


I've been driving for 4 and a half years now. Can't remember the last time I stuck to a speed limit. I have a clean licence and havent hit anything yet. The moral? Apart from me being a fucking good driver, speed doesn't kill. Only improper use of speed does.


Being very pedantic, thats not strictly true. You could drive along at 30 in a residential area, hit someone and theres a high probability you would kill them.

The "moral" of what you've said is that basically you're a lucky bastard, but thats all. :)


Re: Re: ooh ohh ohhhhhhh

Originally posted by old.Mellow

Oh sorry wolfeeh, if someones dying on the street we'll tell the ambulance to slow down and not rush to save a life. :rolleyes:

I know in relative comparison it isn't a lot, but over 30ppl were killed by police cars alone last year. A 20% rise on the previous year, iirc.

I once saw an Ambulance cut three drivers up and swerve round the corner of a busy pedestrian street. If someone were to have stepped out from the other side of the corner, they would be dead.

Yes, there's a necessity for speed of response to emergencies. But, I don't think emergency services should be given a 'free ticket' on speeding through the streets.


Originally posted by dysfunction

Thats coz not all cameras have film in em! They still flash though!

There are only 5 cameras with film in them in the whole of Staffordshire.

One thing which angers me intensely about the anti-speeding brigade, is how they want to make the streets safe for kids to play in. Call me old fashioned, but if you ask me, kids shouldn't be playing in the fucking streets. Isn't that what swingparks, back gardens and shit are for?


Originally posted by bodhi
Isn't that what swingparks, back gardens and shit are for?

You played in shit as a kid?

Explains quite a lot





Re: ooh ohh ohhhhhhh

Originally posted by wolfeeh
i forgot my most salient point here, twas somit someguy said.

*emergency services are allowed to speed* -

NO THEY AREN'T, it's breaking the law as much for them as it is for us.

why am i so narcy about this? bcos a while back my car had two alloy wheels lost, tires fucked, wheels knocked out of alignment - when i had to avoid a police car speeding down the wrong side of a VERY tight road at about 60+

try telling them that tho. cunts.

i'm well aware that if i get caught speeding then i'll be fined and have penalty points imposed. everyone is well fucking aware of that, we don't think we are special and are gonna get away with it. my general point was that 99% of the time the rewards outweigh the risk..

what are the rewards? well for me, being able to get home, or to meet a friend in under half the time it would take me if i complied with speed limits counts pretty fucking highly.

no matter how harshly i drive my car, i am within 10-20 miles of what the petrol tank should last for anyway [have made biiiiig fuss of monitoring petrol usage]

so out of 400&somit miles i should be able to get out of a tank of petrol, i get about 10-20 less than i should... big deal?

might i add that if i use the bus to complete said journey, then it takes over double the length of time it does to do the journey when complying with speed limits, because of the fixed route which goes out of the way, bus stops, etc.

ah i remember that. diddnt you have to drive a beetle or something?


There are plans to convert all speed cameras to digital. Then transmit the image to the local plod and DVLA. Ticket arrives next day, because there is no film involved all cameras will be active. There are arguements though that because the image is digital it could easily be altered, quite why someone would do that I don't know.

I picked up 6 points (and £150 fine) on the A50 recently, 97.5 in a 70, am I the winner?

The plod that did me said that it had to go to court because it was more than 25mph over the speed limit, gutted.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by ~YuckFou~
I picked up 6 points (and £150 fine) on the A50 recently, 97.5 in a 70, am I the winner?

No, you're the dopy speeding loser, maybe you'll manage to write your car off at top speed and kill yourself in a deserted place doing everyone a favour?


The A50 is one of the safest roads in Britian to speed on, as its mainly straight and flat, and you can see any trouble coming from about 3 miles away.


Unfortunately trouble doesn't always come from three miles away.


Originally posted by mank!
I really cannot fathom why people feel the need to speed.

hmmm, don't know about the need to speed but you'll have a different perspective on this when u start driving believe me.


I've done 160 on the M3, do I win something?


munkey - corolla.

bigbb; exactly what you said man.

it's unbelievable how many accidents are caused by emergency services, and i've seen a few, but of course, mellow mussssst be right, it's worth risking other lives just to get to the scene of a car crash or something. is it FUCK.



Did the passenger get the ticket ????

OH!. You're ROBIN ?

Now I can see why you picked that car


Originally posted by wolfeeh
it's unbelievable how many accidents are caused by emergency services, and i've seen a few, but of course, mellow mussssst be right, it's worth risking other lives just to get to the scene of a car crash or something. is it FUCK.

They are balanced risks and stop trying to act as if you've seen lots of accidents just to back up your views, it's even more deplorable in Wales.


Originally posted by wolfeeh
mellow mussssst be right, it's worth risking other lives just to get to the scene of a car crash or something. is it FUCK.

You're missing the point. An ambulance would have to rush, the drivers have training to try and get there in time. If we told them to go slowly we might as well just not bother and send a hurse instead.


Sending a herse would be preferable. We need the space, die you fucks!

(I'm such a broken record)


I can tell, you want people to die in every other post :p

You're not one of those "anti-human-population" freaks are you? :)

Testin da Cable

no, but I am.....DIE ALL J00 BASTAGES!!!


Saw something funny yesterday, driving home along the A52, very busy that time of day, whole load of us going along at a gentle 70mph (pretty sedate for the A52) cos there was a police car infront of us so everyone was being good.

Some flashy open-topped car being driven by a Baseball Cap (you know the type, 18-21 yrs old, male, unable to drive without a baseball cap on, thinks they're it cos they've got a flashy car and know how to make it go fast, utter morons) zooooms up behind me and instantly starts flashing his lights at me.

Now normally that kind of retarted behaviour would make me start slowing down gently, I detest being tailgated and hassled like that, but given that there was a police car 2 cars infront of me I just moved right out of Baseball Twat's way and watched as he *motored* past me, and floored it... right past the cop car that he obviously hadn't noticed.

Which promptly plopped it's lights on and pulled the twat over :D

Oh how I laughed :)


This wasnt Summo by any chance? (cept the age range heh)

Oh yeah, about 2/3weeks back, my Dad (Who is a Lorry Driver) was going down the Motorway near Sandbach in Cheshire, anyway, there was a Van, overytaking him, at around 80/90mph, but he said it was swaying (The Van), next minute, the van has a Blow Out, goes into the Central Reservation, then cuts across my Dad into the enbankment, but, one of the passengers who wasnt wearing a seatbelt, smashed thru the Window.. right infront of my Dads Lorry (Which was Carrying a lot[b/] of Liquid) my Dad then pushed on all his Breaks and what have you, and while he was breaking sharply, he noticed the fear in the guys eyes (Who was a few seconds from been hit), but luckily, my Dad stopped just short of him.

The police come and they took over , Dad dont know how the guy is and what have you.


Originally posted by old.Mellow
You're not one of those "anti-human-population" freaks are you? :)
I'd have the entire species exterminated if I could. I'll settle for letting it die where it can.

[nngh, I made two mistakes yesterday, and both have been pointed out, there's something sinister about that]


Originally posted by bodhi
The A50 is one of the safest roads in Britian to speed on, as its mainly straight and flat, and you can see any trouble coming from about 3 miles away.

True, except plod cars behind you at night.

He was kind enough to tell me that the A50 is now one of the most heavily policed roads in the UK. It is very straight, long and well lit so people feel safe to get a move on. So in come the plod.

Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
No, you're the dopy speeding loser, maybe you'll manage to write your car off at top speed and kill yourself in a deserted place doing everyone a favour?

Did you catch your dick in your zip or something?

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by ~YuckFou~
Did you catch your dick in your zip or something?

No, I just find idiots who break the law and endanger others whilst doing so to be hideously selfish in pretty much every respect, still as long as you get home a few minutes earlier everything is ok



Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass

No, I just find idiots who break the law and endanger others whilst doing so to be hideously selfish in pretty much every respect, still as long as you get home a few minutes earlier everything is ok


I do 1,000/1,500 miles a week. 20mph makes hours difference to my working week.
Additionally I'm driving a car that can stop from 90 faster than most saloons can from 70.

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