Can we please kill this instant rvr.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Belomar said:
The leet crowd acting like spoiled kids here or in-game when people "encroach" on their fights seriously need a reality check. There comes a time when we all turn into casual players, like it or not, and things would be so much better if people could recognize that. (Having said that, me and my group do our outmost to avoid adding, but I wouldn't dream of abusing anyone who added on us.)

Well put. I mean that's the whole point really. After work all I want is some easy-on-the-mind action, doesn't have to be pretty or skillful, it just has to be relaxing. There is an area where people who take the game more seriously can go and have their fun (Agramon) and the rest of us are able to play the game as we originally bought it all those years ago. What we don't want is to get stick from some emotionally challenged individuals sat in the safety of their own bedrooms for playing the game in the manner it was originally designed for. There's plenty of room for all of us in this game and absolutely no need for the shit which we get on a daily basis.

Incidentally, yes they can be /ignored, but by definition that comes after you've already had to put up with atleast one round of nonsense.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Belomar said:
I hear you. I attended a talk with the development director of EA Europe
that would make anyone cranky imo :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Mandi said:
Dinged my fire wizard 50 4 days ago - made her a nice template and I got a lvl 48 buffbot which ain't that bad ... then I port bolg - buff up and go out...and I get ganked - I try again - get ganked - by either solo stealthers picking on cloth ppl or with buddies or that stupid mid group that kept roaming crauchon east bridge - bolg tower - killing ppl going out solo or with a couple friends. After getting farmed (saw Crau bridge twice - kept getting killed trying to get to some rvr action) I just logged and watch some DvD to end my evening.

I am tired of this insta rvr aswell - cuz it ain't insta for us albs. We have to survive the long trip to crau alive before we can do something and as solo wizzy (I solo out of respect for those others that also solo) its impossible to get some rp. I got 1700 rp all evening last night ... SO ...

In the spirit of the game <cough> I will play my Scout tonight - buffed to hell - and yes - I will add on every fight I see, every duel - everything that even looks remotely red to me (i.e. celt-kobold-etc) and why? Cuz I wanna piss of some ppl so I feel better. So tired of this ganking squad rvr u call fun - I need bounty points to pay rent ;) so call me add-scout today w00t

What ridiculous reasoning :> Fire Wizards I imagine need to be in groups mainly. Since when are casters meant to be good soloers? But that is what has happened in the game, dark age of castalot, where casters go solo and hunt down anyone and everyone.
You are going to be easy RP for a while because at low RR, EVERYONE is (except some warlocks etc.). It takes time to learn how to play your toon and maximise your tactics/targets.
And so you can't hack it on the wizard, so you'll play your archer and add on and piss off as many people as possible - well what's new there? All archers add on everything they see.
Maybe people were getting revenge on your wizard for the way you play on your scout?

Think about it :>

Oli - Illu


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Konstantin said:
imagin all grey conners you chain^^their tits must be be stomped on :(

woot :) you were greencon btw (showed yellow till you died, though even my smites were breaking 400 so I guessed you weren't 50)

unusual to find anything in poc that's not a vampiir :p

Incidentally, not entirely sure how killing you once counts as "chaining"


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Bracken said:
Well put. I mean that's the whole point really. After work all I want is some easy-on-the-mind action, doesn't have to be pretty or skillful, it just has to be relaxing. There is an area where people who take the game more seriously can go and have their fun (Agramon) and the rest of us are able to play the game as we originally bought it all those years ago. What we don't want is to get stick from some emotionally challenged individuals sat in the safety of their own bedrooms for playing the game in the manner it was originally designed for. There's plenty of room for all of us in this game and absolutely no need for the shit which we get on a daily basis.

Incidentally, yes they can be /ignored, but by definition that comes after you've already had to put up with atleast one round of nonsense.

Same old shit! Play the game how it was designed mates!

As for this horse shit of hiding behind a pc? Id tell you the same in real life as to what i post.

If you had came along and added on a different fight i probs would of just said one thing and left it.

The fact you come running in and spoil a long long fight and went for support pissed us off, So i told you what i think, What was being said on vent.

If you dont expcet shit when you spoil a fight - Use ignore atfter i send you a message - Also, Iirc YOU pmd me after i /yelled Well added - Which i would of left at that, However Mr.Sarcastic himself pms me "Its an rvr game meights ! want fg go agramon TEE HEE OLOL"


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
illu said:
And so you can't hack it on the wizard, so you'll play your archer and add on and piss off as many people as possible - well what's new there? All archers add on everything they see.
Maybe people were getting revenge on your wizard for the way you play on your scout?

Think about it :>

Oli - Illu

actually I went solo cuz in group or zerg I don't have the change to test the true potential of a fire wizard. I want to see how good it is - dmg etc - and if my temp is good enough aswell. The fact is - there is no more solo in this game left. I understand that now. I was on my scout this morning - Aim pm'd me after awhile asking for group cuz he was being zerged to hell - same with me. 14 deaths and 1400-ish rp in 3 hours time. U see all kinds of things out there - vamp with a blockbot - bard with casters along - small groups of stealthers camping eastern crau bridge... I found myself outnumbered on every occasion. Sure go agramon QQ - but for what? /who agra = no matches... nobody goes there annymore. U will find it empty any second of any day as long as this irvr lasts. Then what do u do? U log for xx time - like some people I know. They check Roll of Honours every day and check if mids still have crim and albs still have bolg and if so - they don't bother logging on. Its not castalot - its zergalot = and if u don't like it u get forced to pve or to quit the game.

heck I would have more fun in rvr if I could get a group on Mandi my Cleric - but that's just a christmas wish cuz I find myself following zergs or groups to res and buffshear.

And darkness rising only made things worse...I saw Maeloch this morning - don't know what class he was but I thought rr11 = ouch - but he wears a small shield (druid? o_O) so I took my chance and attacked him - stun nuke nuke nuke aargh <sigh> i'm gonna log my characters in bolg for the rest of the day and hope hibs will someday soon got the balls to attack it and try to take it back. Let them come to us - tired getting ganked trying to get to them tbh. QQ or not - i'll be defending more from now on.... or maybe albs get smarter and invite clerics again?


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
illu said:
so you'll play your archer and add on and piss off as many people as possible - well what's new there? All archers add on everything they see.
Maybe people were getting revenge on your wizard for the way you play on your scout?

Oh look, Something about adding. Surely if its in iRvR its whats supposed to happen ? I mean if you want solo RvR why not go XXXX.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 17, 2005
aw0l said:
Nice story, funny thing is we stood there let kagato heal himself he bowed we bowed then we had a pop at him. He took us both very close because hes a top player, then when we are on 10 percent each u kill us both. Nice attempt to save him mate heh

Gah sorry, dident see that, just saw u both attacking him :), keep coming back to bled, fun fighting u2 guys :) xxxxx


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Infanity said:
Same old shit! Play the game how it was designed mates!

As for this horse shit of hiding behind a pc? Id tell you the same in real life as to what i post... etc. etc.

Don't be silly, you'd shit yourself if I turned up on your doorstep. I see mouthy kids like you at the Villa every week, I just hope for your sake you grow out of it. As for the quote you put about my pm don't tell lies. I was very polite to you, it was only later in the convo I got sarcastic. F*ck me, I think I've been more than patient with you and wasted far too much time on you (probably should have just reported and be done with it but oh well). Now sod off and irritate someone else.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
Bracken said:
Don't be silly, you'd shit yourself if I turned up on your doorstep. I see mouthy kids like you at the Villa every week, I just hope for your sake you grow out of it. As for the quote you put about my pm don't tell lies. I was very polite to you, it was only later in the convo I got sarcastic. F*ck me, I think I've been more than patient with you and wasted far too much time on you (probably should have just reported and be done with it but oh well). Now sod off and irritate someone else.

i'm blond - what's your excuze? o_O


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
try soloing at bled, in irvr, theres only a few peeps there. works well for me at least anyway, can solo for 6/7k/hour until my pc crashes


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Bracken said:
Don't be silly, you'd shit yourself if I turned up on your doorstep. I see mouthy kids like you at the Villa every week, I just hope for your sake you grow out of it. As for the quote you put about my pm don't tell lies. I was very polite to you, it was only later in the convo I got sarcastic. F*ck me, I think I've been more than patient with you and wasted far too much time on you (probably should have just reported and be done with it but oh well). Now sod off and irritate someone else.

Feel free to come to my door <3 I'm serious - "see mouthy kids like you at the Villa every week" dont go there then if you cant hack it ?

Like i said report me if you want - The feelings i have for you adding are still the same even with the threats.

Your pms were sarcastic from the start from my side - I even said "Well done!" on your amasing kill against that vamp.. your reply was sour :(

Anyway - This is well entertaining :p Keep it coming ^_^
Dec 31, 2003
Bracken said:
What I don't understand is this. If someone wants fg action why not just go to Agramon? Why get involved in keeps or towers at all? If that side of the game doesn't interest someone then fine, just stay away from it. iRvR should be perfect - us zergers/adders/noobs can have our action while the fg'ers know that Agramon is free for theirs (and let's face it, it's really easy to organise fg action for Agramon with irc and FH). Really scratching my head to understand why you'd go to an iRvR zone at all. Although maybe the likes of Chronictank and Vinters are right - the fgs that go there and then whine are just 2nd rate and can't actually win fights in Agramon. So they'd rather go iRvR and whine about the adds to make themselves feel k00l. Not that I'd know ofc, but that is what they are saying...

Well what all you ppl are doing now is the same thing, but you do it in a way that sounds like its actually legit whining, it is not. Don't try to make up quotes or try to read the minds of the developers ( mythic ) to support ur own playstyle. If anyone wanna play a warlock/BD and kill ALL soloers in the game quiet easy then sure, let them play thier greif class, I can whine but nothig more. If some1 wanna ruin all you zerglings rvr by taking a keep and putting it to lvl 1 to make sure an enemy takes it, sure let them, you can whine about it, but claiming it's againts the "spirit of the game" is silly b/c it isnt.

Then again this "oh all the "l337" groups should go to agramon for thier 8v8 etc", Why don't you zerglings just go there?. - Reversing your own statement here to show you how fkn silly it is.
Who said it is a nice 8v8 place, and not a nice small group/solo place? Thats right the players themself have claimed it to be that, "special 8v8" place not mythic. So your personal playstyle could be, "I like to zerg bridges with 100 other hibs, if a fg or two is in the way, more rps for me" But maybe the fullgroups getting tired of your playstyle since it clashes with thiers, so they take actions ingame to prevent your paystyle like your preventing thiers by zerging everywhere. As far as I can see it, it's a question of two or more playstyles that clashes and nothing more.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
What are we discussing again? Oh yeah, that iRvR is bad for RvR on the cluster, and that the gank group crowd is particularly dissatisfied with this state of affairs. Well, at least Bracken is able to see things from both perspectives. Come back when you have achieved that, Jamie, you are getting boring.
Dec 31, 2003
Belomar said:
What are we discussing again? Oh yeah, that iRvR is bad for RvR on the cluster, and that the gank group crowd is particularly dissatisfied with this state of affairs. Well, at least Bracken is able to see things from both perspectives. Come back when you have achieved that, Jamie, you are getting boring.

So what you mean is that 'the gank group crowds' can't whine about the current irvr situation wich ruins thier rvr?
But the 'random newbie crowd' they can whine when the 'gank group crowds' actively is trying to change thier rvr experiance and play the game like they want, thus making the 'random newbie crowd' unhappy?

When 1337s are unhappy due to newbies beeing happy = not allowed to whine?
When newbies are unhappy due to 1337s beeing happy = allowed to whine?


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Who said it is a nice 8v8 place, and not a nice small group/solo place? Thats right the players themself have claimed it to be that, "special 8v8" place not mythic.
Please, don't be silly. The main objective of New Frontiers, as stated by Mythic upon its inception, was to put more focus on siege warfare and large-scale combat. Thus, NF is dotted with towers and keeps, and has a lot more siege options than OF. As a consequence, a lot of the RvR action in NF is actually centered on siege warfare, performed mostly by the casual crowd of players (often referred to as "tower humpers" in the lingo for that reason).

In contrast, Agramon has no guards or towers anywhere on the island, and thus will never be a strategical target for the siege warfare crews, and making it a perfect place for FG vs FG RvR.

I'd suggest you invest your efforts into some other line of attack, because I believe you are out of your depth here.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
When 1337s are unhappy due to newbies beeing happy = not allowed to whine?
When newbies are unhappy due to 1337s beeing happy = allowed to whine?
Remind me again, how is this "whine" actually taking place? If people whine in-game, submit your complaints to RightNow and let them sort it out, I'm not going to condone people being abusive regardless of whether they are "1337s" or "newbies" (interesting choice of terms there). That's not within the elusive "spirit of the game", and perhaps nor is setting keeps to level 1 (though a GM would have to answer that).

This is a discussion forum, and I can't stop anyone from whining here. I just wish the discussion would be a little more informed.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Arumos said:
dont have wh or battler, altho sok may have procced (and bd absorb, not sure if they stack) :) using sok + champ weap atm, so my only timers are Ip, mls up to ml5 warlord and end charge on cw. unfortunatly my Ip was down on our first fight which if i had used it could have gone either way, next time i guess hehe.

toughnest 1v1 I have ever had on war thats for sure. hope to meet you again kagato :)
Must of been SoK proc then, seemed to absorb alot more damage then when I used to use it.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
bah, someone delete my first post, I forgot to edit and 10mins timer etc. (<cough> long live some afk =)) )

Arumos said:
so just because you lot dont use agramon which was intended for 8v8 you spoil the fun for everyone by lowering the level on keep forcing a hib reaction?

Ok, here should come a loong remark, but I'll never use the simple edit function again (damn, 10min timer pwned me), I'll try to rewrite all I did.

So basically you are trying to say that YOU have your fun when the keep is claimed, but nobody else has the right to change that fact to have fun aswell? Sounds pretty wierd.

You might all know that at times I can whine a lot, especially about a certain class and in real life aswell ( see my sig, mostly about the weather and simple things though =)) ), but hey, I have to accept some things cause I cannot change them and it's time some people realize it's the same for everybody.

I cannot make steamrollers go away with whining in the guildchat and I know that, so well, I have to accept it and I surely won't make huge threads about it. In the same way I sometimes like to taunt members of certain classes (;) ), but I know that this will not change anything and even if I wish it they will not reroll just cause I ask so nicely =)) cause they obviously have some fun with it (see the first paragraph of my post =)) ).

If you ask me, all that "ohhh, this and that is so lame" is extremely childish and leads to nothing but a big mud throwing that neither has and end, nor any use at all. After all this is a game and not real life America where I can sue random for people cause of some super strange reason, but this is exactly like what people are doing here. It's instantly the wannabe lawyers that point to the CoC. Well if you're such advocates, report it on RightNow, but I doubt using a game option to reduce a keep to level 1 is forbidden and besides...will it change anything? The keep will still be taken and if you want it back you'll have to get it. All you do is get upset cause of a few IP-packets in your internet connection and trust me, it's not worth the hassle.

Sometimes you just have to accept that things you don't like happen and you have to live with it. Smile, whine, laugh, whatever you like best but it's time to realize that whining about certain actions on a forum is mostly useless. The smartasses will surely quote me on that, but who said I was perfect? I do it aswell sometimes, but I don't say it's good, I'm just stating facts which I try to respect aswell, but it sure as hell doesn't always work =)

Just spread some <3 sometimes =)

P.S. now don't think I'm always whiney =)) Just there are some days/weeks

EDIT: ignore my first post as long as it exists (hope gets deleted), cause that was my first attempt only, didn't really want to post that at all but 10mins timer on edit got me =))


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Belomar said:
What are we discussing again? Oh yeah, that iRvR is bad for RvR on the cluster, and that the gank group crowd is particularly dissatisfied with this state of affairs. Well, at least Bracken is able to see things from both perspectives. Come back when you have achieved that, Jamie, you are getting boring.

I see both sides, I just dont see why they enjoy spoiling a nice fight which is what the discussion turned into. Saying "Go agramon" doesn't help as you still get added to fuck in there.

Read what matri has said and change things around.

You clearly dont see both sides of things, As for the thing about your group (scroll a few pages) not adding on fights little as possible, Well lets just see if things improve.


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
liloe said:
bah, someone delete my first post, I forgot to edit and 10mins timer etc. (<cough> long live some afk =)) )

Ok, here should come a loong remark, but I'll never use the simple edit function again (damn, 10min timer pwned me), I'll try to rewrite all I did.

So basically you are trying to say that YOU have your fun when the keep is claimed, but nobody else has the right to change that fact to have fun aswell? Sounds pretty wierd.

You might all know that at times I can whine a lot, especially about a certain class and in real life aswell ( see my sig, mostly about the weather and simple things though =)) ), but hey, I have to accept some things cause I cannot change them and it's time some people realize it's the same for everybody.

I cannot make steamrollers go away with whining in the guildchat and I know that, so well, I have to accept it and I surely won't make huge threads about it. In the same way I sometimes like to taunt members of certain classes (;) ), but I know that this will not change anything and even if I wish it they will not reroll just cause I ask so nicely =)) cause they obviously have some fun with it (see the first paragraph of my post =)) ).

If you ask me, all that "ohhh, this and that is so lame" is extremely childish and leads to nothing but a big mud throwing that neither has and end, nor any use at all. After all this is a game and not real life America where I can sue random for people cause of some super strange reason, but this is exactly like what people are doing here. It's instantly the wannabe lawyers that point to the CoC. Well if you're such advocates, report it on RightNow, but I doubt using a game option to reduce a keep to level 1 is forbidden and besides...will it change anything? The keep will still be taken and if you want it back you'll have to get it. All you do is get upset cause of a few IP-packets in your internet connection and trust me, it's not worth the hassle.

Sometimes you just have to accept that things you don't like happen and you have to live with it. Smile, whine, laugh, whatever you like best but it's time to realize that whining about certain actions on a forum is mostly useless. The smartasses will surely quote me on that, but who said I was perfect? I do it aswell sometimes, but I don't say it's good, I'm just stating facts which I try to respect aswell, but it sure as hell doesn't always work =)

Just spread some <3 sometimes =)

P.S. now don't think I'm always whiney =)) Just there are some days/weeks

EDIT: ignore my first post as long as it exists (hope gets deleted), cause that was my first attempt only, didn't really want to post that at all but 10mins timer on edit got me =))

got lost halfway through but think i got what you are saying :)

only thing that annoys me is the fact that before agramon the '8v8 fixed tournament go play tetris crowd' whined about having nowhere to have these 8v8 fights, when it does arrive they dont use it?

Of cause its not forbidden to lower a keep to level 1, I understand that. Do u think that this decision would have been made between the midgard guilds tho or would u think a bit of xrealming (IRC usage) would have been used?

I've played a chanter to 5L6 during the warlock era, aye they are overpowered doesnt take a genious to work that out, but so are a lot of things. warlock is however getting a nerf. are ml9 pets being nerfed in rvr? (just 1 example)

I get pms everyday from people telling me to play my rm or warrior more. Hell I play the game for my own enjoyment, although i do have many friends ingame, I dont play another class that i wont enjoy just to make them happy.

bridgecamping. simple answer, dont go to the bridge as 99% of the time you WILL die :)

with my points aside, will be fun to defend crim when the hib zerg arrives, thats for sure ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 20, 2005
I'm not sure Fgs will remember how to fight other FGs after the last few days ;)
Been nothing but FGs steamrolling soloers and messing in their fights when 1V1 and then they wonder why they get added on in their so called fair 1fg Vs 1fg fights that they only deal in.

Its simple really you want fair fights then try giving the same respect to others and maybe you'll get some back ,til then the RR8+ stealth zergs and so called leet groups can suck it up same as the soloers do and if it spoils your fun then tough ;)

I did have a no add policy but after being flattened time after time by FGs I decided I'll add on anything and everything and i'm sure others are feeling the same so don't expect fair fights even when iRvR is over cos alot of people feel the same way and won't respect your agramon fights either I'm sure.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Funny but just before the irvr things were looking to quiet down a bit in the add whine hysteria. People arranged their fg action at agramon a bit and it seems to satisfy all a bit:)
then irvr came a long and some of the groups from agramon apearently made there entrance around the irvr area. Why only they can say. I dont mind them being there at all...and ofc everyone is alowed to go there and farm rps in large amounts:)
But then it was that the whine started again:p
Me and a guild group of 4 were having a good time and swooped over crau E bridge and saw 4-5 albs attacking someone on other side...looked like two soloers from back. Instantly when we started fighting someone yelled: FO you fucking retards! not even : Im having a fight here...(though he was badly outnumbered) Apearently that ranger(not telling you who it was, even though im itching for it:p) Just planly owned those 5 albs, and there wasnt even a discussion about it.
So...what did he acomplish from that then? Well....first of all he might be banned from everything cla and friends put up in pve(i realise he might not cry over that but still:p) Second, he made me and whole cla(largest guild on excalibur atm) wanna add and ruin everything he ever does(some leet cool people might say we all do anyways, though we are like 50 different individuals). So grats to him:) ofc he will never say he lost anything by yapping and crying like that, cause he really told us off...ow yeh!
And just to start cryig over and add in this insta rvr makes me get gosebumps all over by discust. it oozes self importance and egoism to a degree that it makes it horrible. I die and i realease with my hero over and over and over. and i choose to do it myself. what the is running around whining on other people gonna help besides getting other people angry and just make it worse...?


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
ebenezer said:
Funny but just before the irvr things were looking to quiet down a bit in the add whine hysteria. People arranged their fg action at agramon a bit and it seems to satisfy all a bit:)
then irvr came a long and some of the groups from agramon apearently made there entrance around the irvr area. Why only they can say. I dont mind them being there at all...and ofc everyone is alowed to go there and farm rps in large amounts:)
But then it was that the whine started again:p
Me and a guild group of 4 were having a good time and swooped over crau E bridge and saw 4-5 albs attacking someone on other side...looked like two soloers from back. Instantly when we started fighting someone yelled: FO you fucking retards! not even : Im having a fight here...(though he was badly outnumbered) Apearently that ranger(not telling you who it was, even though im itching for it:p) Just planly owned those 5 albs, and there wasnt even a discussion about it.
So...what did he acomplish from that then? Well....first of all he might be banned from everything cla and friends put up in pve(i realise he might not cry over that but still:p) Second, he made me and whole cla(largest guild on excalibur atm) wanna add and ruin everything he ever does(some leet cool people might say we all do anyways, though we are like 50 different individuals). So grats to him:) ofc he will never say he lost anything by yapping and crying like that, cause he really told us off...ow yeh!
And just to start cryig over and add in this insta rvr makes me get gosebumps all over by discust. it oozes self importance and egoism to a degree that it makes it horrible. I die and i realease with my hero over and over and over. and i choose to do it myself. what the is running around whining on other people gonna help besides getting other people angry and just make it worse...?

So add away on him if hes that abusive, If im having a fight and i see albs inc, I hit the qbound macro, let me die if im gonna - nice fight here mates.

If they do add i then question why.

If someone comes in and spoils a fight that was the longest looking of the night - I'll get well pissed off ;]

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