Politics Coronavirus


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Herein lies the problem. Some (obviously a minority but still) people were already ignoring the lockdown order, Johnson has just given them carte blanche with go out and act likes twats. No communication with the devolved states prior to the media leaking what Johnson was going to say... no coordination with essential services... I can't find the tweet but a police chief was aghast at the advice Johnson was giving... like "what the fuck are we supposed to do with this?".

Yes I would agree at times common sense seems in short supply but that has always been a problem, you can't wait until the least sensible turn into model citizens with good common sense since even the current lockdown has shown a number of people just flouting it any way.

I really don't care that much about the devolved nations on this issue, after all it is technically a semi-devolved issue and an even bigger reason to me is people like Ian Blackford talk about working together and then the devolved governments announce whatever they want before the UK government any way.


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
No idea not my area of expertise. That is being done by the companies that manage the petri-dish services.

But again a little bit of common sense. If the train stops and it looks like you cannot keep 2m apart from everyone then I would suggest you don't get on it.

Oh, like this you mean? This morning.

Tube packed day after PM's speech

Coronavirus: CCTV shows commuters packing into trains


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
No idea not my area of expertise. That is being done by the companies that manage the petri-dish services.

But again a little bit of common sense. If the train stops and it looks like you cannot keep 2m apart from everyone then I would suggest you don't get on it.

You could at least give an educated guess...

Well I would say it's impossible unless they add some technology to trains to count people, add entry gates to every station and add tech to the entry system to count people entering the platforms.


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
The Govt is not responsible for ensuring social distancing on petri-dish transport. That responsibility lies with the operators. Also it shows how little common sense the public have.

It's everyone else's fault.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The Govt is not responsible for ensuring social distancing on petri-dish transport. That responsibility lies with the operators. Also it shows how little common sense the public have.

Indeed so therefore the governments fault for idiotic mixed messages


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Oh, like this you mean? This morning.

Tube packed day after PM's speech

Coronavirus: CCTV shows commuters packing into trains

Let's provide some numbers for you drama queen:

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has urged people to continue staying at home and not to use public transport after the government's announcement of changes to lockdown measures.

He told BBC Breakfast there had been a 10% increase in the use of the London Underground on Monday, compared with the same time last week, but said the figures were still 94% down on last year.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Its all very amusing..but as usual the masses will crossover comedy and pre speech guesswork by the media as proof the government is confused.

Apart from the idiocy of saying go to work tomorrow, it was all very sensible and obvious..with total admission that its a waiting game.

I would like him to be more honest about the problems...dont just say testing is great when it obviously isnt.
Just man up and say its been shambolic but we are on it, we can take that.
Its something we can all relate to.

I did find the needle rising graphics a bit surreal though.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Compared to you were absolutely everything is the UK governments, why don't you try and blame them for your shit broadband in Spain.

Whether it is today, Wednesday or next month it will always be the case so get Sadiq to close it down.

He can't because NHS workers and other key workers need to use it


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The Govt is not responsible for ensuring social distancing on petri-dish transport. That responsibility lies with the operators. Also it shows how little common sense the public have.
The government is responsible for clear messaging.

It can't tell everyone to "go to work" and then expect them to all make the same "fuck that's full" decision when they feel their job may be on the line and their wanker boss is going to say "bojo said come in - where are you?"

Planning. Thinking things through. How can they get the messaging so wrong??


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Which cannot be summarised in a snappy slogan half as effectively as "fucking stay at home" can, which is why Scotland and Wales are sticking with the original. You have a situation where they came up with a slogan but then you need to also remember a paragraph of text to further explain exactly what the slogan means. It's madness.

This is how Jenrick started his explanation to Marr yesterday...

Scotland and Wales are telling people to stay at home, whilst also telling them they can go out for unlimited exercise. And yet two simple words - "Stay Alert" are confusing?

Are people being wilfully thick now?


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
You could at least give an educated guess...

Well I would say it's impossible unless they add some technology to trains to count people, add entry gates to every station and add tech to the entry system to count people entering the platforms.
I am not an armchair expert. Though they could install footfall cameras or if possible modify the CCTV on trains to act as footfall cameras.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Stick your head out the window.
I remember the days on the old slam door trains where you could actually do this even if not safe.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
The government is responsible for clear messaging.

It can't tell everyone to "go to work" and then expect them to all make the same "fuck that's full" decision when they feel their job may be on the line and their wanker boss is going to say "bojo said come in - where are you?"

Planning. Thinking things through. How can they get the messaging so wrong??

Maybe they gave the British public more credit for having half a brain than you are? The message to me seemed quite straightfoward - if we are all sensible we will see some sort of normality in the next couple of months, but in the meantime get outside and do some exercise/sport and get some Vitamin D, and if your business isn't on the restricted list then you will be encouraged to start up again. Considering most businesses are already in touch with the Govt about reopening safely, nothing is likely to happen until the guidance has been released later today, so patience. People have been screaming for a roadmap out of lockdown for weeks now, and now we have one.

My only criticism would be that Boris should have clarified that they weren't expecting everyone back to work tomorrow, but would work with employers to get them up and running ASAP. Mostly as I know that this is already happening.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
The government is responsible for clear messaging.

It can't tell everyone to "go to work" and then expect them to all make the same "fuck that's full" decision when they feel their job may be on the line and their wanker boss is going to say "bojo said come in - where are you?"

Planning. Thinking things through. How can they get the messaging so wrong??
I've already said they fucked up with the timing of the announcement.

Until employers make it safe to work you can withdraw from your place of work due to safety fears legally.

Let's see what the document says. Again the timing has been fucking shite.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
The government is responsible for clear messaging.

It can't tell everyone to "go to work" and then expect them to all make the same "fuck that's full" decision when they feel their job may be on the line and their wanker boss is going to say "bojo said come in - where are you?"

Planning. Thinking things through. How can they get the messaging so wrong??
Forgot to add.

So for the last 6 weeks you have been furloughed. On Sunday Boris asks you go start to go back to work. You are not just simply going to trundle into an office which has been shutdown for the last 6 weeks without speaking to your employer. If you do then you are fucking stupid.

Just had our team conference call, our manager has stated that it is still the same Company policy. Work from home (applicable to the other members of the team who are office based). He then stated that the Company will digest the 50 page document and will provide further information in due course.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003

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