Castable stun

Do You think Castable stun on dmg classes is ok?

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Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
In additon, simple fix to the game to balance it is:

- delete Midgard as a realm due to group easy mode,
- nerf every class that is left and that is able to kill half a group alone like a Sorc with Purge3, MoC3, passives and buffed ML9,
- remove stealth as it is now,
- fix LoS and collision detection,
- remove the "I-got-the-jump-I-win"-component in 1 vs 1 and small scale RvR.

Give me the code, I'll fix it for you in one month alone for free.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Corran said:
Only thing that makes stun completely useless is charge, which is a pain in the arse. Good thing is it normally easy to see a tank that charges due to the speed increase so instead of attacking you turn and sprint for 15 seconds then stop and CC them.

mm and using stun on a det5 tank is oh so useful, especially if its a banelord. stun is overpowered in some situations and frustrating in almost all of them, but what people seem to forget is that in most situations you would die when you aren't fast enough to interrupt a mage, stun or no stun.

most of the targets you really need to stun to prevent them from hitting you are the targets you actually can't stun due to charge, det5 and tendrils.

and ye this is in most situations, not all :p - but i think a root is in many situations very powerful too. root actually sticks on a tank


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Yes, give elds root and lifetap in trade for the stun. PLEASE!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
sphir said:
you dont seem to get the point my friend, its pointless to continue arguing with you.

I am not your friend and yeah, its pointless when you dont even see the difference between an argument and a discussion.


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 22, 2004
Haggus said:
Stupid poll as all hibbies will say yes and others will say no, so theres your answer.

then the pool also shows that almost half of all the daoc players are hib ?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
Andrilyn said:
And to think us Clerics got nerfed way back because a buffed char with spec nukes (smite) and stun and have some form of melee protection (chain) was overpowered while an Eldritch has specced nukes and is mostlikely buffed and has stun and access to PD (which makes them harder to take down in melee than a chain wearer).
But I guess that stays always the same, the grass is always greener bla bla bla.

#1 no pd when clerics were nerfed; hard to keep a ra in mind that is designed years later
#2 even with NF; PD 5 gives 28% melee damage reduction (tho casters get 10% extra from buffs) for 34 realmpoints; chain gives 27% melee damage reduction for 0 realmpoints;
#3 30 of those 34 realmpoints can be spent on BoF, +40% melee damage reduction, or any other RA a cleric has access to
#4 The problem with smite clerics was a 30 sec reuse pb:ae instamezz on a specnuker in chainarmor that if all failed could still use insta or castheals on himself while having at least lowlvl buffs (few bbs around that time)
#5 The cleric nerf was the best thing that could happen to albion as all those uber smiters respecced so they could actually be of use to grps

but I agree, comparing apples and oranges is fun as long the orange you talk about is actually a pear


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
think I'd rather have a root then stun tbh, way more usefull (and last more then 1 sec on tanks so you might actualy get a chanse to kite them)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
I think we should keep the stun but it should be given a longer duration like root. Sometimes stuff doesn't die inside the stun, then u have to start pressing other buttons and it all gets a bit hard.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Celestino said:
#1 no pd when clerics were nerfed; hard to keep a ra in mind that is designed years later
#2 even with NF; PD 5 gives 28% melee damage reduction (tho casters get 10% extra from buffs) for 34 realmpoints; chain gives 27% melee damage reduction for 0 realmpoints;
#3 30 of those 34 realmpoints can be spent on BoF, +40% melee damage reduction, or any other RA a cleric has access to
#4 The problem with smite clerics was a 30 sec reuse pb:ae instamezz on a specnuker in chainarmor that if all failed could still use insta or castheals on himself while having at least lowlvl buffs (few bbs around that time)
#5 The cleric nerf was the best thing that could happen to albion as all those uber smiters respecced so they could actually be of use to grps

but I agree, comparing apples and oranges is fun as long the orange you talk about is actually a pear

So according to you Clerics got nerfed because of how things were in the past then why haven't they boosted the smite line now? Atleast to make it equal regarding to Nature and Pacification or Cave (more easy to use CC etc).
And your last point is really stupid, we have 3 lines thus we should be able to spec in all 3 lines and be effective.
If you don't want a Smite Cleric in your group just ask what kind of a Cleric the person is when inviting the Cleric, Same with any other class if you invite a Wiz you don't know you ask if he is Ice or Fire and if he says he is Earth it's up to you (or your group) to decide to keep him in the group or look for a different specced one.
Also the 'If all else fails the Smite Cleric can use insta heals' ain't true as most were specced 44ish smite and 31 enh due to like you said no buffbots back then which means smite clerics had 0 insta heals.

And PD or BoF don't matter now if you got a decent BG'er which makes both PD and BoF useless to use in groups.
All in all theres no reason why the Smite line shouldn't be increased in either utillity or damage though it won't ever happen as that would mean we would have the same utility as Light Elds and according to Mythic we can't have that and thus we are stuck with 1 useless line.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Rockk said:
would be nice if All casters had it tho, SM Caby,wiz,runemaster + hib casters
cant say WL's need it nor do sorc as they have mezz

ok that would be just silly


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
i'd really love to trade my op'ed baseline stun for a lifetap+mezz+root sorc style or lifetap+chainstunning pet+mezz(or root) sm/caba style or instakill ability warlock style or insta lifetap on 4 secs recast and 2 healer pets that actually heal like BD style and so on

such amount of bullshit in this thread... tbh my ml9 tank pet gave me lots more rps than my 9sec baseline stun...

indeed, stun is so oped, but if i meet someone with purge/charge/CB active there goes my only cc ability and i'm really dead if they cannot kill me in the stun imunity duration which is about 5 times bigger than my life expectancy if i cant stun as a solo, non-moc chanter

and lol at the 9sec... it lasts about 7 secs if u have 25% heat resist, about 4.5 sec if u have 50% heat resists... and it doesnt really count on det tanks


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
sometimes its very powerfull, sometimes its not, depends on setup and grp u play against, just like most other things in the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
rr0 chanters kill my rm with baseline stun, always.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
all casters should be removed from the game and the skillfull ones left to have fun :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 22, 2004
yeah because :

alb : 6 mercs and 2 clerics
hib : 5 bm, 2 druids and 1 bard
mid : 5 zerkers, 2 healers and 1 shammy

is such fun to run all the time


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Maeloch said:
I think we should keep the stun but it should be given a longer duration like root. Sometimes stuff doesn't die inside the stun, then u have to start pressing other buttons and it all gets a bit hard.

:> :>


Loyal Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
Maeloch said:
I think we should keep the stun but it should be given a longer duration like root. Sometimes stuff doesn't die inside the stun, then u have to start pressing other buttons and it all gets a bit hard.


Yep stun is silly ... Give the hibs the root that they are asking for please


being eldy myself,i'd trade my stun anyday for a decent root or lifetap

dont forget that hib is the only realm without OP lifetap caster classes,and both chanter and menty lack any CC besides stun to do fair.take their stun away and they are gimped.

though i wouldnt mind at all if it was removed ..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 13, 2004
Stallion said:
stun has it advantages, but so does singel target root. or singel target mezz/snare... its just verry situational..

i agree staj, if u play chanter/eld/light menta and u get a stealther/tank on you u quickcast stun and run away a little a try to nuke u will get away 2-3 nukes and normally the stealther/tank will get u befor u kill him, u have bigger chance to kill that stealther/tank if u get a mezz or root on it. And hibstuncaster vs a sorc,caba,rm,wizz,bd,wl or theur its quite hard to, sorc = mezz = kill, caba = ns = kill, rm = ns = kill, wizz = bolt = kill, bd = insta speccs + pets = kill, wl = insta everything, theur = petspamm = kill. thats my opinion, my english isnt the best but i hope that u understand what i mean.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
prOx^^ said:
i agree staj, if u play chanter/eld/light menta and u get a stealther/tank on you u quickcast stun and run away a little a try to nuke u will get away 2-3 nukes and normally the stealther/tank will get u befor u kill him, u have bigger chance to kill that stealther/tank if u get a mezz or root on it. And hibstuncaster vs a sorc,caba,rm,wizz,bd,wl or theur its quite hard to, sorc = mezz = kill, caba = ns = kill, rm = ns = kill, wizz = bolt = kill, bd = insta speccs + pets = kill, wl = insta everything, theur = petspamm = kill. thats my opinion, my english isnt the best but i hope that u understand what i mean.

In other words, grass aint greener on the other side of the fence, which I believe is very true.

Sure stun is cool in some situations but its not that great. I would much rather have either mez or root on my chanter than stun since I would have far more use of it. Especially with the determinationchanges.


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
would have aggreed with you all and said it was overpowered before i made a chanter, sure as hell isn't, yes its nice, overpowered?... no


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
The one thing that hib stun has over my 2 albion casters (sorc and wiz) is that with stun a hib caster can kill me before the stun runs out. Assuming I don't have purge 2 available.

However if I mez/root a hib caster the first spell I cast after that breaks it and therefore if the player has their wits about them they can do something about me nuking them like quickcast or moc.

Whether in a solo fight, a keep/tower fight or a fg fight, hib casters will always stun and nuke. Yes it is very situational, it can be used in all situations :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Oh and no doubt i'll get shot down for this but....just thought of it so here goes :)

Give Bards the castable stun in Hib
Give Eldritch and Enchanter a root
And also give Enchanters a lifetap in a damage type they can't debuff
Eldritch doesn't need lifetap, they already have a spec nuke :)

If any Eldritch says they want Lifetap, then so do I on my Wizard :D


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Gibbo I think before they will give anything to Eldritches they will probably first look at the really below par casters, and I can tell you an Eldritch ain't one of them.
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