FH Fitness Thread


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The diet seems naturally calorie restrictive. There's no way you'd want to eat, say, a pound of beef and six eggs a day.

Tonight I'll be having pan fried sea bass and a shedload of assorted steamed veg. Fast day meal which will be massive in volume but still only come in at 350-400 calories. I guess that I already do keto two days a week...


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
With ref to keto diets if you want @Scouse you can carb cycle which has good effects if you train regularly... As for partners before my otherhalf reduced carb intake I would prepare meals for him and adapt them for me ie beef burgers he could have a brown bun with them. Lasagne keep some of the mince separate for you, Thai food instead of noodles use kelp noodles 1g carbs and a shit load of fiber (note cook them in the sauce as they take on the flavour of the dish)... There are so many things one can cook it is untrue and now we live very low carb without issue...

As for regular pooping @TdC kelp noodles (do not eat a whole packet as you will be shitting for hours), spoonful of coconut oil, plenty of broccoli will do the job and water.. Although care must be taken not to drink so much that you drown yourself.

If I am vcld (5 days on 2 days off but in keto) I drink btwn 3 to 5 litres a day a bit like a water wheel little and often.

Additionally if this is not a lifestyle change you will need to lose 5lbs or so more than goal as when you intake carbs again your weight will increase :)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
The diet seems naturally calorie restrictive. There's no way you'd want to eat, say, a pound of beef and six eggs a day.

heh I'd love to :)

today my dinner was:
two pork condon bleu (no breadcrumbs), about 350 grams
a handful of green beans with a teaspoon of sambal
a boiled egg
some extra camenbert, brie and extra aged crumbly cheese
mug of tea

Additionally during the day I had two ham butties (minus the butty), about three quarters of a liter's worth of latte machiato and a liter and a half of water. fuck no am I restricting my calories :) note to self: need another liter and a half worth of water. Tomorrow morning I am eating a fried egg with 6 rashers of bacon and a slice of cheese melted over. For lunch I am having a bunless hamburger with a side of salad. Dinner will most likely be some Thai thing, but if I'm in the mood I will make oven baked curried chicken drumsticks.

I already do keto two days a week...
no you don't: from what you've mentioned you do a restriction on your caloric intake two days a week. iirc Yoni does both keto and a caloric restriction. I just do keto.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Additionally if this is not a lifestyle change you will need to lose 5lbs or so more than goal as when you intake carbs again your weight will increase :)
Nah, won't be a lifestyle change. The g/f would never wear it long term. She may be interested short term tho. Ta for the info :)

no you don't: from what you've mentioned you do a restriction on your caloric intake two days a week.
Yeah, but I tend not to do any carbs for those two days. But yeah, it's not enough to get my body into ketosis.

I did manage to give myself hypoglycemia once on a three-consecutive day fast with a shitload of exercise tho. So that's something :confused:


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
My normal day out of 'diet phase' is

Breakfast - oats, almond millk and cinnamom

Lunch - protien and salad

Supper - protein and salad or veggies (above ground)

Late evening - 1 or two squares high % choc

Coming off vlcd is lchf - like TdC

One week pure and then pure 5 days and weekends are pure plus lchf supper. Additionally if I 'have' to go out for dinner (work related) I eat lchf so as not to suffer keto flu repeatedly (for me that is a big fuck off migraine)

If I am a guest then I ensure they do not go to any extra effort for me as it is a lifestyle choice and eat what I can. Normally I will bring some essential like flavour free coconut oil and food packs as I don't feel hunger at all but need to make sure I get my rda of vits and mins.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
My normal day out of 'diet phase' is

Breakfast - oats, almond millk and cinnamom

Lunch - protien and salad

Supper - protein and salad or veggies (above ground)

Late evening - 1 or two squares high % choc

Coming off vlcd is lchf - like TdC

One week pure and then pure 5 days and weekends are pure plus lchf supper. Additionally if I 'have' to go out for dinner (work related) I eat lchf so as not to suffer keto flu repeatedly (for me that is a big fuck off migraine)

If I am a guest then I ensure they do not go to any extra effort for me as it is a lifestyle choice and eat what I can. Normally I will bring some essential like flavour free coconut oil and food packs as I don't feel hunger at all but need to make sure I get my rda of vits and mins.
Dammit i love my potatos and pasta


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
keto-flu kicked in today. I feel like death -.-


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I've just finished a jar of Lotus Biscoff, with a spoon. While drinking a latte.

Glad I'm not doing keto :)


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
keto-flu kicked in today. I feel like death -.-

This is why I stopped. Tried a low carb high fat diet a month ago but the flu feeling killed me at work and I became a mong. I'll start it when I'm on holiday again.

The point of the high fat diet I tried was to reduce hunger so you naturally ate less. The big thing was replacing carbs with good fat but NOT protein. I.e. keep protein at 100-150g per meal.

It seemed to work and everything tasted awesome.. at first. Within 7 days I thought I had end stage AIDScancer and crapped it.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
One thing I took away from it was ... No sugar.. ever. or ever. amen.

I think I've pretty much stuck to this and it's done the world of good. No more sweetened anything and I feel much better for it.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
It seemed to work and everything tasted awesome.. at first. Within 7 days I thought I had end stage AIDScancer and crapped it.

trying to power through atm. thing is, having a cold is when I naturally eat lots of comfort food. meh.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
One thing I took away from it was ... No sugar.. ever. or ever. amen.

I think I've pretty much stuck to this and it's done the world of good. No more sweetened anything and I feel much better for it.

Yeah, it's very rare that I eat something sugary. Then it tends to be with exercise anyway - cake/flapjacks and mountain biking mix well - you use the available sugars up as fast as your body can absorb them and you can power through shit at amazing speeds.

By the end of the ride, you've used all the sugar up. That's the only thing it's really good for. If I eat a sugary dessert with a meal I always crash later on - but that's rare tbh.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
No ketoflu for me except a colossal migraine on the third day. I'm now in week 3 and feel awesome.... No idea how much I've lost as this time I'm doing this without scales, just by how my clothes feel... It's kinda chilled


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
recovering from my keto-flu now. typically it was the last sunny weekend of the year </depressed>


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
so here's a keto update:

I'm 2Kg down as per this morning. I suppose this puts me on a kilo per week atm. I'll try to remember to post updates. Heck, I may even graph the results :)

^^ that was on Sept 8th. As per this morning (Oct 11th) I am 5.6Kg down. It's not all keto though: I've been doing a reasonable amount of biking too (for me that is :) ).


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
so here's a keto update:

^^ that was on Sept 8th. As per this morning (Oct 11th) I am 5.6Kg down. It's not all keto though: I've been doing a reasonable amount of biking too (for me that is :) ).
Heres a non keto update

On the 24th august as per yesterday i lost twelve pounds.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
I've been doing a reasonable amount of biking too (for me that is :) ).

Yep - you normally fall off on the first trip and can't ride for several weeks!! :flame:


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
According to my Endomondo statistics I've apparently ridden 0.253 times around the world in the past few years.

Doesn't seem to bad for someone not trying to go around the world (I bet @Tom's stats would be amazing). But I do like the fact that I've apparently done 0.026 of a trip to the moon! :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
27,000 odd miles in the last 5 years or so. Those are only the miles that are logged.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
I've made 0.015 trips around the world! Granted that's only running, and I've barely bothered with it in the last two years, hah.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I'm now about two weeks into doing a fitness quest. I'm finding getting a bit of story and a different challenge each day makes it a lot more interesting so if anyone here has had trouble sticking to a regime in the past then it might be worth a look.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003

First time I've run today's route in about 11 months (as you can see above). About 45 seconds a mile faster and heart rate about 10bpm lower. Same weight give or take a couple of pounds. That's what about 600 miles of running can do for you. Hopefully in another year I'll have that down to sub-seven minute miles (I can run sub-7 but after 2 miles I'm completely fucked).


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
After my long vacation I am almost back to my pre-vacation weights. Before christmas I hope I will start to be able to try a new personal best in benchpress, doub't I will be able to make it before christmas tho.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I am looking forward to Christmas because it's the one time of year where I throw caution to the wind and eat whatever the hell I want. Cheesecake, B&J ice cream, Baileys, red meat, Twiglets, etc. But mostly cheesecake.

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