Can we please kill this instant rvr.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Infanity said:
I see both sides, I just dont see why they enjoy spoiling a nice fight which is what the discussion turned into. Saying "Go agramon" doesn't help as you still get added to fuck in there.

I took a stroll with my skald some days ago, just to watch the fg's fight. There werent' all that many, looked like 2fg hibs, 2fg albs and 1-2 fg mids. I guess they were having their fg vs fg with eachother for like 3-4 hours. I can see how that gets kinda boring. I know there are more guilds that want fg vs fg action, and they don't go there, cuz they want to farm zergs for easy rp more, and use bullshit reasoning like you do jamie. Agramon was completely add free as far as I could tell, and PE only ganked my skald the first time I got there. Maybe if you went there, it wouldn't be add free? xD

And how is zergs ruining fg fights worse than opted fg's adding on zergs just so they can have their holy rp? It's utter bollocks that fg's whine on adds when they go to an irvr zone to leech on zergs. Can you smell the hypocrisi?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Well what all you ppl are doing now is the same thing, but you do it in a way that sounds like its actually legit whining, it is not. Don't try to make up quotes or try to read the minds of the developers ( mythic ) to support ur own playstyle. .
First of all i dont have to quote anyone for playing like i want...nor does anyone else. but figuring out what mythic had in mind for the game isnt really brainsurgery imo. its right there in the trailer...and how they advertise the game. That doesnt mean you cant do what you want, and im sure everyone is aware of that. but its not however the people that follow the belief that the game is about fullscale warfare that complains on the "leet" people, its always been the other way around :) Then ofc when it comes to discuss it the other side complains back. But its very rarely i seen a zerger scream to the leet group to fuck of to their own territory(now they might do cause of all the whining on them). The reason for the leet groups and soloers to hang around crau now at prime time is ofc that rest of realms are quite empty. But is that the zergers fault? should they be punished for that the soloers/fg people choose to hang around the area were the zergs are? By whining and spiting at everything that adds? I would say, save that angst and spit and make a quick line on irc have the rest of 3 realms to choose from. i would say thats quite fair:p
over and out...


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
Flimgoblin said:
woot :) you were greencon btw (showed yellow till you died, though even my smites were breaking 400 so I guessed you weren't 50)

unusual to find anything in poc that's not a vampiir :p

Incidentally, not entirely sure how killing you once counts as "chaining"
gues it wasent youre group that camped the entrence rest of the evning then ^^ still gona kcik youre tits when im 50 xD


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Leel said:
I took a stroll with my skald some days ago, just to watch the fg's fight. There werent' all that many, looked like 2fg hibs, 2fg albs and 1-2 fg mids. I guess they were having their fg vs fg with eachother for like 3-4 hours. I can see how that gets kinda boring. I know there are more guilds that want fg vs fg action, and they don't go there, cuz they want to farm zergs for easy rp more, and use bullshit reasoning like you do jamie. Agramon was completely add free as far as I could tell, and PE only ganked my skald the first time I got there. Maybe if you went there, it wouldn't be add free? xD

And how is zergs ruining fg fights worse than opted fg's adding on zergs just so they can have their holy rp? It's utter bollocks that fg's whine on adds when they go to an irvr zone to leech on zergs. Can you smell the hypocrisi?

How is it hypocrisy? If im running with a grp and we see lets say 3fg albs, 2 fg mids, 3 fg hibs, we turn in the opposite direction. You are just ASUMING that all fg people would run into the zerg and take it, Which makes you someone who stereotypes ?

I dont actually give a fuck about the zergs spoiling fight as its more than one or two individual people spoiling the fight - I understand they want to play the game this way.

"Maybe if you went there, it wouldn't be add free? xD"

Care to elaborate on that one, I mean yet again your asuming that we would add or even hinting ? When we run agramon we run past each and every fight, Even if that group previously added us.

I dont mind fighting "PUG" groups when we run either in iRvR its often that they put up strong fights and we have been beat quite alot from a strong pug.

From our experience in agramon its far from add free, Theres been rather a few times when we have ran there and had most fights on the night spoilt.

You just appear to be jumping on the "Anti fg" bandwagon and just using the shit lame excuse everyone else tends to fire.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Don't delude yourself and think that you won't get added on in irvr. Most people go there to farm farm FARM. Even Defiance added on my mid pug last night. We were gonna die, they saved us:-P Oh, and it was vs albs south of dc, dunno if you were there at the time. Whining about adds in irvr just sounds stupid. You're allowed to whine about adds in agra, and everyone there will most likely be on irc anyway, so you won't have to play the record for us again here.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Whats the difference ?

Dont add here, Dont add there, Add here only if ... , Dont add here but only when .... add here but not there because if you add here and not there the place you were adding is the place not to add because people might add and add etc.

Its aload of horse shit ;> It doesn't really matter where its happening.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Infanity said:
Whats the difference ?

Dont add here, Dont add there, Add here only if ... , Dont add here but only when .... add here but not there because if you add here and not there the place you were adding is the place not to add because people might add and add etc.

Its aload of horse shit ;> It doesn't really matter where its happening.

True...everyone can do it anywhere they like at any given time:p
Or not:p
its same for everyone:)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Infanity said:
Whats the difference ?

Dont add here, Dont add there, Add here only if ... , Dont add here but only when .... add here but not there because if you add here and not there the place you were adding is the place not to add because people might add and add etc.

Its aload of horse shit ;> It doesn't really matter where its happening.

Do you feel that? No? It's the zerg/add/farm/mentality of people in irvr. Maybe it doesn't make sense to you, but it does to a lot of other people. Maybe just accept the way it is and adapt and do what everybody else is doing in irvr.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Konstantin said:
gues it wasent youre group that camped the entrence rest of the evning then ^^ still gona kcik youre tits when im 50 xD

look forward to it I'm a smite cleric or a crossbow armsman though so not really be much of a threat ;)

However you're more than welcome to take your revenge, look forward to it :)

(was a duo of us when we killed you, thought "bah only greens in poc" and went :))


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Leel said:
Maybe just accept the way it is and adapt and do what everybody else is doing in irvr.

Maybe scroll up a little bit and see what i said <o/


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Had some nice 2v2 today with Thowen's champ(?) and a MoCBard :)
Rest of the day was a bit too zergy for my likings especially when 2 FG's on stick run at 2 people and they use insta mez just to kill 2 people :touch:
Give more 2v2's imo!


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Our group didn't find anything interesting tonight, so we went PvE instead. Maybe things will change soon. :)
Infanity said:
You clearly dont see both sides of things, As for the thing about your group (scroll a few pages) not adding on fights little as possible, Well lets just see if things improve.
Yes, I clearly see both sides of things, at least the sides involved in this dispute, since I consider myself to be part of the "gank groups" subcommunity (whatever that means), and I yet try to keep my eyes open to people on the other side of the fence. As for my group, we are not purposefully adding on any ongoing FG fights, and that's a fact.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 25, 2004
90% whine thread, and still not closed? Different rules when mods post in threads?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
nah its not that it that even in the whine there are some good points.

I think everyone here looking fg fights should be posting a "Who's out tonight Thread" that might get those FG's to go to Agramon. I cannot speak for our FG but I do think we would prefer it and if we knew who was around we could then go there in the hope that we would get some nice fights.

I really hate trying to play in Emain.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Belomar said:
As for my group, we are not purposefully adding on any ongoing FG fights, and that's a fact.

Ah well. Will wait and see then, Not naming times and cant really be fucked to go into "You added me because you thought we added so we added you that time when we thought we added because you added ..." shit, Will see you in RvR and just take your word for it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Infanity if your in the greenish alb guild then thanks for some nice fights :) Have had a few really really close ones of the latest a 4-5 min long battle where our group used 2xpr and 3xegg rezz + 1 normal rezz before we eventually won - crappy healers I suppose :)

Will be looking forward to more fights in the future. :cheers:

P.S. I dont recall we adding on your group either tbh.. you are pretty easy to recognize so would have noticed if so? And if we did them my appoligieses, just those darn casters are a bit to trickerhappy :twak:


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Kraben said:
Infanity if your in the greenish alb guild then thanks for some nice fights :) Have had a few really really close ones of the latest a 4-5 min long battle where our group used 2xpr and 3xegg rezz + 1 normal rezz before we eventually won - crappy healers I suppose :)

Will be looking forward to more fights in the future. :cheers:

P.S. I dont recall we adding on your group either tbh.. you are pretty easy to recognize so would have noticed if so? And if we did them my appoligieses, just those darn casters are a bit to trickerhappy :twak:

Thats us!

The best fight we had is right after we fought defiance, i was TRYING to lead group to a rest spot and then saw you inc over shore.. pulled out and your tank came in and assist nuked it down.. You pulled out and didnt know what was going on - Came in from flank then had a really nice fights - Even had time for my banelords to respawn and respawn again heh ;]

However, There was a few cases where we had been engaging and you came in from behind - Prob just accident ;>

See ya out there ;o


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Infanity said:
Thats us!

The best fight we had is right after we fought defiance, i was TRYING to lead group to a rest spot and then saw you inc over shore.. pulled out and your tank came in and assist nuked it down.. You pulled out and didnt know what was going on - Came in from flank then had a really nice fights - Even had time for my banelords to respawn and respawn again heh ;]

However, There was a few cases where we had been engaging and you came in from behind - Prob just accident ;>

See ya out there ;o

Hehe yeah that was our zerker who went a little to far and behind a small hill so we couldnt PR him :mad: We ran around and flanked ya indeed. Was a good show.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
Kraben said:
Infanity if your in the greenish alb guild then thanks for some nice fights :) Have had a few really really close ones of the latest a 4-5 min long battle where our group used 2xpr and 3xegg rezz + 1 normal rezz before we eventually won - crappy healers I suppose :)

Will be looking forward to more fights in the future. :cheers:

P.S. I dont recall we adding on your group either tbh.. you are pretty easy to recognize so would have noticed if so? And if we did them my appoligieses, just those darn casters are a bit to trickerhappy :twak:

Yeh was a nice fight indeed. You did add on us against defiance but mistakes can be made. Not exactly sure how we lost that fight with you but was a nice recovery indeed. Had some nice fights with defiance that night also but the majority were ruined by adds(on both sides) which is why Jamie(Infanity) is getting so upset in this thread.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Littles said:
Yeh was a nice fight indeed. You did add on us against defiance but mistakes can be made. Not exactly sure how we lost that fight with you but was a nice recovery indeed. Had some nice fights with defiance that night also but the majority were ruined by adds(on both sides) which is why Jamie(Infanity) is getting so upset in this thread.

Meh ;> not upset - You can just listen to my whine and insults towards them on vent ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Yeah, like Kraben says, apologies if we have steamed in unwittingly in an ongoing fight. That's the thing with iRvR, groups are almost on top of each other, and adding can sometimes happen without intention.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
This rvr fucking sucks. End of topic. Albs stop porting so hibs can retake crouch and then bolg.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Well I do like the insta porting and Emain is a very nice area for both zerg warfare and fg fights if you roam in the outskirts. One bad thing though is that there are just so damn many mids around atm.. One starts to think back to somewhat a year ago with hardly any hibs/albs out.. :eek7:

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