e_chrono - very sad indeed

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i dont care, i just find it amsuing that even on the 6th page of this you lot are still posting.

Shows you lot care, and by the lengths of some posts you do seem to care quite a lot.

Rage is good, Arguments are good, keep the brain active, although quite obviously you wouldn't realise that. Having a brain in the first place at a guess would help.

Also, you may hate me, i dont care, as i have said many times before, i dont care what other people think, but you may find it interesting to know what I am planning on doing, but then again, by the average IQ levels in here, i guess its probably too complcated for simple little minds like yours to understand.

So i'll keep it to myself.
But one other thing, you will find out after I have done whatever i have in mind, and you'll love it even more than you love posting in this thread.

Good evening.


As you lot are incapable of actually just not posting in this thread and letting it die.

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