

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
When I've started something I have to finish it :x

Some games I don't want to end, but I've yet to encounter that for the 360.. waiting for a game that really holds my interest.

Not played Bioshock yet, but hopefully picking it up soon - trading in Darkness and couple of others (hate having games I won't touch again lying around).. anyone know if Game and Gamestation ever open on bank holidays where they are? =/ Friggin' irritating opening times sometimes..


Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
I suspect alot of you have far too much time on your hands.

Or i don't have enough.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
Also, would people recommend I do pick up Bioshock? :)

I wasn't MASSIVELY excited by the demo, but I did like it.. wish it had a little multiplayer though.

It have much replay value? Will I want to play it again? I tend to trade games in, but wouldn't mind picking up a "keeper".

Reviews tell me its a "must buy".. but I'm never quite sure of them :x


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
i think its a keeper, but i my self wont play again do to other games need finishing or playing in my case its dead rising and forza2


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
I've yet to "finish" Dead Rising.. but I don't really think I cba..

I've completed the single player, nearly maxxed his level out and I've tried the infinity mode.. and I've just lost most of my interest really as I've hacked and slashed zombies a lot with a lot of different things now :S I'm not into getting achievements as most/all of them just seem boring as hell, so I'm not sure what to do with it now..

There's only so many times you can slice a zombie with a sword/katana/chainsaw/machete :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Also, would people recommend I do pick up Bioshock? :)

I wasn't MASSIVELY excited by the demo, but I did like it.. wish it had a little multiplayer though.

It have much replay value? Will I want to play it again? I tend to trade games in, but wouldn't mind picking up a "keeper".

Reviews tell me its a "must buy".. but I'm never quite sure of them :x

Completed it last night on hard which roughly took me around 25 hours atleast because i took my time etc making sure i get most of the achievements on the first run think i missed like 4.

It's an amazing game but if your one of those people that won't play it on hard and will pick easy/medium and won't really bother finding the diarys which gives you a huge insight into the place then i'd rent it.

Have a friend who started on Medium and he didn't bother with the diaries and stuff and he finished it on the first day.

Fantastic game though.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
oh mummy, just played if for a bit on max settings. amazing graphics.

I was sat there at the start waiting for the intro to move along, with the plane crash and fires, not realising i could actually move

Look forward to having a proper session on it at the weekend!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
well mouse or pad yopu have to agree that this is an amazing game, and worth all the hype

so tell me

are you killing the little sisters or letting them live?

I'm letting them live. Although Mr Bubbles is wasting me most of the time. First time I managed to kill one, I didnt realise the little sister had gone for a "nap", had to kill mr Bubbles all over again.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Saving them as well, the rewards are far more substantial.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
Saving them. Not far in yet, not had a chance to play very far..

Is it wise to save up Adam a bit? I've only just saved the second sister.. should I save this lot of Adam and wait until the next garden comes along? Or just spend it on increased health/eve?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Was going to get this today after playing the demo - damn its nice.

But reading hte 2k forums and here I think i'll pass.

No way im disabling my antivirus to run a game, and not going to knowingly install a rootkit

Ahh well.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Was going to get this today after playing the demo - damn its nice.

But reading hte 2k forums and here I think i'll pass.

No way im disabling my antivirus to run a game, and not going to knowingly install a rootkit

Ahh well.

Why, be honest, what harm is it actually going to do? You only need to disable your anti-virus when you run the game. Jesus people are so paranoid these days.

Saving them. Not far in yet, not had a chance to play very far..

Is it wise to save up Adam a bit? I've only just saved the second sister.. should I save this lot of Adam and wait until the next garden comes along? Or just spend it on increased health/eve?

Wait till you save the third......


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
my av is running and ive also done a scan for rootkits and NADA


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Same, got mine through Steam in the end, works fine. Having played it a bit i don't think its up to all the hype, yeah its good, but its not quite "the best gave ever! " Its kind of easy too, even on hard mode. The feel is good though, i just love the music and the chat that you get from the scrapers. Anyway, not imo as good as stalker but pretty decent for a console port, i am not a huge fan of the corridor fps really. glad i bought it though, its one i will be finishing :)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
stalker was a pile of shite dude :p i had to turn it off in the first 10 mins or so


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Same, got mine through Steam in the end, works fine. Having played it a bit i don't think its up to all the hype, yeah its good, but its not quite "the best gave ever! " Its kind of easy too, even on hard mode. The feel is good though, i just love the music and the chat that you get from the scrapers. Anyway, not imo as good as stalker but pretty decent for a console port, i am not a huge fan of the corridor fps really. glad i bought it though, its one i will be finishing :)

The AI in Stalker was terrible and totally ruined it for me but then i always knew a game that was delayed for 4 years+ was going to be bad.

Shame because i totally loved the enviroment and the atmosphere.

Bioshock is easy because of the respawn chambers but then i can't imagine taking down a big daddy on hard mode towards the end of the game i was pretty much boned on ammo to take em down.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
I started playing Bioshock on hard.. had no trouble for a while but then suddenly things started to get pretty frantic. In the end I decided to restart on normal like the chump I am :) - its my first playthrough and I want to be able to enjoy it and experience everything, not spend the game scrounging for ammo, health and eve all the time.

Am loving it thus far tbh :D I've not really read all the hype other than the scores and quotes, but I think it's definitely up there.. is possibly the most polished gaming experience I've had. Is a damn shame there's no multiplayer, I can picture how it would work, and tis awesome.

When you die and respawn at a chamber, do you keep all your healthkits or do you lose a couple? I've never noticed.. but if you don't lose any, that's a bit silly.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
tip for mr bubbles

incendiary bolts seem to knock the shit out of elite bouncers


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Best tip for any enemy tbh, is use the research camera - make sure you get grade A pics and the photographers eye physical tonics. Do not be afraid of taking multiple pics of the same enemy - you get less research for a second pic, but you still get some. Easiest way by far to gain new tonics and damage bonus' against all enemies.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
So who used the vita-chambers? I found that every time I died I felt like I was cheating using a vita chamber so I'd always load my last quicksave instead. Did all the big daddies in one go without being res'ed - on hard mode the Rosies were a real pain in the arse. 2 shots and you're dead, plus they just never missed :\

Decoy plasmid uber alles!

Anyone else find fontaine pretty damn easy to kill?
Apr 13, 2006
So who used the vita-chambers? I found that every time I died I felt like I was cheating using a vita chamber so I'd always load my last quicksave instead. Did all the big daddies in one go without being res'ed - on hard mode the Rosies were a real pain in the arse. 2 shots and you're dead, plus they just never missed :\

Decoy plasmid uber alles!

Anyone else find fontaine pretty damn easy to kill?

Done exactly the same, whenever I died I just re loaded cuz' the Vita Chambers seemed like the easy way around the game. Mind you doing it through on hard now, I'll prolly be using them this time around.

And Decoy was the best plasmid :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
One thing to watch with not reloading and using the vita chambers is if you run out of health kits and ammo on a particularly dodgy fight (on hard) - then you're stuck with just half health and good ol' Mr Wrench.

But I'm with you guys - reloading rather than using the chambers is that's I'm playing the game. Plus it lets me rethink my strategy and try to do cooler things with the plasmids.

Is the decoy plasmid good? I've not bought it yet.

Shock and its higher equivalents is annoyingly useful for every situation thus far.. means I use it more than the others, which I'd rather not do. Though I am now having fun flinging bees :D - But don't do it when there's a neutral big daddy around :(

Not bothered with the freeze plasmid - I want it, but I want teh loot too! What's the whirlwind one like?

I'm not sure why all this is in spoiler tags, but it is.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
i dont like the whirl wind trap tbh. its ground targeted for a start and the damage is pretty poor. i prefer insect swarm if there is a load of enemies

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