Good old days . . .


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
cHodAX said:
Too many people playing for the items etc... instead of playing for fun.

i totally agree it sucks balls atm playing 2 months for toa stuff to have some "fun" after that


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
my best memory must be running around in nisses not knowing a thing about this game. i remember the first time a shammy told me about using taunt styles to pull mobs away from him so he could actually heal me and trying it out etc. or the trizillion times we had to pm the poor lvl 46 shammy who happens to be in nisses to come ress us again and again. but most of all that when i started, this game wasnt about getting to 50 fast but to have fun getting there...we laughed more in nisses then we actually made xp :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
had shor ttime account in ob, but seriously started play when beta ended.
1st char ever was borhad, hunter and was struggling whit this char really really long time.
approx half year ago i dust it and notice had lvl 10 hunter and 10 day played :)

well, when i put my hunter on storage, started zerk and played it slowly to 50.
had really crap connection and soloed my way to 50 allmost 100%, only ~4 last lvl in malmo.
whit this soloing i run around midgard, looking mobs, scouting places, and hunting mobs, searching webpages good spots etc and really liked it.
was really fun pull mobs from camps when didnt have anything to pull, learn quite fast what was agro range and sprint button :)
zerk was last class in daoc whitout ranged "weapon" even mythic once stated all had but like so many times earlier, there still was one, zerk.

copple last 50 what i have done its mostly boring routine, run same spots thrue what i know is best, avoiding peaktimes.

some very old ss + that usual red lag :)

hmm most fun?
maybe my 1st relicraid to albs and succesfull one, how Kalevala guild member carry relic back to home and feeled really proud.

alott memories in over 2 years, some bad and some good.

last week had really fun moment, Redrummy dinged 50!
who know this person? he has played really really long whit his shammy and atleast ding 50 :)

Munkyman OFC

Fledgling Freddie
Apr 10, 2004
Groups at Pygmy Gobbos in Lyonesse. You used to have to sit and wait to get in the grp. but when u got in it was a great time. ppl used to crack jokes and no1 started whining if it was a grp wipeout.... they just laughed :)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
being level 30 (first 2 months of retail or something) found 3 orange hibs in odins. none of us knew what the hell to do so i stood there. 2 of em ran off and one of em stayed to fight but then ran in circles so the other 2 came back and killed me.

also miss nice people, only took 6 months and then they got rare :(

AND no fun groups anymore. i found fun groups for maybe a year and a month or something, then it all too serious. in the old days u could die 3 times in a row at level 30+ and everyone would laugh, u do that now and u would get a FH thread made about you and get u black listed from any group that will ever get made by anyone.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I miss:

-No ra's
-No sc
-No savages
-When people were actually nice to each other and took game less seriously
-Playing in groups which didn't have to be the best available to compete
-First week of Darkness Falls now that was pretty cool
-Tepok's Mine event rocked xD

Old daoc is certainly A LOT better than now :(


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2004
aye, agree fully with Mattshanes, cant speak for Tepok's Mine event since I was not there but the rest is exactly how I see it too.
However I still enjoy DAoC alot, dodge all the flames about savages/zergs and overpowered RA/ML's and do my own race, like ive always had :p


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
matt, i miss emain 10 vs 50 mids, me n u only people not scared. me shouting at you "SEND THE PETS" "PETS PETS PETS", then me runnin in on my own and u screamin lol :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 1, 2004
I miss when everything was new, I remember when I was starting and I got my friar to 7. I was getting tired of it and was going to log and create some sort of caster but before I did I was invited into my first ever group because I was a friar so I could heal (back then friars could heal but nowdays apparently they don't have the ability...) It was in salisbury planes hunting red adders and they were drunk..I was 7 and they were all around level 10, I felt like a little brother finally being allowed to hang around with my cool older brother and his friends..Thats the group that saved the game for me, first impresion was that the game was ok but was boring but after bring in a group an learning a bit I saw the game in a whole new light..I stuck with my friar after that as he got to level 10 and in my mind that was way too much work to get another character up to..
There still is nice people around if you give them a chance..sometimes even without reason sometiems..such as today naetha giving me a toa staff, buffing me and ressing me everytime gobbos got me out of pure kindness as I had little to offer as payback

Also I warn you to be careful nostalgia is a powerfull drug (I'm high right now)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
tris- said:
matt, i miss emain 10 vs 50 mids, me n u only people not scared. me shouting at you "SEND THE PETS" "PETS PETS PETS", then me runnin in on my own and u screamin lol :D

It was usually in the words of get that fucking **** runie! :p but yes those days were damn funny, wish we could play daoc from start again.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
runies sucked the big one. bolted for about 700-1k dmg and if someone managed to live from it then they were uber :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
ahhh yes the good days of mystik 1 or 2 shotting most casters with his bolts...then sc came and that was screwed :p


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
i thought that stoped wayyy before SC. it was about 3-4 month into the game then after a month or so after that something else changed. the funnier thing than that was sinister shooting u at the PK doors from the other end of emain :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
hmm nah i cud generally 2 shot casters til sc really..cos first few months of retail i was mystik the sm...then changed after that to it was around sc wen it got tougher.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
im talkin about when runies could 1 shot tanks :eek: the time im thinkin of was monmths and months before SC, before people even thought about anything like SC :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
hmm well was very difficult to 1 shot tanks lol even right at start...but yes that stopped quite a bit before...but they was dead before they reached your feet most times anyway so i didnt worry.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
i say everyone on pryd starts a new char from level 1, no twinks/money/bots/pl and we play likes it brand new, what dya say? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
wud be funny but u wud just get the guild grps going together helping them get high lvl quickly and then get back into the same wudnt be the same.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
i miss thinking that 1 gold was alot :(

i was so proud when i earnt my first gold :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
When i done my 1st ever DR at lvl 14 as my ickle scout in Gods Of Albion (best guild ever!1) with aoln godfather etc etc :D:D:D gifv back old days and remove teh shit that is toa/si :(


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Beware those rose tinted glasses.

I remember people moaning that epic armour was overpowered (except Thanes - I remember Solid practically crying on the BW forums because Thane epic armour is pretty bad in the stat department).

I remember that many classes which are now fixed had bugger-all to offer groups and had to either solo or beg guild help. Not just talking about the rogue classes either.

I remember 'uber' guilds monopolising the main levelling dungeons such as Spindellhalla then the epic zones that arrived shortly after DAoC release.

I remember that there were assholes on day 1 of DAoC release that were just as selfish and nasty as there are now.

I remember 3 weeks into Euro release of DAoC being told I couldn't get a group because of the class I played, good luck solo'ing my way to 50 or reroll to something useful.

People were not magically nicer way back when... they were exactly the same.

ToA is not as bad as some would have you believe: if you take it as something to enjoy in moderation its great. If you take as a fast path to being uber... damn you are (deservedly) in for a bad time.

Doesn't matter whether its ToA, Malmo, Fins or Avalon City. Those that will use whatever they can to get ahead of the 'competition' as they see it will do so and won't give a toss about who they have to stand on to do it. The proprortion of selfishness hasn't changed in the slightest to be perfectly honest.

In just the same way, you still get good team spirited peeps that look after each other and if you look around they are still there.

But please, don't tell me that it was all fwuffy and wonderful just because of a patch or commercial add-on, that is rose tinted bollocks of the highest order.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Oro said:
Beware those rose tinted glasses.

I remember people moaning that epic armour was overpowered (except Thanes - I remember Solid practically crying on the BW forums because Thane epic armour is pretty bad in the stat department).

I remember that many classes which are now fixed had bugger-all to offer groups and had to either solo or beg guild help. Not just talking about the rogue classes either.

I remember 'uber' guilds monopolising the main levelling dungeons such as Spindellhalla then the epic zones that arrived shortly after DAoC release.

I remember that there were assholes on day 1 of DAoC release that were just as selfish and nasty as there are now.

I remember 3 weeks into Euro release of DAoC being told I couldn't get a group because of the class I played, good luck solo'ing my way to 50 or reroll to something useful.

People were not magically nicer way back when... they were exactly the same.

ToA is not as bad as some would have you believe: if you take it as something to enjoy in moderation its great. If you take as a fast path to being uber... damn you are (deservedly) in for a bad time.

Doesn't matter whether its ToA, Malmo, Fins or Avalon City. Those that will use whatever they can to get ahead of the 'competition' as they see it will do so and won't give a toss about who they have to stand on to do it. The proprortion of selfishness hasn't changed in the slightest to be perfectly honest.

In just the same way, you still get good team spirited peeps that look after each other and if you look around they are still there.

But please, don't tell me that it was all fwuffy and wonderful just because of a patch or commercial add-on, that is rose tinted bollocks of the highest order.

/me hugs Oro

Bless you... at least some things never change ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Back in the days people in mid was all /bind in Hugginfell. Was centrally in midgard, on ride from myrkwood, you could jump of for Atla or Nalliten. Or ride to Svasud faste and jump quickly for mularn.
Even more, it was rather close for when the ewul albses relicraided Grallarhorn, never seen such streams of running people from Huginfell/Audliten again. I even doubt if some newer people ever been there. No more getting ganged by the ewul patrol-with-the-dog etc.

And Ft Atla - Nalliten. Ewul Weewolfs. Very small wolfs, very large aggro range and very much hurting :( Although I still have my revenge by slaying them when i see one. Or had alot of fun charming one with my hunter, then stealth, then send the pet to xping lowbees, them running like mad. Hihi.:flame:
Playing in UC, having to release when some ewul stealther alb popped by, running back from Hugginfell, replying to a dozen "where???" questions. Chasing them like mad, while never losing the paranoid feeling of Camillo or Artemis beeing around. Or that other one, I dont remember his name :(

Gifv back daoc. Givf retro server :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
bashir said:
Chasing them like mad, while never losing the paranoid feeling of Camillo or Artemis beeing around. Or that other one, I dont remember his name :(



Loyal Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
Nowadays, you get people asking where Camelot/Jordheim/Tir na Nog is.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
i miss yggdra xp too :(

remember once a very nice skald invited me to her group when i was only like level 15 (everyone else was 20+) and we saw a big group of hibbies run right past us, i didnt really notice them at first because there was a few mids around with names like "Firbolg" or "Celt" and "Lurikeen", so i let them run right past me until i realised there was THREE with the name lurikeen, they looked happy enough ignoring us lowbies but i couldnt resist bolting the big fat one and so group got killed :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Thats the spirit. Doesn't matter how big they are, take a crack at them and devil take the consequences.

Raaaar :D

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