Oh and as an edit on my last post i don't agree with this part of Carlos Bananos quote in my post:
"I would prefer something that's not just cumulative over the lifetime of the character though, like Faction Points in UO (1 kill gives +1 point, while a death -1 point, and a title depending on your number of points) or Arena rating in WoW"
Because that would only reward the biggest zerg and leave the people who try and stick with a full group or solo at a lot of minus points
Hmm. A mod can email me, wouldn't that do it?
Playing daoc was the worst thing I've ever done. It's why I have a 2:1 in comp sci instead of a 1st in Physics. Please don't make a better version.
Hey All, Just want to thank you for hosting the Q&A with Mark Jacobs last night. I also wanted to point you at an UnOfficial Wiki site where you can get all kinds of information about the game.
Hope you guys will join us in our effort to get this project funded.
In case it has not been said in this thread already:
In the comment section on the Kickstarter, MJ has states there is ABSOLUTE ZERO CHANCE of GOA getting their hands on this.
Mainly because the technological advances since the launch of DAoC means that it is now viable to host a game for both EU and US together, so we will be playing with the Americans, whatever we think that is a bad thing or not, at least that means no GOA.
EDIT: Also, keep in mind this title is scheduled for a late (Q3 or Q4) release 2015, so I think the concept is actually solid; By that time, seeing the improvements the last few years, latency shouldn't be such a huge issue even if we have to connect to the US
Oh, seems I misremembered a bit; Decided to find Mark Jacobs actual words, doesn't say one server for EU/US, but thats how I interpret it; but it does say no GOA; Don't know where I got the technological advancements thing from, maybe another comment by MJ or just my own imagination
*Bold added by me for clarity
TriRealm-focused MMORPG. TriRealm is an acronym for the interaction of the three main realms.
Regarding EU-Servers: I think there are more options available for a game company who need over seas help to host servers now days? CSE won't need a partner like GOA, They will just let some company like Amazon host them like Minecraft does.
I'm prepared to wait for patches ect for a couple of hours extra...but not months
He said in the interview I posted that he definitely doesn't want to let the EU community down like with DAoC.
For those concerned about European servers and how the EU was represented back in the day, please watch this interview.
When will we receive the e-mail asking FreddysHouse to act as the official forums for Camelot UnchainedSo, now that I'm here any questions I can answer from you or other folks?
LOL. Hopefully you'll like CU enough to be mad at me.Playing daoc was the worst thing I've ever done. It's why I have a 2:1 in comp sci instead of a 1st in Physics. Please don't make a better version.
That doesn't seem right to me or to the other guys who have backed games on KS. Do you see it as a scheduled payment on Amazon?OK, so backed the game. During the process it took me to Amazon and confirmed a process against a card I use a lot on that site but got an error message (cannot process). It then takes me back to the kickstarter and sates that I am confirmed as a backer, is this normal?
Thanks! Nothing wrong with being a skeptic. I said the same thing when we were developing Dark Age. I don't mind skepticism/critiques at all. Some great ideas have been born because somebody was a skeptic.I'm probably the biggest skeptic around, but that's really due to being a designer and looking at everything really critically. Especially work of other designers
I don't want it to fail though, the concept behind it is interesting, even if as said i'm skeptic about it working.
Without PvE how will CSE try to fit all the lore that this scenery has in the game. Because I think (personal opinion, other players may have experienced different!) that part of the succes of Dark Age of Camelot was the lore, it was what made that game, and RvR was 'just' a tool where people could express there feelings about the lore (well atleast in the beginning of the game). In what way will CSE try to get access to the more deeper feelings / underlaying thoughts of the players, not just what players say but really how they think and feel about the game(<insert iceberg here xD>) without PvE.
Don't get me wrong, my first reaction to PvE would be *blegh please don't, RvR all the way!*, but PvE is more then just beating monsters. It's where people socialize, it is where they experience things and are able to discuss it or even try things out. It is what made players give personall value to certain objects such as keeps, territory etc) and you I'am pretty sure (i truely hope you can convince me different btw!), even without having statistics to back me up, that a major percentage of players (even the PvP lovers) need factors that PvE offers to make RvR as great as it is.
Q: Currently CSE is doing a lot of (customer service, is this something you intent to keep up when the game has launched?
Q: Is human centered design one of the principles you are using? I am really interested in what methods/tools you use to get data from your customers/players <except from forum and beta testing ofc>.
Q: How does CSE try to get all the 'force fields' from PvE into PvP / RvR. (sorry don't know proper English word for krachtvelden)
ps. sorry for all the ( chat )
Frankly, that's all I ask of people. If you've seen the videos I've done, the interviews, etc. I've steered away from the kind of enthusiasm/hype/whatever I took part in with WAR. it's not that I didn't believe everything I said with WAR (trust in one's team and all that) but this time, none of that. Just simple and straight-forward stuff about systems, ideas, etc. and I'll let people judge for themselves whether they think it's good. I've said some of my thoughts are BSC but that's a lot more objective than saying "CU is going to be amazing! Awesome! The spiritual successor to Dark Age of Camelot! Pledge now, the phone lines are open!!!"I'm still not hopeful, i'll probably back some money for pure nostalgia reasons. I just get the feeling it won't be very good.
GW2 was talked about, hyped, everyone got super excited because it was gonna be 'DAoC2' then it turned out to be a total bag of shit.
I'll reserve full judgement till I actually see some of the game, granted I know this wont be for a while, and at the moment it's in very early stages.
Yeah it's funny to remember that daoc is the reason a fair few of us ended up living on fh.
There is zero chance that we will place our European customers in the hands of another company again. I did that twice, both times born out of the necessity for cash (GOA paid handsomely for the 2nd time) and I won't do that again even if someone made a great offer. I'm promising our US/European backers that we will run the servers ourselves. I haven't talked to any potential European partners and I have no intention of doing so. That's my pledge.I dont know if this has already been asked but:
Will CU be run by CSE worldwide or will Europe be dumped on some french company again? it seems to me at least that despite the best efforts with Warhammer, the same mistakes were made again and again - would be nice if there was some "pledge" not to do so again even if the main markets are US & Asia (i'm sure the Asian based players also would prefer not to be stuck on a secondary server group)
Nice to be here. So far, it's all good. As long as stuff doesn't get all name-calling, insults, etc. happy to chat.Welcome to hell !
Seriously, it's nice to have you here and i'm glad you are willing to set foot in this at times inhospitable place.
Soft cap for abilities and stats at the present time.i couldn't agree more, looking at the way GW2 promotes the zerg ball above any other play style to get anything is just plain retarded and a turn of for me.
MJ, what's your thought about capping abilities at a fixed number of players like almost any other game after DAoC that just makes superior numbers > anything else ?
i loved the uncapped spells with AE-dropof mechanism in DAoC. at least it wasn't impossible to defend a tower / gate / stair / bridge with far less defenders than attackers.