Grats Duracellus on RR10 :)

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FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Xxcalibur said:
you know me , you think i care about his superior english ? He said 2 dudes didnt do anything better in this game, who remember him ingame ?

Id care to hazard a guess that Belomar is far well known amongst the masses than yourself and Gamah ever will be. Not that this is a popularity contest mind, just that you dont half talk a load of bollox in every post you make.


Dec 22, 2003
Marc said:
Id care to hazard a guess that Belomar is far well known amongst the masses than yourself and Gamah ever will be. Not that this is a popularity contest mind, just that you dont half talk a load of bollox in every post you make.

Who cares who more roleplayers know the name of? Doesn't mean he is any good at the game because some lvl 48 warlock knows who he is. I have never heard of him in game only on these boards :S?


Dec 22, 2003
Kinag said:
I'm having a hard time understanding Jjuraa's and Gamah's problem, I knew Gamah's always been an idiot, but Jjuraa seems to have gotten this way over the last few months since he's always been nice when I've talked to him before.

Ah well, if you can't beat them... flame them?

We beat you yesterday? On a side note I think I made it perfectly clear "what the problem was" so you obviously can't read (an aod thing maybe?)

Hes an adding zerging fucktard .. don't think I can make it any clearer. Funny how lots of people agree apart from AOD and AOD fanbois ;d

As for you streaf still here? well if I must reply to your mindless droning comment(s), if someone wants to pretend they don't know who I am when I have shit loads of posts on this boards thius if you read them its almost impossible not to know the name, instead of making counter points to my accusations then that shows just how retarded they are. Oh and before you reply, I remain (as always) uncaring.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Gamah said:
Who cares who more roleplayers know the name of? Doesn't mean he is any good at the game because some lvl 48 warlock knows who he is. I have never heard of him in game only on these boards :S?

Lets go with your logic for a second. I have no idea who you are, except for the posts you make on FH. By your reasoning you are shit. Or does it just hurt your ego that you arent as popular and well known as youd love to be?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Gamah said:
Hes an adding zerging fucktard .. don't think I can make it any clearer. Funny how lots of people agree apart from AOD and AOD fanbois ;d

got enough here from you idiot. personaly before this thread i got no problem with you. then you come up with your childis things again and again and say it all the time when you write something in this thread.
you mate are nothing. you not putted anything on to the table. only one thing what you can do is the whine and QQ. you are a poor and sad noob

just a note:
yesterday night i can count many times where we not added on hibs, mids ( agramon ) included your group to and after a few minute got zerged by THIS groups from different side. so you are not just sad and a noob. you are actualy blind to . earn some respect from other ppls before you want to flame anyone . retard


Dec 22, 2003
Bruise your ego :(? Ofc we add on you, you and your guild are add on sight for various reasons...and I thought you didn't know who I was, so how can you know my group added on you? The great steveh says im nothing, ahh well may as well quit the game if an AOD member thinks I suck : ((

As for you Marc (whoever you are). Couldn't care less who knows me or not, I don't play an online computer game so people know some alais I use online..because at the end of the day every player will be forgotten when daoc dies so why should I care? As for you you not knowing me in game so by my logic that makes me shit? Maybe you should take some reading classes or stop putting words in my mouth? I never said he was shit, I said just because people know him doesn't make him automaticly good. So kindly take your ololol I called someone queer in my avarter so I must be cool irl attitude and fuck off back to your hole.

I flame because it amusing, passes the day when im bored at work and its fun to be insulted back in broken English :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
Marc said:
Lets go with your logic for a second. I have no idea who you are, except for the posts you make on FH. By your reasoning you are shit. Or does it just hurt your ego that you arent as popular and well known as youd love to be?

If you dont know gamah , you have not played pryd. we dont care about fh forums , isaw gamah ingame as enemy 10000 times more than "Marc" , or who are you ? and about language , i told before not all the persons studied a proper english and i admit my english sux.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Gamah said:
As for you Marc (whoever you are). Couldn't care less who knows me or not, I don't play an online computer game so people know some alais I use online..because at the end of the day every player will be forgotten when daoc dies so why should I care? So kindly take your ololol I called someone queer in my avarter so I must be cool irl attitude and fuck off back to your hole.

I didn't ask whether you cared or not. I was applying your logic. But while we are on the subject, if you don't care, why are you getting so upset? Oh sorry, you arent getting upset are you!!

As for flaming so people can reply in broken english. Aint that a bit like a handicapped person taking the piss out of another handicapped person for being handicapped?

Anyway, cba arguing with a person with zero charisma, its boring.



FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Xxcalibur said:
If you dont know gamah , you have not played pryd. we dont care about fh forums , isaw gamah ingame as enemy 10000 times more than "Marc" , or who are you ? and about language , i told before not all the persons studied a proper english and i admit my english sux.

Eh? I didnt mention anything about language so stop trying to play the "language card".


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Xxcalibur said:
If you dont know gamah , you have not played pryd. we dont care about fh forums , isaw gamah ingame as enemy 10000 times more than "Marc" , or who are you ? and about language , i told before not all the persons studied a proper english and i admit my english sux.
Allow me to point out, in a perfectly non-condescending way, that the phrase "a load of bollox" that Marc used has nothing to do with the language but rather the actual content (same as I try to do). In fact, we both seem to think you talk a lot of misguided crap, whereas the way you deliver said excrement is another matter entirely.

As for not having heard of me, I take that as a compliment to my role as a primary healer, and I am perfectly aware that the Killspam Kiddies of your kind only take notice of fellow kiddies. My damage dealer was on Excalibur (same as Marc), and it was close to 2 years since played him actively.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Gamah said:
Random shit

Really no point to get in this arguement...

but Gamah, does this make you a self confessed fucktard? Afteral you more then once admitted you add and say you never claimed you dont... and i know from experience your group happily added on opted groups i ran in even if they never added on you!

Really, dont come here slagging of a group of people when you play in the same lame mannor you accuse them off


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
Belomar said:
As for not having heard of me, I take that as a compliment to my role as a primary healer, and I am perfectly aware that the Killspam Kiddies of your kind only take notice of fellow kiddies. My damage dealer was on Excalibur (same as Marc), and it was close to 2 years since played him actively.

tell me the grps u played in pryd to try recognice you in game, i played pryd last 3 years and i should recognice you unless you were a random healer tbh.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Gamah, I'll ask in guild if you can join us for one night, Your a good player and I know would love to be in a decent rr grp just once this side of xmas ! - hecK you tried hard enough on alb to achieve this.

Both Gamah and Jjuraa have both ran in PE groups, and you both know the policy on adding etc... Guess what, its the same with AoD. You both know this is True - so less of the napalm m8s.

Steve, AoD are now the top regular rvr grp on alb - they need someone to whine at - during your stint at Lyon - it became the "evita" grp, now your back and evita is away - gratz you got your old title back !


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Xxcalibur said:
reply meh the other thing then :eek:

Another piece of glowing logic? I musnt of played pryd because I dont know who you and Gamah are? That to me, strikes me of an attitude of self importance. Sorry to burst your bubble, you arent important. Just another embarasingly leet wannabe with an ego about a computer game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Gamah said:
Bruise your ego :(? Ofc we add on you, you and your guild are add on sight for various reasons...and I thought you didn't know who I was, so how can you know my group added on you? The great steveh says im nothing, ahh well may as well quit the game if an AOD member thinks I suck : ((

I flame because it amusing, passes the day when im bored at work and its fun to be insulted back in broken English :D

well . maybe my english is broken but i never got english teacher. all i know is from Daoc and FH and some internet . so if you can understand me its good enough and im happy about this.
other thing is i can read your sign where you say what is your main caracters.
btw sometimes try write post where you actualy say something. sometimes try different things .
Yesterday only one group not added on us ( Fujiwara in ) , thank you guys. all other group added on us all the time and i got flamed on ventrilo when i said not add on fg vs fg no matter who fighting. i try do " no care " RvR from today i hope you come out tonight to with your amusing skills .
gamahskills = 2 fg + stealther ads


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Jjuraa said:
AoD is pretty much the posterchild for the adding masses Roope, i wouldnt expect you to know this as youre an alb, and a non regular rvring alb at that.

go back in time and find me a time when AoD hasnt added (when i wasnt in the group to stop them)

that one made me laugh :)


Dec 22, 2003
Maybe if you actully went to school rather than getting 2 RR10's you would of had an English teacher? Just a suggestion.


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
Nice to see ya back anyway Steveh.
You brought a strong presence with you in RvR back in the day when you used to use your Armsman! I hope these days will come back for all of us as AoD was one of the best RvR guilds on Alb, and Albion need a decent RvR guild who work togther atm. Not many guilds do atm it seems.
Regards... :cheers:


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Grats steveh, time to reroll a 3d RR10 ;>

or get your arms back in battle after the heavy tank <3 patch


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Gamah, you're a brainless twat to be honest.

Do you honestly think that every fucking country in this world has such a great english education as England?

Perhaps you should think of that before you start talking bullshit again.

And I can read, but what is the point of reading all the whines and bullshit you can come up with when it doesn't matter at all?


Dec 22, 2003
Zede said:
Gamah, I'll ask in guild if you can join us for one night, Your a good player and I know would love to be in a decent rr grp just once this side of xmas ! - hecK you tried hard enough on alb to achieve this.

Both Gamah and Jjuraa have both ran in PE groups, and you both know the policy on adding etc... Guess what, its the same with AoD. You both know this is True - so less of the napalm m8s.

Steve, AoD are now the top regular rvr grp on alb - they need someone to whine at - during your stint at Lyon - it became the "evita" grp, now your back and evita is away - gratz you got your old title back !

Mate, I know what you are saying is true in your mind, but AOD are not always the non-adders..If only I took screenshots everytime I am fighting someone else and I get nuked by Duracellus. Ask anyone in Sev, we get added on by AOd 95% of the time for whatever reason, so we return the favour.

Severence are not exactly a top flight RvR guild, we play for fun, vent is a laugh, while its nice to win fights most of us play for the social aspect (Musejedi doesn't stop talking)

As for teaming with AOD, no thanks, for one I am not grouped specced, I am specced for solo and this is how I like to play with Gamah, his grouping days are now over.

As alwasy Kaira, I don't aim anything at you, I don't blame you for teaming with the best group on ALbion (and not that aod are amazing) just that theres no other groups out really. However, Sev have a add on sight policy for AOD (Unless fighting other hibs) and unfortunatly no matter how I feel about adding on whoever I go along with my group and I know you will understand the reasoning behind that.



Dec 22, 2003
Kinag said:
Do you honestly think that every fucking country in this world has such a great english education as England?

Where did I say that?


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Gamah said:
Maybe if you actully went to school rather than getting 2 RR10's you would of had an English teacher? Just a suggestion.

rr10 = 5,974,125

Little maths lesson for you here Gamah as im not sure wether they teach it you in job club.

So 2 x RR10 = 11,948,250 (use a calculator if needs be, your mobile that you normally use for happy slapping may have one. Consult the instruction booklet if you dont know how to work it)

So, lets say this game has been going for just short of 4 years, say 177 weeks. Now lets be kind and deduct 6 weeks for xmas and another 12 weeks for holidays. That equals 159 weeks. Now, 11,948,250 divided (thats the / button on your mobile if you are struggling)by 159 weeks = 75,146 rps per week. Hardly a total that is achieved by missing school now is it!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Gamah said:
Maybe if you actully went to school rather than getting 2 RR10's you would of had an English teacher? Just a suggestion.

i live in Hungary . things are completely different here. so maybe not. i play from 20 to 24 cet .No time and no money for it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
Marc said:
Another piece of glowing logic? I musnt of played pryd because I dont know who you and Gamah are? That to me, strikes me of an attitude of self importance. Sorry to burst your bubble, you arent important. Just another embarasingly leet wannabe with an ego about a computer game.

im not leet wannabe, i just say i played 3 years and i know him cos i saw him a lot as enemy , however you seems you dont want to reply to my question , who are you ? lets see if you have played pryd , cos i think all the ppl with a long experience on pryd know gamah , at least for his mincer, his reputation on forums also is not good ( like me ? :) but if you have played pryd you should know him , cos he was like 2 years active, and most of ppl who played pryd know him. Now reply me who are you on prydwen ? and less avoid the reply.


Dec 22, 2003
Marc said:
rr10 = 5,974,125

Little maths lesson for you here Gamah as im not sure wether they teach it you in job club.

So 2 x RR10 = 11,948,250 (use a calculator if needs be, your mobile that you normally use for happy slapping may have one. Consult the instruction booklet if you dont know how to work it)

So, lets say this game has been going for just short of 4 years, say 177 weeks. Now lets be kind and deduct 6 weeks for xmas and another 12 weeks for holidays. That equals 159 weeks. Now, 11,948,250 divided (thats the / button on your mobile if you are struggling)by 159 weeks = 75,146 rps per week. Hardly a total that is achieved by missing school now is it!!!!

Gratz you worked out the average rpts required per week for 4 years? and this proves what? Daoc is Euro has been out for 3 years 10 months not 4 thats the first flaw in your "maths"

Then for your "maths" to be effective you need to find out what breaks he took from the game, any holidays, times he didn't play etc etc.
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