Good call Belgium


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You silly Dutch person, she has only studied medicine, and has been a general practitionerfor a measly 25 years..What could she possibly know about health?
You know damn well that all health issues begin and end with beeing thin and fit!

It's about looking good and leading by example, damnit man, fuck off back to the 60's you hippie!!!
Knowlage, experience and skills clearly have to take a secondary position It's the way of the future as it's intended it to be!
Not sure where your going with this. If it's funny or you didn't undestand tdc post and you mean it lol


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Not saying it's right - intellectual capacity isn't indicated by your waistline. In fact, I'd argue that if you spend your time on intellectual pursuits it may not leave a lot of time for exercise.

However, image matters hugely in the world of politics...
yup all our politicians are top specimens of humanity that lead by example. Lol


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Being fat doesn't automatically mean unhealthy..that line of thinking is based on simplistic connections of fat and build up of cholestorol in the arteries...there is no correlation between your weight and diet and's genetic..skinny people die of it just as much as fat people.
Being obese leads to other health problems but in itself is purely a cosmetic issue if you deal with the other risk factors


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
yup all our politicians are top specimens of humanity that lead by example. Lol

Where did I say they were Moriath?

I said image matters hugely. Which it does. Boris Johnson ruffles his hair before going on stage or in front of camera. Loveable but intelligent oaf - and he'll surprise everyone when he "turns it on" when he makes a break for the leader of the conservative party. His image will be integral to that.

Milliband's image is the thing holding Labour back. Cameron's by far the most popular of the main 3. Image image image. Hugely important where you've got populations that read the sun and the mail or their equivalent...

That level of person is interested in image, not substance...


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
I don't exercise.... I lead quite a sedentary lifestyle..... I eat what I want, when I want....... I am also a smoker (smoking for 18 years)...... I don't control what I eat,
I am 36 now...... and have been living the above since 8-9 years ..... All I do is sit at work, sit at home in front of the PC.

My guess, you are far worse off than someone who is overwieght and living a active lifestyle...the health risks assosiated with smoking alone? There is also such a thing as beeing "tyndfed" (don't know the english term for it) basically it's people who otherwise seem "thin" that due to an inactive lifestyle have low muscle mass and proportionally high fat reserves typically and most dangerously in and around your organs, and of course Kolesterol. Not all that uncommon amongst gamers f.exp.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
There is also such a thing as beeing "tyndfed" (don't know the english term for it) basically it's people who otherwise seem "thin" that due to an inactive lifestyle have low muscle mass and proportionally high fat reserves typically and most dangerously in and around your organs .

Given the name TOFI (Thin Outside Fat Inside) in Englishland.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Everyone is interested in can't ridicule an imaginary underclass of simplistic people when we all do it...I would say the leaders job IS to be the fluff at the front..they hardly make any decisions themselves and someone else writes 90% of their speeches.
All I want is someone who won't embarrass us on the world stage..I would be happy with Boris because everyone would go along with his bumbling character...either him or Hugh Grant.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
My guess, you are far worse off than someone who is overwieght and living a active lifestyle...the health risks assosiated with smoking alone? There is also such a thing as beeing "tyndfed" (don't know the english term for it) basically it's people who otherwise seem "thin" that due to an inactive lifestyle have low muscle mass and proportionally high fat reserves typically and most dangerously in and around your organs, and of course Kolesterol. Not all that uncommon amongst gamers f.exp.

Your guess is your guess. I'm as healthy as one can be, run yearly checks with the doctors, full panel blood tests, cholesterol, etc. All within normal limits.

I'm sorry my experience doesn't convey your reality. I've nothing against plump people, but unhealthy obese people spewing their "I'm beautiful as I am, there's nothing I can do, It's not my fault cos i'm obese" mantra can go and die in a fire, they are trying to make it normal, which is not.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
But unhealthy obese people spewing their "I'm beautiful as I am, there's nothing I can do, It's not my fault cos i'm obese" mantra can go and die in a fire, they are trying to make it normal, which is not.
Well, I wouldn't necessarily disagree with you, but I do find it to be a bit of a generalisation tbh. If someone is overweight and otherwise healthy (yes they can be) and happy with their current situation, then I honestly cannot bring my self to taking an might well not be for me..but as long as that person is happy..well....I truely fear for a future where we as a society wish to dictate what's "appropriate" in public driven by our own selfish discomfort to alternatives that don't follow the norm.

That being said, I don't exactly enjoy watching an obese chick out of touch with her "situation" wondering around in skimpy cloths parading as if she's the hottest thing around, I find it directy unpleasant, but hell that's her right, and I for one am willing to recognise that it isn't her obligation to nurture my personal levels of comfort
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Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
That being said, I don't exactly enjoy watching an obese chick out of touch with her "situation" wondering around in skimpy cloths parading as if she's the hottest thing around, I find it directy unpleasant, but hell that's her right, and I for one am willing to recognise that it isn't her obligation to nurture my personal levels of comfort

Fair enough. But why do you think other people are obliged to lie about how they feel to safeguard overweight people's feelings then?

You can be the weight you want to be but you have to expect to cop a bit of flack from other people...


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Given the name TOFI (Thin Outside Fat Inside) in Englishland.
Thanks, couldn't find anything and google translate seemingly thought I was having a stroke..

.I would say the leaders job IS to be the fluff at the front..they hardly make any decisions themselves and someone else writes 90% of their speeches..
That's almost depressing to read, unfortunately that might end up being very true in the not so far off future..This very thread stands as a good example/evidence of why it might well end as such.

I'm all for Hugh Grant as Primeminister of EU :D


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Fair enough. But why do you think other people are obliged to lie about how they feel to safeguard overweight people's feelings then?

You can be the weight you want to be but you have to expect to cop a bit of flack from other people...
Depends, if you are a polite caring individual or a nob.

Do you point out someone's deformity because they drove to fast and had an accident. Which again was their fault and their choice to act in a manner that got them deformed from the ideal norm. I put it to you that you wouldn't. Or maybe your just a nob. Lol


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Depends, if you are a polite caring individual or a nob.

Do you point out someone's deformity because they drove to fast and had an accident. Which again was their fault and their choice to act in a manner that got them deformed from the ideal norm. I put it to you that you wouldn't. Or maybe your just a nob. Lol

Eating far too much and not exercising isn't anywhere close to a car accident.

Ridiculous comparison.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
There are numerous mental illnesses that cause people to eat too much, much the same as those that cause people to eat too little.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
How does that saying go?

Before you judge someone waddle for a mile in their shoes.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
How does that saying go?

Before you judge someone waddle for a mile in their shoes.

Unfortunately, that's not always true though, since some, not all....will use it as an excuse for entitlement and a holier than thou approach to the very issue at hand.
Being an Ex-smoker my self, I cannot stand listening to some entitled little brat...same goes for ex fatties...


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Unfortunately, that's not always true though, since some, not all....will use it as an excuse for entitlement and a holier than thou approach to the very issue at hand.
Being an Ex-smoker my self, I cannot stand listening to some entitled little brat...same goes for ex fatties...
I was a joking. :(


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Skinny fat is another term used a lot for people who are thin, but not healthy with it. See most teenage girls who live on McDonalds, but only once a day..


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
What job is saying is almost true!111!! omfg!!

You can be a bit overweight and otherwise healthy. You cannot be Belgian health minister sized and healthy, unless you are a massive exception to all the studies ever made! You have a hugely increased risk of almost everything, from Cancer to Heart Disease to Diabetes to falling down the bloody stairs ffs.

This is proven fact, and can't be argued against by anyone with a few brain cells to rub together. I have no doubt at all that it's going to be argued against by those whose thighs rub together though....


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
You cannot be Belgian health minister sized and healthy, This is proven fact...

And yet, that's not the right question though is it? Which, for me at least is the issue I take on this matter.
The question should be: Can she be all that you accuse her of being and still be a good Health Minister for belgium?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Perhaps if the Belgian Psyche is rather different to the British one. Perhaps Tdc's attitude is indicative of the Low Countries attitude.

In the UK an appointment like this would be ridiculed, all the parties know this so wouldn't do it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 6, 2013
Well it's no different to any other politician really, they're all woefully out of touch. She's just made more obviously so by how she looks.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Perhaps if the Belgian Psyche is rather different to the British one. Perhaps Tdc's attitude is indicative of the Low Countries attitude.

In the UK an appointment like this would be ridiculed, all the parties know this so wouldn't do it.

I sincerely hope that's the case, I struggle to see the issue with her appointment.
She has a medical degree, over 25 years of experience within the field, Is widely accepted as a good and popular leader and politician....

But sure, by all means, let's happily ignore all of that and instead focus on the fact that she is overweight...Let us be more like dem A-merry-can-do's, lets apoint some smoothfaced braindead ex-washedup actor to pose as the posterboi, and have some faceless unaccountable spindoctors run the show.....Honestly, it's Immensely ridiculous at best


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
It's not that she's going to be bad at her job, nobody is saying that she will be.

It's just the irony of it.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Unfortunately, that's not always true though, since some, not all....will use it as an excuse for entitlement and a holier than thou approach to the very issue at hand.
Being an Ex-smoker my self, I cannot stand listening to some entitled little brat...same goes for ex fatties...
I don't understand you hate smokers or ?


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
I don't understand you hate smokers or ?

Some people will use thier own experience as an excuse to ridicule others for their habits/situation/lifestyle, rooting thier arguments in that fact that they themselves once..etc....aka entitled brats.

On subject though, I really do get annoyed by inconsiderate smokers, but then again, I get annoyed by inconsiderate people in general.
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