Can we please kill this instant rvr.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 17, 2005
Aye its a pain getting run over, in the end i went bled on my bd, some nice 1v1 there, watched kagato vs elrone, was pretty close until kag blew warguard and ip lol, shame kag got jumped by 2 hib tanks <Crosby + cillit> Tryed to save him but was too late lol , got revenge on the hibs though :D

If your bored of crim try bled, had some good fun there, going to PL a thane for ubber 1v1 duels , cant wait :) xxxxxx Den


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
claiming a keep then setting it to level 1 so an enemy can retake it easier because they asked on an online forum which the GMs read.

That's crossrealming ;)

Noone is asking anyone to lower anything to retake it easier.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
I got 14 clean solo kills tonight...yes i died lots, but as a great Englishman once said: "If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same; Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!" (slightly changed ;p).
In a daoc context: You get killed, ganked, zerged whatever... just type /release and get out there again.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
noaim said:
Noone is asking anyone to lower anything to retake it easier.

actually an alb (original poster) is asking for someone to end irvr and a mid has said they are going to intentionally cripple a keep to help achieve the asked for aim ;)

not that I have any problems with people killing off irvr - just take towers and keeps to do so, don't whine about it and ask someone to break it for you.

If you really hate it that much jamie take some mid towers :p


Loyal Freddie
May 19, 2004
Denarius said:
Aye its a pain getting run over, in the end i went bled on my bd, some nice 1v1 there, watched kagato vs elrone, was pretty close until kag blew warguard and ip lol, shame kag got jumped by 2 hib tanks <Crosby + cillit> Tryed to save him but was too late lol , got revenge on the hibs though :D

Nice story, funny thing is we stood there let kagato heal himself he bowed we bowed then we had a pop at him. He took us both very close because hes a top player, then when we are on 10 percent each u kill us both. Nice attempt to save him mate heh


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
actually an alb (original poster) is asking for someone to end irvr and a mid has said they are going to intentionally cripple a keep to help achieve the asked for aim ;)

not that I have any problems with people killing off irvr - just take towers and keeps to do so, don't whine about it and ask someone to break it for you.

If you really hate it that much jamie take some mid towers :p

We discussed it long before this thread, trust me, the threadstarters oppinion couldnt matter less to any of us.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Infanity said:
As i said - Do what the fuck you want with it.

No one goes agramon when theres iRVR, You ran in on support to leech your 5 rp per kill and spoilt a nice fight.

Then using the "IF IT WAS AGRAMON I WOULDNT ADD MEIGHT!" shit excuse.

The way I understood it, he didn't add to get his 5 rp's he added to ruin your fight, which makes perfect sense to me. There are some groups/people I always add on when I play hib, and it's not for the rp.


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
It is almost impossible atm. With the terrain as it is grps appear ontop of grps with little or no warning. Tonight we avoided "adding" on at least 2 occasions but also "added" when we ran over a hill straight into a fight. We were also "added" on on at least 2 occasions but why the hell are so many being arseholes about the situation? If you don't like it fuck off to Agramon, if you choose to stay and roam around Bolg accept that "adding" is part and parcel of the game until Hibs get their keeps back.


Nov 28, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
actually an alb (original poster) is asking for someone to end irvr and a mid has said they are going to intentionally cripple a keep to help achieve the asked for aim ;)

not that I have any problems with people killing off irvr - just take towers and keeps to do so, don't whine about it and ask someone to break it for you.

If you really hate it that much jamie take some mid towers :p
I be there to slap him If he trys It:twak:


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Tesla Monkor said:
You would still have had it, if you hadn't retaken the keep, you know. :)

my keeps! stay away.... keep irvr out of albion thankyouverymuch ;)
Dec 31, 2003
Arumos said:
so just because you lot dont use agramon which was intended for 8v8 you spoil the fun for everyone by lowering the level on keep forcing a hib reaction?

if people want 8v8 go agramon, leave the fronteirs to people who are interested in claiming keeps/towers. I'll gladly hold that keep with sh if you arn't interested.

However, thats the way i view the game and kinda think actions like this are against the spirit of the game. o noes to many adds here let them retake so we can get our fixed no inteferance fights back and farm all the noobs when they were running solo/small rog groups.

This kind of attitude will kill the game. Its becoming more about adding/leet speak or whatever the fuk it is and less about roleplaying. the irc nuts in a way dictating the way people shud rvr.

Mate your doing exacetly what he does on your warlock. As you said yourself everyone pays thier subs so they can do what they want. If they wanna claim lots of towers/keeps with thier main guild and thier alt guild and their troll guild and lower keep lvls to make it easier for hibs to retake then thats what they want.
Not very big of you to comment on it when you always say you play ur warlock even if you think its lame but you pay ur subs and no1 else, so if we/i/others dont like it we can go play tetris etc.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Leel said:
The way I understood it, he didn't add to get his 5 rp's he added to ruin your fight, which makes perfect sense to me. There are some groups/people I always add on when I play hib, and it's not for the rp.

we didn't "add" - don't believe in that term ;)

We killed some hibs we ran into over a hill ;) unfortunately my UI doesn't have big arrows above the enemy saying "this enemy belongs to Jaime-p, please do not touch". What can we do?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Raven said:
why dont you both grow up?

Yeah I know...just get tired of it. We get the same shit every frikkin night. After a day at work it gets on my tits.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Mate your doing exacetly what he does on your warlock. As you said yourself everyone pays thier subs so they can do what they want. If they wanna claim lots of towers/keeps with thier main guild and thier alt guild and their troll guild and lower keep lvls to make it easier for hibs to retake then thats what they want.
Not very big of you to comment on it when you always say you play ur warlock even if you think its lame but you pay ur subs and no1 else, so if we/i/others dont like it we can go play tetris etc.

actually no,

on his warlock as depressing as fighting it is he's playing the game as it's intended (gifv 1.82 6 months ago please ;))

Claiming keeps to intentionally lower the levels to make things easier to retake is against the spirit of the game and I do believe a hib guild on excal got into trouble for it before.


Nov 28, 2004
Bracken said:
Yeah I know...just get tired of it. We get the same shit every frikkin night. After a day at work it gets on my tits.
Should be used to seeing shit if you are a villa fan hehe j/k:p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Flimgoblin said:
we didn't "add" - don't believe in that term ;)

We killed some hibs we ran into over a hill ;) unfortunately my UI doesn't have big arrows above the enemy saying "this enemy belongs to Jaime-p, please do not touch". What can we do?



Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Bracken said:
Yeah I know...just get tired of it. We get the same shit every frikkin night. After a day at work it gets on my tits.
I hear you. I attended a talk with the development director of EA Europe, and he got the question why EA is not investing more time and effort into online gaming. He said that working a full day putting food on the table, then going home and taking care of the kids, the last thing he wants when he finally gets an hour or two to himself late at night is to first get humiliated within 30 seconds by some clueless 16-year old who gets to spend the majority of his time online polishing his skills and his character, and then taunted for it. Hence EA's continued focus on single-player games. ;)

The leet crowd acting like spoiled kids here or in-game when people "encroach" on their fights seriously need a reality check. There comes a time when we all turn into casual players, like it or not, and things would be so much better if people could recognize that. (Having said that, me and my group do our outmost to avoid adding, but I wouldn't dream of abusing anyone who added on us.)
Dec 31, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
Claiming keeps to intentionally lower the levels to make things easier to retake is against the spirit of the game and I do believe a hib guild on excal got into trouble for it before.

And where exactely is it stated that lowering a keep to lvl 1 to make it easier for the enemy to take it is against the spirit of the game? Gimmie one line of CoC that backs that up. Then on the other hand if your talking about Crossrealming and communication between two players from two factions you need proof, since you with most certainy (sp?) cant get hold of such it is pointless to talk about it. Not like you need to actually go on a forum and make a thread and state in detail what ur about to do and ur purpose with it, ppl get it.

Anyway think it's hypocricy to tell all us to stop whine on these forums how we dislike adders, warlocks, bainshees and zergers and then go on here whining on on the "l337s" for thier playstyle just b/c you like roleplaying ;)

Donno if you see what i'm going with this..but nvm :x


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Belomar said:
I hear you. I attended a talk with the development director of EA Europe, and he got the question why EA is not investing more time and effort into online gaming. He said that working a full day putting food on the table, then going home and taking care of the kids, the last thing he wants when he finally gets an hour or two to himself late at night is to first get humiliated within 30 seconds by some clueless 16-year old who gets to spend the majority of his time online polishing his skills and his character, and then taunted for it. Hence EA's continued focus on single-player games. ;)

Hehe, not for one single second I believe thats the reason. :p As I said in some earlier thread, its pisseasy to get rid of the annoying people with the built in commands. Takes less effort and time to do it than actually reading what they say.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
we didn't "add" - don't believe in that term ;)

We killed some hibs we ran into over a hill ;) unfortunately my UI doesn't have big arrows above the enemy saying "this enemy belongs to Jaime-p, please do not touch". What can we do?

Right Mr Sarcasticgoblin.

For one i have never said i am an "owner" of the enemys my group is fighting, I dont expect your UI to understand that someone is enjoying a fg fight, Im rather sure you just see the red names then hit it thinking "We just took one for arthur mates!" (That is ofcourse if you like roleplay :fluffle: )

Brackens excuse was "If this was in agramon i wouldn't of added" If someone is fighting in RvR having a nice fight (actually rather distant from the place the usual zerg is) it doesn't matter which area the fight is at - Either way you just spoilt it ;>


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Belomar said:
(Having said that, me and my group do our outmost to avoid adding, but I wouldn't dream of abusing anyone who added on us.)

Haha ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Denarius said:
Aye its a pain getting run over, in the end i went bled on my bd, some nice 1v1 there, watched kagato vs elrone, was pretty close until kag blew warguard and ip lol, shame kag got jumped by 2 hib tanks <Crosby + cillit> Tryed to save him but was too late lol , got revenge on the hibs though :D

If your bored of crim try bled, had some good fun there, going to PL a thane for ubber 1v1 duels , cant wait :) xxxxxx Den

He had WH buff on and battler, i'd rather blow warguard and save my arti timers, second fight with no timers on either side was more fun in my opinion.

Unfortunately that left me with nothing left to fight the hibs with but these things happen.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Belomar said:
The leet crowd acting like spoiled kids here or in-game when people "encroach" on their fights seriously need a reality check. There comes a time when we all turn into casual players, like it or not, and things would be so much better if people could recognize that. (Having said that, me and my group do our outmost to avoid adding, but I wouldn't dream of abusing anyone who added on us.)

God Belomar I love you :(


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
rure said:
Hehe, not for one single second I believe thats the reason. :p As I said in some earlier thread, its pisseasy to get rid of the annoying people with the built in commands. Takes less effort and time to do it than actually reading what they say.

What ever you say - I still respect RM for not adding on anything we have had so far. Wish there was a few more like that <o/


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
And where exactely is it stated that lowering a keep to lvl 1 to make it easier for the enemy to take it is against the spirit of the game? Gimmie one line of CoC that backs that up. Then on the other hand if your talking about Crossrealming and communication between two players from two factions you need proof, since you with most certainy (sp?) cant get hold of such it is pointless to talk about it. Not like you need to actually go on a forum and make a thread and state in detail what ur about to do and ur purpose with it, ppl get it.

Anyway think it's hypocricy to tell all us to stop whine on these forums how we dislike adders, warlocks, bainshees and zergers and then go on here whining on on the "l337s" for thier playstyle just b/c you like roleplaying ;)

Donno if you see what i'm going with this..but nvm :x

If you claim a keep - it is your responsibility to keep it at the highest level that you can - if you lower it to 1, then that is wrong and you need to be slapped hard. Talk to realm mates if you are running out of BPs, and then let another guild have it. If it is lowered to 1 to let the realm get it back, then that guild should be punished for cross realming, in that they made life easier for the enemy to get their keep back.

Oli - Illu


Nov 28, 2004
illu said:
If you claim a keep - it is your responsibility to keep it at the highest level that you can - if you lower it to 1, then that is wrong and you need to be slapped hard. Talk to realm mates if you are running out of BPs, and then let another guild have it. If it is lowered to 1 to let the realm get it back, then that guild should be punished for cross realming, in that they made life easier for the enemy to get their keep back.

Oli - Illu
+If you do that i get some1 to put a healer up every where:twak: so you dont get hastner

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