A joke I assume?
From the 2007 stats up to about 35 your more likely to die by homicide than suicide in the US.
Edit. Oh and half the suicides are by firearm.
He was killed in the most horrible way imaginable. It wasn't suicide and it wasn't murder. I would have far rather he had hanged himself.
Surely (especially with something like hanging) once you've set the process in motion , it's too late for any survival instinct to kick in.
My English teacher told us that it was impossible to stab yourself. I'm paraphrasing, because it was 20 odd years ago and I don't remember his exact words. I also don't know if he was just trying to be 'ard, but I guess that's a more clear-cut survival instinct demonstration.
It actually was an accident. At least that's what the coroner said.I would have to agree with Gaff and speculate it was brain worms. That or rampant attention seeking.
Next door neighbours son killed himself recently by slicing his own stomach open!
Wow. How? Why?
In terms of attempting suicide I know that 4 times more women then men attempt to kill themselves but 4 times the number of men than women actually achieve it.
That's cos women take pills and gag whereas men shoot themselves or use other such amazing methods.Wow. How? Why?
In terms of attempting suicide I know that 4 times more women then men attempt to kill themselves but 4 times the number of men than women actually achieve it.
Wow. I was wondering if Gary Speed had come back to life - it'd make this the ultimate necro thread
Edit: And yeah, most women don't mean it - it's just a cry for help. When it gets that bad for a man he does the job.
Hmmmm. It pays to be a whiny bitch? At least you live....![]()
I don't think that's necessarily it in so much that the methods employed by women over men tend to give a better chance at survival if discovered.
It's like cleaning. Women try and do it and kind of get some stuff done, but never the whole job. When a man cleans it's fucking SPOTLESS.
I'm unsympathetic. Lived with a girl at Uni (not gf) who used to regularly take a load of pills, wait 5, then ring her mates up. I've also lived with someone (gf) who had a genuine problems where the possibility of life-take was much more serious, but attempts were still very weak.
Blokes don't go through the whiny attention-grab stage. They just kill themselves. Properly and without warning.
Built in air bags?
Clearly you don't have a sense of humour built in.
Clearly you fail to appreciate the irony of my previous statement.