FAO Roaken


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
It's ok Tes thats just Vlad showing me he loves me still and the abuse is an old joke of ours :fluffle:

PS Vlad you forgot fuckstick in that volley of n00b abuse btw... I'd have got it in with a few more "fucks" :wub:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
haha I just read todays news and omg shock, horror, is it news of the Dyvet population, how GOA are "fixing" things.......... nope, im reminded of my statement above, some background info nobody is interested in, some games convention that almost nobody will go to and a nice reminder of more delays in the Dragons Revenge campaign updates.

Same shit, different week :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
guess they noticed that some people are actually interested in the campaign for a change and were looking forward to it.

So it was spoken: "Thou shallst not be happy with this game!"


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Looking forward to the disaster that will be EU warhammer :)

Hoden Mayhem

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 27, 2004
Talked with Roaken in game yesterday, I have just started playing on hib avalon which is the first time I have moved from Mid/Pyd since I started playing. I explained to him the reasons for my move etc.

All I really got was that "we are looking into another cluster for the english server" and "there are no plans" to let people move Toons to another server.

He was not saying anything new. besides logging in my hunter from time to time or loggin in to insult Jollz. I have moved full time to Hib/Avalon with about 15 mids from Pydwen.

I did german at school. I have as yet however not had any reason to ask "Please can you tell me how to get to the train station" the only german I remember :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 5, 2004
Spanish server! :D

Last time I checked there were two (2) people playing in the whole server (Cumbria) yet these at GoA want to have a server of each language.

Can't see how mythic is so fucking crippled at company management to not see how GoA has fucked up this game in Europe.

Expect same shit when WAR:Online gets in their hands (I don't see many paying for playing WoW clon under GoA hands that's for sure.)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Ok, I have not had the luxury of talking to you in the past with regards to DAOC.

But it appears that the English cluster, despite your predecessors promises of plans to keep the Dyvet cluster alive and kicking for the long term future, nothing seems to be getting done.

Reading the Friday news heralds, great things for the Dragon's within the game. But nothing on the development GOA have concerning the English community.

So, to ask a few small but important questions.

Does GOA plan on doing anything for the cluster population?
Were all of Requiel's promises empty or rather have ended up that way as GOA focuses it's entire attention to Warhammer online? (which I know is strictly not true) but it sure does look that way.
Can you possibly identify some plans at least for what the future holds for the English community from GOA's perspective?
And finally the obvious one, has GOA given up on attempting to do anything that will improve the overall populations of all servers GOA currently run for Dark Age of Camelot?

I am aware that you will know that I do not currently hold an open DAOC account via your xml db's on people's accounts. But seriously, I see nothing at this moment in time to entice me back to GOA servers - generally down to the fact that the Friday news holds nothing of any value to entice me as a former customer or anyone else for that matter back and playing their old accounts.



I sent these questions to right now on 05/05/07 and i finally got an answer today.


Discussion Thread
Response (CM) 09/12/2007 06:32 PM

Thank you for your query, Currently we cannot cluster Dyvet with any other cluster due to the technical limitations of each server. We cannot merge say an English cluster with a German or French cluster as each server has it's own language. We have been looking into the technical abilities of our servers for some time, and as Requiel has said previously that we may be able to cluster again, this has appeared to be not the case. While we cannot make player's play our game the game will keep running with as upto date patches as possible directly from Mythic and we will continue to offer support to our customers.

Please don't forget that Dark Age of Camelot is still a world class game and is meant to be enjoyed and still is by over 10,000 players World Wide.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

So Roaken's comment to Hoden that "we are looking into another cluster for the english server" and "there are no plans" to let people move Toons to another server isn't really true. Or is there confusion within GOA? Roaken saying that they are looking at clustering and Right Now saying they can not cluster. I would of htought that the English GM would be fully up to date with what was happening, or was this just another case of the palyer base being lied to by a GOA GM again?

Seems that English DAOC is a "Dead Fish" :mad:


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
I sent these questions to right now on 05/05/07 and i finally got an answer today.


Discussion Thread
Response (CM) 09/12/2007 06:32 PM

Thank you for your query, Currently we cannot cluster Dyvet with any other cluster due to the technical limitations of each server. We cannot merge say an English cluster with a German or French cluster as each server has it's own language. We have been looking into the technical abilities of our servers for some time, and as Requiel has said previously that we may be able to cluster again, this has appeared to be not the case. While we cannot make player's play our game the game will keep running with as upto date patches as possible directly from Mythic and we will continue to offer support to our customers.

Please don't forget that Dark Age of Camelot is still a world class game and is meant to be enjoyed and still is by over 10,000 players World Wide.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

So Roaken's comment to Hoden that "we are looking into another cluster for the english server" and "there are no plans" to let people move Toons to another server isn't really true. Or is there confusion within GOA? Roaken saying that they are looking at clustering and Right Now saying they can not cluster. I would of htought that the English GM would be fully up to date with what was happening, or was this just another case of the palyer base being lied to by a GOA GM again?

Seems that English DAOC is a "Dead Fish" :mad:

Thanks for doing that, I currently can't rightnow as my pw's were lost during a recent HD failure :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
So Roaken's comment to Hoden that "we are looking into another cluster for the english server" and "there are no plans" to let people move Toons to another server isn't really true. Or is there confusion within GOA? Roaken saying that they are looking at clustering and Right Now saying they can not cluster. I would of htought that the English GM would be fully up to date with what was happening, or was this just another case of the palyer base being lied to by a GOA GM again?

Seems that English DAOC is a "Dead Fish" :mad:

I agree with you but tbh thinking english server GM('s??) know what's happening is somewhat naive given the amount of lies and empty promises GOA have fed us in the last 6-9 months.

Sad to see (altho somewhat predictably) the GOA disinformation machine rumbles on.... and on :(


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
I agree with you but tbh thinking english server GM('s??) know what's happening is somewhat naive given the amount of lies and empty promises GOA have fed us in the last 6-9 months.

Sad to see (altho somewhat predictably) the GOA disinformation machine rumbles on.... and on :(

Indeed, so much for a new broom sweeps clean :(


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
So this confirms the whole fucking thing? They won't do a crap with Dyvet?

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Yes, it does mean that the will be no clustering at all, and the English servers will not be able to fight the Germans or French.

DAOC is a world class game, agreed, but without people to fight in it it doesn't matter how great it is. I guess the first few months after the announcement were genuine, but as soon as it turned out to be unworkable they stopped talking about it, hoping people wouldn't stop playing - We all lose with this scenario. :/


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
10k Players, right.

WoW has 8 Million players or more.

Think about it.

To make it healthy, have two clusters for everyone, none of the classic or pvp bollocks.

Just the pure rvr game, thats how we'd have a healthy population.

Then again people would probably quit cos they cant pve or pvp. zz

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
10k Players, right.

WoW has 8 Million players or more.

Think about it.

To make it healthy, have two clusters for everyone, none of the classic or pvp bollocks.

Just the pure rvr game, thats how we'd have a healthy population.

Then again people would probably quit cos they cant pve or pvp. zz


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
well what i fear now is...

Ppl who hoped to get clustered.. read this...
Figure out GoA isnt giving a damn about UK cluster..

Ppl cancel subs.. and go play a populated (us?)server as this ship now SURE is going under..

oh well.........
"its impossible!! yeah sure.... they just dont wanna spend anymore money on DAOC/EU


Jun 6, 2007
Hello everyone, just to clarify, this is our Official response to the Cluster:

"Currently we cannot cluster Dyvet with any other cluster due to the technical limitations of each server. We cannot merge say an English cluster with a German or French cluster as each server has it's own language. We have been looking into the technical abilities of our servers for some time, and as Requiel has said previously that we may be able to cluster again, this has appeared to be not the case."

Regarding why the Classic servers were able to be clustered our response is:

"The classic servers were able to be clustered because they were single servers, however now we are unable to cluster already clustered servers, basically we cannot cluster Clusters, the databases just wouldn't merge.

If it was technically possible then it would have been done, we have looked into the matter very thoroughly and found that it is not possible."

We do care about our clusters and the state of the game, but we cannot Cluster clusters, it's that simple.


Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Databases are mergeable. Especially two that have basically the same data in them - but judging from the insane amount of time it took to rebuild the missing characters from Prydwen, I think the tools to do so are woefully inadequate, and there is no interest of either party involved to develop the tools that can. (They've shown that characters -can- be added by hand and gear added in a similar way. Nothing to stop them from copying characters from English to a German server - except that it's too much bother to do so.)

Btw. in the US clusters have been unclustered, in order to recluster them in a different setup. So while you can't cluster clusters, you can uncluster clusters so you can recluster them differently.


Jun 6, 2007
Hello once again,

I have been told that the databases that we and the US servers use are quite different, so what happens on the US servers is not always possible on the European Servers, our own technician team know more about the servers and the databases than anyone else out there and if they deem the servers to be 'Un-clusterable' once more then they are just that.

As stated before, we have looked seriously at all of the options available to us and such decisions are not taken lightly, all have been thoroughly thought through and finalised.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Hello everyone, just to clarify, this is our Official response to the Cluster:

"Currently we cannot cluster Dyvet with any other cluster due to the technical limitations of each server. We cannot merge say an English cluster with a German or French cluster as each server has it's own language. We have been looking into the technical abilities of our servers for some time, and as Requiel has said previously that we may be able to cluster again, this has appeared to be not the case."

Regarding why the Classic servers were able to be clustered our response is:

"The classic servers were able to be clustered because they were single servers, however now we are unable to cluster already clustered servers, basically we cannot cluster Clusters, the databases just wouldn't merge.

If it was technically possible then it would have been done, we have looked into the matter very thoroughly and found that it is not possible."

We do care about our clusters and the state of the game, but we cannot Cluster clusters, it's that simple.


Hi Roaken

We all know your technicians are less skilled than the Mythic employees. But perhaps you could ask them for help?

Read here at the bottom how Mythic announce the clustering of two clusters.

Let me quote it for you:

Mythic Grab Bag said:
Are you planning on clustering Tintagel? The answer, my friends, is YES! After seemingly endless internal discussion fueled by a constant (and rather insistent) flow of player feedback, we have decided to cluster Tintagel with Killibury. We need to get the proper hardware in place, though, so it certainly won’t be happening for 1.90. The very tentative plan is to complete the clustering in late September or early October. More details are sure to follow, but we wanted to get the news out to you as soon as possible, so the two clusters can start making friends (and enemies, of course!).

But anyways, thank you for finally putting Requiels lie in the ground that GoA soon will announce plans for Dyvet. We already guessed, but it's nice to have it in writing finally.


Jun 6, 2007
But anyways, thank you for finally putting Requiels lie in the ground that GoA soon will announce plans for Dyvet. We already guessed, but it's nice to have it in writing finally.

Hello again, regarding the above quote, Requiel did nothing more than convey the companies plan at that time, which at that stage was purely a research phase, looking into the possibilities for the cluster, he made no 'lies' as you state here, he did his job.

We are as many may disbelieve that we are in constant contact with Mythic regarding Patches and game updates. Mythic's servers are very different from ours, partly because the game was never meant to be multi lingual, it is so much easier for them to cluster with the same language. If it were possible to cluster the cluster then just like the classic servers there would have to be a common language through out, this would divide the community even further just like Glastonbury did.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
same bullshit for the last 8 months, now comone! you can do better ! atleast lie or something to get our hoppes up an make us beblive that our money isnt wastet !

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Hello once again,

I have been told that the databases that we and the US servers use are quite different, so what happens on the US servers is not always possible on the European Servers, our own technician team know more about the servers and the databases than anyone else out there and if they deem the servers to be 'Un-clusterable' once more then they are just that.

As stated before, we have looked seriously at all of the options available to us and such decisions are not taken lightly, all have been thoroughly thought through and finalised.


Thanks for the explanation. That is very regrettable news to hear.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Mythic's servers are very different from ours, partly because the game was never meant to be multi lingual, it is so much easier for them to cluster with the same language. If it were possible to cluster the cluster then just like the classic servers there would have to be a common language through out, this would divide the community even further just like Glastonbury did.

Why can't you limit it to only cluster the NF zones? I think most of us couldnt care less if server wrote back in japanese or german in that zone as long there is plenty of people fighting.

Ofc you and Requiel are only allowed to say whatever GOA management wants you to say, but witholding information about no further chances for a rescue of Duvet is clearly the same as lieing and spitting us right in the face.

No clustering for Duvet, ok, what are the alternatives then? Account transfer to US? Move all chars to another GOA cluster?


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
So if effect we have to either learn german or just move to us servers. Grand! I guess the same options will be in war few years down the line, right? Great company... :/

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