Good call Belgium


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Expaedio - Gary Glitter's favourite way to book those Thai holidays.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
@caLLous that's not even worth answering because it's just stupid.

Why don't you ask Mystic what the f*ck he meant. As i see it he meant someone who has been fiddling kids, served time and now is out and about.

But hey let's turn this into "what jobs would you let a paedo do" becuase that's the smart way isn't it (y)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yeah the first bit was querying him and then I saw you'd posted and quoted you. I would imagine there are things in place to stop you from being near children after you're released (the sex offenders register for one) so it's widely acknowledged that you're still a threat even after you've served your sentence.

And what you said is doubtless what he meant but it's not that simple (see above). What the fuck are we talking about, anyway. It was a retarded comparison in the first place, I can't believe we're even talking about it. :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
What the fuck are we talking about, anyway. It was a retarded comparison in the first place, I can't believe we're even talking about it. :)

Considering the thread i doubt we can do worse :LOL:

Yeah, being a paedo would limit the credentials to do a kid related job. I was trying to say that i wouldn't mind someone being in a minister type job of kid welfare since those don't usually work that directly. As in "sure let him work, don't let him near kids". If you catch my drift.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
But making a direct comparison between somebody who ate a bit too much and somebody who molested children. That's got to be some sort of record.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
Well it is FH, i'm immunized since some years ago. Drivel and pointless looping arguments galore. Once in a while, some gems. Not all too bad :)


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
But making a direct comparison between somebody who ate a bit too much and somebody who molested children. That's got to be some sort of record.
The comparison was exaggerated to highlight the bullshit defense being put forward by Yoni. It was bullshit to defend this woman's appointment based on "I used to be fat so a I know best" and I was trying to highlight that she would not be likely to do it if you switched up the circumstances. Nice you took it to seriously though :p


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
The comparison was exaggerated to highlight the bullshit defense being put forward by Yoni. It was bullshit to defend this woman's appointment based on "I used to be fat so a I know best" and I was trying to highlight that she would not be likely to do it if you switched up the circumstances. Nice you took it to seriously though :p

I did use to be fatter than the minister however I did not say I know best, however having been very very fat I have a different perspective than many here.....Obviously the population of Begi know what they want and voted her in, so instead of being a complete retard and condemning her for her appearance lets see what she can do for Belgium. Who are we to sit in the sidelines poking fun without complete knowledge.... We all have areas of our bodies we are not comfortable with... A beer belly we can't shift, balding head, middle age spread, wonky teeth, cauliflower ears, ingrowing toenail, moles, birthmarks...


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I did use to be fatter than the minister however I did not say I know best, however having been very very fat I have a different perspective than many here.....Obviously the population of Begi know what they want and voted her in, so instead of being a complete retard and condemning her for her appearance lets see what she can do for Belgium. Who are we to sit in the sidelines poking fun without complete knowledge.... We all have areas of our bodies we are not comfortable with... A beer belly we can't shift, balding head, middle age spread, wonky teeth, cauliflower ears, ingrowing toenail, moles, birthmarks...

Well, they won't have "voted her in" to be a health minister surely? MP yes, cabinet role no. I would guess that even if she's popular, as many eyebrows were raised in Belgium as on here. Whether you like it or not, image is part of politics; look at Ed Milliband, he could have all the answers to fix the entire world economy and no one would get past that because they'd be asleep or have shot themselves in the face with terminal boredom by the time he got his point across.

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