Eff MW2 in the ass


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I'll be enjoying the game on the console, peer to peer is fine on xbl it really is, I can't remember the last time I had lag. You realise more and more people hav access to 50+mb lines these days?

I host games all the time on my 20mb line never hav any complaints.

Try before you whine


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I'll be enjoying the game on the console, peer to peer is fine on xbl it really is, I can't remember the last time I had lag. You realise more and more people hav access to 50+mb lines these days?

I host games all the time on my 20mb line never hav any complaints.

Try before you whine

Your 20mb line will not have anywhere near 20mbit upstream. What's more, ping and bandwidth are two separate things. Try understanding the problem before you whine about perceived whining.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
its really funny that when i used to play shadowrun it was one of the few games PC and Xbox players could play in the same room and you could see there that there wasnt much difference between sticks and mouse, i hammered plenty of PC players. You would think that us consoles would lose everytime but nope


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
its really funny that when i used to play shadowrun it was one of the few games PC and Xbox players could play in the same room and you could see there that there wasnt much difference between sticks and mouse, i hammered plenty of PC players. You would think that us consoles would lose everytime but nope

Shadowrun devs deliberately made mouse shit (poor accuracy when moving your aim fast) to balance it out. Not exactly a good example.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
anything to back that up? would be interesting to see something about it


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah shadowrun had aiming assistance for 360, and made it harder for PC players.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
you also have to look at the bonuses of playing consoles, its more to do with skill rather than who has the better PC. Im not flaming here but its not just about skill with PCs. Someone running a top of the range gaming PC will have a better chance than someone on min spec. Everyone has the same hardware.
Also there are far less cheating going on due to no mods aim bots etc on consoles so everyone is on equal ground

Saying that i dispise people who use rapid pads on COD WaW. One of the reasons i stopped playing it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Because it took away the ability to turn around in 0.1 seconds?

Yes. That's the whole point of using a mouse! You can aim much faster. Jesus, you stick lovers are something else...


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I feel sorry for the people getting it on the PC but I still say you should probably try it I know hardcore pc gamers are stuck in their ways though so would be a problem :(


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
Why would PC gamers experience lag with P2P instead of dedicated servers? Live is P2P and no lag at all, infact the only games i play with that get lag are EA games, i havent played an EA game that doesnt have lag in it, even games like skate has nasty lag


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Why would PC gamers experience lag with P2P instead of dedicated servers? Live is P2P and no lag at all, infact the only games i play with that get lag are EA games, i havent played an EA game that doesnt have lag in it, even games like skate has nasty lag

Console/live games have netcode to hide the lag, doesn't change the fact that it's there.

+ the stick autoaim... console FPS's are mostly 2d ( X+Y coords only ) and minimise Z coordinate use. frankly they are already at an even lower skill cap than something like CS and then they remove Z coord and give everyone autoaim.

The skillcap is so low on console FPS's that frankly the only thing I want to shoot while playing one is myself.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
i always remove autoaim, i find autoaim goes for the chest so removing it means its easier to headshot

BTW i used to play PC FPS before xbox, tho i played Team Fortress more than CS. I just prefer the comfortablilty of xbox now. I think its a cop out when people say console FPS is easier than PC, its not at all its just a different way of playing

One thing i hate the most out of either PC or console is playing games like Halo or Unreal, when everyone jumps, cant stand that


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
IF it's just different why can't PC play vs xbox/ps3 on the same servers, it's very technically possible.

Oh wait.. DC Q3 and compatible servers :D

Btw, even if you take the advanced autoaim off there is still usually underlying basic autoaim on most console FPS.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
The ping is fine on the 360. The problem is that the game ends as soon as the host leaves, and that happens ALL THE TIME.

Also, 50 cent + Dual Wield = wtf?

COD4 was nothing special, so I don't see why this should be either.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
i always remove autoaim, i find autoaim goes for the chest so removing it means its easier to headshot

BTW i used to play PC FPS before xbox, tho i played Team Fortress more than CS. I just prefer the comfortablilty of xbox now. I think its a cop out when people say console FPS is easier than PC, its not at all its just a different way of playing

One thing i hate the most out of either PC or console is playing games like Halo or Unreal, when everyone jumps, cant stand that

QFT once a hardcore pc gamer myself but what's to shout about these days? The developers clearly know that the consoles are where they will make money to put food on the tables for their families instead of the pc pirates that dl anything and everything.

Also the thing about xbl has netcode to hide the lag? The most ridiculous thing I've ever heard lag is lag if it's there you will notice if it's on a console or not.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The reason you hate "jumping" games I suspect is because you suck at them.
It's ok.

Games with high skillcaps invariably have lower player populations because casuals/lowskilled players prefer team based stuff where the skill cap is so low they can kill good players.

Now before you jump down my throat, let me say this: That's fine.

Not everyone has the time or inclination to get very good at a game, and just wants to be able to casually jump in and shoot stuff and be able to kill people.

That's what console gaming provides and that is fine.

High skillcap games provide something else for a different set of people, and neither type of player is better or worse as a person because of it.

For example:

The reason Chess is dead - high skillcap, you play vs a better player you get destroyed.

You have a 0% chance of beating a player 10% better than you.

Then compare to say backgammon/poker where the skillcap is much lower and obfuscates the true skill differences and let the worse player always win _sometimes_ and they are much more popular.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Well, ALL netcode is made to hide lag. You're always affected by latency, PC/dedicated server or not. If anyone played Quake online without Quakeworld, you'll know what I'm talking about :D

It's the controls that help hide the lag.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
you also have to look at the bonuses of playing consoles, its more to do with skill rather than who has the better PC. Im not flaming here but its not just about skill with PCs. Someone running a top of the range gaming PC will have a better chance than someone on min spec. Everyone has the same hardware.
Also there are far less cheating going on due to no mods aim bots etc on consoles so everyone is on equal ground

Saying that i dispise people who use rapid pads on COD WaW. One of the reasons i stopped playing it.

drop resolution, turn off high end graphics, you can get hte same frame rate

get decent admins , or plugins for servers- never had people cheating on clan server i used to help run


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Fact of the matter is, there are games that support p2p on the PC currently. If Left 4 Dead struggles to find a server (which basically happens around the two hours after a patch while servers all update) you bounce back to the console P2P method. The game is still fun and playable but it's a fundamentally different game. This is with only 4 players too!

Killing floor seems to work rather well, I've only ever played that on P2P and it has fantastic netcode, however that's 6 players. COD:MW2 multiplayer is the type of game where you want a lot more players. P2P with 16 or 32 players will be a fucking nightmare.

Besides, there's other things to be pissed off about such as no mod support, clearly done so mods and custom content doesn't devalue their DLC that they want to charge for. Well fuck them, I say. I'll stick with games that stay true to the spirit of PC gaming and contrary to what many say, it's not dying. Infinity War fucked up and hopefully they'll feel it - time will tell though.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
For those saying you remove autoaim on consoles - the autoaim is server side and is there for online play wether you enable it or not. They also tone down the graphics and physics of the game in most cases to deal with it being peer 2 peer. The point of having a dedicated server is too play the game as it is meant to be, with everything on, and all players getting a good connection.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
That and you used to get a lot of arsewipes who put transparent bridges in to deliberately degrade the connections of their opponents when they wanted. Haven't heard so much of this recently, but it probably still goes on.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
drop resolution, turn off high end graphics, you can get hte same frame rate

get decent admins , or plugins for servers- never had people cheating on clan server i used to help run

So you are saying if you want to play the game to compete in any way to drop the graphics as low as possible? I thought PC gamers were always harping on about how much better PC graphics are, then you go and drop them so you can play?

Whenever i played on PC i wasnt lucky enough to get into decent servers with decent admins and im sure there are alot more people who had the same experience


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
So you are saying if you want to play the game to compete in any way to drop the graphics as low as possible? I thought PC gamers were always harping on about how much better PC graphics are, then you go and drop them so you can play?

Whenever i played on PC i wasnt lucky enough to get into decent servers with decent admins and im sure there are alot more people who had the same experience

Wow, you're getting desperate now.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
Not at all, just trying to work the reasoning that one of the factors PC gamers say that PC is better the graphics, then you have to drop them to enjoy the game at the same level as someone with a £2000 PC. Crazy logic to me


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
My last PC cost about £500 a couple of years ago and ran Crysis very well on High (DX9) at 1650x1080. Enough of the £2000 PC bullshit.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
My last pc cost £1000, 3 years ago and still runs everything. Can we cut the bullshit fanboism and actually discuss this properly?


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
So you are saying if you want to play the game to compete in any way to drop the graphics as low as possible? I thought PC gamers were always harping on about how much better PC graphics are, then you go and drop them so you can play?

Whenever i played on PC i wasnt lucky enough to get into decent servers with decent admins and im sure there are alot more people who had the same experience

no, im saying you can turn things down if you so wish to improve performance.

i know poeple with £2k+ pcs who play FPSs in 640x480 directX 7 mode (till it was fixed) because it gives you a half second faster render and so forth.

there are plently of decent servers out there.. look around, try some out, if you find one, favourites ftw ?

and for the record, my PC cost me £1800 2 years ago, and still runs everything fine


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
My last pc cost £1000, 3 years ago and still runs everything. Can we cut the bullshit fanboism and actually discuss this properly?

What's to discuss exactly pc players moaning they are getting screwed over is nothing new?

Either go a long with it or pirate the game like probably most of you will anyway eh?

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