Camelot Unchained


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
I think a majority of you have too much faith for MJ to bring a DAoC2 to the table. I'm not saying I won't at least give it a go, but I get the feeling it's going to be another hype MMO.

I think one of the primary reasons DAoC was so good was the huge class variety as well as decent RvR, you had to think about 20+ different classes and their abilities when engaging into a fight, rather than 8 or so like WoW and GW2.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
I think one of the primary reasons DAoC was so good was the huge class variety as well as decent RvR, you had to think about 20+ different classes and their abilities when engaging into a fight, rather than 8 or so like WoW and GW2.

I look at DAoC now and I think it was good at the time but there's NO way I'd want to back to those days, there's far better around nowadays. Which is why I think it might struggle... with several other 3-way RvR-type games happening at the same time.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 2, 2004


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Real-time Armies (Evening Update #2, April 10, 2013)

Update #13 · Apr 10, 2013 · 115 comments

Hi everyone! Andrew here.
In my first update last week, I showed off some of the rendering tech we want to use for Camelot Unchained, and talked about why we need to build a renderer and certain other components ourselves: Off the shelf, there's nothing that scales up to the epic battles we want to create.
Then, our art team showed off two of the races we're planning to put in the game: The Tuatha Dé Danann and the Vikings. There's some great concept art in those updates, as well as high-quality models for in-game.
Obviously, the next step is to put them together -- so we did! There are some further refinements and optimizations to the engine, and plenty more to be done, but I'll let the video speak for itself.
The next step for this, in terms of showing off what we want to do, is to hook this up to the networking layer of "CSE SmackHammer" from last week. We're working hard on this and a whole lot more, but for now, enjoy the show!
p.s. - We'll have a part 2, with even more video, first thing tomorrow morning.
  • video-228306-h264_high.jpg
  • image-238786-full.jpg

that's starting to look impressive imho
Last edited:


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
6,553 backers
$1,045,616 pledged of $2,000,000 goal
21 days to go
come on people get backing :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Read somewhere that the bigman said Camelot Unchained would be DRM free.

It's an interesting concept for an MMO :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The software will be yeah, saves on distribution if you just stick it on a torrent, newsgroups etc.

ofc the software will be useless without a Serial key and a subscription so there is little risk.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2004
I think a majority of you have too much faith for MJ to bring a DAoC2 to the table. I'm not saying I won't at least give it a go, but I get the feeling it's going to be another hype MMO.

I think one of the primary reasons DAoC was so good was the huge class variety as well as decent RvR, you had to think about 20+ different classes and their abilities when engaging into a fight, rather than 8 or so like WoW and GW2.

I wont have Master Jacobs spoke about in this manner Himse..... come around my study about 7:30 this evening and you will be dealt with accordingly.

Btw i am sure i read the other day something on the KS blog that made me say to myself "that's quite a decent amount of classes per realm".

Your loving father ... Bunji.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 4, 2004


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
(yes, I know he says they're different models, but they still look the same)

they are clones, meaning that every single one has each texture in memory individually. in the case of the first tech demo that means the 2 models are copied 250 times in memory to get the 500 models on screen and calculated as such. seems a bit pointless to have 250 times the same textures in memory but that's the whole point of the tech demo as they don't have 500 different sets of textures/models yet to show of with.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
A More Epic Battle, and a Technology Mini-Roadmap (April 11, 2013)

Update #14 · Apr 11, 2013 · 44 comments

Good afternoon from Andrew! Thanks to all of you for checking out the video last night. Here’s a small update, showing the same engine demo but with 1000 characters instead of 500. Epic indeed! A few things I wanted to emphasize:
  • Under the hood, we’re not drawing the same character hundreds of times. We’re actually loading up hundreds of copies of each model, because our game engine has to support hundreds of unique models. No two characters in the world should be exactly the same. We’re going to have a huge amount of character customization in Camelot Unchained, as I’ll detail in an upcoming post.
  • We’re still missing level-of-detail also known as LODing. Normally, game engines will have multiple versions of each model, some for up close and some for far away. When a character is 100 pixels high, there’s no reason to render him with 10,000 triangles. Triangles that are smaller than a pixel just don’t contribute anything to the scene, but they do slow things down. But right now we’re doing that, and fixing it is my project for, literally, today. That should get our frame rate up even higher, which then gives us room to max out effects and environments -- but those are things that we’ll fit in around the characters. The characters are the thing. They’re the reason for going custom with this.
  • The animation is really rough. That’s not the fault of the renderer. It’s also not the fault of our animators -- they just had a couple of hours to do a very quick take on this. For an example of what they can do, check out this trailer, which we did all in-house. Funding them to do that level of work on Camelot Unchained is a big part of why we need to do this Kickstarter.
Now, where we’re going with things: Over the next week, I’ll continue tweaking our engine and drop in an effects system. A lot of people have been saying “but how fast will it run with effects???”, so we’ll answer that for you. We’ve got a really powerful design for the tech, heavily inspired by something the tech director on Wildstar showed me back in the days when we worked together at Troika. (The game industry is a very small place.) A little story on that -- on one of the projects we had at the time, an artist came to me and said his level was running a little slow, and I found out that he’d accidentally spawned out five million invisible particles that were bouncing around forever. The fact that we could sustain that on 2002 hardware gives me great optimism for what we can do on modern hardware and taking advantage of GPU computing.
That brings me to the next goal over the remaining three weeks, which is to connect this front-end demo to the back-end server tech we showed you for “CSE SmackHammer”. When you can use DirectX 11 as a baseline (entirely reasonable for a 2015 launch), there’s a huge amount of work you can offload to the graphics card, and that’s a good thing for us. Right now, with 1000 characters, we’re hitting around 6% CPU load. That gives us all the room we need to do the kind of prediction, decoding, and lag compensation we’ll need to handle the networking for a ton of players and “real” projectiles in a very dynamic world. I’m looking forward to sharing -- and maybe even playing in that demo -- with you!


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 2, 2004
The software will be yeah, saves on distribution if you just stick it on a torrent, newsgroups etc.

ofc the software will be useless without a Serial key and a subscription so there is little risk.

It would mean that free servers would be less legally problematic. Having said that, the client isn't being released open source, just no DRM.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
i'd personally love a minecraft system for crafting. Farm materials, combine them to make bricks/motar then traps etc for keeps.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
hello peeps yes long time no see and yes i remember a lot of names here

so far iv read every thing there is to read watch and see about this excited kind of i was never a DAoC RvR whore :-p (NO i dont have those red buffs im not a bleeding buff bot)

what has me is the talk of the comunity building which i loved shiny grapics not intrested i always run them down cos i hate being laged to hell becouse my machine cant handle 50-100 ppl spaming aoe's

i like the idea of backing this becouse i like the priciples(atlease most of them) and the game ideas
iv spent some time tonight catching up with what you lot have been talking about in this thread to see where your up to and i see here alot of the same miss information and reading what you want to read and not what has been said :-( i also notice that a lot of things have passed you by so im giving you this link

so far it has the most comprehensive list of links in one place that i have found for everything for this game thats been said and done with a large FAQ list of quotes

theres alot of things i v read that i would like to see in a game and i think with this way of funding i can help to get it made (no garantees) and as theres no garantees for any game i buy and spend up to £50 on that has cut scens and short demos which realy tell you nothing about a games long turm playability and the simple fact love him or hate him MJ was a major force for creating DAoC in the 1st place love him or hate him you loved the game for me its worth spending x2 that amount to give him a chance to do it again belive it or not he does comunicate with the comunity yes ToA pissed ppl off it pissed me of to but we had to love the game in the 1st place to get pissed off about some one messing it up didnt we

and before ppl screem WAR ill say this i wouldnt dont and didnt touch any game with a gamesworkshop logo on it they buy games dum them down and sell them to spotty 13yrolds who have no idea what a real wargame is theyve done it with every game theyve bought and keep strong control over any thing that has there name on it so what happened with war was or should have been expected by any one who is old enought to remember every other game they played before Games workshop ruined them

theres alot of good ideas for this game open worlds build pretty much were ever you want destroy what every buildings you find RvR with goals and rewards
no PvE lvl grinding or loot drops just crafting resorce drops and dont miss read that there will be PvE just not the type that bores the hell out of you or the type that makes crafting pointless

yes mj talks of taking some of the conviniancies of the moden mmos but i mean who doesnt remember a time when you got lost in the forest and said to your self
"where the F am i ! damit!! where the hell did that purple come from!!! OOOOOHHHH sshhhhh!!!! run away we fear the the big purple thinggy"
annoying yes a pain it the butt yes but god i miss those days :-D

yes it may not be every thing i hope for but but i can hope that it will be closer to what i dream for that any for the big flash budget marketed and teenagers regujitated wow clones that i see every where

nice to see some old names here :)

Tasaroca/ troll (gimped) shamy/ Prydwen

Mr Kevin Stares-Darbon

Regular Freddie
Apr 12, 2013
The only things i would like to ask people to do if they are mildly interested or more is to check out the faq posted just above and again just below- it has a lot of referenced information - and the official kickstarter page for Camelot Unchained. There is a fascinating community building there already and I would love for you to come join it.
Lastly, if you know people that may be interested, please post up these links in forums they frequent so they can at least be factually informed of the vision:

here you will find all you need to make up your own mind, with referenced info that is not emotionally charged or hyped.

objectively, the promised game fascinates me personally. its ethos is full of all the elements i loved about daoc, but remember, this isn't daoc2. its going to be its own game in its own right.

many thanks

Mr Kevin Stares-Darbon

Regular Freddie
Apr 12, 2013
I'm an old DAoC Excal EU Middy Dorfie Healer.

Made it to RR8L4, cl10, ml 10 before i gave up on low server population. Dunno if any1 remembers my toon - Ganame?

Hopefully some members of the Red Shadows will or maybe even Sylvie and co from the ACS ><

That said, I've been floating back and forth between WoW, ffxi and xiv, and Rifts looking for something to quell my pvp/rvr apetite and nothing has worked.

I've got some faith that this may do it.


Part of the furniture
Jan 1, 2004
From your original post, you sounded more connected to the game, more than a player :) I wondered if you worked on or were linked somehow etc? I agree if it does hit the kickstarter target and the game gets made, lets hope it gives us the pvp/rvr fix we all miss.

Mr Kevin Stares-Darbon

Regular Freddie
Apr 12, 2013
I just heard about it through the grapevine 5 days ago, and was like, "Whoa, at last!!!".

It was one of those, Finally!, moments.

I'm really chuffed he's trying this and want to see it hit its 2 mill target. with 20 days left and less than 1 million to go with a usual ending upswing in funding, it should make it. {not that i have a vested interest with $250 pledged ofc ><}.

Beyond that, i like the fact that i get involved in a process where i have a voice and my opinion will count towards and actively shape game development as part of the founder forums and an alpha tester.

It strikes me as a unique opportunity to get involved in a non-publisher driven RvR centric mmo.

Other than, check out the links for the info, er, what more is there to be said?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 24, 2004
New update in! Remember an old dungeon named DF? I thought so!

I didn't think i could get more excited about CU lol


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
But without any pve there is no point with such a dungeon......


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Must say, I like the idea of the depths.

Still want proper pve though!


Loyal Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
ok lets look at PvE after you hit max lvl realy what did you do with it ?

you did it to stay competative in rvr or you farmed stuff to turn in to gold to buy stuff to compet in rvr
or you plvld m8s or aults

so as crafters will still need resorces and some of those are going to come off npcs the farming stuff is still going to be needed (he hasnt metioned a monetry system yet but i bet there will be one)
so its likly you will still sell those resorces to crafters who will in turn provide you with equipment to keep you competative in rvr of course for suitable reconpence so realy whats the differance?
this is to there advntage ( and everyones) as they need you to be well armed to get to the best resorces which are found in rvr areas like the depths

so basicaly there will be pve people will do but the time sink lvl grinding to get to max lvl and to get the best drop equipment wount be there
going out hunting for boars bears jabawokys will be there but the only things they will give you is resorces and possably a nice staek dinner ( not going to speculate what a jabawocky taests like thou :-p )

the differance here is theres no realy safe zones to farm resources in your always at risk of rvr and the best resorces are going to be in the most active areas

i just think of the entire world like DF yes im farming these supplys but at any time a bunch of albs could run up and wack me but annoying but hell worth the risk to get the resorces needed but then if im going in to an active area im taking some m8s with me

i always hated PVE patches that more and more made the crafted gear sub standard if your going to do that why bother with crafters at all


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
ok lets look at PvE after you hit max lvl realy what did you do with it ?

you did it to stay competative in rvr or you farmed stuff to turn in to gold to buy stuff to compet in rvr
or you plvld m8s or aults

so as crafters will still need resorces and some of those are going to come off npcs the farming stuff is still going to be needed (he hasnt metioned a monetry system yet but i bet there will be one)
so its likly you will still sell those resorces to crafters who will in turn provide you with equipment to keep you competative in rvr of course for suitable reconpence so realy whats the differance?
this is to there advntage ( and everyones) as they need you to be well armed to get to the best resorces which are found in rvr areas like the depths

so basicaly there will be pve people will do but the time sink lvl grinding to get to max lvl and to get the best drop equipment wount be there
going out hunting for boars bears jabawokys will be there but the only things they will give you is resorces and possably a nice staek dinner ( not going to speculate what a jabawocky taests like thou :-p )

the differance here is theres no realy safe zones to farm resources in your always at risk of rvr and the best resorces are going to be in the most active areas

i just think of the entire world like DF yes im farming these supplys but at any time a bunch of albs could run up and wack me but annoying but hell worth the risk to get the resorces needed but then if im going in to an active area im taking some m8s with me

i always hated PVE patches that more and more made the crafted gear sub standard if your going to do that why bother with crafters at all


They speak of stretch goals atleast, I assume come the end of the pledge/kickstarter if they go above what they were hoping for they give extras. PvE I don't care that much about given what jacobs has said about the vale/depths, such dungeons sound rather fun :p especially being able to build traps and shit to use against the other realms.

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