Castable stun

Do You think Castable stun on dmg classes is ok?

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004

not sure why is this dat annoying, lets look at the casters:

sm: pet, d/q debuffs, lajftep, root, mezz
bd: lol, banelordTOA
wl: lol, banelordTOA
rm: nearsight, bolts, debuffs, root

wizard: 2.5 bolts, root
cabbie: lajftap, stunpet, nearsight, disease, root
sorc: lolmezz, lajftap, debuffs, root
necro: well it sux against any kind of nuker so nocare,,,
theurgist: 2k pets, some more pets, root, mezz

its only imba on eld who uses nearsight, though TBH if you are nearsighted 1vs1 it doesnt really matter :D ( unlike some rank9 runemasters who die to rank0-1 chanters) .:.<

it might be annoying, but my experience was that its situational rly... sometimes it rox to have, sometimes it totally useless (since determ - banelord pwn its more and more shit...). On my chanter i would rather have a 2k AE mezz or a 72 sec ST root + 2 dex debuffs tbh :a


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Stallion said:
how can you let him get baseline stun in when you have NS/bolts/singel dex debuffs... everything talks in your favor... mby just play better :confused:

oke mr moc xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Cogan said:
Cuss you're noob. You know, runemasters has a thingy called nearsight, it is very good. I strongly recommend the usage of this. Good luck! :)

thanks megemegith, didnt notice =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2005
Bondoila said:
Sorc got charm get your self a stun pet use ml9 on it. Then use moc and lifetap, up on that debuff the caster with both base dexdebuff and aoe dexdebuff. Maby debuff s/c as well to lower his hp. Will be hard to win that fight, sorcs really suck!

Sorcs should really have some love hard to killing anything with that char almost as hard as with a theru spaming ice pets(with chain stun) or caba with the crapy pet which also only chain stuns.

Mids bd's wl's got banelord, sm ml9 intercept pet and lifetap.

All diffrent casters have there adv/dis you need to look at the classes overall. As it is now hib casters needs the baselinestun and it's not overpowerd. And don't compare the stun with a dragonfang it's completly different.

Forgot the RR5 ability which really make sorc suck insanely!!

Cant see why anyone is even bothering talking about hibs castable stun now, most of the times you will do the BL tank a favor, and enchanters arent really that great any more, they simple lack decent utility and can easily be replaced by other classes, so we got eld which have use of it as such, and since a normal eld gotta spend time doing NS or dps, i doubt he wtfpown much with his castable stun... Of course, all this is mostly considered for grp rvr, while 1v1 there will always be some classes that are better than others, and some classes that are silly overpowered compared to others, but its really hard to balance both grp rvr and solo rvr like that. Sorc can take out a low rank group almost solo tbh, if the group is semi noobs, while you wont see any chanter take out a fg, not even with Moc+pb on people doing almost nowth...

Im not voting anything on this poll, its utter stupid and really, the hib castable stun is nothing these days.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
stun lasts less than 9 sec on gimps who have crap sists.

5 sec or less on chars with capped sists, is it worth QQ'n about?

When im on my hib caster, if i stun a target, i would have to take him/her down fast, where as if i had mezz which would be a lot longer dur, i could do other things then return, like go afk for a cuppa tbh ;)

but seriously, if it bothers you that much get purge2 at least, if it really bothers you & you QQ about it everytime, get purge3, or roll a hib caster & play high end rvr for a while then see how effective stun really is, in the old days i agree, Stun was op'd on hib casters, nowadays its fk all & yup ive played on the recieving end of a hib stun & i can say, mezz is more annoying.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
boppas said:
stun lasts less than 9 sec on gimps who have crap sists.

5 sec or less on chars with capped sists, is it worth QQ'n about?


You'll find that most of the QQing comes from enemy casters, not tanks. 5 seconds is more than enough to kill a caster if he doesn't get a timely heal.

The problem from our (alb/mid casters) point of view is that we need to spend at least 15 points for purge 2+ to get out of stun, whereas you only need something to interrupt you and you can move out of range/los.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Alaron said:
You'll find that most of the QQing comes from enemy casters, not tanks. 5 seconds is more than enough to kill a caster if he doesn't get a timely heal.

The problem from our (alb/mid casters) point of view is that we need to spend at least 15 points for purge 2+ to get out of stun, whereas you only need something to interrupt you and you can move out of range/los.

when i get caster stun, first thing that comes in my mind to say on vent is "stunned need heals" stun -> heat debuf -> goodbye
at least other realms gives you the chance to run out of range, except if you have mister miracle or mister grawen running after you across the fight to kill you at 25% hp xd

but ofc hibm8rs, alb has caster with stun too, smite cleric xdddddddddddddddddddddd


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Alaron said:
You'll find that most of the QQing comes from enemy casters, not tanks. 5 seconds is more than enough to kill a caster if he doesn't get a timely heal.

The problem from our (alb/mid casters) point of view is that we need to spend at least 15 points for purge 2+ to get out of stun, whereas you only need something to interrupt you and you can move out of range/los.

You can kill 2 out of 3Hib-caster with your wizard before he's even in stun-range. Eldritch I think would win against wizzie if the Nearsight lands.

Regarding the fact you need Purge2 to win, isnt that quite irrelevant when it comes down to the fact you can kill chanter/menta in 1vs1 before he can even cast a stun? What's his option of buying as RA, Ignore Pain? Oops they dont get that.

Sorc, theurg and caba can put either CC, longrange pet or nearsight on them stun-casters and then interrupt with that during stun, or simply kill it before it even can cast something.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Puppet said:
You can kill 2 out of 3Hib-caster with your wizard before he's even in stun-range. Eldritch I think would win against wizzie if the Nearsight lands.

Don't get me started about the most bugged spell in the game, namely bolts. And no, 2 or 3 bolts usually don't kill a fully buffed caster.

Regarding the fact you need Purge2 to win, isnt that quite irrelevant when it comes down to the fact you can kill chanter/menta in 1vs1 before he can even cast a stun? What's his option of buying as RA, Ignore Pain? Oops they dont get that.

I'm not talking about winning, I'm talking about surviving the stun. As a caster I rarely worry about getting rooted, because it a) doesn't shut you down and b) it's easy to get out of it. Stun is the complete opposite.

Sorc, theurg and caba can put either CC, longrange pet or nearsight on them stun-casters and then interrupt with that during stun, or simply kill it before it even can cast something.

That goes for every caster in every realm.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Alaron said:
Don't get me started about the most bugged spell in the game, namely bolts. And no, 2 or 3 bolts usually don't kill a fully buffed caster.

i can with relics and no spec af, GO ME :p

and why do everyone discuss the 1v1 shit? noone gives a fuck about that, fg fight, u get stunned, u cant do shit, u die, mmk.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2005
remi said:
i can with relics and no spec af, GO ME :p

and why do everyone discuss the 1v1 shit? noone gives a fuck about that, fg fight, u get stunned, u cant do shit, u die, mmk.

Get a healer to heal you while you are stunned? just an idea :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Hrymf said:
Get a healer to heal you while you are stunned? just an idea :)

i do have that~~~~ but still, nothing is as dangerous as that fucking stun.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
everyone keeps saying stun is useless since det change. root is useless since det change stun still owns any caster trying to run away. this is how a fg fight usually goes imo.

you target high rr caster
you nuke/debuff
you nuke
you nuke
target is out of range at 10% hp

stun allows you to kill any given caster if support is interupted well :p root allows you to, nothing pretty much ;) you could root the caster and close in on him, but if its a hib caster that is a very dangerous operation indeed.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
was fun getting jump on a warlock with bb resists, stunned him and started nuking. stun ended, he /faced me, dumped chambers + ui's and i died :mad:

should have used ns, but oh well, i believed people that say stun is all powerful :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
was fun getting jump on a warlock with bb resists, stunned him and started nuking. stun ended, he /faced me, dumped chambers + ui's and i died :mad:

should have used ns, but oh well, i believed people that say stun is all powerful :(
noob :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
Rockk said:
I cant say that i agree on Casters having 9 sec stun
hell they nerfed DF 9 sec stunn from Infils etc cus it made em to OPed ppl said but what is a solo player that gets stunned for 9 sec then nuked for 400+ ? he is dead so it's the same thing imo 5 sec stun is ok tho
would be nice if All casters had it tho, SM Caby,wiz,runemaster + hib casters
cant say WL's need it nor do sorc as they have mezz

Resists affect hib caster stun duration - DF stun isn't affected by resists.

To the original poster:

Hell, I've played all realms and I think hib caster stun is far from overpowered.. Boohoo.. really hurts to be stunned for 1 second as a tank? and 3-4 seconds as a caster? Get a decent group, then you don't have to cry about the baseline stun all the time. Once you've been stunned for few seconds, you get 1 minute immunity? Learn to live with it..


Loyal Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Justicator said:
Resists affect hib caster stun duration - DF stun isn't affected by resists.

To the original poster:

Hell, I've played all realms and I think hib caster stun is far from overpowered.. Boohoo.. really hurts to be stunned for 1 second as a tank? and 3-4 seconds as a caster? Get a decent group, then you don't have to cry about the baseline stun all the time. Once you've been stunned for few seconds, you get 1 minute immunity? Learn to live with it..

the day i get stunned for 3-4 seconds as a caster is the day i agree that stun isnt OP

8 out of 10 fights when i get stunned im dead thats just the way it is(this is in fg rvr)

If hibs say they want root instead i concur give em r00t and id be a happy boy


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 13, 2004
echekiel said:
castable stun is ok but not 9sec it should be less like 5sec as it can be hard for a tank to get to close combat with 9sec stun

try being a caster then..


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
i was out skilled by castable stun 6 times in 20 mins today!

give them root!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Ging said:
i was out skilled by castable stun 6 times in 20 mins today!

give them root!

yes, suuuure... what class u were playing btw?

lets take a look at your sig:

Tinyging - Mercenary -- so every melee u encounter gets outskilled by DT and casters by banelord
Ginggi - Sorcerer -- so everyone get outskilled by the countless sorc abilities, rr5 included
Gingy - Cabalist -- ofc outskilled by nearsight, chain stunning pet, self debuffing dmg, ml9
Afternoon - Infiltrator -- damn strong vs everything (except remedy ofc)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
anioal said:
yes, suuuure... what class u were playing btw?

lets take a look at your sig:

Tinyging - Mercenary -- so every melee u encounter gets outskilled by DT and casters by banelord

yeah... cause dirty tricks is up every fight, retard :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Ame said:
yeah... cause dirty tricks is up every fight, retard :eek:

my point is: he plays classes that are able to counter the so called overpowered stun

your point is...?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
anioal said:
my point is: he plays classes that are able to counter the so called overpowered stun

your point is...?

my point was he can't use DT to 'outskill' every meleer like you said. also, with banelords being on a timer and not having the same range as stun, he can't always kill a stun nuke nuke'r. =o

was only talking about your comment about DT in my previous post though,


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Ame said:
my point was he can't use DT to 'outskill' every meleer like you said. also, with banelords being on a timer and not having the same range as stun, he can't always kill a stun nuke nuke'r. =o

was only talking about your comment about DT in my previous post though,

mercs get charge 2 dont they?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Phooka said:
mercs get charge 2 dont they?

yeah, that still ain't up every fight though :p

and versus most mid casters what does it matter, you get chambered to death, outstrafed, or simply cant hit the caster :<


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Ame said:
yeah, that still ain't up every fight though :p

and versus most mid casters what does it matter, you get chambered to death, outstrafed, or simply cant hit the caster :<

was castable stun yeh? havnt seen a mid caster do that yet... My point is castable stun is a strong tool yes, but so is root. There is no hib caster with stun and laiftap so id say the stun isnt shockingly OP.. Det 5 tank i cast stun on looks like he is hit by a tiny lagspike rather then stunned. combined with sprint = 2 nukes 3 max = me dead... This can be nasty if the tank is unboofed but then he should cry about boofs rather then OP castable stun


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Phooka said:
was castable stun yeh? havnt seen a mid caster do that yet... My point is castable stun is a strong tool yes, but so is root. There is no hib caster with stun and laiftap so id say the stun isnt shockingly OP.. Det 5 tank i cast stun on looks like he is hit by a tiny lagspike rather then stunned. combined with sprint = 2 nukes 3 max = me dead... This can be nasty if the tank is unboofed but then he should cry about boofs rather then OP castable stun

yeah my bad, misread some things.. anyway im not whining about castable stun and how many million ways there is to counter it, just the fact dt can't be up every fight :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Ame said:
yeah my bad, misread some things.. anyway im not whining about castable stun and how many million ways there is to counter it, just the fact dt can't be up every fight :p



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Ame said:
yeah my bad, misread some things.. anyway im not whining about castable stun and how many million ways there is to counter it, just the fact dt can't be up every fight :p

erm... my bad too, in the "Castable stun discution" i shouldn't mention DT but charge and determination, but as a rr7 ranger had to use everything to kill a rr2 merc :)
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