Diablo III


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Grinded the same Hell boss for 5 hours with a friend and got the sum total of one shitty yellow drop. Good money though (made around 600k each), which I used to gear up for Inferno. The drop rates definitely seem pretty poor in NM and Hell, but with the buffs you can get in Inferno, it seems to be okay. Worst thing is the ROG though, so many items I get have 2/4 usable stats and then total shit, which makes them useless. Guh.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
1. It's just right for me and the achievement you speak of is NOT FORCED on you in anyway.

2. What do you mean by this? a Wizard plays different to a Barbarian and a Witch Doctor plays different to a Demon Hunter.

3. How would you handle this?

4. Diablo has always been this? maybe not achievements but it's always been about loot and bragging rights nothing else and it's always been about running the dungeons over and over and over uintil you can do it no longer.

5. i didn't think it was amazing i just though it was fine.

6. Agree with this.

7. Diablo 1 and 2 were always the same it ALWAYS comes down to cookie cutter builds but that is pretty much standard for every mmo these days.

8. Seriously.

I think people's problem is that Diablo 3 is almost like Diablo 2 and people have grown out of it and just don't find the gameplay fun anymore.

No it's not forced upon you to run through the entire game in 5 hours or less, but as the option is there they have had to compromise how big the overall game is just to make that possible.

And i meant general story progression when mentioning variations. Sure there are slight differences but they are reduced to starting intro, a select few mentions by unimportant NPC's and the different responses to your companions. It doesn't really matter if you play a barb or a WD as it doesn't have any impact on the overall story, think SWTOR spoiled me on that one...

Sorry, no idea how to make higher difficulties be challenging enough without to much kiting, i'm not imaginative enough for that.

Well, you could go through D1 and D2 without using a cookie cutter build and still have an ok:ish progression rate. If you try that in D3 you're gonna get stuck until you select the "proper" build. Now obviously there were horribly bad builds in the previous two games, but you had to screw up quite badly for that to happen and not have a chance to finish the game. Odd builds in hell might have been pushing the luck a tad but it was not impossible. Heck i managed to run through the game with a skellie zerg specced necro in D2 without even feeling truly stuck, and iirc that were regarded as one of the worse specs for that class. Hardcore with permadeath is obviously a different beast all together so i'm not gonna argue cookie cutter builds there.

And while most MMO's do indeed have builds that are preferred by hardcore minmaxers not that many make it impossible to use odd builds and still be ok. Unlike WoW for example where you *have* to spec at least 31 points in to a skill tree before the other two are even unlocked, effectively killing hybrid specs.

That said, i read somewhere that Blizzard is looking at what skills are "must haves" just to survive and will balance it so more builds are viable. And if that means nerfing the must haves or buffing the other skills remains to be seen.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Gear is rng, you may find good gear and you may find shit gear, totally luck based in Diablo.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Worst thing is the ROG though, so many items I get have 2/4 usable stats and then total shit, which makes them useless. Guh.

Yep, especially class specific items with useless stats on them. Can't even sell those on AH....


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
Another friend has had his account stripped completely... he joined a few public games and has done multiple virus scans.. nothing found.. I know some viruses can't be found but really....

He didn't have an authenticator, he didn't know they existed.. he's getting one now..

I guess all these people who have been hacked have had hidden viruses on their PCs for all this time waiting for them to get D3........ to steal their shit... :rolleyes:


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
the way I see it is if you don't have an authenticator you don't know for sure its your fault or not, if you have an authenticator and still get hacked etc you know its blizzards fault and can dispute the fact.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Nightmare elites are generally cake, Hell are irritating depending on the combo but Inferno is just ridiculous. As a Wizard there's no way at all I can solo Elites without lots of room to kite, meaning a lot of Elites are simply unkillable. Definitely think Inferno is intended to be played as a group.

Inferno is 100x harder as a full group, was in a public game yesterday we were Wizard (me) Barb (with 64k health/good passive defenses) Barb (59k hp/decent passives) Monk (had insane gear) every single party member could be 1 shot by any monster we encountered, even the small none elite ones.

Grinded the same Hell boss for 5 hours with a friend and got the sum total of one shitty yellow drop. Good money though (made around 600k each), which I used to gear up for Inferno. The drop rates definitely seem pretty poor in NM and Hell, but with the buffs you can get in Inferno, it seems to be okay. Worst thing is the ROG though, so many items I get have 2/4 usable stats and then total shit, which makes them useless. Guh.

Bosses do not drop the best gear, rare/elite packs do - stated by Blizzard - Diablo in Inferno drops upto 4 legendaries per kill but thats about it.


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
whoo had a bunch of yellow stuff i didnt need so put em on AH last night at random prices... sold 1 weap for 42k !


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
I put all my old shit yellow stuff on AH for ridiculously low prices just to get rid of them, have no idea how much stuff is worth!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Asians are doing well on D3 >< coming up with some crazy builds, difficulty levels: Normal, Nightmare, Hell, Inferno, Asian.


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
This is my 21 wizzy atm, seems a bit much that I get 1/4 of my hp back with every health orb; but i wont complain :p pretty much just use items they either give +dmg or +health orb's. Havent needed anything from the AH yet luckily just keep on exp'ing and crafting.


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FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Belial how do I beat the son of a bitch?

The fucking green thing keeps one shotting me :|?


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
trick i found with belial is not to drag-move but when green shitt falls from sky, click move to empty walkway.


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
was forced to spec to a 15% dodge passive, turns out what was killing me were his fire breathing helpers. My resists are pretty low :< Diablo on the other hand was piss.


Resident Freddy
Dec 30, 2003
ah my friend has that herding staff, been in that trippy world with him this morning :)


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
Just started Hell for the first time and ran into my first champion pack. Think I died more in that one battle than the entire game so far o_O


Resident Freddy
Dec 30, 2003
Im lvl22 now, and just a quick question. Do you ever have to use more than 2 brain cells on any quest in the game?

So far all its been is, "find dungeon X" "find place in dungeon X" "kill thing in dungeon X" rinse and repeat, and tbh its starting to get a bit boring.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Im lvl22 now, and just a quick question. Do you ever have to use more than 2 brain cells on any quest in the game?

So far all its been is, "find dungeon X" "find place in dungeon X" "kill thing in dungeon X" rinse and repeat, and tbh its starting to get a bit boring.

you've played the Diablo series of games before right?

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