Dark Souls!


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Got invaded about 5mins ago god damn my heart was beating like mad when I saw him running towards me I had about 5 seconds to think what to do I turned around and ran into this room with like a circle cut into the ground.

I hid behind the door way and got 2 shots off on him he hit me for some serious damage so I rolled backwards into the circle pit, he jumped in and got 2 shots on me I managed a hit on him.

By this time I was on around 5% hp I was rolling round like a mad man I managed to drink a health pot and climb the ladder out of the pit he tried to follow and I did a plunging attack into his head and killed him.

Took his sword that he was using and got some humanity never since Demon Souls have I experienced such terror and excitement in a game.

I know EXACTLY what you mean.
First time I got invaded in Demons Souls sent my heart pounding. Managed to kill the bugger too.
Will definitely pick up Dark Souls at some point, but with the house move and Battlefield3 on pre-order I don't think I'd find the time right now.
Will pick it up cheap in a month or two.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Anyone got a recommendation for the cheapest place to pick a copy up? I get paid on Friday so I think I'll take a punt on this as it looks great.

I got mine from shopto.net for £36 but ive seen it in Morrisons for £37


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Got invaded about 5mins ago god damn my heart was beating like mad when I saw him running towards me I had about 5 seconds to think what to do I turned around and ran into this room with like a circle cut into the ground.

I hid behind the door way and got 2 shots off on him he hit me for some serious damage so I rolled backwards into the circle pit, he jumped in and got 2 shots on me I managed a hit on him.

By this time I was on around 5% hp I was rolling round like a mad man I managed to drink a health pot and climb the ladder out of the pit he tried to follow and I did a plunging attack into his head and killed him.

Took his sword that he was using and got some humanity never since Demon Souls have I experienced such terror and excitement in a game.

The maneater guy with the cleaver? NPC I'm afraid :p

I've not been invaded at all yet (other than that guy) but done lots of summons now. Got a couple ppl in to help with Quelag and again for Ornstein

Found a lightning spear which I've upgraded to +2, helps a lot :D


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Haha yeah it was the man eater kinda figured he was an NPC when I could summon him for the Quelag. Speaking of Quelag bit of a bitch for a few tries but then I calmly went in and beat the bitch only using one pot on my Knight :) felt damn good.

Any idea where you can use her soul to make a weapon?

However I continued on and the Ceaseless Discharge turned me into BBQ, there is some nice armour near him though makes you look like a Wraith from LOTR.

Absolutely loving this game its just so refreshing because there isn't anything like it out there, sure I rage like a mad man when I loose souls but the feeling you get as you clear a boss is something I never felt with another game.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Not sure, haven't found any good references for upgrades and boss souls Pity there's no guide like with DeS black phantom edition, that had sooooo much handy info on upgrades, boss souls etc.

Just finished Londo anore which was epic, not sure where I'm supposed to go now. I tried ceaseless discharge (wtf kinda name is that anyway) quite a few times but haven't killed him. Almost got the dodging down on the vertical swings but the horizontal one gets me every time. I did get the grim reaper armour, kinda weird how its better than nearly everything else I've found but weighs sod all

I know what you mean about the feelings, like the sheer relief when you get to a new bonfire...


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
God the feeling I had when I got to the bonfire in Blighttown in the swamp was immense it annoyed me as I had lost 15k souls just around the corner.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I got summoned in blighttown, at the bonfire before Quelag - there was the host, me and another phantom and the frame rate was about 5fps. Was horrible :(

Never had significant fps drop anywhere else since though


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Heh, used the soul from Ormstein to make a nifty spear. Does less damage than my lightning spear +3 but it shoots lightning with R2 :D

Think it's just low damage cos its E/B/-/B and I've only got 12 faith


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Anyone got a recommendation for the cheapest place to pick a copy up? I get paid on Friday so I think I'll take a punt on this as it looks great.
Some Asda's have it for £31, 'limited edition' as well.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Picked it up from Morrison's today. Getting ready to lay my sanity at the door this weekend.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Just arrived at Sens Fortress, pig of a place.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Its not bad when you get to know it. Use the trap at the entrance against the snake guys, kills one outright. Follow the boulders original path after you change it, at the bottom there's a mimic chest that drops the lightning spear.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Its not bad when you get to know it. Use the trap at the entrance against the snake guys, kills one outright. Follow the boulders original path after you change it, at the bottom there's a mimic chest that drops the lightning spear.

Just killed Golem now gonna find that chest assume its in the watery bit?


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Right, got past the second boss then went back and spent all my souls to level up. Can't see a way past that dragon but tomorrow I'll work it out. Absolutely outstanding game, first time I've played something HARD in years. Pumped to play more.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Forget the dragon its not something I can even do right now.

Couldn't find that chest with the lightning spear :( got teamed by those 2 huge snake things in the water.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Oh, where the hell do I go after that Bull Demon then? I'm confused. :x


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Oh, where the hell do I go after that Bull Demon then? I'm confused. :x

The taurus demon on the battlements? Head along and get your white soapstone then take off enough armour that you're under 25% equip burden. Sprint along the bridge towards the wyvern and you'll see an alcove on your right with a stairwell, go down there. You'll prolly take 1 breath hit from the wyvern but you should be able to survive it


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
I'm curious, what classes are you lot playing? I picked a Thief but really failing to see the benefit. Half the time backstabs don't even work :<

Also anyone else having difficulty with the parry system? It seems very temperamental to whether it wants to work or not, or am I missing something?


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I'm curious, what classes are you lot playing? I picked a Thief but really failing to see the benefit. Half the time backstabs don't even work :<

Also anyone else having difficulty with the parry system? It seems very temperamental to whether it wants to work or not, or am I missing something?

Don't blame the system as the combat is solid through and through, parry just requires perfect timing down to the last second.

I personally don't rely on it, I'm a Knight.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Don't blame the system as the combat is solid through and through, parry just requires perfect timing down to the last second.

I personally don't rely on it, I'm a Knight.
I'm not saying it's a flawed system, just that I was having difficulties with it and was wondering if anyone had some tips. I've sussed out the problem though, backstabs don't work if you're holding LB to block. I spent a while trying to master the parry system on some easy ish mobs last night and I feel like I've just about got it sorted. Still though, it's barely worth the risk parry'ing in case you miss, just dodge and try to get in a sneaky backstab.

I'm still only up to the Undead Burg and my play time is over 5 hours, granted I've done a little bit exploring etc. Just past the bit with the Dragon on the bridge and came across some giant knight at the top of the tower after it, what a bastard he is! Had to stop for work but I'm getting that bastard down tonight :D


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I'm over 30 hours in just unlocked some sort of Ancient city.

Honestly one of the very best games this year and i hope it wins GOTY like Demon Soul's did, it is such a unique game.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Since I finished Anor Londo I've just been faffing about. Explored a few places I missed like Darkroot and just finished catacombs, also did a couple bosses down in the lava place. Spent some time farming for weapon upgrades, got a +4 lightning spear, +5 fire broadsword and +10 composite bow. Oh and a +10 spider shield :D

Upgrading shields with fire/magic etc doesnt seem to add to their resistance, just does that type of damage when you attack with it so kinda useless. Also got a +1 fire longbow but doesnt seem to do anything though


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Getting off a perfect parry + insta kill is so satisfying! I'm enjoying this game almost too much. Just got an awesome looking helm from the armoured boar after the dragon - Fang Boar Helm, it looks like you'd expect. :p

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