Can we please kill this instant rvr.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Zerging is really lame, adding is really lame, rolling a Lock or Bainshee is really lame.
Point is, setting a keep to level 1 is not against the rules.
People play this game for fun and some people don't like (understatement of the year) iRvR and they do something so that it does get fun (removal of iRvR).
Who are you to say they can't do something, which is within the GoA rules, to enhance their fun?

i think he was mostly saying it was lame:p not that he couldnt do it.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Gahn said:
Am gonna Chain ya!!!!!!!!!





Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Soloers should try Hadrian's or Odin's, imo.

I'm getting lonely out here...


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 20, 2005
Infanity said:
Online time 2 hours.
Kills that earned rp 1
deathblows 1
deaths: 17

Its just a fucking zerg fest out there, People no longer seem to care about having fun, Just getting 1 more realm point to add to the number in the box that does fuck all.

There literally no place to get decent fights any more without knowing that your fight is gonna get boned by something in a few minutes.. Its not like theres low RR doing it either ( hi 2 u excal rr10-11 bd .. You know his name but i'll prob get banned if i name him -.-)

Please just take the keeps and go back to "If you want to zerg camp brynja bridge" shit.

for my first time, up!
too much zerg/assjam


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 20, 2005
Zoia said:
Soloers should try Hadrian's or Odin's, imo.
is an idea but alb and mid are empty, all enemies are between crau-crim-bolg
yesterday i cast ml2 banelord and i dehidded 4 stealthers on the bridge -,-


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Radga$t said:
is an idea but alb and mid are empty, all enemies are between crau-crim-bolg
yesterday i cast ml2 banelord and i dehidded 4 stealthers on the bridge -,-
No, it's not empty. I'm here! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Well I'm doing okay ...

10-20 k each night... hardly ever die, perhaps once an hour.

The biggest thing that pisses me off is all the hibs I kill are
"xxx has been killed recently and is worth reduced realm points"....
this means I have to kill three / four times as many to get normal RPs :)

If you don't like iRvR then get a bunch of like minded people into one of those things... umm I think they call them gangs or groups or something and take a tower, you know the thing where hibs stick their DI bots except it has a red flag sticking out the top....

Cya out there :)
Dec 31, 2003
illu said:
I don't get what the problem is.

IRvR advantages

Everyone pegs it out of the keep every few mins, regular flow of fights, if you go slightly off the beaten trail you get 1on1s 2on2s etc, FGs roaming, something for everyone, Zergs build up in certain areas, eventually another realms zerg is bigger and wipes that zerg etc etc

Everyone makes RPs from the lowest RR to the highest RR and they come in thick and fast.

IRvR disadvantages

Everyone fights in a very small area of the map, so I imagine most of the rest of the zones are wasteland.

I prefer IRvR because time is RP. I tend to go for a kill then be killed. Get in there where the odds are sometimes against you, and try and get out alive, but try and get the points. If you don't make it, no matter, you can be back in no time.
When there is no IRvR, there is the usual boring boat trip of a few minutes, if you manage to get to the docks because some FG is farming anyone and everyone that crosses the bridge to the docks.

So simply put, if you don't like IRvR, port to where it is and go slightly away from bridges etc.
There is nice RP to be made for all classes, but there are always the killjoys that want to piss off 90% of the people enjoying the iRvR by taking a tower or launching a Relic Raid when most people just want to get into fights and get into fights quick.

When iRvR is down, you spend 5+ mins getting to a fight in an enemy realm, and then if you get steamrolled, you get pissed off because of the journey you have to do to get there again. iRvR, you don't mind getting steamrolled so much because you can be back in the blink of an eye.

Oli - Illu

Totally dissagree here :)

A game needs a penalty system. When you die you should be put out of combat for 5-10 minutes imo. The instant porting is imo one of the things that defines whats wrong with daoc ;)
One reason that makes ppl add all over and as you so perfectly described it
I tend to go for a kill then be killed.
, is that there is no penalty for dying anymore. You rather attack someone who is already fighting and risc to be exposed then sit back and wait for a clean kill. I mean why not go for a kill and then get away? I'm not trying to trash talk you here or anyone else for that matter but I believe that alot of ppl think in the lines of "oh a fight lets kill them, if I/we die I/we can just be back in 60 seconds anyway, lets give it a try"

Lots of things have improved in daoc over the years but one thing I do not like is this evolution and if there came another rpg that offered simular things as daoc but with a better (imo) ruleset i'd try that one instead.


Aug 25, 2005
Zoia said:
Soloers should try Hadrian's or Odin's, imo.

I'm getting lonely out here...

Odins is for the groups imo, zergs at bled.

Hadrians wall is a sex fest for warlocks.

Before keep takes DC in hib was the best place to solo IMO.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Infanity said:
Perhaps.. and just PERHAPS because your group chain killed me you tit ?

Also the fact your fg was chasing a guy on his own made it worth the rp.

PS - Where you think the deathblow came from ^_^

Aye xcal was playing like a knob tonight. Also chain ganked me when solo throughout the afternoon, could clearly see i wanted to stay away from the zergy areas, but was forces to chain gank/chain add on anything i was fighting.

Like really i watch your grp fight another mid group. Don't add at all, i run to bolg have a fight with 2 albs, and what happens your grp comes charging in and ruins everything.

I then see his moaning that infinity added on him.:wanker:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
keep the iRVR that way everyone is happy, the "zergers" can muck about in emain, the full groups can go to AG and the soloers can go to either HW or odins (HW being my favorite atm)


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Bracken said:
Hi Jamie ;)

You know the score - north east bridge from DC, straight on over the next bridge and through the milegates. That's the way to Agramon....

Feel free to do what you want with the screenshot,

You spoilt a nice fg fight that was lasting a while. Therfore i still think you were a prick for doing it, hence the retard remark i made :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Infanity said:
Feel free to do what you want with the screenshot,

You spoilt a nice fg fight that was lasting a while. Therfore i still think you were a prick for doing it, hence the retard remark i made :)

For some reason you remind me of someone ... I've given you a chance, but next time you will be reported. Seriously, I'm doing you a favour. It ain't big or clever and is against the CoC - would be a shame to get yourself banned because you can't learn to control your gob. Especially when you can go to Agramon (rather than the iRvR area :eek7: ) and play the game how you want to (and I really don't want to hear the noone there crap when it's piss easy to organise...) :)


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Bracken said:
For some reason you remind me of someone ... I've given you a chance, but next time you will be reported. Seriously, I'm doing you a favour. It ain't big or clever and is against the CoC - would be a shame to get yourself banned because you can't learn to control your gob. Especially when you can go to Agramon (rather than the iRvR area) and play the game how you want to (and I really don't want to hear the noone there excuse when it's piss easy to organise...) :)

As i said - Do what the fuck you want with it.

No one goes agramon when theres iRVR, You ran in on support to leech your 5 rp per kill and spoilt a nice fight.

Then using the "IF IT WAS AGRAMON I WOULDNT ADD MEIGHT!" shit excuse.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Infanity said:
As i said - Do what the fuck you want with it.

No one goes agramon when theres iRVR, You ran in on support to leech your 5 rp per kill and spoilt a nice fight.

Then using the "IF IT WAS AGRAMON I WOULDNT ADD MEIGHT!" shit excuse.

You've got a big gob for a kid. I'll see you in game - you've had your warning.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Bracken said:
You've got a big gob for a kid. I'll see you in game - you've had your warning.

olololols kiddy!!

Shit comeback mr.zerg


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Meril said:
Ill set Crim to lvl1 later 2night feel free to take it.

Have a nice weekend

I wonder Meril... which realm are you most active on? Hibernia or Midgard?


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2005
Irvr is great! Challenging gameplay, fun events, honorable kills, realmpoints, bountypoints, siege action, facing masses, getting instad, getting zerged, getting outrunned, having buffbots, eating chickens, drinking water, chewing bubblegum etc...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Azathrim said:
I wonder Meril... which realm are you most active on? Hibernia or Midgard?
Mid ofc! .. and i aint really active :p

And dont u worry film/flim/flom whatever your name is .. ill do as i please with my gbps .. well teh guilds bps, nothing u can say or do will influence that.
Anyway happy hunting and gl with the keeptake my fellow hibgard mates!


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Gamah said:
Thier cloths wouldn't fit anymore? Everyone hates having to buy a new set of cloths!

I could just steal some :(


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Meril said:
Mid ofc! .. and i aint really active :p

And dont u worry film/flim/flom whatever your name is .. ill do as i please with my gbps .. well teh guilds bps, nothing u can say or do will influence that.
Anyway happy hunting and gl with the keeptake my fellow hibgard mates!

so just because you lot dont use agramon which was intended for 8v8 you spoil the fun for everyone by lowering the level on keep forcing a hib reaction?

if people want 8v8 go agramon, leave the fronteirs to people who are interested in claiming keeps/towers. I'll gladly hold that keep with sh if you arn't interested.

However, thats the way i view the game and kinda think actions like this are against the spirit of the game. o noes to many adds here let them retake so we can get our fixed no inteferance fights back and farm all the noobs when they were running solo/small rog groups.

This kind of attitude will kill the game. Its becoming more about adding/leet speak or whatever the fuk it is and less about roleplaying. the irc nuts in a way dictating the way people shud rvr.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Ethild said:
Why is it crossrealming? He prefers to play differently to you. Sure this may be ruining *your* RvR, but why do you (or whoever) have the right to ruin his? You are attempting to enforce a play style on him, just as he is now enforcing one on you. Why is one any lamer than the other?

One group will think it's lame, one group won't, thats what it boils down to. The only difference is, as he controls the tower, he makes the choice.

claiming a keep then setting it to level 1 so an enemy can retake it easier because they asked on an online forum which the GMs read.

That's crossrealming ;)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Infanity said:
As i said - Do what the fuck you want with it.

No one goes agramon when theres iRVR, You ran in on support to leech your 5 rp per kill and spoilt a nice fight.

Then using the "IF IT WAS AGRAMON I WOULDNT ADD MEIGHT!" shit excuse.

actually we got 200rp per kill ;)

and if it was agramon we wouldn't have added because we'd not have gone near it ;p

you're fighting within visual range of a keep - get a grip.

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