"DON'T ADD!!!"

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Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Mrmuscle said:
where is the good fight in ganking soloers ??

if u want to solo go HW or odin's , there is no1 solo in emain.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Asha said:
Totally different situation really. If you can't see that, then think about it a bit more.

It's not about RPs for the ppl who don't like adds - in fact it's more about the RPs for the adders imo. The ppl in a fg vs. fg fight really just enjoy that fight. The adders are just rp horny - because there is no challange with 2x the numbers.
Swearing at ppl in a game cause they added is just ridiculous, if some one does that they need to take a step back from their computer. I have felt annoyed for that before, but I dont' think swearing does anything but make ppl mad and want to piss you off next time.
And Nol's little post sounds nice about ppl who play for fun, but it's not really acurate. There is alot of people who only play a few hours, 3 or 4 days a week that enjoy fg vs fg fights. They spent some time and effort for their sc'ing and their specs. There is alot of people who play 6 hours a day/7 days a week who don't bother to make decent groups or spend some time to get sc and then run around in 1.5 or 2fg adding on whatever they can. Yes, they have a right to play how they want, but it's not exactly true to paint them as little innocents who just want some fun and the rvr focused people as evil ogres.
Personally, I get annoyed when an albion "rvr" group ads into a fight. I won't swear at them but maybe be a bit sarcastic. Why? Cause they have the same goal we do, to have some decent fights. If some random Alb zerg ads, then tbh there is no point at all in getting worked up, just shrug it off as that is how it is. They pay to play and cursing at them is only going to raise your blood pressure, not change how things are.

ash sorry you go one about casual gamers who play 3 to 4 hours a day that isme i enjoy pve, i enjoy rvr i don't spend all my time(that i pay for) playing to other peoples ideal of the game i play it to how i and a lot of others do FUN its a game and a game should be fun so when you have l33tist assholes going on about stealing rps when they been hunting emain all day give me a break these are the guys who add all the time also seen every FoTM gg doing this from time to time its the game and you ain't getting away from it

also seen your grp slaughter my lvl 43 annimist while running towards crauchon to get some wood to upgrade crim doors i sat down straight away you still killed me

lol u even mezzed me 1st


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Behmoth said:
also seen your grp slaughter my lvl 43 annimist while running towards crauchon to get some wood to upgrade crim doors i sat down straight away you still killed me

lol u even mezzed me 1st

1. Level doesent got anything to do with it, your yellowcon as 35+
2. Your errand got nothing to do with it, they could not possibly know about it
3. Only thing that is left is a yellowcon enemy in a frontier.. what should they do? It's up to them. /hug or kill.. their descision and whatever they choose theres nothing wrong with it.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Divinia said:
1. Level doesent got anything to do with it, your yellowcon as 35+

Afaik lvl 35+ u first turn green, and at 45+? you turn yellow or ?

I have actually been spared by hibs in odins as a green con, long time ago tho, they just did a /kiss and kept on running :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Lewt/Lwd said:
Afaik lvl 35+ u first turn green, and at 45+? you turn yellow or ?

I have actually been spared by hibs in odins as a green con, long time ago tho, they just did a /kiss and kept on running :)

A patch some year ago they changed it so u are yellowcon to realm enemies if ur 35+


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Glendower said:
The simple solution to this is just to play how you want, and if someone bitches at you, put them on ignore.

Oh, and hello, Nol, Joxer, etc :)

ullo glen :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Divinia said:
A patch some year ago they changed it so u are yellowcon to realm enemies if ur 35+

Div's right on this. Their corpses turn the "correct" colour after you kill them, iirc.

Awww, this has reminded me just how much I like killing XPers... must get out of ToA soon...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Asha said:

...your link doesn't work it seems, but I kinda get the idea. What I meant was when we run 2FG's premade grp's, usually in the weekend.

Asha said:
It's not about RPs for the ppl who don't like adds - in fact it's more about the RPs for the adders imo. The ppl in a fg vs. fg fight really just enjoy that fight. The adders are just rp horny - because there is no challange with 2x the numbers.

Imo adding and "zerging" are two closely related issues, cuz we usually talk about "us and them". I've yet to see a hardcore gg not "adding" in a fight with 2-3fg mids vs 2-3fg albs (that was a “fair” fight), or steamroll a lonely assassin if they see one. When I run RvR gg-grps, I will like Nol sometimes add, and sometimes don't, but usually based on how early I see the fight. If a fight is spotted at clip range there is usually enough time to see if we should attack or not, however most situations are not like that. Many situations you "add" even before you know your "adding", simply cuz the fight popped suddenly in front of you. In such situation things have been set in motion that is hard to stop, and then I get generally annoyed when someone shouts out for adding.

Other than that I just want to pay a /salute to Nol, I couldn't agree more.

Asha said:
There is alot of people who only play a few hours, 3 or 4 days a week that enjoy fg vs fg fights. They spent some time and effort for their sc'ing and their specs. There is alot of people who play 6 hours a day/7 days a week who don't bother to make decent groups or spend some time to get sc and then run around in 1.5 or 2fg adding on whatever they can.

In general it is safe to say that a good proportion of the hardcore gg, play more than a few hours now and then – lets not kid ourselves. Ofc there will be those that play as much as you say and does not have SC, but the vast majority will have it. A fun thing I discovered was a dude, who’s name I forgot moaning about getting killed by 3SB’s with what he thought was Epic armour, when in fact they were TG hauberks.

As for the whole "zerging" aka running 1.5-2fg thing I'm a bit amused at that, cuz there is always talk of fair fights, but how often do you really find a fair fight? Is it a fair fight when a grp consisting mainly of rr4-5 meet a rr8+ grp? If the issue really was that you wanted "fair" fg fight you should as Nol says find a place to do this, but the simple fact is that the rp and the lack of continues action would make that impossible. The amount of fun in RvR is usually closely linked to winning/rp gained/action – and that probably goes for us all. At least for us making 2fg’s for RvR have made ppl more interested in open RvR, mainly cuz the grp’s manage to stay alive longer, thus we have more fun. In addition the grp’s are balanced and build around one Tank grp and one Caster grp, meaning that everyone in the guild has a decent chance getting a spot. Running with 2fg is nice for both fg “elite-gg” and for large scale RvR vs 2-4fg’s. In addition we make the grp’s work as a team. Need to mention that I find it the "wajn" about running 2fg's quite strange, when there are loads of Alb who run in 5fg++

Asha said:
Yes, they have a right to play how they want, but it's not exactly true to paint them as little innocents who just want some fun and the rvr focused people as evil ogres.

I think it has more to do with the lack of respect that some individuals show for those that do not have the time to play daoc 24/7 and run in a perfectly balanced high RR gg-grp, or even want to. The larger guilds in each realm has to make a choice, either you focus on being the best you can be for all your members or your better off being a smaller guild, but with a more focused attention to either RvR or PvE. One last thing…without the casual player this game would be long gone dead.
Feb 29, 2004
Runolas said:
First it was Sunday = FoM 2FG RvR night and we got just killed by 3FG's on the way to atk. After releasing we got told by a Hunter in our Guild that 8-9fg albs had passed mmg

well atleast now we know how mids get their alb zerg numbers correct... omfg 2-3fg's reported as 9!! lol go go mighty Mid spy detection :clap: :clap:
nice to see your realm mates have a clear grasp on reality


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
stubbe said:
Adding out of spite is one thing, I can respect that, alot of my free time goes to annoying people I know. However, if you "add" or "leech" because you don't know any better, because you don't understand why in King Arthur's name your realmmates wants you to stay out of it, you should burn in hell :)

You can respect somebody being spitefull?

I think people should spend more time playing and less time being a bunch of numpties and if you ARE going to whine come with a decent argument, I respect Nol adding for the sole reason that he is quite allowed to do it.

If people yell "Dont Add" they'll get a feckin bill from me for my subs. You can then tell me to not add all you like, till then I'll play as I see fit just like everybody else is perfectly entitled to do.

I try to have good manners in game respecting people hunting spots or encounters, but you or anybody else try to tell me what to do with MY hard earned cash and I'd not be pleased, if I felt strongly enough about it I'd bring it here too, I dont like liars, cheats, thieves, hypocrits or self proclaimed elitists.

Call me old fashioned but thats the way I am.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Elewyth(TLSOA) said:
well atleast now we know how mids get their alb zerg numbers correct... omfg 2-3fg's reported as 9!! lol go go mighty Mid spy detection :clap: :clap:
nice to see your realm mates have a clear grasp on reality

You do know that 39ppl on Nott + 3fg's running in Odins as well, makes arround 8fg's + addtional stealthers passing mmg?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
People who use enemies realmrank as too high as only argument are lazy mfuckers rly..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
nol said:
I am very cynical about these issues and I know that. I am cynical because I have first hand experiences with the kind of groups and people I mentioned. For 2 years it was ok for people to add on each others fights, now suddenly it's not.
I said I don't personally bitch at lower rr people - casual players if you like - when they add in fights. This mainly happens when you fight somewhere out in the open. Anyone whose blood pressure rises for that needs to get a break. I get a bit pissed when rr7 8 9 10 groups add on a fg vs fg fight. I don't think it was so different two years ago. I think we were more rp horny when RAs first came out and now ppl who played for awhile are more focused on good fights. RP are just a bonus.
nol said:
I stand at ligen and watch people get turned away from decent groups because they're not high enough RR, or they don't have the right spec. I watch them wait for hours to get a group getting ignored by the same people who scream at them for "adding" on their fights. How are they expected to ever get RR's if they're just the rp fodder? It's a vicious circle for those people, one which we never had to contend with because when we were n00bs we were allowed to add on each other.
Well sounds like Hib/Excali is in a worse state than Albion. I have heard some mongs say things like looking for xxx with xxx rank, but I don't usually play with people like that. In Albion, people are talking about something different than you are. Or I didn't experiance that because I don't play with tossers and I don't play in pick up groups. Spec is a fair thing to expect someone to have right. Spec is easy to change, even for a causal player.
It makes me a bit sad that things have come to this, but it hasn't really alot to do with whether or not high rr groups should add on even fights. Whether or not the enemy would add on you or the other alb group would add on you or if all is fair in love, war, realm ranks, and computer games isn't the point. The point is that you have a chance to decide if you want to ruin a good time of 16 people for mmm 200 rps ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Behmoth said:
ash sorry you go one about casual gamers who play 3 to 4 hours a day that isme i enjoy pve, i enjoy rvr i don't spend all my time(that i pay for) playing to other peoples ideal of the game i play it to how i and a lot of others do FUN its a game and a game should be fun so when you have l33tist assholes going on about stealing rps when they been hunting emain all day give me a break these are the guys who add all the time also seen every FoTM gg doing this from time to time its the game and you ain't getting away from it

also seen your grp slaughter my lvl 43 annimist while running towards crauchon to get some wood to upgrade crim doors i sat down straight away you still killed me

lol u even mezzed me 1st
well you didn't read what I said. I don't think it's right for anyone to yell at anyone else for adding.

we kill soloers, it is a different situation. I have said why before, as have many people.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Kinag said:
Whats the fun in zerging anyway? having 8 - 16 people to choose from and find out which to attack, if your lucky you might get one hit in on one target before the other 79 guys from your own realm is down their throat?

Differant strokes for differant folks, variety is the spice of life....you want more?

I may not like people adding on my 1 v 1 but I just get on with life, becasue its a fact of life and it happens, I will not however tell them how to spend their money!! likewise I do not expect them to tell me how to spend mine.

Since you have no control over what another person can or cannot do you either beat yourself over the head or get on with the game.

I just take my fight elsewhere or kill in DF, why? because I can!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Runolas said:
...your link doesn't work it seems, but I kinda get the idea. What I meant was when we run 2FG's premade grp's, usually in the weekend.
when you run 2fg, the only fg that gives you trouble is dh? wow...

Runolas said:
Imo adding and "zerging" are two closely related issues, cuz we usually talk about "us and them". I've yet to see a hardcore gg not "adding" in a fight with 2-3fg mids vs 2-3fg albs (that was a “fair” fight), or steamroll a lonely assassin if they see one. When I run RvR gg-grps, I will like Nol sometimes add, and sometimes don't, but usually based on how early I see the fight. If a fight is spotted at clip range there is usually enough time to see if we should attack or not, however most situations are not like that. Many situations you "add" even before you know your "adding", simply cuz the fight popped suddenly in front of you. In such situation things have been set in motion that is hard to stop, and then I get generally annoyed when someone shouts out for adding.
2-3fg vs 2-3fg is impossible to judge. Look, I am not out to say NO ONE CAN EVER ADD ANYWHERE. That is just silly. Several times lately we added cause we ran too close to a fight and got mezzed then attacked. That lonely assasin has 3 or 4 friends that you can't see all ready to pa me next fight. People who yell for that are not worth your time.

Runolas said:
In general it is safe to say that a good proportion of the hardcore gg, play more than a few hours now and then – lets not kid ourselves. Ofc there will be those that play as much as you say and does not have SC, but the vast majority will have it. A fun thing I discovered was a dude, who’s name I forgot moaning about getting killed by 3SB’s with what he thought was Epic armour, when in fact they were TG hauberks.
I know several people who play much longer hours than I do and who persist in not getting sc, not getting their specs fixed, or whatever is holding them back. I don't feel sorry for people sitting at apk for hours when they could have been spending that time to get their sc or a respec stone if they need it. I don't consider my guild hardcore, whatever that means, and most of us don't play that long hours. We have 4 or 5 people who do and we manage to make "balanced" groups with 25 people in the guild. I don't feel sorry for the casual people who don't put effort in.

Runolas said:
As for the whole "zerging" aka running 1.5-2fg thing I'm a bit amused at that, cuz there is always talk of fair fights, but how often do you really find a fair fight?
Quite often.

Runolas said:
Is it a fair fight when a grp consisting mainly of rr4-5 meet a rr8+ grp?
It depends on the groups. NP restarted as tank group when their rm and sm were nerfed. JH started somewhere (I know several got rr in other guilds first but not all of them), when I started to rvr NP were purple to me. Yes I think rr5 vs rr8 is fair. I think rr6 vs rr10 is fair. I don't think rr2 vs rr5 etc is fair, but PLEASE how many rr2 groups are there running around? I see maybe one every few days.

Runolas said:
If the issue really was that you wanted "fair" fg fight you should as Nol says find a place to do this, but the simple fact is that the rp and the lack of continues action would make that impossible. The amount of fun in RvR is usually closely linked to winning/rp gained/action – and that probably goes for us all.
Well I would say fun fights. The rps are nice ofc, but I would rather loose to a good team 2 out of 3 times then run over a bad group 3 times. I cannot control where mids/hibs want to play. There is a huge amount of rps for them to make in emain vs. big odds so they probably enjoy that. I don't mind if 2fg of fom come for us, I mind when a high rr Alb groups adds in the middle of a fight vs. a fg.

All this stuff about, don't tell me how to play. I pay to play how I want. You don't pay my subs. It's totally missing the point. Ofcourse, no one can tell you how to play outside the CoC, but you should have it in you to have some respect for other people. You cannot guarentee that you will get that respect back from them, but it's a gamble I will take. Instead of being cynical about it (they are higher rr! they would add on me! I want rps!), I choose to be optimistic. So, I won't intentionally add on your fight unless you need help. Maybe you will repay that next time you meet me, maybe you won't, but I will not dwell on it either way. Have a nice day :)


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Duze said:
You cant please everybody all of the time so why even try? Somebody will always whine about how or why you did something.
I'm positive everybody in DAoC did something at one time at least to upset somebody else's game - zerged, added in a fight, ganked a grey, was part of a group that killed a soler, even spammed /rude or /laugh at somebody that gets offended easily by such things.
As long as I pay my subs every month, for the few hours a day I get to actually play, I'll play the game how I want to play it, not how somebody else tells me THEY think I should play it. And it works both ways, if somebody does something that frustrates me, or spoils my game then tough, thats how they wanted to play it and as I don't pay their subs I have no right to tell them how to play the game.
Yes, ofc, there are exceptions - adding in 1v1 fights is kinda gay but in bigger fights, how many of u honestly stand there and count up the number of albs/mids/hibs to make sure the numbers are even before you dive in? :p

Fair point


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Kaod said:
Of course that's exactly the same, and why you see a lot of: "Hey you moron, that Pally was pulled!"

You do know the meaning of a smily don't you? :)

Kaod said:
And hey, dislike leechers all you want - the game and CoC appears to operate the way they want it to, so they won't lose too much sleep over it I would guess.

As I said in my first post in this thread: ofc you are _allowed_ to, you are allowed to walk into a store and buy groceries for $1000 and pay it all in nickles too - but be aware that it doesn't necessarily make you very popular :p

And what do I care how much ppl sleep? ^^


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
-Freezingwiz- said:
like anyone do that ? I get killed sooooo offen with my mincer aswell by fgs.... or by fgs when fighting 1/2 SBs etc...

I think you'll find the issue was if your going to state for the record that zerging or adding is BAD then you had better not do it yourself....

As stated here many times, a lot of the people that CLAIM 1fg vs 1fg is how they like to play have gotten to this state by adding and/or zerging themselves.

Its pretty laughable really, "do as I say not as I do" mentality seems quite rife here.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
I have yet to see a DAoC-player practice what they preach.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
Weee if GoA wanted this game to be 1v1, then they wouldve stuck in a command where by if a 1v1 takes place then them 2 would'nt be able to be hit by sum1else, but they didnt so there.

Besides Albs never add, it's called assisting ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
nol said:
Real life probably has a lot to do with it, some people can't afford to spend 24/7 in game farming mobs for top spell crafted items and super templates. They can't guarantee they will be online for 6 hour a day synchronised dye groups. So for their 2 hours they manage to get on and play this game(take note) for some fun, they don't want to become non stop rp's for the boy bands.

All I see is people bitching because it's more difficult for them to farm when the lowbies stick together and I am sorry, but I don't feel sad.

Excellent summary, too bad the "boy bands" :D cant understand that not everyone plays the game the same way they do or even for the same reasons. A lot of their frustration is due to this simple fact.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
said it before and saying it again
Its war, not "fair fights"

but ok hmmm let say i get a relic raid going (not likely i would start one so u dont have to comment that one =P) pls dont add ok?
Cause its about curtsey and all we gonna sedn the relic dude solo after we taken the relic so if u gonna fight him send just one guy ok?

now more seriously
really, if u think about it, isnt a fullscale war more fun than the 1 fg vs 1 fg stuff?
That´s what made me start play daoc tho....big battles.
So anyone telling me "don´t add" can pay my account every month and then they can tell me what i can do or not =P
Me add u long time!
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