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no, it's only about...oh. uh. never mind 
Originally posted by wolfeeh
i had that gobby "who needs to speed" bollocks attitude when i was learning to drive - wasn't actually trying to impress the driving cunt i did believe it...
it took me about two fucking weeks to lose it.
when u realise how safely u can drive on some roads and shit with good sight lines etc etc and a well maintained automobile... blah blah. fuck the speed nazis,
Originally posted by Xavier
- the post office... police can't touch them at least, they're protected by a whole bunch of laws regarding the queens mail...
Exactly.Originally posted by Xavier
hmm, from what i remember all three emergency services can exceed the stated speed mits, my driving instructor used to train all three for high speed stuff
Drivers authorised to use blue lights may only switch them on under certain circumstances, such as at the scene of an emergency or to warn other road users of their presence. While using blue lights drivers are exempt from a number of motoring regulations. For instance they are permitted to treat a red traffic light as a give way sign, pass the wrong side of a keep left bollard, go the wrong way around a roundabout and drive on a motorway hard shoulder, even against the direction of traffic! And Police, Fire and Ambulance services, though not all blue light users, are exempt from obeying the speed limit.
But there are certain traffic laws blue light users are not allowed to ignore under any circumstances. No Entry, Stop and Give Way signs must be recognised, they can’t drive the wrong way down one-way streets and they must obey traffic lights controlling railway crossings or fire station exits. Nor are blue light users to cross an unbroken white line to overtake except in the same circumstance as everyone else (for instance to pass a stationary vehicle, slow moving cyclist or horse, or a road maintenance vehicle). This can cause problems for emergency drivers when other road users slow to let them pass where road markings indicate no overtaking.
Originally posted by wolfeeh
having my attention CONSTANTLY on my fucking speedo to see what speed i am doing, instead of out the fucking windscreen and on my mirrors.
Originally posted by wolfeeh
*emergency services are allowed to speed* -
NO THEY AREN'T, it's breaking the law as much for them as it is for us.
Originally posted by stu
The current speed limits were introduced as a temporary measure a very long time ago.
Originally posted by camazotz
How long did it take for that to come through ? I vaguely recall being flashed a few times but never received anything. It's that 50 mph speed limit on the end of the M11 keeps catching me out every time.
Originally posted by Durzel
The emergency services dont have a mandate to speed, but its generally considered that they are free to speed, run red lights, etc are long as it is reasonable and justifiable to do so.