Camlann Potential


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Rediknight said:
and here comes the camlaan backlash - it's not them it's US thats ruining it! silly us... :m00:

It's really not hard to roll Camlann and lvl to 50 at all - simple thing is to just make a thread about an exp group, even 2-3 ppl just meeting to exp and it's easy. Or you could roll a vamp/lock/bd and "solo" it up, then complain at lvl 50 about being chained!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Yoshimo said:
it is the camlann communitys fault. i've done my share of chasing people away by playing a WL prenerf. altho i stopped pking with it when it became apparent that the population was dropping

Wow. Well done... not, you're partly at fault for the servers population decline!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
There is only one way to revive Camlaan and that is to allow character copying from other servers and run it like a pvp version of the test servers.

Players could come and have some fun without being chain killed by the fuckwit ganking population while trying to level.

My last straw with this server was when at level 30 my Champ was chain killed for 4 days by the same guild because i beat one of their lvl 35 Savages in a fair 1v1 duel.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Tallen said:
My last straw with this server was when at level 30 my Champ was chain killed for 4 days by the same guild because i beat one of their lvl 35 Savages in a fair 1v1 duel.

That reminds me of elite....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Rediknight said:
I would love to cross-realm, in both PvE and PvP, but without a "safe zone" then theres no point in trying frankly. I still can't understand why it's not a dual PvP/co-op server then it'd serve two customer bases on one tidy server /shrug

With 200 players....95% of the server is safe zone..


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tallen said:
Players could come and have some fun without being chain killed by the fuckwit ganking population while trying to level.

My last straw with this server was when at level 30 my Champ was chain killed for 4 days by the same guild because i beat one of their lvl 35 Savages in a fair 1v1 duel.

"i went to thid on my level 20 and i got chained by some mids for no reason, so i quit rvr servers, they suck and are full of retards."

this attitude of "camlann sucks because my level 30 got ganked in gothwaite" gets pretty fucking old pretty fucking fast :(


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2004
4. More distinguished guilds rolling there
that´s the only way to re-active camm


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
I rolled a char here once, using the level command. As soon as I dinged 20 some idiot, who was camping the trainers for exactly this scenario, put his orange con pet on me and killed me. That said it all for me on this server. Next step - /q - delete char - never go there again.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
enkor said:
"i went to thid on my level 20 and i got chained by some mids for no reason, so i quit rvr servers, they suck and are full of retards."

this attitude of "camlann sucks because my level 30 got ganked in gothwaite" gets pretty fucking old pretty fucking fast :(
you didn't read that quote you posted, did you?

He wasn't just ganked in gothwaite, thats not what he said - he played within the rules of the game, beat another player who was a higher rank, then was chain ganked for four days by the guys guild.

How, in any level of the burning depths of hades, could you possibly say that the scenario he has spoken of is in any way right, and that he shouldn't feel aggreived by it?

Enkor, if you were trying to get past 30, killed one player then had the fury of his entire guild beat your arse for four days solidly can you honestly say you'd shrug and say "well, that's just camlaan for you and it was my fault."

Even in the sentance you stated in your post:

"i went to thid on my level 20 and i got chained by some mids for no reason, so i quit rvr servers, they suck and are full of retards."

Well, if you stand by that as being fine n dandy then maybe im wasting my time.

And yet again someone who decides that calling someone retarded is perfectly acceptable in a forum.

Go look the word retard up, then sit back and consider what you're calling people, then come back here and explain why it is fine for you to go around calling someone that. Think before you speak, you f*ckin thoughtless wanker


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
did YOU read the post I quoted, or stop to think for a second maybe? If I killed some guy and he told me he/his guild would chain me, I would:

a) laugh
b) go somewhere else to xp
c) come back at 50 and kill them

If you are stupid enough to let some guild chain you for 4 straight days then sure, I encourage you to quit the server and furthermore the game :(

Are you saying that people in bgs DON'T chainkill those from other realms? That they kill them once and then stand around dancing? maybe I'm just too "retarded" to get it, sorry :(

edit: I'm getting really sick of having the exact same argument with people that have never played camlann past level 25 every month when this same thread is reposted, so unless you have something interesting to say I doubt I will respond to this again, starting to piss me off :(


Char copy is dumbest idea ever, the feck is the point in camlann then at all ?
You make char on Excalibur, level it up to 50, ML toa in safety and copy it to Camlann. That is retarded. Only NF for pvp is dumb as well, why not just make co-op server for our little carebears instead?
IMO, the way to get camlann to it old glory is to just play there, im pretty sure that if couple of so called l33t guilds roll there, others would join.
An yeah couple of fixes, like 36 not being green to 50s, guards in towns is good one as well imho.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
IMO what ever is said in the thread -- the population on Cam will never grow. It's dead apart from the players who have high level chars there.


And "omg i got chianed by bunch of griefers" is old one and not so funny nemore tbh, on one of my chars i made my way from 20 to 40 just pvping, and mostly killing 50s. You can avoid being chained, if ur have at least abit of brains there..
and what enkor said.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
enkor said:
did YOU read the post I quoted, or stop to think for a second maybe? If I killed some guy and he told me he/his guild would chain me, I would:

a) laugh
b) go somewhere else to xp
c) come back at 50 and kill them

If you are stupid enough to let some guild chain you for 4 straight days then sure, I encourage you to quit the server and furthermore the game :(

Are you saying that people in bgs DON'T chainkill those from other realms? That they kill them once and then stand around dancing? maybe I'm just too "retarded" to get it, sorry :(

edit: I'm getting really sick of having the exact same argument with people that have never played camlann past level 25 every month when this same thread is reposted, so unless you have something interesting to say I doubt I will respond to this again, starting to piss me off :(

omg have to agree with enkor.....
this might be worth remembering....


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
The problem its that attitude that will never attract new players to the server. You want attract players to it, not have a go at people who don't enjoy getting ganked for their first 10 levels.

First impressions count for so much.


Jan 22, 2005
Camlamn is boring, crap, retarded (that ones for Redi) and full of french/nazi idiots. Infact, the only decent people I met on Camlamn were Odins because Irresistible kept chaining people for me, was fun (which makes it even worse becuse they were chaining people)(and I was on a /level 20 theurg). Basically if you don't have a 50 on Camlamn there is really no point, the server is dying, you'll get chain ganked before you reach 40 and to all those 'well level in a quiet place' I don't wanna spend weeks leveling solo in some forgotten SI spot only to find that when I do get a group they lead me into a secret place where their 'secret buffbot' is hiding only to disband from the group and kill me (and this has happened)



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Basically if you don't have a 50 on Camlamn there is really no point, the server is dying, you'll get chain ganked before you reach 40 and to all those 'well level in a quiet place' I don't wanna spend weeks leveling solo in some forgotten SI spot only to find that when I do get a group they lead me into a secret place where their 'secret buffbot' is hiding only to disband from the group and kill me (and this has happened)


I couldnt agree more:cheers:


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004

If the shitty abusive attitude on camlann is not much of a problem? Why the decline then?

Always see these hardcore camlann players defending the griefing of the server and claiming it is not much of a problem.


Dorimor1 said:
Camlamn is boring, crap, retarded (that ones for Redi) and full of french/nazi idiots. Infact, the only decent people I met on Camlamn were Odins because Irresistible kept chaining people for me, was fun (which makes it even worse becuse they were chaining people)(and I was on a /level 20 theurg). Basically if you don't have a 50 on Camlamn there is really no point, the server is dying, you'll get chain ganked before you reach 40 and to all those 'well level in a quiet place' I don't wanna spend weeks leveling solo in some forgotten SI spot only to find that when I do get a group they lead me into a secret place where their 'secret buffbot' is hiding only to disband from the group and kill me (and this has happened)

hahaha, 'secter buffot', thats a good one, priceless.
Scary story, rly it is.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
Coldbeard said:

If the shitty abusive attitude on camlann is not much of a problem? Why the decline then?
I agree with you Cold.


Coldbeard said:

If the shitty abusive attitude on camlann is not much of a problem? Why the decline then?

Always see these hardcore camlann players defending the griefing of the server and claiming it is not much of a problem.
Coz there is huge human factor on camlann, people dont understand that.
On regular server u dont have to meet poeple u killed, they will not remember ur name and wont seek revenge, its different on camlann, and that makes camlann what it is.
I wouldnt ask my guild to reroll on camlann only for one reason - nothing to kill, chaining same people 24/7 aint that fun rly. And i know most of people who think that camlann has potential aint rolling there for same reason.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Pretarded said:
Coz there is huge human factor on camlann, people dont understand that.
On regular server u dont have to meet poeple u killed, they will not remember ur name and wont seek revenge, its different on camlann, and that makes camlann what it is.

Well the fact the you can talk directly to the people you just killed is the ONLY reason you think its shittier attitude....what would happen if you could pm ingame to all the people you think "add"....omg at the flamefest....

On question "why is it declining then?". What daoc server is not loosing population?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Most people (like me) thought it would be fun to roll a toon there waiting for the next game to come out, get to 36/37 and then give up. Due to having some level 50 /stick to you at the bindstone and kill you as soon as your immunity runs out.

'i need money'
'Shut up noob'
'fuckoff back to prydwen'
'your a Skald'
'Cry more'
'random french words'
'i don't like trolls'
'sry needed cash'
'If you don't like it, play somewhere else'
'BD' (yes..he killed my Skald in Chain and a Double handed axe because i was a Bonedancer... fucking warlocks)

About the most fun i had there was exping from 20 to 30 in a group every evening, it got worse and worse after that.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Dorimor1 said:
retarded (that ones for Redi)

that's very good.

Look at all these people stood around applauding politely... :touch:

baiting me won't wash - if you want to try then feel free, you just make yourself look more detached from real life and less intelligent. But then again, im sure you enjoyed it...


well, if you look closely, Camlann had a steady pop of 1000+ prime time before NF, then it dropped, then came classic and it dropped even more.
And btw, the pop is growing abit after the patch, was 130-150 before, yesterday i think it was 230-260 not counting anons.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Nedo said:
Well the fact the you can talk directly to the people you just killed is the ONLY reason you think its shittier attitude....what would happen if you could pm ingame to all the people you think "add"....omg at the flamefest....

On question "why is it declining then?". What daoc server is not loosing population?

Not really, so many people on camlann that will do almost anything to ruin teh game for others there. You can get chainkilled by a lvl 50 toa'ed dude because you had the wrong colour on your boots. I am aware of that revenge and grudges against enemies are part of the pvp concept, but the abuse and harassment many of the players on camlann perform way exceeds this concept.

Sure all DAoC servers have been losing population steadily, but it is camlann that has been affected the most it seems like.


Bubble said:
Most people (like me) thought it would be fun to roll a toon there waiting for the next game to come out, get to 36/37 and then give up. Due to having some level 50 /stick to you at the bindstone and kill you as soon as your immunity runs out.

'i need money'
'Shut up noob'
'fuckoff back to prydwen'
'your a Skald'
'Cry more'
'random french words'
'i don't like trolls'
'sry needed cash'
'If you don't like it, play somewhere else'
'BD' (yes..he killed my Skald in Chain and a Double handed axe because i was a Bonedancer... fucking warlocks)

About the most fun i had there was exping from 20 to 30 in a group every evening, it got worse and worse after that.

You are right, lvl 36 is a dead zone for people who just want to log on, kill something and dont want to exp. And i agree that this is a problem and should be fixed somehow :<


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Bubble said:
'i need money'
'Shut up noob'
'fuckoff back to prydwen'
'your a Skald'
'Cry more'
'random french words'
'i don't like trolls'
'sry needed cash'
'If you don't like it, play somewhere else'
'BD' (yes..he killed my Skald in Chain and a Double handed axe because i was a Bonedancer... fucking warlocks)

So I bet you have asked about 2-3 people on camlann. I can hand out cash if I would belive the player would stay camlann for it. I had a about 1 month handing out decent eq to random people asking for it last fall. I have given away several P to lowbies that says thx and never to be seen again. People just give up to easy. Those I moved to camlann to would NEVER made it to the point we are at if it wasn't for friendly, helpful, funny and gental people on the server. And No I ain't only talking about guildies here. I can spend hours just chating with some "enemy" guildies just cause we have a common intrest in the game/life or what ever. Sure we have our far share of not so smart, mature, brave or even adult people on the server but if you judge us all by some morons then I truely wounder whom is fair and whom isn't.

Once again point to enkors post above. He made it to rr10(or are u 11 now?) allmost totally solo. He ain't high ML. He don't have a fotm superb eq. He is friendly and fun to chat with and I wouldn't mind fighting him either:)fluffle: ). Thing is that all those argument that you(and most others with "I hate camlann cause you all f*****g tards" attetud) is the same over and over. I doubt you ever gave it a fair chance and that some of you bugged the same player over and over again for cash/eq or what ever. If someone says no I can't give you cause in need for reason X then why don't respec it.

About how hard it is to join a guild I must agree cause there isn't so many active guilds left on camlann now days :(

Damn this became long......

Pretarded said:
You are right, lvl 36 is a dead zone for people who just want to log on, kill something and dont want to exp. And i agree that this is a problem and should be fixed somehow :<

Make a group and go exp/do artis/ml's what ever isn't that hard just don't stand in aegirhamn or gothwaite asking for group and whine that you got ganked afterwords. I joined my first guild around 46 and it isn't that easy to exp a pac healer solo :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Coldbeard said:
Not really, so many people on camlann that will do almost anything to ruin teh game for others there. You can get chainkilled by a lvl 50 toa'ed dude because you had the wrong colour on your boots. I am aware of that revenge and grudges against enemies are part of the pvp concept, but the abuse and harassment many of the players on camlann perform way exceeds this concept.

Sure all DAoC servers have been losing population steadily, but it is camlann that has been affected the most it seems like.

I allways find these discussions sort of fun. I played in guild with for example a 30+ teacher from Wienna, a 30+ mother of a little son from Paris, a 30+ IT consultant from southern sweden (dont dare to say how old I am myself cause Spis will harass me forever :p). And we never really ever experienced what youre describing there in our...dunno 2 years on Camlann. I try and try to understand how we could not see the BIG BIG BIG % of griefers that everyone describe...I guess were just whiny little kids ourselves that did not see it...or something.

Ofc we got killed while reward, ofc we got shit from people that we killed. But I seriouslly had as much shit trying to understand why I had been skipped in the fins list on Hib Pryd .....

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