CoD Modern Warfare 2


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
As has been said in its defence before - I'm pretty sure the developers set the prices on it.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
what a crock of doody. I'm not an economics expert, but imo you can't have a global outlet with pricing magically hiking between countries when the exchange rate is sloped the other way. Last time I checked there was no game tax here in NL.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Eep, I meant publishers. Yeah, pricing is all fucked up on Steam but as I say, I think publishers are just as much, if not more to blame than Steam/Valve.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Why would you do dl a game you decided not to buy? you obviously had reasons not to buy the game in the first place but you decided to rip the developer off who made the game anyway and download it?

Dirty scummy pirate.

Mostly I do it when I want to try a game that has no demo. This means I'll either download it to try it, or just not bother and not buy it. Either way, the developer loses nothing. If I play a game the whole way through and enjoy it, I'll buy it afterwards, like I did with Mass Effect.

You've never pirated an mp3 then?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
what a crock of doody. I'm not an economics expert, but imo you can't have a global outlet with pricing magically hiking between countries when the exchange rate is sloped the other way. Last time I checked there was no game tax here in NL.

As soon as I moved to a Euro country I noticed how badly Steam rips you off. What really grinds my gears is that I still have a UK address and bank account but their geolocation won't let me pay in Sterling.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Piracy is what it is, and it exists as an avenue for gamers. I think the developers should accept it as an avenue gamers may explore, im sure many gamers would happily pay for games they want. They don't because the developer takes something away (like MW2 dedicated servers), or add something in (anti piracy programs that install themselves surreptitiously) and this directs those gamers down the piracy avenue.

If developers just put a little faith in gamers and stopped trying to spy on them, force them to do things or just plain ignore them then im sure they'd see an increase in sales.

Of course as in all aspects of life there are the 'bad eggs' who will do it regardless, but there's no need to piss people off and add to the basket.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
i would point you at the guys who made Sins of a Solar Empire and other stuff - they refuse to put anti piracy stuff in their games, their CEO went on record saying it does more harm than good, his write up is on the interwebs, ,quite interestin read


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Thnaks Mabs good reading from many links found from google, the main being this one

This in particular
"The reason why we don't put copy protection on our games isn't because we're nice guys. We do it because the people who actually buy games don't like to mess with it. Our customers make the rules, not the pirates.

And this is where IW may have failed, they pissed off the customers to try and attack the pirates.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Piracy is what it is, and it exists as an avenue for gamers. I think the developers should accept it as an avenue gamers may explore, im sure many gamers would happily pay for games they want. They don't because the developer takes something away (like MW2 dedicated servers), or add something in (anti piracy programs that install themselves surreptitiously) and this directs those gamers down the piracy avenue.

If developers just put a little faith in gamers and stopped trying to spy on them, force them to do things or just plain ignore them then im sure they'd see an increase in sales.

Of course as in all aspects of life there are the 'bad eggs' who will do it regardless, but there's no need to piss people off and add to the basket.

Or like in most cases, they do it simply because they can, because they think they have a right to have things without paying for them. Let's stop kidding ourselves with this bullshit, very few people pirate for the reasons you gave above. The honest one's admit it, everyone else tries to justify it.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You lot are mental.

And christ you like to type stuff.

But the facts are

a) Downloading games you haven't bought is stealing. Dress it up any way you like, it still is. Whether or not you choose to do it or not is none of my business, but don't come on here and try to justify it. That's just bizzare.

b) The makers of CoD4/2 or whatever they call it have chosen to not have dedicated servers. This is a shit idea, and they can rationalise that any way they like too, it's still a shit idea, and I'm sure less PC gamers will buy it that would have otherwise.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
You lot are mental.

And christ you like to type stuff.

But the facts are

a) Downloading games you haven't bought is stealing. Dress it up any way you like, it still is. Whether or not you choose to do it or not is none of my business, but don't come on here and try to justify it. That's just bizzare.

b) The makers of CoD4/2 or whatever they call it have chosen to not have dedicated servers. This is a shit idea, and they can rationalise that any way they like too, it's still a shit idea, and I'm sure less PC gamers will buy it that would have otherwise.



Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
As soon as I moved to a Euro country I noticed how badly Steam rips you off. What really grinds my gears is that I still have a UK address and bank account but their geolocation won't let me pay in Sterling.

lol double screw then, and they don't even kiss you after!


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
mmmm bumpage

just thought id add ...

Amazon UK have removed ALL the comments/reviews, etc for this, cos there was 170+ negative ones about the pc version


ooh and theyre removing the posts on the forum part complaining the reviews have gone

funny how far the arm of corporate america can reach


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Whelp, once the game is officially released we'll see quite a few negative reviews again I expect :).


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Whelp, once the game is officially released we'll see quite a few negative reviews again I expect :).

well, no, thats the point.. you post, it gets deleted :p

there are a good list of [Deleted by Amazon] comments in the "er, why are you deleting stuff"


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah but I think they can only reasonably continue doing that while the game is not released. Their argument being, I expect, that you can't review a game that is not released yet. It's weak and I don't agree with it, but I can't imagine they'll delete negative stuff once the game actually hits the virtual-shelves.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
lolz :)



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 8, 2004
Dunno if anyone else saw this but this really just puts the icing on the shitty cake that IW have cooked up

IWs PR machine strikes again

But on the bright side, we get ground breaking 'Mouse control' technology! Welcome to the 1980s, let the good times roll!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 8, 2004
Its truly astonishing that they brazenly act as though 'mouse control' and 'graphics options' are enough to justify people paying money for the pc version [just realised this makes it sound like im gonna pirate it, im not, I couldn't care less about the singleplayer, I was only interested in the mp and since they've ruined that I wont be going anywhere near mw2 in either a legal or illegal fashion :p ]. I imagine they were sitting at their pc pissing themselves as they typed that reply. I mean, why even bother holding a q&a when you know exactly what kind of answers youll be giving and that they will just further alienate any pc gamers who actually come across the article. I cant imagine any gamer reading that and thinking 'Oh wow, in game text chat and p2p mp, this is the game for me'.

In a related note, relic of a previous era John Carmack has also said that the PC version of iD's next game Rage will be p2p multiplayer aswell.

/facepalms abound


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I'm actually so pissed off (it's been a slow to build rage) over the pricing creeping up to this level and the lack of dedicated server support, that I am now not buying this game until it comes right down in price. I refuse to pay more than £30 for the 360 version and £20 for the PC, so I guess I'll be waiting a while.

Boderlands looks like it will get my money instead.

CALL of DUTY MODERN WARFARE 2 XBOX 360 & PS3 £26 @ Sainsburys - HotUKDeals Forum

Don't need to wait long :)

My PC version was pre ordered for £23.99 from that forum too from CD Wow so i do not know what delivery will be like


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 27, 2004
Aye, same here. I purchased the PC version for £24.99.

Imho, no matter how badly the multiplayer is crippled (no ded servers, 9v9 max etc) I don't mind paying £25 for what I'm hoping will be sensational single-player (cod4 was).


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
In short people will just stick to COD4 - i've still purchased Modern Warfare 2 for the single player however but the whole "No dedicated" servers thing has more or less just ruined the entire possibility of the game being any good mp.

The saddest part is I believe Aliens: Colonial Marines uses the same engine as Modern Warfare 2 (I may be wrong) but i'm almost 99.9% certain it does, so if this turns out shite ACM will most likely be shite aswell.

On a side note, do not buy Operation Flashpoint 2 if you were thinking about it, its utter toss :p Borderlands however is worth the purchase.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
The saddest part is I believe Aliens: Colonial Marines uses the same engine as Modern Warfare 2 (I may be wrong) but i'm almost 99.9% certain it does, so if this turns out shite ACM will most likely be shite aswell.

BF:Bad Company 2 is going to clean up the multiplayer community in a few months' time.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 8, 2004
I agree, I expect most of the clans and gaming communities will stick with cod4 for the time being. OPF2 uses p2p multiplayer aswell, theres been a fair bit of criticism of its poor performance aswell.

I agree on Borderlands though, great fun!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
They can do alot with DLC for Borderlands aswell, so much they could add to it :) Left 4 Dead 2 is out soon aswell, also very nice! played the demo a few times the past week and it just feels so damn good compared to the first one (dont get me wrong the first one was great aswell but this one is/will be better)

- Graphics seem alot more crisp/smooth
- Gun shot sounds are amazing
- Alot more weapons to choose from
- Few more special infected monsters
- Improved Multiplayer/versus due to new monsters etc
- New game modes


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
OMG, IW gets worse and worse, when they said they had spent time creating a more fuller game than the console versions, I thought it would be something good, but friggin 'mouse control'????? what the hell?

May just pick it up cheap for the 360 now for the SP and ignore the MP

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