


I remember oooo about 2 years ago, i was on a Pedestrian Crossing (A few hundred yards from a Cop Station - And no, i wasnt visiting it :p) anyway, i looked and seen a Cop Car comin down the Road, so i waited patiently expecting him to Stop......... did he stop? did he hell, he wasnt even looking, he was staring staight ahead.. :/

and that story was a good one, i bet it makes a few people think


DISCLAIMER: By "I" I mean "my friend"

I do whatever speed is appropriate outside of residential areas where I stick to 30mph. I'll happily do 90mph (or more) on the motorway if the road is clear and if it is appropriate to do so (i.e. others doing similar speed).

The point made about braking distances is totally void - as Wij said, these distances were measured back when cars were made out of wood. Nowadays with ABS and suchlike, most modern cars can brake in a fraction of the distance.


Originally posted by Super_Gray[SG]

and that story was a good one, i bet it makes a few people think

Thanks SG - thats the point I was trying to make.

YuckFou / Wij - I wasnt implying that that you guys were recklessly speeding through built up areas (you might do - but I dont know that)


I honestly do despair of some people. Especially certain people in this thread who seemed to know more about driving through the Daily Mail than they do from actually sitting behind the wheel.

I had an interesting chat with my old next door neighbour who is a traffic cop. He said that on a motorway, they generally won't stop anyone doing less than 85 unless the weather is bad. Kind of fucks anyone theory about doing 70 on the motorway up the ass doesn't it?

Speeding is resedential areas is wrong - fact. Speeding everywhere else is a judgement call. Which is what separates the good drivers from granny. Good drivers know when it is safe to speed, bad drivers dont. Good drivers also watch more than just the road - looking out for kids and other hazards.


Originally posted by bodhi
I honestly do despair of some people. Especially certain people in this thread who seemed to know more about driving through the Daily Mail than they do from actually sitting behind the wheel.

I had an interesting chat with my old next door neighbour who is a traffic cop. He said that on a motorway, they generally won't stop anyone doing less than 85 unless the weather is bad. Kind of fucks anyone theory about doing 70 on the motorway up the ass doesn't it?

Speeding is resedential areas is wrong - fact. Speeding everywhere else is a judgement call. Which is what separates the good drivers from granny. Good drivers know when it is safe to speed, bad drivers dont. Good drivers also watch more than just the road - looking out for kids and other hazards.

I was expecting a "Cunt the fuck off", most disappointing :)

Moving Target

Originally posted by bodhi
I had an interesting chat with my old next door neighbour who is a traffic cop. He said that on a motorway, they generally won't stop anyone doing less than 85 unless the weather is bad. Kind of fucks anyone theory about doing 70 on the motorway up the ass doesn't it?

Everyone does over 70 on the motorway.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Thx to WPK

Originally posted by ~YuckFou~

That would be you then. As far as I've seen nobody on this thread has condoned speeding in urban areas.

OK... can the people who've contributed to this thread justifying speeding because a) they're fantastic drivers so it's ok, b) everyone else does it so it's ok, c) they ahve fancy, flashy modern cars so it's ok or d) it's pedestrian's faults for being on the bloody road which should rightly belong to car drivers only FFS please put their hands up and HONESTLY say they DO NOT drive at 40mph+ in 30 zones on a regular basis.

/me waits for the lying cunts :)


When I did my Pass Plus, the motorway driving I was told I could go over 70 for overtaking etc.

What was irritating this morning was the Darby & Joan heading to pick up there daily paper doing 15-20mph along an empty road :(


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thx to WPK

Originally posted by granny

OK... can the people who've contributed to this thread justifying speeding because a) they're fantastic drivers so it's ok, b) everyone else does it so it's ok, c) they ahve fancy, flashy modern cars so it's ok or d) it's pedestrian's faults for being on the bloody road which should rightly belong to car drivers only FFS please put their hands up and HONESTLY say they DO NOT drive at 40mph+ in 30 zones on a regular basis.

/me waits for the lying cunts :)
You're missing the point - I don't have to justify it to anyone. I speed in situations I deem it appropriate because I want to - there isn't any underlying justification for it, I just do. There is a world of difference however between driving recklessly and going a bit faster than an outdated mandate would suggest. As laughable as it sounds, when I* did 160mph on the M3 it was perfectly safe to do so - why? Because there was nothing in my way. :)

Im not a reckless driver, I personally just happen to go faster in certain circumstances than 70mph. Simple! :)

* Allegedly


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thx to WPK

Originally posted by granny

OK... can the people who've contributed to this thread justifying speeding because a) they're fantastic drivers so it's ok, b) everyone else does it so it's ok, c) they ahve fancy, flashy modern cars so it's ok or d) it's pedestrian's faults for being on the bloody road which should rightly belong to car drivers only FFS please put their hands up and HONESTLY say they DO NOT drive at 40mph+ in 30 zones on a regular basis.

/me waits for the lying cunts :)

Residential 30 zones ? No, I don't. There are some ridiculous 30 zones where visibility is excellent so noone could spring out on me where I sometimes stray but I don't drive past kids, rows of parked cars, alleyways or such stuff at 40+. It's judgement.


Heh. Yeah. Like I said to the magistrate, she said she was sixteen, doc and you tell me than when you see that pretty pink beaver in front of your face...


Originally posted by Embattle
Judgement can be wrong and misguided.

If I can see that nothing can jump out in front of me I don't see how I could be mistaken ?


You're not supposed to see how you'd be mistaken, else it wouldnt be a mistake. One of the things that annoys me is when people say "it's safe, no really!!", and yet they cant think that perhaps they could be wrong, and not be in complete control, even though they think they are. It's impossible to be completely aware of everything around you all the time, perfectly. So baring that in mind, surely you can see that perhaps, if you speed, and you think it's safe, it just might not be??

Why does it take an accident for people to realise that perhaps they weren't aware of everything, or it *wasn't* safe. Why not just think about that possibility first?

p.s. I'm not without sin so I'm not casting any stones, just making a point.


Originally posted by Wij

If I can see that nothing can jump out in front of me I don't see how I could be mistaken ?

Since when the fuck did it just require something to jump out in front of you to cause an accident.

My own view is that variable speed limits should be on all motorways. Instead of just having them drop from 70 MPH to speeds like 55 MPH, to keep traffic moving, they should also increase at less busy times like at night etc. Although to coincide with this I would want to see an increase in punishment for law breakers and esp in residental areas.


Originally posted by nath
Why does it take an accident for people to realise that perhaps they weren't aware of everything, or it *wasn't* safe. Why not just think about that possibility first?
If you truly believed that, you'd never drive anywhere, or at the least it would take you 2 hours to drive 5 miles because at any given point in time someone could randomly appear from out of the bushes right in front of your car.

The reason people have accidents is because you never can expect the unexpected, and if you tried to anticipate every possible thing that could ever happen - you simply would be too scared to drive anywhere. So you find a comprimise, and that comprimise involves crashing into things, etc.


Originally posted by Embattle
My own view is that variable speed limits should be on all motorways. Instead of just having them drop from 70 MPH to speeds like 55 MPH, to keep traffic moving, they should also increase at less busy times like at night etc.
The problem with this, and its an admirable and fair solution, is that it would just be abused, just as the current speed limits are at the moment.

Raise the speed limit to 90mph and people would do 100-110mph. Thats why personally I believe the Police generally turn a blind eye to 85mph-ish on the motorways in the right conditions.


Yes but I just dislike the attitude that "I can see everything, thus it is safe to speed"

The fact is you're increasing the risk of an accident, driving at 90mph as opposed to 70.

On that particular occasion it may be fine, infact it almost definetley will be, but there's always a chance.

Tbh, I don't really have a problem with speeders, I passionately hate aggresive drivers and hope they all die, but people who speed don't bother me as much. All I was saying was about that ^ attitude.


Originally posted by Durzel
The problem with this, and its an admirable and fair solution, is that it would just be abused, just as the current speed limits are at the moment.

Raise the speed limit to 90mph and people would do 100-110mph. Thats why personally I believe the Police generally turn a blind eye to 85mph-ish on the motorways in the right conditions.

Thats generally true but the idea is still sound as long as the rules are enforced harder, this was the idea behind increasing the speed to 90 MPH but having tougher penalties.


Originally posted by Embattle

Since when the fuck did it just require something to jump out in front of you to cause an accident.

If I can see there is nothing around and there is nothing obscuring my view to make me doubt that what more do I need to know ?

If it is a residential area or there are parked cars or there is anything to give me doubt about my judgement then I'm often criticised for being a slow driver. Please don't try to interpret what I say as though I'm a maniac. My point was that I know some areas where the speed limit is ridiculously low and if the roads are clear I might edge a little above them. I'm just trying to not be a hypocrite about this.

Virtually all my speeding occurs on motorways when the weather is good and the road is pretty clear. My last two scrapes occured with noone else around at below 10 mph when I was assuming that low speed = safety. One was pulling out of a driveway where I clipped the wall. The other was negotiating a snowy hill where I also clipped a wall after discovering that the now hid some black ice. They were not caused by speeding just by my own stupidity in assuming that nothing can go wrong when I'm doing less than 10 mph. I've only had 1 other accident, which admittedly was at speed, on a motorway and I was very new to motorway driving. The lesson was learnt.

Not sure what my point is with that bit except that once my speed starts to rise I take virtually nothing for granted. I'm pretty sure that's the best attitude to have.


i guess if u speed then u have to accept the consequences if u get done hey summo?

nice picture for your desktop now tho :)


Shit! Four pages of this and I've forgotten to send the letter back. :uhoh:


I think youve been under the Hairdrier too long.. how could you forget :D


Originally posted by Wij

Not sure what my point is with that bit except that once my speed starts to rise I take virtually nothing for granted. I'm pretty sure that's the best attitude to have.

I'm not too sure what your point is because you seem to fail to grasp that accidents don't only happen in front of you, don't always require another car/person etc and doesn't require you to be driving bad.

I like Jeremy Clarksons view on improving driving, instead of sticking airbags and other safety features all over cars just stick a big pointy spike on the steering wheel.

Lets just stop all this shit of 'I'm a great driver' etc etc. A simple fact is that you break the law whether you agree with the speed limit or not, when you do then no one has the right to moan about the consequences.


I'm not saying I'm a great driver or that I don't break the law. I just do it sometimes when I think that the law is silly. My main example being a clear motorway in good conditions. The 70 mph limit was set when 70 mph was reasonably tough for a car to handle. Nowadays any old car can drive at more than 70 mph without risk of sliding in good conditions. Therefore I choose, sometimes, to take the risk that I won't get caught. I'm not special. This is the same as 90% of drivers will do.

/edit: oh, and your point about accidents not necessarily being in front of you. You should check your mirrors. Often.


Originally posted by Embattle

Since when the fuck did it just require something to jump out in front of you to cause an accident.

My own view is that variable speed limits should be on all motorways. Instead of just having them drop from 70 MPH to speeds like 55 MPH, to keep traffic moving, they should also increase at less busy times like at night etc. Although to coincide with this I would want to see an increase in punishment for law breakers and esp in residental areas.

That's actually a really good idea...

Couple of final points from me ( :) ) - the 70mph speed limit was not set way back when cars had trouble reaching that speed. When the M1 first opened there was no speed limit and I was listening to the radio a week or two ago and they were describing the scene on the grand opening day. First cars to pass the bridge where the policeman giving the account was watching from were the big posh cars, the Jags etc, and they were doing 120-170mph apparently. Mixed in to this came the normal cars, the Sunday drivers, the old codgers & bangers who had no idea what to expect from this new-fangled motorway and to cut a long story short the accident rates were utterly unimaginable until they introduced the speed limit. So we're not talking ancient history here. I tried to find some dates but failed, anyone else able to sniff anything out?

And the last I'll comment on this thread - did you know that one of the most common times for middle-aged men to have heart attacks (apart from during sex or squash) is shortly after driving home from work? Driving is demonstrably highly stressful and it's a stress that the majority of people simply don't recognise. You may think you're comfortably driving along and it's easy and you're relaxed but even if you're used to it the mental effort required to drive at speed in traffic is considerable and there's been work done showing that the level of stress increases exponentially with increasing speed (can't find anything about that either ffs, Google is failing me this morning). Just food for thought :)

Bah, another post that's way too long, sorry, what can I say - I'm a loquacious bastard :/

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