Diablo III


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004

good video tbh, constructive for sure.

Very true, I hope they do do something interesting with it as the game for me is getting a little stale. Gear check, gear check, gear check zzz :(


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
I agree with the video, there is something that draws me to the game. But I always feel like I go into a zombie mode when playing it, just wacking stuff and waking up whenever a rare/legendary item drops. This even on Hell.

The mechanic is to much built around you're items atm, and you are pretty much bound to use the AH at all times. Seeing that the items dropped is so random(stats wise) that it is nearly impossible to go through the game with the drops only.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
Just wait till the Real Money Auction House is out... then all the good drops will be for $$$ only :D or a fuck ton of gold :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Mortar jailor just nearly roasted my chesticles. Seems nightmare cnotinues the first runthrough tradition of poo in pants heart stop right now action.

But I always feel like I go into a zombie mode when playing it,

Try HC, thsoe zombie moments mean game over :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Diablo 1-2 have never ever ever ever been gear checks, you could kill stuff naked in D2 on max difficulty due to your build.
i think thats the other way .. whats the point if you can do it naked ?

I guess theres a happy half way house somewhere ... but i prefer to not be able to do it cause a build is uber over getting some gear and playing the way i like tbh.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
i think thats the other way .. whats the point if you can do it naked ?

I guess theres a happy half way house somewhere ... but i prefer to not be able to do it cause a build is uber over getting some gear and playing the way i like tbh.

It means that the other games was more based on how you played you're character, and not what kinda gear you got. Of-course better gear in d2 meant easier to beat the bosses, but you could still win using cunning strategies. hack&slash is fun, but it can be a little bit repetitive and annoying dying at the same elite again and again, because there is simply nothing you can do(just taking them down little by little each time you die).


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
It means that the other games was more based on how you played you're character, and not what kinda gear you got. Of-course better gear in d2 meant easier to beat the bosses, but you could still win using cunning strategies. hack&slash is fun, but it can be a little bit repetitive and annoying dying at the same elite again and again, because there is simply nothing you can do(just taking them down little by little each time you die).
ofc as i said it should be a happy medium .. and depending which char you take i think it is ... just some of them arnt so balanced as others .. which would be impossible to get 6 different skill sets equally balanced in a game with random skill outfits and gear ... i still think some of the cunning in d2 / d1 were exploits that its just a lot easier these days with the interweb and always connected to fix from the developers original design ..

12 years ago they didnt think of patching games .. now it happens every other week ..


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
i think thats the other way .. whats the point if you can do it naked ?

I guess theres a happy half way house somewhere ... but i prefer to not be able to do it cause a build is uber over getting some gear and playing the way i like tbh.

Diablo 2 has been going none stop for 12 years, even now people are still playing it despite the release of Diablo 3. Proven to work thus Blizzard shouldn't have changed things so dramatically but worked on it to improve what was already there rather than bring an entire new system in by which you just get slapped in the face with none stop gear checks.

One of the key things that made Diablo 2 as successful as it has been over the years was the simplicity of it, Blizzard has basically taken Diablo 2, smashed it with a hammer, stuffed it up Bobby Kotick's fat worthless arse and spat it back out as a cash cow.

Its still a good game :p I can't fault it apart from the bent difficulty leaps and obvious greed decisions.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
you still on your first toon ?

Still alive at 33, i do have other classes too in the act 1-2 setting.

On the gear checks of D3; it would be fine if for example you'd be locked out of stuff before you get gear, but ni HC an instadeath gearcheck isn't a gearcheck(like enrages etc), it's an unannounced restart button.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Made a Barb twink last night, 860 or so DPS at level 24 :p. Downed the entire Belial encounter in under 30 seconds haha.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Think I'm done with Diablo 3, straw that broke the camel's back was a 9 hour farming session for gear which turned nothing up due to shit itemization. Can't be arsed with Blizzard obvious greed model for Diablo 3, off to Torchlight 2 I go.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Hasn't Diablo always had random loot? Don't know how that's a "greed model" when you're not forced to pay anything.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Its always been random aye Toht, the problem is loot hasn't really dictated whether you can progress before in Diablo, now that it is you'd think it would have better itemization.

I've played Diablo 3 for a total of 160 Hours 41 Minutes, I've got a 60 Barbarian and 60 Wizard 45 Demon Hunter and 35 Witch Doctor - I've seen both Melee and Ranged aspects of the game and I'm not impressed.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Also the 160 hours might burn you out as well, you did run like a runaway train there ;)

I can kinda agree that some itemization would be nice, but i'm not sure if it would work as then everyone would definetaly get the gear they need.

Anyway, take a break, come back when/if things change/feel like it and for 160hours, it's money well spent still.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Also the 160 hours might burn you out as well, you did run like a runaway train there ;)

I can kinda agree that some itemization would be nice, but i'm not sure if it would work as then everyone would definetaly get the gear they need.

Anyway, take a break, come back when/if things change/feel like it and for 160hours, it's money well spent still.

Money well spent would be a game that lasts 6+ years :p


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Tohtori I shall try what you are, Hardcore but I feel I will pull out my fucking hair doing so. I am done with Diablo 3 as a proper game but there isnt a great deal to play until Torchlight 2 release.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Itemisation is one thing but the more I play it the more I think it is designed to not drop stuff that is usable for your class. Near the end of act 2 on hell now, not a single usable drop.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Itemisation is one thing but the more I play it the more I think it is designed to not drop stuff that is usable for your class. Near the end of act 2 on hell now, not a single usable drop.

Yea, its designed to be a pure cash cow "whats that? no items? not enough gold? well come right along and use our RMAH and make us rich!"


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Tohtori I shall try what you are, Hardcore but I feel I will pull out my fucking hair doing so. I am done with Diablo 3 as a proper game but there isnt a great deal to play until Torchlight 2 release.

Heh yeah, it sure is different, but not sur if it's going to make you feel -better- :D

I can't -really- comment on the drops yet, while i haven't gotten really good DH drops, i've also got -some- drops. You guys might very well be right, but can't really say if it's just bad luck.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Thing about the greedy argument though; there's no need to use the RMAH and they didn't implement it in HC. Both which go against the greed argument.

RMAH is a "i got money, but no time" auction house, where, like in EVE, you buy gold essentially. The whole idea for RMAH came from designers also, which means it's from players to players, not from corporate suits.

If they really were greedy, the system would be a lot harsher.

And even if they make some money out of it, it's ofcourse a business, but it doesn't unbalance the game as regularAH exists in the same way and the gear is still, from players to players, not blizzard gear to players. Cost of running blizzard as a firm, and the cost of the game itself, are quite high so it's natural to try and make some back.

In essence; RMAH is no different from regular free to play models, except that in thsi case some of the money goes back to the players and it's still an option, not forced competance.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Made a Barb twink last night, 860 or so DPS at level 24 :p. Downed the entire Belial encounter in under 30 seconds haha.

That's not a particularly hard boss though for a barb. Just pop earthquakel and have that fire rune on it and it will melt in about 10 seconds.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Lol, theres less than 1% of the entire Diablo player base on Inferno... quoted from a bluepost by blizz

"If it's so small it's odd how many people I've met that are actually in Inferno, myself included. You can't mean to say we're the 1%.
No, no, no... far, far less than 1%. :)"

also taken from same post

"The amount of people who have even unlocked Inferno is so infinitesimally small, and the number of people who are attempting content beyond what their gear/skill allows, means we don't really have a ton of data to look at yet. Plus the item economy at the higher levels is extremely limited just because the number of people able to progress is even smaller. People tend to underestimate gear value, or want difficulty progression to be a linear curve. Not everyone enjoys the steep difficulty incline and need to take a step back on improving their characters, builds, technique, etc. But it certainly is a case of overcoming difficulty through skills and gear as there are cases of all classes continuing to clear Inferno post-nerfs.

Anyway, we'll have an article up on the front page on Monday that gives a couple fun stats, and goes into explaining a few of the things we're working on and maybe some rough time frames.

I think we're about to see the busiest weekend for the game yet, with the most amount of people online and enjoying the game together. We're looking forward to a bright future for the game for years to come. We're in it for the long haul.

(Pro tip! See the blue BLIZZ icon to the right of this post? Clicking it will take you to any subsequent blue posts in the thread. Check it out!)"


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
whats to lol about i can see there is a small percentage of people on inferno ... I only just completed normal .. inferno is a way off for me ...

Just becuase you hear a lot of noise from those who got there . in comparison to like 7 million sold its a drop in the ocean ..

and the FH demographic isnt anything to judge the numbers by as they imo play more than average on these types of games


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Well I haven't unlocked it yet, jut started act 3 on hell. The difficulty is just right so far. Some champion packs are just retarded though, I wouldn't like to think how you would kill them on inferno!

...still no usable drops as such but I did get an orange belt that is selling for around 5,000,000!

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