aswell.
Oh a side-note. Ye Gamahs grp beat us yesterday once ;< So bad a hib caster duo was with them adding on us, and Baf caster grp was just killing ur support from behind. Ye we lost there ;<
edit: ah we reached page # 10, thread can be closed now, that was the goal, thx for everyone who was normal in the thread. (tho i'm afraid those whiney boys were "normal" as well)
Uberlama said:Hahahahahahahaha,
I just realised that Gamah's grp is actually Severance grp xD Sorry then but if we see you fighting ever again at least I will add on you all the time.
Gamah said:I am sure Jupitus said to cut it out?
Kinag said:I've just had a long conversation with Gamah about what's going on in this thread and I think everyone will be pleased if we stop adding on eachother just because some people dislikes eachother.
And I'm sure we can figure out a way to keep everybody happy xD
Heh, it's hardly up to you to decide whether I am a "random healer" or not. I've made 95% of my RPs playing with my fixed group, Savage Conclave Group 1 (not to be mistaken with G2, which has different players and different playstyle than us), which was active on Prydwen since fall 2004 to February 2005 and some spur-of-the-moment runs a few times after that. The group is currently inactive (after a lengthy stint of mostly PvE and some RvR on Avalon), but when we were active we were more or less evenly matched with the fixed groups running at the time.Xxcalibur said:tell me the grps u played in pryd to try recognice you in game, i played pryd last 3 years and i should recognice you unless you were a random healer tbh.