FAO Roaken


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
I must have ESP I cancelled my subs just before this was announced I feel much better now.

No future at all for the english cluster its confirmed either re-roll US (which I'm considering) or learn german.

Good luck guys.


- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004

I mean how hard can it be to look at a character and say; ok lvl 50, rr6l7, artis:gov scalers tart etc.

Go on the serevr they wish, /create character, /exp 10000000000, /item create GOV (just like on freeshards)... its just GOA CBA to spend the tiem doing this when they know this is the only option. I would pay to play ona more active server.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004

I mean how hard can it be to look at a character and say; ok lvl 50, rr6l7, artis:gov scalers tart etc.

Go on the serevr they wish, /create character, /exp 10000000000, /item create GOV (just like on freeshards)... its just GOA CBA to spend the tiem doing this when they know this is the only option. I would pay to play ona more active server.

It is possible as we know they did it with Prydwen server crash BUT Goa is not a Mythic/EA company and all Characters are belonging to Goa.

Sad I know I pay to move everything to US servers if Goa would allow but as we know it would not be in Goa's best interest in my case 3 accounts loss of £24 every month £288 of my money to them Every year.

If Goa allowed this the 300+ playing Dyvet Server is a big loss to them.

Would be nice tho but in reality it be a no goer.


- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
It is possible as we know they did it with Prydwen server crash BUT Goa is not a Mythic/EA company and all Characters are belonging to Goa.

Sad I know I pay to move everything to US servers if Goa would allow but as we know it would not be in Goa's best interest in my case 3 accounts loss of £24 every month £288 of my money to them Every year.

If Goa allowed this the 300+ playing Dyvet Server is a big loss to them.

Would be nice tho but in reality it be a no goer.


EU > US I wouldnt say is, unless Mythic buy GOA rights. However its just the amount of effort goa want to put in to make the EU servers better. Goa would make so much more money if they did a transfer to 1 server, and charged for that time it would take to char transfer.


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
yeah you expect them to cluster 2 clusters when they cant fix xml for 2 fucking months. Totally useless company, i hope no one plays warhammer in europe.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Hello once again,

I have been told that the databases that we and the US servers use are quite different, so what happens on the US servers is not always possible on the European Servers, our own technician team know more about the servers and the databases than anyone else out there and if they deem the servers to be 'Un-clusterable' once more then they are just that.

As stated before, we have looked seriously at all of the options available to us and such decisions are not taken lightly, all have been thoroughly thought through and finalised.


I feel qualified to comment on this. I give Oracle System Administration courses, general Database Basics courses and SQL courses.

A lot is possible, it's just the matter of time and money someone wants to spent on it. What you describe is quite easy. Extract the data from the database and put it in a new one with a schema compatible for bigger clusters.

Takes one guy to write scripts to do it. Pay me a train to Paris, Pizza and Coke for a months and I will do it myself! But please don't give us any ignorant bullshit anymore, just name the truth that is: EA/GoA doesn't give a shit about Dyvet now and its future.

Obviously EA or GoA does NOT want to spent any money on it. We're just being milked with stuck characters.

Sorry for the rant. Poor customer service is pissing me off. I can be an ass on the forums but I never treated any of my customers like this in 11 years of working. Sure, the game experience might change while playing but the customers you whack now already make the words, they tell everybody who is sane enough to listen to not play on GoA's servers when Warhammer hits.

FH should should shut down the Warhammer section out of protest and the guilds that are in the beta and still play on Dyvet should write a protest note to Mythic and GoA about this issue.

Charcopy not possible too? Laughable.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Sorry for the rant. Poor customer service is pissing me off. I can be an ass on the forums but I never treated any of my customers like this in 11 years of working. Sure, the game experience might change while playing but the customers you whack now already make the words, they tell everybody who is sane enough to listen to not play on GoA's servers when Warhammer hits.
Don't apologise Manisch as im sure the vast majority of ppl completely agree with you.

Hello again, regarding the above quote, Requiel did nothing more than convey the companies plan at that time, which at that stage was purely a research phase, looking into the possibilities for the cluster, he made no 'lies' as you state here, he did his job.

Requiel, yourself and the other GM's that once worked on Prydwen/Excal in the past have a crappy job imo. Still though, its you who are the public "face" for GOA and as such carry out the duties given to you by your superiors and whether lies were told, information deliberately held back or not the end result was that GOA as a company have royally shafted their paying customers in many ways already discussed here.

What i most strongly object to is the lack of information and the way GOA have in effect "milked" us, the paying public. Approximately 7-8 months ago Requiel specifically said there were two ideas being discussed to solve the population problem for Dyvet and then nothing, no information, no updates and nothing in the official GOA DAOC News of the game page.

  • Why was this?

  • Why did it take so many months to receive an update to what Requiel had stated?

  • Did it really take around EIGHT MONTHS to "investigate" these two possible solutions?

  • If it really did take eight months to come to this final conclusion WHAT EXACTLY WERE GOA DOING during this time?
I can only draw the logical conclusion that in the last 6-7 months or so GOA knew full well nothing could be done and specifically kept their customers in the dark (while lining their pockets with our cash each month ofc) saying absolutely nothing at all to us leaving us very obviously hoping that a solution would come as Requiel had suggested. This alone pisses me off greatly.

To treat your customers like this is appaling and I sincerely hope GOA's attempt to run Warhammer Online in europe falls flat on its arse and I urge anyone who plays Warhammer to play on US servers and boycott anything GOA ever attempts to run in the future.

I'm absolutely appaled and disgusted by the way GOA have treated the very ppl who PAY to play their game.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 11, 2005

btw! US is really cheap aswell as the dollar is like pesetas now :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2005
I can understand why GoA wount spend lots of monny on a dieing game and hope to "milk" us. What I don't get is why GoA insiste in shooting themselfs in the foot. How manny ppl do they think they are gonna get to play on there eng. War servers after this? You(GoA) need better public relations and marketing.This must be a lesson to learn from this:touch:

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Money isn't the issue. I just want to play on a server where there are enough players to keep RVR interesting - I already did all the PVE stuff on Prydwen. ;)

Heck, I'd pay to have my accounts transferred to another server. :/


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2005
I can understand why GoA wount spend lots of monny on a dieing game and hope to "milk" us. What I don't get is why GoA insiste in shooting themselfs in the foot. How manny ppl do they think they are gonna get to play on there eng. War servers after this? You(GoA) need better public relations and marketing.This must be a lesson to learn from this:touch: Its not just about the monny u get now but allso about the monny u will, or in case wount get, get from War servers.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Hello again, regarding the above quote, Requiel did nothing more than convey the companies plan at that time, which at that stage was purely a research phase, looking into the possibilities for the cluster, he made no 'lies' as you state here, he did his job.

We are as many may disbelieve that we are in constant contact with Mythic regarding Patches and game updates. Mythic's servers are very different from ours, partly because the game was never meant to be multi lingual, it is so much easier for them to cluster with the same language. If it were possible to cluster the cluster then just like the classic servers there would have to be a common language through out, this would divide the community even further just like Glastonbury did.


if you cannot cluster clusters then why not disband the current divvvet cluster and then recluster excal and pryd with the german servers?

the americans can do it - surely you can do it? - or are le french less skillzed and not as l33t?

Blazor Meneth

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
This thread will sure boost the pop of dyvet... not, thanks for the truth I guess Roaken.

But I guess when pop. hits ~30 or something on dyvet they will announce on the friday news "We have great news for you all, char transfer is now possible" Since there is no money left to take from the customers.. So the quicker u cancel subs the quicker u will be able to open it again when/if chartransfer hits ;)

<Im another player that have jumped the ship btw> :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
1. You pay to play their game, take it or leave it
2. If you want character transfer then why not just reroll to a german server or french server where the population is higher? How hard is it to get level 50, ML10, CL10 and RR5 nowadays? all within a month i'd say!
3. Multiply the accounts active and unactive and then times that by at least 10 for each server and then tell me if they could feasibly copy over each character to a said server by hand with as much detail as possible, RR, Gear, ML, Plat.

Those people that continue to troll the forums and moan about the service will continue to do so, those that have already rerolled just keep going and keep their mouths shut - Stop being such whiny bitches - The amount of money GOA will make from the 'english cluster' players and camlann is hugely over shadowed by a single French or German server.

If you pay eight pound a month and think thats its expensive and you don't feel like your getting value for your money then you really need to put this into perspective, you can pay your subs and get on with the game how it is now, login and talk to your buddies or not pay and spend the time ranting on forums because its the internet thing to do.

Players play - Flamers flame.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 11, 2005
I think i might have a solution to the problem!

Lets all make some fundraising event like local flee-markets or "panta burkar" events to fund money to pay for Manisch stay in France. I expect something like £100 should be enough for a sleezy motel room and noodles for a month. Then all we have to do is convince GoA that free labour is a good thing and give Manisch access to the db's.

Everything in the spirit of the community!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2007
GOA intentions are clear :

1 - Say/do nothing about the declining Dyvet population
2- By doing so, encourage the mast majority of players to cancel subs or move on to French/German /Us servers.
3- Eventually close Dyvet when population is no existant.
4- Concentrate on French/German servers where population is "healthy" and milk them until WAR is released.

Trust me, if the French servers were in the same situation as we are, you would see people demonstrating in front of GOA HQ.

And yes, i am fucking pissed off about it.

British :england:


Aug 30, 2007
I feel qualified to comment on this. I give Oracle System Administration courses, general Database Basics courses and SQL courses.

A lot is possible, it's just the matter of time and money someone wants to spent on it. What you describe is quite easy. Extract the data from the database and put it in a new one with a schema compatible for bigger clusters.

Takes one guy to write scripts to do it. Pay me a train to Paris, Pizza and Coke for a months and I will do it myself! But please don't give us any ignorant bullshit anymore, just name the truth that is: EA/GoA doesn't give a shit about Dyvet now and its future.

Obviously EA or GoA does NOT want to spent any money on it. We're just being milked with stuck characters.

Sorry for the rant. Poor customer service is pissing me off. I can be an ass on the forums but I never treated any of my customers like this in 11 years of working. Sure, the game experience might change while playing but the customers you whack now already make the words, they tell everybody who is sane enough to listen to not play on GoA's servers when Warhammer hits.

FH should should shut down the Warhammer section out of protest and the guilds that are in the beta and still play on Dyvet should write a protest note to Mythic and GoA about this issue.

Charcopy not possible too? Laughable.

As much as that doesnt qualify you to comment i have to say you are right. There is always a way to transfer data. It seems that from the prydwen crash and the way it was delt with (simply using man power and doing it all manually) that there is no integrity but thats still a bullshit excuse to lie to your customers for years.

GOA could make a hell of a lot of cash for charging £10/20 PER CHARECTER for a transfer to the german servers or even the US servers and simply either do it themselves or get some low paid data input people to do it. People would pay it, people would hate to give GOA more money but they would pay it as thier charecters left on Dyvet have been worthless for about the past year now.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Hi there. Let me explain a little of the background and what it is that we've been doing over the past year or so. I was around when things were being discussed so I can give you a little more info on the whys and wherefores. I don't normally comment on DAoC stuff anymore but because of the situation and my previous experience here, I've asked if I can stick my oar in one last time.

Firstly it's absolutely not the case that we don't care about the English cluster or that we didn't recognise the issue in time. Around this time last year we could clearly see that the population was in decline and that without some kind of action it would drop to a critical level. At this time we looked at what our options were and they weren't good. You'll remember that we had to change Glastonbury to a German server and cluster it with Salisbury. We did that because the only other option we had available to us was to close it, multilanguage clusters weren't possible and the feedback we got from the players indicated that they weren't interested in being migrated to a regular ruleset for clustering with Dyvet.

As we all know, that decision wasn't universally popular and we were determined that a better solution would have to be found for low population servers in the future. We started a long and complicated consultation and testing phase where we looked into making multi-language clustering work. Our ideal situation was one where you could have a server with PvE zones in one language clustered with a server with PvE zones in a different language sharing a frontier in a common language. Unfortunately we found that this was impossible.

Throughout this time Mythic were making a lot of backend changes to DAoC, modifying the way that the server handled text requests and other things that were pertinent to the problems we were facing. We kept testing because we knew that the alternatives weren't acceptable - the only 'fix' that was guaranteed to work was changing the cluster language to cluster with a foreign server and we were under no doubt that this would instantly kill the server.

So we kept on testing, working with Mythic to implement changes that might make our preferred option possible. Over this time many advances were made, none of which would have been visible to a player but all of which made localisation much more straightforwards. This has been the process we've been going through since just before Christmas last year. We didn't want to announce what we were working towards because there was a strong possibility that it wasn't going to work, neither were we keen to announce the alternatives because that would be widely misinterpreted. Throughout this period and until I left for WAR I tried to be as positive as possible about the future for Dyvet because I knew that a lot of people were working very hard on solving the problem and the commonly held belief that we were sticking our heads in the sand ignoring the issue simply wasn't true. I told you as much as I could about the situation and everything I said was the truth. if I'd told a lie, then I'd have expected to have been instantly sacked.

As to what will happen now, that's for Roaken and the rest of the DAoC team to hammer out. Believe it or not they do care about you and they do care about this game. I'm confident that they will continue to try and make things work in some way. There are a lot of dedicated people working on DAoC and they will continue to work hard for you. Whatever happens they will do it for the right reasons and will try to be as fair as possible to you all.


Aug 30, 2007
Even after saying that though the future of dyvet is still the same or even worse because now its more than likely you wont try again to make the servers multi-languege because you tried and failed before.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
1. You pay to play their game, take it or leave it
2. If you want character transfer then why not just reroll to a german server or french server where the population is higher? How hard is it to get level 50, ML10, CL10 and RR5 nowadays? all within a month i'd say!
3. Multiply the accounts active and unactive and then times that by at least 10 for each server and then tell me if they could feasibly copy over each character to a said server by hand with as much detail as possible, RR, Gear, ML, Plat.

Those people that continue to troll the forums and moan about the service will continue to do so, those that have already rerolled just keep going and keep their mouths shut - Stop being such whiny bitches - The amount of money GOA will make from the 'english cluster' players and camlann is hugely over shadowed by a single French or German server.

If you pay eight pound a month and think thats its expensive and you don't feel like your getting value for your money then you really need to put this into perspective, you can pay your subs and get on with the game how it is now, login and talk to your buddies or not pay and spend the time ranting on forums because its the internet thing to do.

Players play - Flamers flame.

The point though is, that I'm not just some money-giver, I'm a CUSTOMER. Unfortunately, on the service market there is little to no warranty for the product you purchase. Just imagine your car brakes down after 1 month. You go complain and the answer you get is: "Well pay it and drive or fuck off"
I guess you'd be mildly displeased to say the least.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004

RIP Dyvet :- Insert all char names here :-................ :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
blah blah blahUOTE]

isnt it wrong in your head that we have to spam fh all day to get any info about the problem? if you really cared like you said you would proberly have said something about in your fridays news (when you dont forget it) but nothing. like always :(

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