Grats Duracellus on RR10 :)

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One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
Belomar said:
and your feeble and monosyllabic attempts at insults don't come close to changing that opinion.

not all the ppl had the oportunity to learn proper english at school, if all your arguments are based on my gimped english, then your opinion is not important for me.

Belomar said:
We all know by now that you sport a brain of hopelessly limited capacity, but why you insist on showcasing it time and time again escapes my understanding..

Insult at you fuc king mother ok ? i never insulted you.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
Big gratz Steveh \o/
very good leader, without him, there wouldn't be an aod group and there wouldn't be those clueless posts about AoD zergling ^^

[oh, and gratz to meh for rp pl-ing u guys in 1.70 -) ]


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
1)Gamah and Jjuraaaaaaaaaa rule, hope you both stay on hib.

2)Grats steveh! :)

3)AoD dont run in a zerg, they run 1fg, and I dont see since NF where these whines are coming from. Also very nice friendly and good players, so maybe not "shit skilless noobs" or whatever it was? They avoid adding where they can, although obviously not 100% of the time (sometimes hard to see/pull out before we get attacked etc).


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Xxcalibur said:
Insult at you fuc king mother ok ? i never insulted you.
Well, you did now. Oh, and remember you telling me that you never insulted me? Exactly.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 17, 2004
ps. Can anyone explain why people that zerg/add get so upset when they are called zergers etc when they say "it's ok to zerg", "I pay my subs bla bla" ;P?


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
that's actually not quite what he said :rolleyes:
I guess the 'superior intelligence' part applies then
Jjuraa said:
as a straight thinking and regular rvr'er, i feel the need to correct the misinformed parts of this sentance:

there :)
I hardly concider you straight-thinking, but appareantly you do. How about we let some objective outsider prove you wrong?
Jjuraa said:
AoD is pretty much the posterchild for the adding masses Roope, i wouldnt expect you to know this as youre an alb, and a non regular rvring alb at that.

go back in time and find me a time when AoD hasnt added (when i wasnt in the group to stop them)
So you stopped concidering yourself as an Alb? Does that mean you won't return? Another great loss to the community :(
Jjuraa said:
One full group versus one full group fights are the most skillful aspect of the game called DAoC, thats undesputable. PvE is just remembering encounters, can be done in your sleep, zerging is mindless, can do that in your sleep too. Soloing 1v1 takes more skill than zerging, but nowhere near as much skill as 1fg vs 1fg fighting.

yes, AoD have every right to run in a zerg. However this gives me every right too call them shit skillless noobs :) and that opinion appears to be completely justified. the fact that they run an "opted uber fg" and zerg merely enhances this.
You speak your opinion as though it is fact, but I hardly agree, and you left some 'categories' out besides that.
I'd say soloing takes at least as much 'skill' as running in a fg, not to mention a lot of willpower in order to go on playing after getting outnumbered, which is often the case. In a fg fight you have people watching out for you, and if you mess up, even more than once, you can usually recover, to a certain limit.
If you solo, however, you're often done for when fucking up, maybe by hitting the wrong ml, not using certain charges or running in when you shouldn't have. Being able to recover, aswell as having other people supporting you, are things making fg fights easier, when done well (tho the enemy can obviously do the same thing). Running in a fg and doing well doesn't necisarilly mean you yourself are a good player tho, while that is usually the case when soloing.
And what about fighting a zerg as a fg? I usually find that harder than fighting fg's, tho it obviously depends on the numbers you're facing.
And you do realise, smart as you are, that freedom of speech does not include the right to offend people? It doesn't give you the right to call people skillless noobs.
thaaadi said:
ps. Can anyone explain why people that zerg/add get so upset when they are called zergers etc when they say "it's ok to zerg", "I pay my subs bla bla" ;P?
Surely you'd know, as you're not new to adding yourself.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Straef said:
I guess the 'superior intelligence' part applies then

I hardly concider you straight-thinking, but appareantly you do. How about we let some objective outsider prove you wrong?

So you stopped concidering yourself as an Alb? Does that mean you won't return? Another great loss to the community :(

You speak your opinion as though it is fact, but I hardly agree, and you left some 'categories' out besides that.
I'd say soloing takes at least as much 'skill' as running in a fg, not to mention a lot of willpower in order to go on playing after getting outnumbered, which is often the case. In a fg fight you have people watching out for you, and if you mess up, even more than once, you can usually recover, to a certain limit.
If you solo, however, you're often done for when fucking up, maybe by hitting the wrong ml, not using certain charges or running in when you shouldn't have. Being able to recover, aswell as having other people supporting you, are things making fg fights easier, when done well (tho the enemy can obviously do the same thing). Running in a fg and doing well doesn't necisarilly mean you yourself are a good player tho, while that is usually the case when soloing.
And what about fighting a zerg as a fg? I usually find that harder than fighting fg's, tho it obviously depends on the numbers you're facing.
And you do realise, smart as you are, that freedom of speech does not include the right to offend people? It doesn't give you the right to call people skillless noobs.

Surely you'd know, as you're not new to adding yourself.

Best thing I've read all day tbh :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
thaaadi said:
ps. Can anyone explain why people that zerg/add get so upset when they are called zergers etc when they say "it's ok to zerg", "I pay my subs bla bla" ;P?

who said any of that 2 from the SG we run nowadays?
and why we get upset when we are called something we're clearly not? guess why mistar


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
Straef said:
I'd say soloing takes at least as much 'skill' as running in a fg...

with those overpowered classes too like a merc? ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Marchus said:
with those overpowered classes too like a merc? ;)
Well, yeah. Even on such an overpowered merc you won't win a lot if you just run in and bash anytimer (like me). If you actually time things, get the right positionals and ml's out along with some arti charges, you could beat several people at a time, while some 'unskilled' person might have a hard time handeling one enemy.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
thank you guys. i do my best all the time.

btw who is Gammah and Jhurha or something?


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Gamah said:
One m , really so hard to read a name?
It might've been a subtle hint to him not giving a shit about your or Jjuraa's opinions, tho maybe I'm just imagining things.


Apr 5, 2004
Straef said:
It might've been a subtle hint to him not giving a shit about your or Jjuraa's opinions, tho maybe I'm just imagining things.

it seems to be an AoD thing. if someone says something they dont like, they pretend they dont know you. look how much steveh mispelt my name! nobody could possibly spell it that badly and actually remember me

and straef you must be shrooming if you think soloing takes as much skill as 1fg fighting. think of it like this:

say you were 100% perfect at soloing. you knew every trick, timing was excellent, and you never lost a fight it was possible to win.

to be 100% perfect at 1fg vs 1fg fighting, you need all that PLUS youd need to have perfect teamwork. and working as a team is one of the hardest parts of the game.

NB: working as a team doesnt mean just using the same people every day in group, and occasionally saying his over voicecoms. AoD may well be a team, but their actual teamwork is crap.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 16, 2004
Big grats Steveh and nicely played :clap:
now make a tank group and get that Armsman to rr11 ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I'm having a hard time understanding Jjuraa's and Gamah's problem, I knew Gamah's always been an idiot, but Jjuraa seems to have gotten this way over the last few months since he's always been nice when I've talked to him before.

Ah well, if you can't beat them... flame them?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Kinag said:
I'm having a hard time understanding Jjuraa's and Gamah's problem, I knew Gamah's always been an idiot, but Jjuraa seems to have gotten this way over the last few months since he's always been nice when I've talked to him before.

Ah well, if you can't beat them... flame them?

chainging realm is the answer tbh :eek: when ppl give him RA respec stones for free they are good friends then when he gets beat by the same ppl they become the biggest ever enemies, i call this kinda person a self-seeker ^^


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Xxcalibur said:
Insult at you fuc king mother ok ? i never insulted you.
What does my mother have to do with this? I'm sorry to spoil your fun, perhaps this is a surefire way to get a rise out of someone where you come from, but I frankly couldn't care less.
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