Yes, they are, and they reward people for being fucking lazy and stupid.
Before i roll any class i do my research, and figure out how to build it properly.
But where is he getting all this information from?
Up next: TTN: No realm ranks, abilities? What?
oh please don't make the same mistake GW2 did ;/
That bothers me a lot less tbh. It makes you, the person behind the keyboard, more important in a fight then the RA's you would otherwise guaranteed have used to win.
I liked the visual repesentation of what realm ranks did with DAOC.. with the titles. When you fought people, you would notice their rank and that meant alot (rank means nothing these days). Also it was an indication of how much time you put into a charater in RVR.
In GW2 i solo'd alot on my thief in the early days, and even after shit loads of kills I had nothing to show for it, nothing to indicate that I had killed alot of people etc. It felt like a FPS where everyone is equal. I dont care for the added stats or RAS, but atleast let people see an indication of how experienced you have played that char with some system.
Yes, they are, and they reward people for being fucking lazy and stupid.
Before i roll any class i do my research, and figure out how to build it properly. I have been doing this in MMOS since i went 2 years at the start DAOC with a sub par shaman build because i made poor choices to begin with. I learned from that experience, it made me a better MMO player.
I LIKE "hardcore" (as you put it) mechanics in MMOs, i dont fucking want my hand holding.
I want to know that my build choices MATTER because i cant just change them on a whim.
I want to know that if i get killed, it MATTERS and that i cant just teleport back into combat in 20 seconds.
etc etc
The simple truth is, he is not pitching the game to the kind of poeple who like easy mode MMOs... he is pitching it to people like me, who remember when games were difficult, who remember when games didnt hold your hand, and who very much agree with everything he has said so far, and are looking forwards (if he pulls it off) to a game that goes back to a time when MMOs were challenging, and your actions and dicisions mattered.
I guess we will find out if there are enough poeple like me left when it comes to the kickstarter. It will either get the funding or it wont.
For the love of god though, if this doesnt appeal to you "AS IS" then stay the fuck away from the kickstarter please. I would rather see the game not launch, than see it launch with a load of people trying to change it's nature because they dont agree with the design of it.
Xandax, the socialising point you mention was because the game forced them to, its the way games have changed over time that have removed that option of actually having to talk to people (auction house, group finder etc), I've been playing WoW since about new year to check out the new expansion. I've taken 4 chars to the high 80s, and in that time I've not really spoken to anyone, despite multiple dungeon runs, its just not required so people don't bother - wow seems to have got to the point where if you actually try to start a conversation that doesn't start: "do everyone know tactics for this boss?", you come across as weird
Meh I like the idea of limited or difficult respecs, I think respeccing and the way people expect dual spec as standard isn't great. I prefer the idea that the choices you make for your character have some effect, rather than switching next week because you've seen some random guilds video who did well with X spec as seems to be the case nowadays.
Xandax, the socialising point you mention was because the game forced them to, its the way games have changed over time that have removed that option of actually having to talk to people (auction house, group finder etc), I've been playing WoW since about new year to check out the new expansion. I've taken 4 chars to the high 80s, and in that time I've not really spoken to anyone, despite multiple dungeon runs, its just not required so people don't bother - wow seems to have got to the point where if you actually try to start a conversation that doesn't start: "do everyone know tactics for this boss?", you come across as weird
I kinda agree with you on the crafting (in terms of staring at the screen), but I also liked the early days of DAoC where there were relatively few people who managed to get LGM armor/weaponcrafting, they put a lot of work into it and had a lot of customers for it and it was always a big effort when someone wanted the 100% 16.5dps cleaver. Maybe it doesn't make the game 'hardcore', but personally (and I probably complained about them at the time), I actually like some of these aspects of games. Its quite easy for me to master all trades myself in no time at all because its more convenient for me, but it kinda sucks.
I did think Mark Jacobs is generally full of shit, a lot of what he posted during WAR made me think he was a bit of an idiot that didn't really understand daoc, but the video blog I watched kinda made me think he did recognize some of the problems with MMOs today in how they're getting easier and easier which isn't always a bad thing, but some of us want something difficult.
It can't be a bad thing someone is trying to do something different to the current trends, there are so many MMOs out there that only try to expand on what WoW has laid down anyway.
Up next: TTN: No realm ranks, abilities? What?
oh please don't make the same mistake GW2 did ;/
too little too late though :<
It's not too little to late, the game has only been out for 6 months!
It's not too little to late, the game has only been out for 6 months! At least give them enough time to actually gather enough data and opinions to make a decently educated decision first, or are you really that impatient that you're willing to accept what Mythic did to DAoC all over again with their fucking kneejerk reactions and not whining about that instead?
It's not too little to late, the game has only been out for 6 months! At least give them enough time to actually gather enough data and opinions to make a decently educated decision first, or are you really that impatient that you're willing to accept what Mythic did to DAoC all over again with their fucking kneejerk reactions and not whining about that instead?