Politics Coronavirus


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Well just for the fact you're travelling at 25kph on a pedestrian walk way!

There are certainly no bike lanes where I live and I certainly can't see how a little scooter can he road worthy. Sounds all very dangerous for everyone really.

Get a manual scooter or a bike instead.

Even if they were legal they aren't really for anywhere but cities or other built up areas, hell even then the odd pothole has caused hellish noises on my motorcycles 17" wheels and suspension.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The world isn't any more free because there's a temporary reduction in traffic.
I disagree. It's much more pleasant and safe to move around in a world with a lot less cars on the road.

You're also completely ignoring the fact that people follow the work.
How so? Point 5 was: if you have to use your car for work, you can...

People will always follow the work. However, it's quite clear that you simply don't need a car for so much of it - and that actually going into an office is now a proven waste of time, money and resources for an absolute shedload of jobs.

Add to the fact that with social distancing - where the government says public transport spaces will reduce by 90% - then cities are fucked if people who have to work can't get in there. London with 10% of the train capacity? No space for cars - but a fair number of people could make it in by bike.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I disagree. It's much more pleasant and safe to move around in a world with a lot less cars on the road.

No not really because people tend to drive faster when there are no other cars so not really safer for pedestrians or cyclists


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
Well just for the fact you're travelling at 25kph on a pedestrian walk way!

There are certainly no bike lanes where I live and I certainly can't see how a little scooter can he road worthy. Sounds all very dangerous for everyone really.

Get a manual scooter or a bike instead.

I'm not on the pedestrian walkway, that is illegal, potholes are rare because it doesn't freeze. Also don't see the logic in a manual scooter being safer.
I'm 58, fucked if I'm cycling 4km uphill from town. (I would be fucked)
Perfectly normal here, not a hipster thing, cultural I suppose.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Im more impressed by the new Tor...sorry Labour leader wearing his blue tie when answering questions about Boris' speech.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I disagree. It's much more pleasant and safe to move around in a world with a lot less cars on the road.

How so? Point 5 was: if you have to use your car for work, you can...

People will always follow the work. However, it's quite clear that you simply don't need a car for so much of it - and that actually going into an office is now a proven waste of time, money and resources for an absolute shedload of jobs.

Add to the fact that with social distancing - where the government says public transport spaces will reduce by 90% - then cities are fucked if people who have to work can't get in there. London with 10% of the train capacity? No space for cars - but a fair number of people could make it in by bike.
Yeah, I'm sure the veterans from world wars were out to stop our freedoms being taken by the VW Beetle, that was it :rolleyes:


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
No not really because people tend to drive faster when there are no other cars so not really safer for pedestrians or cyclists
Come off it. There's loads less traffic on the road and just because there's less not everyone has turned into a maniac.

As it is I'm speaking to loads of people who for the very first time are seeing bikes as a real transport alternative - and they're explicitly saying it's because they feel so much safer with the reduced traffic levels.

Even in empty empty Wales I've always avoided roads like the plague, sometimes going miles out of my way to avoid short stretches - but I sailed down 8 miles of the A5 the other day on a big road loop from my door. - one car passed me. Just one. And, perhaps because the driver wasn't frustrated by the queues of dickheads in other vehicles he passed me courteously and politely on the opposite side of the road (rather than squeezing past in too small a gap because he didn't want to slow down to wait for oncoming traffic).

That scenario is all over cycling forums and being discussed with my friends.

Bike shops are selling out too. Partly because of exercise but also because people don't want to be sharing a bus.

This is a good thing all round. Exercise, health, less traffic, less emissions, less pollution. Win effing win.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, I'm sure the veterans from world wars were out to stop our freedoms being taken by the VW Beetle, that was it :rolleyes:
I'm really not sure exactly what it is you're objecting to Meg :(


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
US tribute to 88 dead nurses blamed on lack of PPE.



I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The problem is this @Bodhi:

I'm a factory worker. I live some distance from my minimum wage job and have no option but to take the bus.

Fortunately, every other fucker on the planet earns more than me so has either driven or ridden a bike.

However, some of them are like Job. Think this is a massive wheeze and they don't socially distance properly. Plus - it's really hard to in the workplace anyway and my employer is punitive so I have no choice.

People can be as responsible as saints @Bodhi - but they can't control everything.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The problem is this @Bodhi:

I'm a factory worker. I live some distance from my minimum wage job and have no option but to take the bus.

Fortunately, every other fucker on the planet earns more than me so has either driven or ridden a bike.

However, some of them are like Job. Think this is a massive wheeze and they don't socially distance properly. Plus - it's really hard to in the workplace anyway and my employer is punitive so I have no choice.

People can be as responsible as saints @Bodhi - but they can't control everything.
Will you fuck off with your baseless narratives, Im the fucking king of social distancing because thats what flattens the peaks and also I dont want to get it cos Im in my 50s and a few stone overweight....just like I dont want to get the flu, Ive always stayed away from people showing symptoms.

We could have flattened the curve without lockdown..that is becoming apparent, now we have to try and come out of it without , which is even more difficult


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
It was a lab issue that caused this, what should we have done? Chuck them in the fridge until the issue was fixed or ship them to a lab abroad who could test them for us?

Be organised and not have a lab issue.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Come off it. There's loads less traffic on the road and just because there's less not everyone has turned into a maniac.

As it is I'm speaking to loads of people who for the very first time are seeing bikes as a real transport alternative - and they're explicitly saying it's because they feel so much safer with the reduced traffic levels.

Even in empty empty Wales I've always avoided roads like the plague, sometimes going miles out of my way to avoid short stretches - but I sailed down 8 miles of the A5 the other day on a big road loop from my door. - one car passed me. Just one. And, perhaps because the driver wasn't frustrated by the queues of dickheads in other vehicles he passed me courteously and politely on the opposite side of the road (rather than squeezing past in too small a gap because he didn't want to slow down to wait for oncoming traffic).

That scenario is all over cycling forums and being discussed with my friends.

Bike shops are selling out too. Partly because of exercise but also because people don't want to be sharing a bus.

This is a good thing all round. Exercise, health, less traffic, less emissions, less pollution. Win effing win.

Perhaps in the middle of nowhere but other areas it's not true. Quite a few people around my way are driving faster than the speed limit on local roads.

Coronavirus: Speeding driver hits 151mph in police chase during COVID-19 lockdown
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The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Well after the get back to work announcement.
Im expecting the roads to be rammed with cars.

All going to the countryside...fuck work.


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
Ever had something break down? EVER?

It's pathetic, how you can defend it is truly beyond me. We don't know that something "broke", if I had to guess it's lack of capacity. If something did "break" for some thing so important you have built in redundancy, they haven't, world class clusterfuck.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
It's pathetic, how you can defend it is truly beyond me. We don't know that something "broke", if I had to guess it's lack of capacity. If something did "break" for some thing so important you have built in redundancy, they haven't, world class clusterfuck.
Fuck me seriously? What about all those airplane/helicopter crashes which happen due to a component malfunction even with massive levels of redundancy?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Perhaps in the middle of nowhere but other areas it's not true. Quite a few people around my way are driving faster than the speed limit on local roads.

Coronavirus: Speeding driver hits 151mph in police chase during COVID-19 lockdown
Jeebuz dys. *some*. *may* :rolleyes:

Oooh look. One bloke has been caught doing 118mph! Big deal - that's standard messaging to everyone. "Don't use coronavirus as an excuse to speed plebs".

Wilfully ignoring everything else I wrote btw. I don't get why :(


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
You are comparing lemons and bananas.
No I am not, I am merely pointing out that you cannot have something that will NEVER fail even with all the best redundancy in the world.

Computers fail even those with massive levels of redundancy like Azure, AWS etc. Mechnical moving parts fail. National power grids fail. The Internet fails. Rocket launches fail. Everything fails. That is the point you don't seem to grasp.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
No I am not, I am merely pointing out that you cannot have something that will NEVER fail even with all the best redundancy in the world.
This is true @Deebs.

So the question is - do we have the best redundancy in the world, or at least a very good level of redundancy?

Oh, wait. No. It's bad planning and a lack of preparedness... :/

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