Read this if your on the fence...
Also about stealthers, if you decide to solo on your casters and you nuke a tank from the distance, you should proberly win easy, but if yu get perfed in the face by a stealther you should die 99% of the time! But if that stealther would attack the solo tank, he should die also. We dont need this game to be that everyone can take out everyone. Its just impossible to balance.
i'm not complaining about dieing to a stealher after receiving a PA/CD chain. i can always hope to purge/moc if i'm not dead after the opener even if that option has little chance to do enough damage or root & run before dieing to the follow up from the PA. my point was the one shot kill on a high rank caster with perfect gear and every possible defense up and running and expecting a stealher attack. uncounterable one shot kills (from stealth !) should never happen in an mmo imho. while it happened only a handful of times to me, i can only imagine how easy it must have been to do vs a low rank character without the perfect gear, rank and capped BB buffs.
Bit of a weird question but Mark Jacobs, a friend was asking why $1 a year for those who donate a certain amount, why not free?
Well if you solo on a caster i think you should deserve to get 1 shot, but you will have the same damage vs a stealther/tank if you get him from range.
Stealther from range = never happen unless stealther has purge down in which case it can just restealth while you put distance between you and it while its rooted
Tank from range = rarely happens these days, almost every single tank/hybrid has charge or something else to make CC virtually useless
That said, Wizards do absolutely ridiculous damage so no sympathy, you can debuff your damage on all 3 spec lines there has to be a trade off somewhere.
Yeah like i said if you go solo on a caster you deserve to eat dirt
I thought the 30 second timer on stealth in WAR was a good way of stopping people sitting in groups.
It's going to be a close run thing. People need to see some big things to get us over the line.
Peeps want easy mode stealther classes that they can always survive with, run around, wait for a perfect gank and runs away, rinse repeat, peepz not up for challenges
I rolled a Thief on GW2, but I jumped everything I saw, for the hell of it
So what you're saying is, you should be able to roll a character that can run around and no-one can kill you?Surely the whole point of a stealther is to remain unseen and size up your target if it suits you attack if not then you might as well have rolled the dumb warrior type who charges in like a chimp and dies.
I don't call a premade waiting for me to unpop from stealth after they saw me so they can kill me for their 12 rps so they can meet their daily target a challenge.
If perma stealth isn't added and a caster sees you from a mile away running around like a retard and suddenly stealth once you see him what is he going to do? turn tail and run the other way wait for you to pop then /lol at you.
So what you're saying is, you should be able to roll a character that can run around and no-one can kill you?
Most people would ignore a stealther (we did on Warhammer) due to effort it took for them to reappear, if you're clever, you can easily use that stealth, and get away from the enemies, it's not difficult, rather than pop vanish and spam /rofl at your enemy.
As for your last sentence, use your surroundings ffs, learn to pan over hills and such, and pre-stealth if you think there's gonna be action, it -really- isn't that difficult.
I did fine playing a Thief and as Jim said, there was no perma stealth feature on there.
As a flip-side of your argument, I want to play a caster solo in RvR, but I know that won't happen, because I wouldn't be able to kill anything if stealthers can appear out of no-where and gank me, and if I manage to hurt them, they stealth away.
We're all entitled to our own opinions, I just believe yours is a bit self-centred, since you've clearly just said your intent is only to play a stealther class, and you want it easy mode, so there's no actual challenge in it apart from moving your character into the right place, at the right time..I don't want an unkillable character, so please do not assume what I'm saying.
What I do not want is 30 shitty seconds of stealth because that is not a stealther that's a gimmick.
You did fine playing the Thief because they were OP twats at the beginning of GW2 using that 1 lunging attacking move, It was so easy playing a Thief it was boring.
Play a Thief and playing a Crit Shadowblade who has to line up and be paitent for his kills is a totally different ball game, If that Shadowblade gets his PA chain off he has every right for a 1-2 shot kill on a caster.