

Testin da Cable

no, it's only about...oh. uh. never mind :(


I really cannot fathom why people feel the need to speed.

Unless their wife/girlfriend is giving birth, they have a dying person in the back of their car or it's anything similarly urgent then there is no need.

But then again, I'm too young to drive :)

Testin da Cable

well, in my case it was the night wind in my hair as I wound up a lonely single-lane road at the banks of the river. A good mate tells me that "everyone" knows there's a camera at bend number such and such. Gah, 63 euro buggered...but the joy....the joy!!!



u were caught on my bday man. bad luck.

i got whacked a few months ago, took two hellish weeks for the ticky to come through....
was overtaking this twat who'd been doing 20 in front of me in a 40 all the way home and i hadn't had a chance to pass him... finally fucking get past, and was dropping back TO THE FUCKING SPEED limit... and i got hit @ 44 in 30.


i had that gobby "who needs to speed" bollocks attitude when i was learning to drive - wasn't actually trying to impress the driving cunt i did believe it...

it took me about two fucking weeks to lose it.

when u realise how safely u can drive on some roads and shit with good sight lines etc etc and a well maintained automobile... blah blah. fuck the speed nazis,


Re: summo;

Originally posted by wolfeeh
i had that gobby "who needs to speed" bollocks attitude when i was learning to drive - wasn't actually trying to impress the driving cunt i did believe it...

it took me about two fucking weeks to lose it.

when u realise how safely u can drive on some roads and shit with good sight lines etc etc and a well maintained automobile... blah blah. fuck the speed nazis,

A coherent argument, well done. It pretty much boils down to the fact you'll stop quicker if you're within the speed limit than if you're not, persay if a child ran out in the road. Even a harmless ickle bunny rabit, or maybe one of cama's kittens (God forbid!). Unless, you of course, like killing things.


course its fun. when i was living in scotland we hit and killed a pheasent. (sp?) not all that great till you know that we then took it home and then ate it for dinner the next day



you think i speed everywhere?

this is wales fgs, have you seen the roads around here? eg between swansea and llanelli me three main routes;

1. motorway... nuff fucking said, when did u ever see kids playing on the motorway?

2. coastal & valley route...

long flat straight roads, no where near habitation, no turn offs, clear sight lines etc....kids? yeh fucking right. then break away from the coast nipping through a little collection of villages - where i obey the speed limit...[not least cos the place is riddled with fucking cams, but because there are schools around there and there are kids about etc.... and back onto a different stretch of the coast, with long straight dual carriageway.... with the pedestrian path seperated by no less than a fucking stretch of grass, an embankment and a fucking fence... problems? nuhu.

or there's route 3, which is entirely single and dual carriageway no where near houses, when it does get near them, they are seperated from the carriageway by a massive wide pavement and tall fence. and the road has no less than 3 speed cameras in each direction anyway.

my point?

i've never driven in england... but you might realise that some places should have higher-than-normal speed limits.

i've been driving on these roads myself for three years, and travelling as a passenger on them for all my life.... how many accidents do i ever see? since i've been driving maybe 2, and a cpl more before that....

what does cause accidents?

having my attention CONSTANTLY on my fucking speedo to see what speed i am doing, instead of out the fucking windscreen and on my mirrors.

it's gonna be really damn impressive if in the millisecond it takes me to look at my speedo to check that i am doing 30 some kid runs into the road in front of me to pick up a ball init?

and while i hope that never happens to anyone, i willl be reaaaaaally fucking impressed when it does, and someone has to answer for the fact that the reason a kid died is BECAUSE of a speed camera.


my parents got caught for speeding on the way to neath. the motorway had a diff speed limit from normal


Driving above the speed limit is against the law. If you can't manage to drive at the speed limit sell your car and return your driving license to the DVLA or who ever is responsible for them.

Of course, people speed its one of those things that you use your own judgement against, what are the road conditions?, is the traffic light?, am I driving through a village/town? etc. etc.

I speed, I go home at 40 along roads that are marked 30 I do that speed cos my judgment says that the schools are empty there's no one on the pavements/waiting to cross and theres plenty of room for emergrency action if required. Its not legal and if I was caught I deserve a fine.*

What really annoys me is people who whinge that they got caught and that the police should be chasing 'real' criminals. When you went over the speed limit you made a consious decision to break the law if you didn't want a fine don't speed.

My personal opinion is that the speed limits need to be looked at again for too many reasons my sleepy mind wants to say now

* DISCLAIMER: I don't speed, I am a law abiding citizen in every way ;)



ooh ohh ohhhhhhh

i forgot my most salient point here, twas somit someguy said.

*emergency services are allowed to speed* -

NO THEY AREN'T, it's breaking the law as much for them as it is for us.

why am i so narcy about this? bcos a while back my car had two alloy wheels lost, tires fucked, wheels knocked out of alignment - when i had to avoid a police car speeding down the wrong side of a VERY tight road at about 60+

try telling them that tho. cunts.

i'm well aware that if i get caught speeding then i'll be fined and have penalty points imposed. everyone is well fucking aware of that, we don't think we are special and are gonna get away with it. my general point was that 99% of the time the rewards outweigh the risk..

what are the rewards? well for me, being able to get home, or to meet a friend in under half the time it would take me if i complied with speed limits counts pretty fucking highly.

no matter how harshly i drive my car, i am within 10-20 miles of what the petrol tank should last for anyway [have made biiiiig fuss of monitoring petrol usage]

so out of 400&somit miles i should be able to get out of a tank of petrol, i get about 10-20 less than i should... big deal?

might i add that if i use the bus to complete said journey, then it takes over double the length of time it does to do the journey when complying with speed limits, because of the fixed route which goes out of the way, bus stops, etc.


If you speed, you break the law. Don't be shocked when you get fined/pulled over or whatever. Personally, I don't think there are any excuses for speeding other than ones I've previously mentioned, and unless you do something about getting the speed limits changed on the roads you used regularly I suggest you stop sitting there moaning about it and do the speed limit.


I do believe only one of the emergency services are actually allowed to go through red lights, Police I think....not that I'm that bothered since all the emergency services play a much more vital role than any person here :p


hmm, from what i remember all three emergency services can exceed the stated speed mits, my driving instructor used to train all three for high speed stuff

incidentally there is a fourth group of peeps that apparently can run red lights and break the speed laws - the post office... police can't touch them at least, they're protected by a whole bunch of laws regarding the queens mail...


Aren't all of them allowed to? They have training for it I believe, they have to make a judgment about how safe it is........


Originally posted by Xavier
- the post office... police can't touch them at least, they're protected by a whole bunch of laws regarding the queens mail...

Well they can't stop them, but I'm pretty sure they could get the plates and send them a nasty letter! :p


I remember a few years back, a cop jumped the red light (No Siren) and smashed into a Van who was coming from around the Corner...

Whos to blame? Cant be the Van, as he never heard the Siren

ES' have to be a tad bit more careful


Originally posted by Xavier
hmm, from what i remember all three emergency services can exceed the stated speed mits, my driving instructor used to train all three for high speed stuff

The emergency services dont have a mandate to speed, but its generally considered that they are free to speed, run red lights, etc are long as it is reasonable and justifiable to do so.

Drivers authorised to use blue lights may only switch them on under certain circumstances, such as at the scene of an emergency or to warn other road users of their presence. While using blue lights drivers are exempt from a number of motoring regulations. For instance they are permitted to treat a red traffic light as a give way sign, pass the wrong side of a keep left bollard, go the wrong way around a roundabout and drive on a motorway hard shoulder, even against the direction of traffic! And Police, Fire and Ambulance services, though not all blue light users, are exempt from obeying the speed limit.

But there are certain traffic laws blue light users are not allowed to ignore under any circumstances. No Entry, Stop and Give Way signs must be recognised, they can’t drive the wrong way down one-way streets and they must obey traffic lights controlling railway crossings or fire station exits. Nor are blue light users to cross an unbroken white line to overtake except in the same circumstance as everyone else (for instance to pass a stationary vehicle, slow moving cyclist or horse, or a road maintenance vehicle). This can cause problems for emergency drivers when other road users slow to let them pass where road markings indicate no overtaking.


Re: er

Originally posted by wolfeeh
having my attention CONSTANTLY on my fucking speedo to see what speed i am doing, instead of out the fucking windscreen and on my mirrors.

If this really is the case, then you shouldn't have passed your test in the first place. :rolleyes:

Oh and you swear far too much, the law is the law, tough shit.


Re: ooh ohh ohhhhhhh

Originally posted by wolfeeh
*emergency services are allowed to speed* -

NO THEY AREN'T, it's breaking the law as much for them as it is for us.

Oh sorry wolfeeh, if someones dying on the street we'll tell the ambulance to slow down and not rush to save a life. :rolleyes:


The current speed limits were introduced as a temporary measure a very long time ago. Arguably they're not suitable to modern motoring conditions across the board. 70mph on a motorway, for instance, is fairly low. It would be nice to see a similar system as in some of Europe for motorways at least, ie flexible speed limits based on the weather and traffic. So if it's a clear bright day, with nothing on the roads, you can do 90 - if it's chucking it down and you're nose to tail, you shouldn't exceed 60, etc.

Having said that, it's difficult to justify a speed limit higher than 30mph in residential areas, given that this is where the vast majority of road deaths occur.

Personally I'd go for a complete audit of speed limits, involving variable limits on motorways/dual carriageways, retain 30mph in residential areas, and lift non-residential single carriageways to 50 or 60 (depending on circumstances). But along with this would have to come the removal of current "buffer zones" that exist, so that if you speed you get caught and punished. Speed limits should represent the maximum speed at which it is safe to drive, under the conditions. If you exceed that speed, by even 1mph, you are by definition driving dangerously.

Incidentally the Police are far more concerned with dangerous/careless drivers than "safe speeders" - the problem is it's much more difficult to catch one.

And yes, the Emergency Services are perfectly within their rights to speed and break various traffic laws - but part of this is that they have considerable additional training, require just cause, and are responsible for any accidents caused.


Originally posted by stu
The current speed limits were introduced as a temporary measure a very long time ago.

I believe it was when a AC employees used it as a test track and managed speeds of 150+, 1960s.


Originally posted by camazotz
How long did it take for that to come through ? I vaguely recall being flashed a few times but never received anything. It's that 50 mph speed limit on the end of the M11 keeps catching me out every time.

Thats coz not all cameras have film in em! They still flash though!


I would be inclined to say that I would be in favour of scrapping speed limits on motorways entirely, falling back perhaps to a 60-70 speed limit in bad conditions. The only problem with this I suppose is that you have cars on the road which are more than capable of doing 160+, whereas most others can "only" manage in 120 flat out - so theres some disparity between how fast you could expect anyone coming up behind to be going.


One of these days they are going to use sattelite tracking which will control the speed of your car...

So no matter what you do you cant go fast!


I wonder how long that would take to chip/crack that?

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by Durzel

The emergency services dont have a mandate to speed, but its generally considered that they are free to speed, run red lights, etc are long as it is reasonable and justifiable to do so.

Exactly. Except over here in holland they almost seem to have made a sport of it. No lights or sirens though, that would be cheating!


Yes, lets all have a lovely autobahn. After all, that's totally safe isnt it :/

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