BI = Banned



Originally posted by Ziva
ST, did you read my mind or something? I couldn't have said it any better :)

It's a small group of people that like spamming, like using the forums for whatever they feel like and acts like they make the rules. They seem to forget they don't own these forums and should use them (just like anyone else, including mods) for what they are made for. And if you say these forums are made for entertainment regardless of content i have to disagree with you.

And you really don't care that those people are having fun doing so? They're keeping their "spam" inside the OT boards, so why do you mind really :p


Originally posted by Ziva
And if you say these forums are made for entertainment regardless of content i have to disagree with you.

Tilda is still around, ain't he? ... I mean, with his episode with child pornography, he's still allowed around, hell, he's even still a mod! But, ah well... Lets strike down on some people who uses an OT forum for chatting a bit in instead, heh.


Originally posted by old.ST200
Banned? Well respected? Who are you talking about? lol

Sissyfoo? I don't know who respects him but it surely isn't me. Dillinja? Why? Nuked? Don't make me laugh. Look at the childish way they all posted on FH, then tell me why any of them should be respected?

If you don't like the rules, go away. I, however, have no problem with them. These people destroyed their own community.

I agree some posts may be childish but banning people left right and center is childish too. As long as they're having fun who cares what they post, as long as they aren't bothering anyone with it..


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
I think banning a well respected person in the community has more negative effects than just accepting some threads in which the forum is being used as a chatbox.

I think that if a well respected person get's banned he probably did something to deserve that. We don't make any difference between an "unknown" member or a "well respected one". If people misbehave they wil get a ban and that's it.

Some of the banned people are indeed very nice people and have shown more then once they are very reasonable. But you just tell me... why do have have to keep asking them the same things over and over again then? I really think you don't seem to understand that before a user get's banned he usually has received more then one warning and is really pushing his luck.


Originally posted by Ziva
I really think you don't seem to understand that before a user get's banned he usually has received more then one warning and is really pushing his luck.
BI never received one warning in all 2 years on the forum. Kthxbye.


Originally posted by Ziva

Some of the banned people are indeed very nice people and have shown more then once they are very reasonable. But you just tell me... why do have have to keep asking them the same things over and over again then?

Well I havn't read the exact threads for which people have gotten warnings and in the end bans, I don't know all the facts. Maybe those bans were indeed valid according to your "rules" but then I just have to say your rules are silly. Like Shrye said, some harmless chatting doesn't hurt anyone does it? Hardly worth a ban.


Originally posted by Coim-
BI never received one warning in all 2 years on the forum. Kthxbye.

Well that blows your post right out the window Ziva, what's up with this? :p


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
As long as they're having fun who cares what they post, as long as they aren't bothering anyone with it..

Well that's the main problem, they are bothering people with it and not only mods. From all the posts that random people report about 90% comes from OT section. Do you think that is normal on a forum with lots of sections and 3 OT sections? I don't think so.

The forums are made for a wide range of people to use and not just a small bunch of people to have some entertainment. If u ask a random BW/FH user about Exca OT all you hear is "bunch of spam, bullshit posts and twats". And you might not care about that but BW/FH owners do.


Originally posted by Coim-
While I remember, adari kinda briefly mentioned an IRC channel... which sounds like a good idea tbh, just some of the people (Dill, BI, etc) don't use IRC, so we're kinda screwed there...

get them to DL mirc explain it a little to them and you are fine. They are atleast semi intelligent people, wont take them long to understand how it works...

VF spam costs bandwidth and slows down the server and takes up space on the HDD on the server aswell. It isnt the people using a board who determines what is allowed or not, it is the one paying for the internet connection to the server and for the server itself and maintaining it and the mods who try to maintain a reasonable forum. Off course both parties mods+server admins and forum users work some understanding out together. But in the end it is NOT the users who determine what is allowed and what isnt.


whats up VF? Wanna become one of the cool kids?


Originally posted by Coim-
BI never received one warning in all 2 years on the forum. Kthxbye.

Well BI might not have seen it as a warning but i sure as hell have sent him a pm about a post he made in the past. Infact, we had a nice pm conversation. Just because the pm's mods sent are usually polite doesn't mean they should not be considered warnings.


Originally posted by Ziva
Well that's the main problem, they are bothering people with it and not only mods. From all the posts that random people report about 90% comes from OT section.

You said people will receive warnings before they get a ban, but BI never did apparantly. So it's hard to believe you on this.

But if it's really like that, then everyone wants them gone? Isn't it easier to just be honest about it and tell them to FO then :p

I don't read excal OT that much but usually it's pretty funny, but that's just me :p

The "spam" threads in here are nicer to read then the "nerf this nerf that" threads in rvr section.


Originally posted by old.ST200
whats up VF? Wanna become one of the cool kids?

Err no I just feel sorry for Coim :p


Originally posted by Ziva
Well BI might not have seen it as a warning but i sure as hell have sent him a pm about a post he made in the past. Infact, we had a nice pm conversation. Just because the pm's mods sent are usually polite doesn't mean they should not be considered warnings.

That's your fault then, eh? I mean, it's np being polite, but not even adressing an issue and stating facts (ie. 'tis an warning for ya, or some crap), it's rather ridiculous to throw it onto the users to read inbetween the lines, esp. if they're in a good mood, enjoying themself in a good atmosphere, and then suddenly they see their account banned, because *cough* someone forgot to get to the point.


Originally posted by Ziva
Well BI might not have seen it as a warning but i sure as hell have sent him a pm about a post he made in the past. Infact, we had a nice pm conversation. Just because the pm's mods sent are usually polite doesn't mean they should not be considered warnings.
From BI;

Erm I think you're remembering it wrong. I intiated the PM chat by saying 'sorry the OT lto are giving you a hard time, they do it to all the new mods. If you need someone to back you up untily ou settle it, just giv eme a PM' (or something very similar to that - if you let me have my account back I can give you the exact quote ). The conversation then went on for a bit with you saying how you ..didnt know Excal OT much but you were sure you'd get used to it.

If you think thats a warning then you are a teeny bit crazy.


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
You said people will receive warnings before they get a ban, but BI never did apparantly. So it's hard to believe you on this.

But if it's really like that, then everyone wants them gone? Isn't it easier to just be honest about it and tell them to FO then :p

Ok, so a warning in your eyes would be "Hey, stop doing that this is your fist official warning and if you dont't behave we will ban you"? This isn't childschool you know, we pm people telling them they stepped out of line and ask them not to do it again. I would not like to be talked to like a 3 year old if i made a bad post would you?

As i said before, i had a nice pm conversation with BI and i don't have any personal problems with the people who are banned. And like Bels said a while ago about a user "Banning him was very hard to do". It usually is cause a lot of people are really very nice and that's also what makes it so hard to understand why we have to keep on warning them for bad posts.

Anyways, i'm off now. I have to add that i think discussions like this are usefull because in the end we all want the same thing. But before we get there, we have to agree on some things and some people seem to refuse to do so.


Dunno what caused this, but this is just plain silly. If he did something wrong, he should get banned. This forum and this OT section is for non related daoc stuff? If they say its like that, FOLLOW it. If you dont wanna follow it, tbh, you can fuck off to another forum. The mods aint here to entertain you tbh VF, if you want fun, make a own damn forum, and invite those ppls you want "fun" with. These spam posts you ppl are makin are only involving those ppl their spamming with. Not like anyone else has anything to say about it. Why you think its the same ppl over and over posting here? Allmost like they own this section. Kinda lame.


Originally posted by Ziva
Ok, so a warning in your eyes would be "Hey, stop doing that this is your fist official warning and if you dont't behave we will ban you"? This isn't childschool you know, we pm people telling them they stepped out of line and ask them not to do it again. I would not like to be talked to like a 3 year old if i made a bad post would you?

That was not what I said and you (hopefully) know it. But in case you didn't get my point, lemme try again: You said yourself, that the mods sends a polite pm as warning, and I tell you that this could actually be misunderstood if you fail to adress the point of why the message was sent (a warning is never nice, unless you're actively seeking sanctions - hence it could be misunderstood when you hide it in polite crap which is completely irrelevent).


Originally posted by Ziva
But before we get there, we have to agree on some things and some people seem to refuse to do so.
Because the things you're asking us to agree on are completely stupid? :eek:


Originally posted by Ziva
Ok, so a warning in your eyes would be "Hey, stop doing that this is your fist official warning and if you dont't behave we will ban you"? This isn't childschool you know, we pm people telling them they stepped out of line and ask them not to do it again. I would not like to be talked to like a 3 year old if i made a bad post would you?

As i said before, i had a nice pm conversation with BI and i don't have any personal problems with the people who are banned. And like Bels said a while ago about a user "Banning him was very hard to do". It usually is cause a lot of people are really very nice and that's also what makes it so hard to understand why we have to keep on warning them for bad posts.

Anyways, i'm off now. I have to add that i think discussions like this are usefull because in the end we all want the same thing. But before we get there, we have to agree on some things and some people seem to refuse to do so.

Well why don't you quote the bit where you warned BI, since he is saying he never got a warning. My point is better described by Shrye:

Originally posted by Shrye
That's your fault then, eh? I mean, it's np being polite, but not even adressing an issue and stating facts (ie. 'tis an warning for ya, or some crap), it's rather ridiculous to throw it onto the users to read inbetween the lines, esp. if they're in a good mood, enjoying themself in a good atmosphere, and then suddenly they see their account banned, because *cough* someone forgot to get to the point.

Anyway yeah these discussions are probably good, but only if you don't twist facts. Which is why I would like to read that PM, since both you and BI are telling different stories about the same thing :)

nn :)


Originally posted by Freppe^^
Why you think its the same ppl over and over posting here? Allmost like they own this section. Kinda lame.

Why not? If other people used OT in the first place, they'd never have been able to "take over" the forum - take a look at the other two DAoC OT forums, they're *dead*. Hence, there's no harm done in letting the lowlifes in eOT sail their own boat, in their own lake heh.


VF the retarded dwarf. Not big, not clever.


Originally posted by Shrye
Why not? If other people used OT in the first place, they'd never have been able to "take over" the forum - take a look at the other two DAoC OT forums, they're *dead*. Hence, there's no harm done in letting the lowlifes in eOT sail their own boat, in their own lake heh.

Doesnt matter imo. All ppl should have same possibilitys, and from what ive seen it, these ppl here "owns" this part. And have made it to their own kinda style. This forum part hasnt really been under observation either tbh, just spam all the time which i doubt they made the forum part for.


Originally posted by old.ST200
VF the retarded dwarf. Not big, not clever.
Why isn't ST being warned for this? He just called VF retarded... :eek:


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
Well why don't you quote the bit where you warned BI, since he is saying he never got a warning. That's entirely my point:

people tend to clean up their PM boxes once in a while, so my guess is neither BI nor Ziva have it in their in/outbox anymore.



I felt their comments were bad enough that, combined with their behaviour on FH, they deserved to be banned without any prior warning. In some cases I believe they have actually been banned before due to their behaviour and, from my point of view at least, they were breaking the Code of Conduct of these forums in such a manner that they obviously knew what they were doing and didn't really seem to care too much for what the consequences of their actions were.

With regards to the FH forums it was perhaps not the right course of action for Jupitus et al to take in banning as many people as they did (although from what I saw at least Loxleyhood deserved to be banned and probably one other) but they will probably take a more relaxed approach to the DAoC forums as time goes on, leaving it mainly to the DAoC specific moderators, which is how it should be when it comes to less serious issues like post farming or spamming.

As you say you are not aware of all the facts and therefore your suggestions like "mob rule" for the forums are probably made from a position of ignorance, which is why they are not really appropriate.


Originally posted by Coim-
Why isn't ST being warned for this? He just called VF retarded... :eek:

tbh, you should get a warning yourself, for using the word. Thx.


Originally posted by Driwen
people tend to clean up their PM boxes once in a while, so my guess is neither BI nor Ziva have it in their in/outbox anymore.

Well you guess wrong. If you would have actually read the thread, you would know that BI still has it in his inbox.



Lol, whatever. Fact is, you can't just come in here, banning people left, right, and centre when you don't even know the people who post here. Like someone mentioned before, almost everything we say in OT we don't mean. Anyways, there's no point in hanging around when there's no one else to post with. Defeats the point of a forum entirely. So bigfoot, you can just fuck off.

Whether you mean it or not if you post something out of order and it is reported then we have to look at it. Someone mentioned to me on IRC that there were some threads appearing in this forum that were abusive to various people and when I looked into it this was proven to be the case which is why I took the action I did.

I may not post very often in this section of the forums but I've monitored it for a long time via reported posts or general browsing, I've also banned or suspended a number of people from it either based on what I've seen or because it was requested by the moderators of this section. I've done this for a variety of reasons, be it abusive posts, post farming on this forum or across the forums in general or the odd bit of warez that has found its way on here. Since the Code of Conduct was introduced the scope for getting out of saying or doing something inappropriate by claiming that you "don't really mean it" has narrowed considerably and that excuse simply doesn't wash any more.

Whilst we may be more releaxed on FH when things are fully moved over there it will still be the case that if someone does something OTT then they will be warned, suspended or banned, regardless of whether it is in the General forum or the Excal OT.

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