Burn the book


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
If you want an example of what happens when a significant number of people are pissed off, when the Danish cartoons happened people boycotted Danish exports.

- Aka dumbest boycut known to man. Hell next time I Disagree with something on Fox news,
I'll react by boycutting McDonalds & Burger King, and blame the American goverment!

As for the book burning nutter, I really struggle to see why he deserves the attention.
We'd all be better off by paying less attention to radical nutters.
Be it racial, religious, political ect.

How many people showed up to his last event you ask ? ... ... . .. All of 30 people! 30!
I've gathered more people to listen to the finer points of whisky wort production!
where's my CNN artical ?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
trouble? fear? no no islam is a religion of peace! and if you don't believe that they'll kill you.

that aside he burns that book and all hell will break lose, its just another key tool for terrorists to recruit.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
- Aka dumbest boycut known to man. Hell next time I Disagree with something on Fox news,
I'll react by boycutting McDonalds & Burger King, and blame the American goverment!

Regardless of your opinion on the matter
They believed it was wrong, and felt strongly about it
They expressed their disapproval in a peaceful and legal way

So what is your problem?


Part of the furniture
Jul 21, 2004
Very wrong, you are right that that is just your pov, as it's not correct at all. You are confusing Islam as a religion and the laws, based on an old translation of religious texts and cultures of nations. The perceived oppression of women by Islam is simply a cultural thing ingrained into nations.

Christianity is no better, it just has no power over any countries anymore.

Bloody load of bullocks!

I've met turkish women who's mother's claimed they were strutting around in bikinis during the reformation with Atatürk.

Islam never ment for the women to be opressed.... The scarf thingy originated in keeping you from telling the difference between poor and rich.

It's got nothing to do with culture... It's about keeping people in line, no more no less. Which Christianity would do as well today IF we hadn't seperated church and government in most european and western communities!

Oh and btw... The recent gadaffi incident in rome where he payed a bunch of young good looking actresses to convert to islam.... Ever wondrered what would happen if some christian politician or actor pulled the same stunt in a islamic country? :)

I call double standards! with respect to every individual out there nomatter religion, heritage or the brand of ciggarettes you choose to indulge in!

I'm bloody drunk writing this.. i hope i make sense! (would i belong in Ez's "i'm drunk" tread instead of this?


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
well he changed his mind...wonder if he ever actually intended to do it at all or just say it to cause all this controversy?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
IMO he did that to show that he is not as fanatical as the muslims, that he´s still able to reconsider his opinion and think rationally, while all the muslims - of course - are unable to do so. The spark has been lighted, his job is done, other people are going to finish what he started.

Just the usual Pontius Pilate routine.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Angrist, try again while sober. Not sure what point you are making about Turkey, I've been there many times and they are very secular - probably the least strict predominantly Islamic country.

Thorwyn, you attribute far too much intelligence to this guy. He's backed down claiming a small victory, for a goal he never even previously stated. A victory that has been denied by the organisers of the ground zero mosque... Nothing but show boating for his crackpot little church.

You'll note that it was a imman who reached out to him to seek compromise, so who is able to think rationally here?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Too much intelligence? I`m not sure, maybe, maybe not. It´s not like that this is a new trick or tactical rocket science or anything. It´s just hipocrisy. Get the ball rolling, then pull out, step back, shake your head and say "I didn´t want that, you should have been listening to me."
Regardless, in the end, I think we both agree about what happened here.

You'll note that it was a imman who reached out to him to seek compromise, so who is able to think rationally here?
And do you think that this is a fact that the majority of people, especially in the US, are aware of?


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
It was quite heavily reported in the US, so yes.

What this does show and excuse me here <scouse> all sky fairy believers are as stupid, crazy and hypocritical as each other.</scouse>


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Looks like he backed down, which might well have been his intention from the start, but he doesn't own the monopoly on koran burning.
So I've bought a few copies and a box of matches (they might start selling them in the same shop soon) and I'm gonna have a barbeque.

Of course I'm no religous rascist, I have all fukin stupid religions, which are all without exception cults.

So I'll be burning every religous text I can find and at the end of the day it's only symbolic and symbolic is measured on the scale of how many people know you are doing it.
Could post on Youtube, but they have a policy against (religous) offence, all other offence is fine, cos you don't get 1 million brainwashed imbeciles calling for your death.
Some may find the above offensive, but it is the absolute truth.
As passed on to me by the great God of nail clippings.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Just burnt my copy



FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
It's ironic you regard yourself better than 'them'
When in reality you are deliberately going out of your way to piss people off, that says volumes about you tbh


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
well he canceled it finally
I feel like its some trolling on a geo-political level


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Anyone else want to post that's he's cancelled it, again??


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
Anyone else want to post that's he's cancelled it, again??

I thought it was something new, as I just opened the local news chan and they said he cancelled it now for real ( Might be a bit confused cause I think he canceled it before but then decided to cancel its cancel?)
Anyways its behind now


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
anyways just my 2 cents: As much as I personally dislike Islam, I believe that in a place where they burn books they will burn people (Inquisition, Nazi Germany) etc, so such behaviour is a bit backward and quite dangerous in the long term


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
A vampire in Baldur's Gate 2

Oh yeah, how could i forget her! :) How did she come up with the burning CDs joke though? :p

"You have stepped into my lair, adventurers, and for that you will die!" *quiet voice from the darkness behind her* "What? Oh yeah, but first, I will burn your spellbooks! Hand over your CDs, nao!"


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 25, 2005
Very wrong, you are right that that is just your pov, as it's not correct at all. You are confusing Islam as a religion and the laws, based on an old translation of religious texts and cultures of nations. The perceived oppression of women by Islam is simply a cultural thing ingrained into nations.

Christianity is no better, it just has no power over any countries anymore, secular societies in the west have forced it to modernise or be shunned.

There are many countries in the world were worst happens to people, but it's not as profitable for the media, so we are only fed this bullshit.

Is ok u don't agree, but a different thing is that you assume with all the power to say I am wrong, i am wrong for you, and right for others, unless there is an unquestionable truth, and even if u don't like christians is ok, but i didn't say it is better because I like more, just that it evolved, maybe saying it's simply better is not right, it is better in the way they are more modern and therefore more tolerant, but i pointed that budism looks for me like the most harmless popular religion at a first look, tbh Islam and law are very close in countries like morocco, pakistan, irak, and some more, ofc is also a cultural thing (which this religion also leechs from) and christianism is also male chauvinist, and was closer to law in the past, but it evolved (not much) with society, being a little more respectful than catholic kings dark age in the past for example.

As u said even it is forced to modernise itself and it is not voluntary, still that makes it better (meaning not beligerant or less) being objective (evolved) and ofc there are many countries in the world where terrible things happen (also reflected on media) but this issue turned more serious than it should be thanks to media aswell, that's why we speak about this right now and not about A.I.D.S. in Africa for instance. (and also because this is the Topic)

P.S. about confusing religion with traditions or laws, point that also christianism was based on male chauvinist theory (first of it that Eva comes from Adan's rib) you should notice "heaven" for muslims is plenty of woman for every man they die and they behaved correctly aswell as other things you should look at:

an extract from quran

4: (34) Men are responsible for the care of women by virtue of what God has given them more abundantly than them, and what they spend of their property. And the righteous women are the truly devout, who guard the intimacy which God has [ordered] to be saved.

But those whose animosity fear, admonish [first], then leave them alone in bed, then hit them, but then if they obey you, do not try to harm them. Certainly God is truly sublime, big

(35) And if you fear that there is a split between both [spouses], appoint an arbitrator from his family and another of her family, if they both want an agreement, God will lead to reconciliation. Certainly God is truly omniscient, Aware.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Is ok u don't agree, but a different thing is that you assume with all the power to say I am wrong,
He is implying your opinion is based on ignorance and half truths,

where is the source for your quotes?, they are not referenced properly and i doubt anyone can be bothered to trawl through the entire qu'ran to find them to see if you have editted them for your convinience


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
you should notice "heaven" for muslims is plenty of woman for every man they die and they behaved correctly aswell as other things you should look at:

an extract from quran

4: (34) Men are responsible for the care of women by virtue of what God has given them more abundantly than them, and what they spend of their property. And the righteous women are the truly devout, who guard the intimacy which God has [ordered] to be saved.

But those whose animosity fear, admonish [first], then leave them alone in bed, then hit them, but then if they obey you, do not try to harm them. Certainly God is truly sublime, big

(35) And if you fear that there is a split between both [spouses], appoint an arbitrator from his family and another of her family, if they both want an agreement, God will lead to reconciliation. Certainly God is truly omniscient, Aware.

He is implying your opinion is based on ignorance and half truths,

where is the source for your quotes?, they are not referenced properly and i doubt anyone can be bothered to trawl through the entire qu'ran to find them to see if you have editted them for your convinience

What Chron said, sorry Kam, but your opinions are based on half truths and an incorrect understanding. You do realise that the virgins in heaven thing is taken completely out of context and translation?

As for the rest of your quotes, what was the context in full, where did you get those translations from? Because that is a very very important issue when dealing with any religious text.

If you are going to judge a different culture or religion then make sure you understand it first, very very few people in the west do. I certainly don't, but it's quite clear in any thread about Islam on these forums that I understand far more than most.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
IMO, quoting and discussing religious texts is completely pointless, because even if your quotes are translated correctly and in the right context, there is still room for interpretation and emphasis. And that´s true for all religions. Clerics will reverse the meaning of a text ad. lib. if they want.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah Thorwyn, it's what hardliners in all religions have been doing since the dawn of religion. You do however always have the mainstream, accepted translation for any given period in history though.

Access Denied

It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
oh every time i hear about this it makes me feel sick; i mean is this guy fucking nuts??

I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to many things, religion especially but even I know that (or think I know...) muslims hold their holy books in even higher regard than other religions and the folk that take extra exception to this kind of shit don't just write a pissed off letter to the government, they take extreme action against someone shitting on their beliefs in this way so this pastor blokey is in effect unleashing a world of shit just to make his point...the consequences will probably be horrific and not worth it.

There are better, more effective more constructive ways to make your point than to act like a dick and poke a big fucking dangerous hole in a situation that's already pretty sodding volitile.

This whole thing is stupid, pointless and irrisponsible. It makes me ashamed to be the same species when I see people (in any situation) being arseholes just to get a bigger and better reaction and do that whole 'ooh look how fucking cool and unafraid to go there I am' from the little irritating dweeb who does it on the internet to the guy who sets off a bomb and kills people, its all about them and drawing attention to them not their so called beliefs and ideals its about their inferiority.

Must spread rep before I can give it you you again but I couldn't agree more!

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