Good old days . . .


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Turamber said:
Charging the zerg of Mids at AMG Emain with only Shike (in his original armsman incarnation) for company, whilst the rest of the Albs watched and then ran back to APK. Would happen time-after-time.

Going into Darkness Falls when it first opened, having no map and no idea what we were doing but - with a perfectly balanced group, something that didn't happen all that often in the early days - getting very deep into it.

Finding my way solo to the Mid side of DF where I met a small group of Mids who were all on low health after fighting a mob. Killed all four of them and got lots of pm's from Albs "Way to go!" etc. No RP's but that was rarely the point.

Tangler camps doing the spawn /dance.

Roo/Oro is right that we have rose tinted spectacles about the past, but a game is always most fun when it's newness and shiness is intact. Like most other people I didn't like the change to gank groups, RP whores and 1337 attitudes.

Made the game new for myself by playing in the USA for a while after quitting Prydwen and enjoyed some fun moments there - being in the first group to do ML 1-5 on Hib/Palomides, before deciding that playing till 4 am every weekday was not such a good idea :p

Glad to see so many of the old guard still about *wave*

<waves back> theres an old-guard name i didnt expect to see here :D

And not still about technically, but dipping a toe back into the realm, but into snow this time...

And i still have a short film on my home 'puter of about ten of us charging the dragon, after we spent 8 hours in Dartmoor pwning named giants :D i even managed to parry it once - so proud!! haha! :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2004
(Just read this due to my utter lack of forum reading) But to answer what do i miss....

1. The community and the sence of friendship between most of the players i encountered.

2. Doing stupid stuff like running all the way to lyonesse at 15th level being completely lost and scared out of my wits.

3. Dinging, i'm guessing it's not just me that doesn't get an overwhelming feeling of satisfaction like you did with you highest level character and as for dinging 50 it was like 3 birthdays rolled into about 4 seconds of music.

4. Chatting to mattshanes at 3am in the morning cause i was bored and soloing in cornwall, and having some surreal chats cause we were both more than half asleep.

5. Spending 48hours awake in the same lyonesse tree group, some would log off go to bed and rejoin the same group and i'd still be there with a backpack full of crap.

6. The times at the goblins when you we're in a good auto pulling group, then going on from there to the massive pulls that scared just about everyone in the group to death, the sight of 30 odd yellow to red goblins was a nightmare i shall never forget.

7. Feeling proud of knowing the people i knew and xped with, can't say i'll ever experience such a great bunch that went far and beyond their own duties to help each other,( Jup, Lunar, Scar, Padre, Drac to name a few) it's so rare these days to meet players who are friendly enough to make the game enjoyable imo.

8. LOL absolutely cacking my pants when sinister got into albion, and was going round killing people, i was 15th level at the time and as far as i know he was 45th and in the area i was xping. I still recall being too scared to move my character :eek6:

9. Getting into the first RvR group i had where all the players were 50th level, i could swear we we looked invincible until we went 400 yards out of apk and got possibly the severest beating i've ever had by god knows how many mids.

10. Being xp killed by Durgi in DF after i'd soloed a sucubus, i went straight to IRC and had a moan at him in a pm, we then ended up friends, but i'll never forgive the git.

Well i'm gonna shut up now otherwise this will turn into an essay, i play for fun and the social aspects these days and have a great bunch of friends who are the reason i keep playing.

But yeah the old days certainly were the 'good' ones.


Fledgling Freddie
May 10, 2004
,( Jup, Lunar, Scar, Padre, Drac to name a few)

Some of the finest ive played with in DAoC and out of DAoC. Phoenix Legieon.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
Mason said:
9. Getting into the first RvR group i had where all the players were 50th level, i could swear we we looked invincible until we went 400 yards out of apk and got possibly the severest beating i've ever had by god knows how many mids. could be you...

Lorimez Shadowblade

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Tis good fun to see my old thread is still going :)

I love reading old school players experiences; even tho I wasn't there for most of them its good to see cross-realm sharing experiences.

Imo keep up the posting as much good can come from this thread - especially in this time of 'If I get killed by any enemy I'm gonna whine on FH'.


PS Was it me of did NOONE scam other players? Not because they couldn't but because they DIDNT want to . . .thats the players that were in old school :) :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Weee, an oldschool thread.

Just came back after a rather long break and currently really enjoy the game again.. especially with Catacombs incoming.

There are quite a few things I miss tho. Especially those Catacombs/Barrows/Lyonesse XP groups. Those were awesome, people weren't looking at the XP bar each pull, it was just a few people having a laugh and pulling some mobs meanwhile. Remember some XP groups in Barrows where we were just singlepulling vigilant souls for hours. The fighting was boring, but the group chat was awesome :)

Guess the biggest problem nowadays are bots and PL groups, no one can be arsed to level up the hard (but fun) way anymore. Well to be honest, that does include me, too. I rather get my bot out and gain a few bubbles in the 2 or 3 hours I can play after coming home from work and can see my chars advance, instead of looking for a group for an hour, setting it up for 30 minutes xping for 20 minutes untill the cleric or [insertOtherImportantClassHere] leaves.

Anyway, there are loads of fun things I remember from that time.

When I made a briton pally in open beta and went down from prydwen keep to the newbie area for the first time...
...and had no clue how to fight stuff. Hit every single key on the keyboard untill I finally readied my weapon. Then made loads of other chars... Including a lvl 16 theurg(he was triple spec \o/) and a lvl 21 druid (awesome fights in the "bowl" in emain).

Hunting in Snowdonia trying to get some better-than-green-con items (neither barrows nor catacombs were itemized, the highest crafting tier was asterite) and then getting the group wiped out by sinister :)

Or my first few times in emain getting oneshotted by SBs who didn't unstealth after a one-shot-kill-PA.


XXXXXXXXX was just killed by Thing
/send XXXXXXXX "where is he?"
XXXXXXXXX sends "he is at the MMG"
YYYYYYYYY says "can't see him"
YYYYYYYYY was just killed by Thing
AAAAAAAAA yells "He's on the BMs"
You say "damn, he stealthed"
10 seconds later
ZZZZZZZZZ was just killed by Thing
BBBBBBBBBB yells "Saw him SE I think!"
Thing hits you with his bow for 1000 dmg (okay, not sure about the damage, he hit like a truck tho)
You died fighting for your realm etc
Those middie stealthers were a pain back then. :)

Witherwood groups were fun, too:
You say "Heya, any chance you could put me on the "list"?"
ZZ says "Sure, but there are already 9 ppl in queue, we'll PM you if we got room"

Or when we did the first Pygmy tanlger group... Damn, it really scared me when those 15 pygmys came running for us. Was great teamplay there, with Sorcs AE mezzing/rooting, casters taking them off one by one and the meleers protecting the casters.

Oh, and no one was spamming "megameights" and this other leet crap all the time :p

Ah, just a few things that came to my mind.
/em runs off into the darkness


Fledgling Freddie
May 10, 2004
Something else came of mind on my very first day in Closed Beta USA, when i went RvRing as a lvl 7 luri ranger and I saw my first troll ever and ran away scared, screaming "AHHH ITS A TROLL ITS BIG ITS GOING TO KILL US!!!!"

Ohhh i loved thoose days *tear to the eye*


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Asking random people on sauvage port to hold items so i could transfer, and never once getting them stolen. Thats probably what i miss the most, now its all greed :(


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Jjuraa said:
Thrinnor! man i havnt seen you for years... since start of retail i think :( remember the good times in emain in beta :D


Aevar was killed by Champion Commander!
Psi was killed by Champion Commander!
Volkmar was killed by Champion Commander!
Vyncenze was killed by Champion Commander!
Dtm was killed by Champion Commander!
Licker was killed by Champion Commander!

50 Killspams later

Thrinnor "Fs heal i can take him!
Thrinnor was killed by Champion Commander!

god that still makes me laugh. The amount of times that used to happen hahaha.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
cHodAX said:
I miss the sense of community, at times now it feels like every man for himself. The lack of real exp groups (not those silly powerlevel ones) and selfish attitude that the design of ToA helped create has really killed the game for me at the moment. Too many people playing for the items etc... instead of playing for fun.

/agree :clap:


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Mason said:
5. Spending 48hours awake in the same lyonesse tree group, some would log off go to bed and rejoin the same group and i'd still be there with a backpack full of crap.

... and I'd still be there soloing pygmy goblins waiting 'on the list' :p

Thanks for the mention, old chap, hope all is well :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Just remembered this old tale.

I was abou lvl 42 , and i was teaming with a lvl 40 cleric ( Schmerf) in df so we notice albs running a direction i pm one of them and ask where they are off too, i get back "Mid side" I asked is it ok if we try and keep up . got told yes and off we went , now the shredders did decided to gangbang me :( , but the nice lvl 50 big brother came and helped me out, so we get across to mid side , my first time ever .. no mid sabout :/.. so we xp for a while. Then we go for a little run to the mid merchants, on the way up we meet with a few mids, killing them but it's only me and the cleric at this stage. so us 2 ickle blue cons get 2 lvl 50s killed (nerf cleric smite imo) and also a gaggle of 20 - 45 middies. The last person we fought was a lvl 50 warrior ( can't remember the name) but they blocked like it was going out of style .... still was funny , they started bashign on me , cleric heals, they bash on the cleric .. i heal the cleric ... this went on for about 10 mins.

still in the end they killed us both :( .... but it was my first time over to mid side, and it was the clinching factor in DF being my fav Dungon =)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 18, 2004
Too many to mention them all but
1: 1st gobbo hill group<pure adreniline rush>

2:Just plain groups <no optimised just anyone who happened to be wandering past>

3: 1st time the guild keep was attacked and the messaged flashed up

and on and on and on.........

Although 2 things i suppose stand out more than any others

Case <the rigante> saying pull at level 12 so i shot the faerie frog lost our group and 2 other groups to that sodding frog.

And trying to work out no matter how many relic raids i went on how it was that there could be no other mids for 2 zones but durgi or ottar were always there :)



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 1, 2004
I've been playing daoc for about 4 years now… maybe slightly less im not sure, but it sure seems like ages lol. The 1st 6 months for me were amazing. Being a low level Hib I only really knew the area around Mag Mell… Straying to far would ultimately end my demise usually to an uber mob that I didn't know was there.

Crafted items weren't even an option for me, I didn't know what or who was involved at all. I used to spend hours farming places like the Muire Tomb for drops which at the time I was sure were excellent… Ofc now I look back and laugh at how naive I was.

I've done ever single quest on my Ranger that was offered on classic so it was no surprise that by the time I hit level 50 I'd notched up 47 days played on my Ranger… but this could have been more to do with my unique interpretation of the manual. "All classes should be able to solo a blue"… I never even tried to solo a yellow until I was level 35 lol…. It was a strange emotion… a bit like being really sad and happy at the same time.

My 1st RvR experience was at level 7 when I showed a couple of mates the old frontier. I lasted about 5 seconds past the Ligen guards before getting hit for 450 damage and dieing instantly hehe, my poor mates didn't know were to run and died shortly after me.

My 1st ever dragon raid ended up with me accidentally shooting it 5 times before I should, then running away from it, somehow resisting it's aoe blast but as I did I just happened to run through our hib front line killing 20+ hibs. I didn't dare go back until 1.69 ><

I still enjoy daoc these days. I actually really liked TOA as well ;o It was really nice being part of a busy guild and spending whole weekends doing artefact guild groups etc.

As for the ML's I kinda came back to Daoc from SWG a week before a ML zerg started. I made Ml10 in 3.5 weeks from install to finish. It was only after doing this and starting on my 2nd main (Bard) that I realised how lucky I was….


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
civy said:
Still just about remember my first trip to the tanglers. I was about lvl 38 and the group was desperate for a sorc. I didn’t even have AE mezz on the qb. You can guess the outcome;)

I remember exping to 50 with you on tanglers with the old scout of mine, you even stayed for ages helping me to ding after you had dinged... :wub:

(That was a wicked duo though considering we did forest without any major problem)


Loyal Freddie
Feb 1, 2005
I remember when players were not caught up in the race to get their alts through MLs and when we had proper frontiers with mountains you could run on top of.

I remember with fondness the bit of land between HPK and HMG in the old Midgard... all that lovely snow... the trees to hide behind... holding your breath as you ran up the final hill toward HMG, wondering if enemies were camping the room above the gate.

I remember basically, when things were a lot simpler and the pleasure of the game was all down to playing it, without worrying if you'd got the best template or artefacts.

Those days are gone... DAoC need to devolve... it's getting too big and too messy.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Gandelf said:
I remember when players were not caught up in the race to get their alts through MLs and when we had proper frontiers with mountains you could run on top of.

I remember with fondness the bit of land between HPK and HMG in the old Midgard... all that lovely snow... the trees to hide behind... holding your breath as you ran up the final hill toward HMG, wondering if enemies were camping the room above the gate.

I remember basically, when things were a lot simpler and the pleasure of the game was all down to playing it, without worrying if you'd got the best template or artefacts.

Those days are gone... DAoC need to devolve... it's getting too big and too messy.

Amen to that! :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
one of the funniest things i ever saw in rvr was one time at amg emain (about 2 years ago btw) i was messing about solo when i got jumped by 4 albs (all meleer's), next thing in comes BFR solo and lays waste to all 4 of them, man i laughed, always wondered why he retired him, yes i've seen mages take out loads but a solo melee class back in those days never


Fledgling Freddie
May 10, 2004
I remember one Relic Raid the hibis done that ended up, us having to actually overtake the hibbies in a race back to the HMG to protect them from being able to port out. Many hours where spent each side pushing either way till, I think that the relic was returned.

I still prefer DAoC when SI was just released. You could get Ubah gear from SI but not to ubah and you didnt have stupid ML's.....


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Best moments

Must be killing Giant Waterleapers in Avalon Marsh as a level 13 avalonian Cleric along with a paladin named Blackguard....

Or my first Keeptake as level 42 paladin.

Or when a level 36 scout payed my level 7 minstrel 2 gold to taxi him from PKB to CS, only to get lost on the way back and had to spend some of it buying back con-points.

Or my first encounter with a stealther ... lucky me, we were from the same realm.

Or healing a purple con player as level 6 cleric, wondering why her life didnt raise when I threw healing at her.

First time I saw a Telamon (charmed by Civy who brought it to Salisbury plains)

When I accidently ran into one of the nymph-trees with my level 13 paladin and had 7 greens, 5 blues, 1 yellow and an orange on me .. and LIVED! All power to the paladins!

Bodypulls at Broken Bridge.

When I finally found the courage to travel from Avalon Marsh to Camelot Hills to visit Camelot for the first time, just to get killed by some aggro mob just as I could see the biiiig keep in the distance, but had to release back to Avalon Marsh... Broke and with less constitution than before I started...

My first guild on Excal - ASq
My first guild on pryd - Shadow Brothers

That level 42 golden (brown :p) armsman ALWAYS sitting at the forge in camelot on prydwen, crafting armour for his realmmates, who we agreed never would ding 50.

My first trip to Darkness Falls with the guild at that point (Merlin's Kin)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003

albs was camping OF bledmeer and come in /cg up if we pull GG to bled, we did it, few mids die on route but luckily albs was ae mode and pulled GG inside keep :D
funny? hell yes, whines? yes :D


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Oooooo look! Noita!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 9, 2004
Without digging through my fondest memories of the game, the one aspect i`ll never forget is, the amount of peeps pulling sickies, such was the lust to hit next level etc, nothing was more important.
Those were the days. :D


Jan 22, 2005
I remember...

I remember when we used to bring about 300 people to Golestandt and fail :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
I remember when we used to bring about 300 people to Golestandt and fail :clap:
I remember going to Golestandt at lvl 3x with merc xD


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2005
Ive been around for 3 years here in march. Ive had some breaks and tried other mmorpgs but somehow i always return to daoc. :clap:

Still remember my first mezz. Was a Nordic Dirge just outside of Vasudheim and i was scared s...less. And was killed ofc. My only thought was : wtf happend there :eek6:

And another good one took place in Skona Ravine. We was a full grp and almost didnt dare to explore Skona, but on top of the first ravine we saw a Purp con badger and thought: "what the hell". But we managed to kill that one and it was uber xp for us. Then one in the grp spotted a purp Wolverine down in the ravine and ppl shouted "weee lets keeel". And 5 secs later grp wipe.. and ppl where just like: :eek2: Damn those were the days.

And today when I run through myrk to get to spindel i still remember the good old days where there were 100+ ppl xp'ing there. But today its empty. :mad:

Imo they should have improved the old areas instead of ToA. Maybe still keep the artifacts and Ml's, but somehow integrate into old areas instead of new Toa areas. And by that make use of Vanern and Raumarik. But thats just me.

Cya online.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Man, reading this thread makes me want to renew! But I know that 10 minutes later I'll be bored and 10 euros poorer. :(

Lorimez Shadowblade

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Mobius . . . we'd love more of the old crowd to come back :)

Ps Main difference I notice now from the old dyas is that I dont physically shake out of pure excitement when I'm soloing someone in rvr!!! :clap:

Man I had worse shakes than an alcoholic with withdrawals in those days! :p


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