Politics General Election 2017

If the General Election was today, how would you vote?

  • Conservative

    Votes: 19 35.2%
  • Labour

    Votes: 15 27.8%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 10 18.5%
  • Ukip

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Green

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • SNP

    Votes: 3 5.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 3.7%

  • Total voters


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
I just said I cisit the homes on a regular basis in some of britains most deprived sink estates in the shitholes of Liverpool.
They are the benefits capitals of the UK like Knowsley.
No one is in dire poverty unless they are smackheads who cant steal very well.
Pick ANY house and theyll have the latest phone..a 60 inch TV, laptops, tablets..a fridge full of food and go the chippy in a taxi.
Sorry but you are such a disgusting human being .... you should feel ashamed of yourself (sadly you wont).


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Sorry but you are such a disgusting human being .... you should feel ashamed of yourself (sadly you wont).
To be fair - that's an apt description of Knowsley.

However, eating chips, having the temerity to own a television (you can pick a 60"TV up for 600 quid - 32p/day over 5 years) or a phone (without which you can't get a job or do basic interaction nowadays) whilst living on your "shithole estate" is a marker of poverty. Your subscription to sky tv is probably the only thing that makes life bearable - and it's not expensive, especially when you can feed your kids microchips to cover the costs. And fuck those kids with zero life chances eh?

Meanwhile, nouveau-middle-class (by wage) me doesn't subscribe to any shitty TV, is likely to be out at the weekend, doesn't go to the chippy but crams in salad and can afford to heat the house, not go to food banks and make pension contributions and other investments.

You ain't doing that if you live in knowsley. You're 12 years old, getting screamed at by your druggie mother, beaten up at school and on the pavement outside your house, your whole family tells you that education is a waste of time (because they're dumb like Job), you pick your meals out of the food bank and try to hide from your drunken father (who's been quaffing the cheapest knock-off alcohol money can buy to numb him from his below-minimum wage slave labour) playing xbox because console gaming is the only financially attainable hobby you can do that keeps you off the violent streets. You've no hope, no money, no prospects and you're going to turn out like your parents in 99% of cases because you don't know any other way to live and the habits formed when you're a child are those that form your character. When you grow up you might realise this, which will depress the hell out of your zero-skill self and you'll probably turn to the same meths your dad used to drink (before he died early) to help blot out the absolute horror of day-to-day life.

That's knowsley. That's destitution. Sneered at, hated and blamed, by wankers like @Job and a political class who are so far removed from that life they don't understand why people don't "choose" a different life.

The wankers :eek:


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I'll just take the first line..its a fair description.

The real poverty is lifelong workers with no pension and dont know how to wangle the system.

Its people on low wages with two kids who earn just wnough not to get big payouts.

A single parent in a sink estate with two kids gets the equivalent of about 2K a month takehome...then has her boyfriend, who has a job living with her, hes down as living with his parents.
I know this because everytime I asked for a signature, panic ensues.
Oh you'll have to sign that..hang on no you.

Rent..600 a month
Tax credits 200
Not having to pay to get to work. 100
Childcare not reqd. 800
Single parent reduction on taxes 50

Youd have to earn that much takehome to live like they do.
Add in boyfriends wage.
Between them they have his full wage to spend on luxuries each month.

Poverty...yeah whatever.
They tend to be a bit rough and simplistic but theyre not thick and probably have the same free cash each month as someone in the middle classes.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I'll just take the first line..its a fair description.

The real poverty is lifelong workers with no pension and dont know how to wangle the system.

Its people on low wages with two kids who earn just wnough not to get big payouts.

A single parent in a sink estate with two kids gets the equivalent of about 2K a month takehome...then has her boyfriend, who has a job living with her, hes down as living with his parents.
I know this because everytime I asked for a signature, panic ensues.
Oh you'll have to sign that..hang on no you.

Rent..600 a month
Tax credits 200
Not having to pay to get to work. 100
Childcare not reqd. 800
Single parent reduction on taxes 50

Youd have to earn that much takehome to live like they do.
Add in boyfriends wage.
Between them they have his full wage to spend on luxuries each month.

Poverty...yeah whatever.
They tend to be a bit rough and simplistic but theyre not thick and probably have the same free cash each month as someone in the middle classes.

So you're saying that the poorest people in our society earn 24k a year?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Yes..weird isnt it.
Of course they cheat..
But you have to go with what youve got.
Middle class kids get a job in their parents friends companies.
People on sink estates teach each other how to fiddle the system and no one grasses anyone up.

And actually thats takehome..so more like 30K.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Oh right, so now you're saying that ALL poor people earn 2K a month AND they ALL cheat the system.

Fuck you Job, you little cunt.

The worst thing is that I think you believe this shit you make up.

How did you get to this £2k figure anyway? Did you ask them?

You actually do hate anyone who isn't you, don't you?


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
Stop trying with the scrote, he is not worth your efforts... he will never ever know what it is like to be without and he lacks all empathy to comprehend..


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Its fucking hilarious..you two middle class twerps telling me about how poverty works.

I showed you where it comes from..I broke it down.
If you tried to live her life without benefits, youd have to come up with the rent..childcare..no tax credits..pay to travel to work ...AND your kids would be looked after by someone else, youd be getting up at 6am to take them to childcare and pickup them up after work.
If you dont mind living in a rough area its a life of riley...whole extended families live in one street, they all look after each other.
There are no pressures..no work pressure..no travel strife..no expectations or performance meetings, they can mouth of on social media....take a dump in the street, steal..beg and fight.
No job to lose, the benefits will never stop..if they tried, they get legal aid to fight it, backed up by our kid down the street whos knows every tiny part of their rights.
You need to spend a week with them, your entire notion of humanity will change.
Real people in real poverty in Africa have more honour and self respect.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'll just take the first line..its a fair description.
A 377 word post and you've taken four words.

That's discounting 373 words because they don't fit your narrative. That's this, on the biggest scale ever:


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I don't think you understand what poverty actually is.
In Britain its officially described as not having enough spare cash to participate in society.
That covers most low wage earners and quite a bit of the middle classes.

Doleites around here live life to the full.

In this country poverty is not having enough money to socialise once a week or to be able to afford a yearly holiday.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Doleites around here live life to the full.
That is utterly incredibly shite. One of the single most retarded things that has ever been said by anyone, anywhere. Not just even you.

I guess "live life to the full" must mean very little to you indeed. Knowsley is the very definition of poverty wasting human capital on the some of the most meaningless and miserable existences.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
YOUR idea of hell.

They have beer, footy and drugs.
They are mostly happy as larry.

Why wouldnt they be, very few of them are pining to study for years, spend another 10 worse off to join the rat race.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
In Britain its officially described as not having enough spare cash to participate in society.

Wrong, completely and utterly wrong.

Look at the increase of violence across London and on the county lines, as much as you want to blame this on non-white people, the reality is that this is the consequence of the Government not giving a shit about the poor and impact that it has later on people's lives.

But hey, suppose it's easier to blame foreigners and the EU.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
The wife's family contains a few dole dossers - whilst I wouldn't say they are living life to the full, they are always in the pub and have an otherwise fairly comfortable existence - especially the ones who have looked upon baby factories as an alternative to getting a job. Get the kids taken off you as you are too much of a fuckwit to look after them properly? No matter, you can just pop another couple out.

My sympathy for them varies from case to case however. Her cousin who can't work due to Rheumatoid Arthritis and has now been diagnosed with a brain tumor? Fecking loads, and think the state should help out massively (which they have, to be fair). Her brother, who has been given every chance to sort himself out, was even given a job where all he had to do was turn up and not batter anyone, yet typically repays that help by telling you to fuck off? He can rot as far as we are concerned.

Question is, how do you help those in need, whilst also telling the wastes of space to be productive or rot?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Unfortunately the benefit system is reacting to the professional scrounger, there is an army of them and they spoil it for the genuine cases.
When you go in these houses, the fridges dont have kids pictures on them..no, its always hospital appointments, give them a quick read over and youd expect the occupants to be on ventilators.
No..its always bad back..depressed..fibromyalgia.
You walk the the shopping centre and every other person is on a crutch or a cane..stupidly obviously not actually needing it..just hopping along in case the investigators are watching.
Mobility cars in every other drive, if theyre not watching Jeremy Kyle theyre on the phone to the benefits, and they are good, they should hire out their skills to the less savvy.

I dont even blame them, theres no jobs and a minimum wage shitty job is ten steps back from where they are.
We just pay them off not to riot on the streets.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
'It's not all about money though'

*Continues to talk about money*


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
If you think the poorest areas and homes are full of houses with 60" TV's ect then you really have not been to the poorest areas or atleast the poorest people in those areas. They probably cannot afford you anyway whatever trade you do.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Rory Stewart has won the war on drugs.

Doing opiates in Iran is infinitely more impressive than doing coke at Oxbridge.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
If you think the poorest areas and homes are full of houses with 60" TV's ect then you really have not been to the poorest areas or atleast the poorest people in those areas. They probably cannot afford you anyway whatever trade you do.
They dont have to afford me ..they get everything for free.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Electrified the tent.

Whatever, hes a PC drone selling establishment with his sanatised hand expressions.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Electrified the tent.

Whatever, hes a PC drone selling establishment with his sanatised hand expressions.

You should try something different.

According to you all remainers are exactly the same people!

Why don't you challenge his policies on stuff rather than just attacking him personally because of his views? Hypocrite.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
You should try something different.

According to you all remainers are exactly the same people!

Why don't you challenge his policies on stuff rather than just attacking him personally because of his views? Hypocrite.
Anyone who has had coaching on how to use his arm and hand movements is wishing to appeal to supporters of the establishment.
His policies are irrelevent, he wont follow them through.
How many times do you need to be sold a political fashion by these types do you need


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Anyone who has had coaching on how to use his arm and hand movements is wishing to appeal to supporters of the establishment.
His policies are irrelevent, he wont follow them through.
How many times do you need to be sold a political fashion by these types do you need

So you're now deciding the suitability of a candidate because of his hands?



Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I think he's discounting anyone who's had media training.

He must hate Trump.

That's what I find funny.

Job finds hands to be suspicious.

But he's not bothered about copying 1930s Germany with huge rallies shouting the same thing over and over again until everyone claps in time with you.

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