Daoc Europe keep losing players


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
We will see what happens when they add the expansion, I think level 70 will remove most of this difference, and they will let it build up again a bit, then new big patch... Or maybe after level 70, they will make sure the new dungeons will be open to more people...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Danya said:
WoW PvE isn't very hard either, it's a bit different as you can't just get 100+ people and zerg the shit out of every encounter, but in terms of actual difficulty, it's fine, especially for T2 and lower stuff.
Not to mention, they tend to nerf the lower dungeons when harder stuff comes out which means people can get stuff more easily over time.

yeah the normal plixxard tactic, atm the 4 horsemen are the cockblock until plixxard think its time for everyone to move on in the instance, then it will get nerfed (as with ragnaros, nef, cthun/ouro/vis)

they dont want everyone to go "omfg pwned naxx im bored zzzz shitgame /unsubscribe" ;p

Vaas Harkonnen

Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
daoc is losing or has even lost the competition with the freeshards and other games.
imo the only solution for mythic/goa is stop asking for a monthly fee....

make money with expansions and the box itself.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Esselinithia said:
We will see what happens when they add the expansion, I think level 70 will remove most of this difference, and they will let it build up again a bit, then new big patch... Or maybe after level 70, they will make sure the new dungeons will be open to more people...

stop imagining things.. nobody said anything about lvl70, and current dungeons at lvl70 would be a friggin joke.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Vaas Harkonnen said:
daoc is losing or has even lost the competition with the freeshards and other games.
imo the only solution for mythic/goa is stop asking for a monthly fee....

make money with expansions and the box itself.

they wont make any profit out of that...


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
cba to read all replies. Personally I'm in Switzerland till the end of August, then a bit more travelling probably to the netherlands and then back to daoc. It's summer, it's understandable that people will be leaving till the new season begins.


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 7, 2004
Just add OF and i know alot of guilds and players who will be back :p


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Esselinithia said:
We will see what happens when they add the expansion, I think level 70 will remove most of this difference, and they will let it build up again a bit, then new big patch... Or maybe after level 70, they will make sure the new dungeons will be open to more people...

I presume you're talking about WoW (this discussion is all over the place...)


One of Freddy's beloved
May 17, 2004
The PvE element of DAoC , lets be real was only fun the first or mebbe even second time you did it without PL , then it gets to be a pain , where you gotta PL alts, Then you gotta do ml's , WHich now mind you are not so bad with the regular ML rushs etc , and doing your artis forces you to interact with other players which is a big part of the game,
Overall i reckon the RvR / PvP system in DAoC is on way ahead off all other games out ATM , the PvE system will only be fun if you make it fun , i.e Roleplay :p , or duo with a mate like ido ,

I reckon that was rather pointless but its my opinion


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Vaas Harkonnen said:
daoc is losing or has even lost the competition with the freeshards and other games.
imo the only solution for mythic/goa is stop asking for a monthly fee....

make money with expansions and the box itself.

And ofc thats going to happen - think guildwars already has that cornered dude - DAOC will never go down that route - they will shut the game down first imo.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Aurores said:
Just add OF and i know alot of guilds and players who will be back :p
yeh and the loch ness monster will be amongst them......


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Its not only the game what makes a MMORPG succesfull, its the playerbase aswell.

Compare Glastonbury and Gareth and you know what i mean.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 11, 2004
NPC buffbots value 155 stats in Ligen etc will bring more players back, main reason i play freeshard tbh


Jan 22, 2005
SoulFly said:
Two words:

Project Camlann


They have over 1000 signed up now. And I think they're the biggest guild in the world atm.

Must say it's going well.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
They have over 1000 signed up now. And I think they're the biggest guild in the world atm.

Must say it's going well.

By the sounds of it, once proper PvP is in place on camlann, cluster rvr will be limited to nights when groups go out as an alternate to camlann PvP (if they do).


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 27, 2005
ofc daoc is keep loosing players when something dont work the cant find a way to fix it.
The Merchants have been down for ages now, the same with roll of honor. I understand they still try to fix it, but now to long time have gone and no fix.
We dont get compensated in anyway so now i also leave the game. I close down 3 accounts so no money from me anymore, becuase i dont want to pay full price for things who is not working, that is the only way u can get there attention.
I know more players will leave because of same reason.
So instead of making new patch and things try to get the old patch to work.

Just my view



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Boomling said:
ofc daoc is keep loosing players when something dont work the cant find a way to fix it.
The Merchants have been down for ages now, the same with roll of honor. I understand they still try to fix it, but now to long time have gone and no fix.
We dont get compensated in anyway so now i also leave the game. I close down 3 accounts so no money from me anymore, becuase i dont want to pay full price for things who is not working, that is the only way u can get there attention.
I know more players will leave because of same reason.
So instead of making new patch and things try to get the old patch to work.

Just my view


Shall that be the reason?

I dont think so, i think there are to less Englisch speaking players who have interest in the game and playing other games. Look at US servers, still healhty with the main reason there are just more ppl who play MMORPG's, maybe many have leave DAOC to play other games, but still enough players to make DAOC healthy. Compare the US with Europe, the population is just bigger (yes Eastern Europe is pretty big to but not that much players from there)

Besides that, alot of players who play US DAOC are from Europe to.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Didnt read the entire post, but I think much of the reason that daoc haven't gotten alot of new players the last years is because its too difficult for new players to compete with the people that has been around for 5 years. Do you all remember how RvR was in the beginning? I can remember how both groups stopped just within eachothers bolt range. Most tanks never dared to charge, since the ones that charged (alone) died every time.

I have stopped recommending daoc to people because its simply too difficult to start ut with unless you got much time and learn fast. To beginners I recommend Wow dispite that I dont like the endgame at all.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 22, 2006
atos said:
They should merge both US and EU and get a decent playerbase on all servers and force the germans/french to speak a real language.



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 22, 2004
Ctuchik said:
only diffrence from us normal ppl and the "leet" is that the "leet" have more time to spare.

yes more time spent should have its rewards but as it is now its not even funny in a sad way.

you are kidding yourself if you think its only time based..

Some people are just better at teamplay and adapting in a MMORPG, get over it.

Though time plays a big role (both being higher RR and having better opputunity to arrange the groups)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Illtar said:
you are kidding yourself if you think its only time based..

Some people are just better at teamplay and adapting in a MMORPG, get over it.

Though time plays a big role (both being higher RR and having better opputunity to arrange the groups)

a set group that plays 6, 7, 8 hours a day will always have the upper hand when facing a set casual group that only plays a few hours a week. that still doesent mean that the set casual group will always loose to the other group but they DO have it against them when it comes to time played with eachother. and the fact that the other group will probably have that much more overpowered RA's just makes it worse. and i have no problem if ppl have more RA's then me, what i DO have a problem with is that most of the active RA's are so freakisly overpowered.

AND that most of those RA's makes a win or loose if they are up or not. now its more about having the right set of RA's up insted of acual teamplay, even if that still plays a role in it, its still not as big as it used to be when RA's wasent implemented.

IMO RA's should be a nice little extra rather then a must have to win against a equally experienced group of players. something that makes a *minor* diffrence without being a "must have" to be able to win.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Just remove RA's from the game imo, it makes the stronger overpowered compared to the low RR players. RvR will be much more balanced without RA's, and much more fun for everyone.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
thats a newb mentality. rr1-2 can beat the shit out of rr11's etc. dont blaim your RR on suxing. Couple of good players coming through the ranks that are like infinetly tougher than like high RR players that sux balls.

Game is not a good as it could be (from my perspective) because of the lack of quality opponents. Its mainly newbs (newbs in the sense of when you hit them their HP bar bugs out you do so much damage).

Very few fights where your opponent knows what he is doing or is even close to being competant. Not saying im so awesome I just pwn them to death with my epeen aura, its more a case of they sux so bad a yellow con mob would prolly pwn them.

Saying that though theres some awesome players around still from all realms but fights with them are few and far between. The old days there were lots of good players that could rock it up and you got more good fights.

Its a testimony to the fact theres too many nice guy irl's player and not enough leet people. On a side note the majority that read this take offense (newbs) but the minority think the same thing (leet people)

eventually daoc will just be one big shit slinging contest between all the idiots.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Oldleaf said:
Just remove RA's from the game imo, it makes the stronger overpowered compared to the low RR players. RvR will be much more balanced without RA's, and much more fun for everyone.

ok but there should be some reward for rvr'ing, otherwise you could just play counterstrike eh?


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Oldleaf said:
Just remove RA's from the game imo, it makes the stronger overpowered compared to the low RR players. RvR will be much more balanced without RA's, and much more fun for everyone.

Problem was the stupid easymode rp patch tbh. Removing RAs from the game would be really stupid and be of more harm than good.

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