e_chrono - very sad indeed

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Think it's turning into a Royal Rumble.

/me waits for Bodhi et al to join in.


Originally posted by e_chrono

Anyway, i shall decide whether i will stay on BW or not. BUT thats a decision only I can make, you can remove my accounts, i can create new ones, no hassle, filling in a few box's and hitting a link...

BTW this isn't true and its fairly straight forward to get you perm ban besides what you and your tiny brain think.


I wonder if his 'girlfriend' is called Connie and has a nice dress....


lol his account got removed..... ahahahahhaha

btw cs isnt just a game, its fast becoming a sport.. and its extremely competetive....

it isnt back yard football anymore ;)

its becoming more and more professional....

wether it will achieve ub3r sport status is another amtter, but its very much a serious game now....

if you want to cheat, cheat your way through single player ;)


I've heard its gonna be an event in the next olympics:)


Originally posted by Tremor
I've heard its gonna be an event in the next olympics:)

same as sex.

different rules for this one - he who comes first LOSES.

:D :D :D :D



you lot are the sad fuckers, getting stressed over a game.

thats sad, i dont give two flying fucks wot you lot think about me or what i do, just goes to show how pissed off you are, which is what i find amusing.

you all sound like a bunch of queers,


Tell me? Did you actually Purchase the Half Life game? like many of us here?


Originally posted by e_chrono

you lot are the sad fuckers, getting stressed over a game.

thats sad, i dont give two flying fucks wot you lot think about me or what i do, just goes to show how pissed off you are, which is what i find amusing.

you all sound like a bunch of queers,

From your language it sounds like you're the one getting stressed. And like I said before, if you don't care what we think about you, why do you find it necessary to tell us this?


Originally posted by e_chrono
thats sad, i dont give two flying fucks wot you lot think about me or what i do, just goes to show how pissed off you are, which is what i find amusing.

I dont beleive you, I think your lying, you wouldnt have posted with such an attitude otherwise .

I think your gutted that myg0t ripped the piss out of you. I think your also gutted that we found out .

Anyway you managed to get mummsy to get you a proper isp yet, AOL boy ? LOL


Originally posted by tomjeffs
I wonder if his 'girlfriend' is called Connie and has a nice dress....

LMAO well played tom nice one :)

1tchy trigger

Originally posted by e_chrono

you all sound like a bunch of queers,

So I can assume we can add homophobic to your ever-growing list of bigoted opinions?



And to think i deleted the HL forum my "favourite forums" thing the other week - I was missing this! Fucking LOL!!!11 :D

I'm gonna have to look at the link again, because seeing someone get owned so much by myg0t(of all people), is fucking hilarious :D

We aren't pissed off at you e_crono, get that into your head, we are just shitting our pants with laughter!

*changes underwear*
Now, where as i?


Originally posted by [A&I]Lilly Monster
OMG, this has to be the saddest shit I've ever seen. e_chrono u better not go near a BW CS server ever, cuz I'll ban u on sight. What's so refreshing tho is Kurt_Angle sticks up for the "Lamer" in this instance as is his usual style. Also amusingly he takes the piss for being sitting on irc all day, when he justs sits on these foums all day - loadsa difference ;).
Plus he currently resides in Leicester! :D :)

Ha, he knows fullwell he's hit the rockbottom when it comes to life! Leicester = lose :D


I Work all day thanks, and my work doesn't involve half arsing it on a computer all day either.

The last couple of weeks iv'e had a bit of time off though, easy to post during the day when there's feck all else to do because im at home:p

And no i didn't stick up for him, just pointed out the obvious:p

Fact; the majority of people who sit in Irc rooms all day, 'are' sad people, period.

/And yes leicstershire 'is' a dump:p



im seriously not pissed, i just find the 'attitude' is the only way to get into your thick skulls.

Anyone can say 'fuck' and not be stressed.
And all this BS about 'leicstershire', what is sad is having the shit imagination to actually think up such large amounts of BS.

Most people on forums try to look good infront of other people by coming out with strings of BS, trying to get liked by everyone, but its all false. Everyone on forums is false and its about time you lot realised that.

It's not hard in any way, doesnt make you look good to 'fluffle' eachother. It sounds like a word for a 4 year old.

And as for homophobia, yeah, why not add that to the list, i seem to have acumilated quite a list. Would someone care to post a list please, i like to keep a record of all of my achievments.

Much appreciated.


Thing is if you went to a job interview, would you try to look like senceable or go in there saying racist comments?

The internet is no different, except you cant see the person your talking to. We all try to get on with each other here as we enjoy gaming as much as the next person.
Ive come accross situations where ive starting doing the same. I know im doing bad and end up saying sorry to the person I start on, still he shouldnt be so n00byfied then I wouldnt moan :).


OMG is this thing still rumbling on. Close the thread already im sure your all as bored with this child as i am.


Originally posted by e_chrono
Would someone care to post a list please, i like to keep a record of all of my achievments.

Much appreciated.
  • One fucked up kid

Happy to help :)


Originally posted by e_chrono
Anyone can say 'fuck' and not be stressed.
And all this BS about 'leicstershire', what is sad is having the shit imagination to actually think up such large amounts of BS.
Fuckwit Alert!

Moving Target

e_chrono - you turn me on. Fuck me like you did my brother, you hot, hot sexy man!


Originally posted by e_chrono
You obviously don't get it. I am also laughing, however i'm not laughing at a joke - There is none.

I am infact laughing at you.


Can I join in guys?

Nice one :)

Right, I went to the mYg0at webby and these children (yes, children) are so fucking pathetic that they go off the scale and into the stratosphere. I mean, just reading some of the posts on their forum is enough to both puncture a lung with laughter at their raw stupidity and shake my head in dismay at their grasp of the world and the people in it.

Which brings me to Mr e_chrono and his attitude. Firstly; I dont think for one second that any reasonably attractive girl, and by this I mean not just in the physical sense, would be able to stomach more than 10 seconds of your esteemed company before suddenly realising that cleaning her genitals with a rusty cheese grater is infinately more preferable than talking to the narrow minded racist donkey raping shit eater (Southpark rox :)) that you are. If you do indeed have a girlfriend, then she is as maladjusted to life as you are and I feel sorry for any offspring that you may bring into your obnoxious and miserable world.

Secondly; you sit and spout off about how much you aren't bothered by what is said here, but I think you might be lying both to us and yourself. Because, e_chrono, you have an attitude that marks you out as one of a dying breed that nobody really likes, and you know it.
People like you have no purpose in their lives except to rage at others for no reason other than their own inadequacies and failings as human beings. And you have these failings in abundance I'm afraid.
You may say you are laughing at all this, but so are we. And we are laughing at the biggest joke we have seen for a long time.

The bottom line is that, despite what you may think of yourself, the world is geared towards disposing of people such as yourself. Normally in an alley somewhere, bleeding heavily from multiple wounds, because you pissed the wrong people off.
Real life people that is, not the guys on this forum, because apart from laughing at you and egging extra reponses from you, we dont concern ourselves with your existence beyond that.

You are, ultimately, irrelevant.

Moving Target



heh MT that karate link is piss funny, nice one

e_crobar why do you keep posting here, if you don't care what we think of you? Surely that implies that you do care. Somebody who couldn't care less wouldn't even bother looking.

This isn't the first time I've asked this, so do me a favour, and answer the question - that is, if you care.
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