being on time (lalalala)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
In recent months I find I've developed a bit of a problem getting in to work on time. Something SK mentioned caused me to think about it, thus I'll explain.

In my line of job (mucking about with unix and servers and things) it's not really a problem at what time you get in to the office as long as you're in some time in the morning. say between 7 and 10. unless you have an apointment or a meeting or whatnot naturally.
of late I find that I've been toeing the line a bit inasmuch as I've been only managing to scrape myself out of bed around 09:30, and thus getting into work around 10:15 or so.
considering the fact that my alarm sounds like a ship's fog horn and first starts going off at 07:30 I am at least wakened more or less on time. thing is, I'm so asleep at that moment that I really can't stay out of bed. and I mean really heh, I'm like a zombie oO.
this tends to switch suddenly, and I'm in office perfectly on time (between 7 and 8) for weeks until I can't get out of bed again. this can happen mid-week too.

anyone have any pointers as to what I can do about it? I don't stay up really late, and I don't drink espresso before bed so that's not it...:/


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I have the exact same thing. I'm not really a morning person but I manage to get to the office everyday at 7:30.
I could start at 10 if I wanted but if I start at 7:30 I can leave early and be home around 17:00

After a few weeks I crash and sleep for 14 hours :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
maybe it's because of your mestral cycles???

or maybe you should go to bed earlier???

or maybe you're depressed because Wij aint doing it for you anymore?


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
maybe, but Wij not doing it for me isn't anything to get depressed about tbh ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
I have a similair problem, I work approximately 30 seconds saunter away from where I sleep and I can still be late. I blame it on working night shift and the fact it is not natural to go to bed in the afternoon and get up at 11pm, unfortunately the chap/s I relieve can sometimes get a bit miffed.


*Relieve in this case does not involve any acts of a sexual nature *


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
I have similar probs, some weeks I have major probs being tired at work, others i'm fine. No real changes in lifestyle to blame it on. Think it it has to do with alignment of the planets and shifts in gravity or something, well thats my theory and i'm sticking to it.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I am a morning person, I find being in bed boring(hence my insomnia sometimes).

As soon as my alram goes off I get up. I love mornings, earlier the better.

Say to yourself "I have to get up sometime, it may as well be now". I bet you feel no better for the extra lie in you get.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
no, in fact I usually feel worse :/ also I find that if I go to bed late, say 1am, I have less problems getting up than were I to go to bed "on time" (11pm).


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
My sleep is shit. No matter what time I get to sleep, I will wake too early. I cannot sleep past 9, haven't done for so long I can't remember. Always end up waking up normally 6:30-7:30 during week for work - a lot of the time I wake before my alarm, despite normaly sleep time in the week being about 1-2am. Weekends are worse, I normally go to bed later, or miss a day of sleep. I'll then be really, really tired, go to bed - wake up at 6:30am again. Wake up fucking battered, totally tired but can't get back to sleep again.

I haven't had a lie in for months, I haven't felt like I've had a truly satisfying sleep for about a year.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
What concerns me about my sleep is not the lack of sleeping hours (I've never needed all that much), but more the fact every 2 weeks or so I normally miss out on 1-2 days of sleep due to my lifestyle, and the not being able to sleep for hours if I stay awake for longer than normal...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
get yourself a couple of kids (one is good - 2 is better)

The advantage they have is :

1. They dont have a "snooze" button, so you cant delay the inevitable "getting up"
2. They always get you up before you need, therefore more time to get ready.
3. They will CONSTANTLY annoy you until you DO get up.
4. Sometimes will inflict physical pain in an effort to wake you


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Lazarus said:
get yourself a couple of kids (one is good - 2 is better)

The advantage they have is :

1. They dont have a "snooze" button, so you cant delay the inevitable "getting up"
2. They always get you up before you need, therefore more time to get ready.
3. They will CONSTANTLY annoy you until you DO get up.
4. Sometimes will inflict physical pain in an effort to wake you
Works remarkably well at home but they won't let me take them to work :(

I find this to be particularly true at weekends when you want a lie in, on school days they are not that hot at getting up especially the 11 year old, he is becoming an early adopter of teenage ways.



I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The glaring disadvantage to Laz's plan would be having to wait for 9months+ or risking jail and angry mobs.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
TDceeeeee, 3 things:
1. go to bed earlier
2. more exercise
3. no coffee!!

I gave up coffee and caffeine a while back and it has helped my sleep loads, I also found that getting up in the morning and going to the gym helps too....going again in the evening also helps to get off to sleep as well :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Drink water before you go to bed, and eat well in the evening. As soon as I wake up each day it's an immediate dash to the toilet before I foul myself.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Assuming there's nothing medically wrong with you (like a thyroid problem or something) then it could be any of the following:

* Weekend routine
* Energy levels
* Stress
* Getting old

If you break your weekday routine by staying up late and sleeping in at weekends then basically this screws up your body clock for the rest of the week.

If you eat a few big meals, lots of bread and cereals, lots of coffee/tea/coke etc - this means your daily energy levels will peak and trough all day. Hence in the morning you are 'out of fuel'. Try eating lots of small meals - walking for 30 mins before you eat breakfast/lunch/dinner and you'll find you'll sleep better and find it easier to get up in the mornings.

Both of the above can be magnified by stress at work/home ... and of course the older you get the worse you generally feel.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I just dont want to go to work so I get into work as late as I can possibly get away with...which is 9am :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Get yourself a new alarm clock that wakes you up gently. I've felt much better since I started using my TV as my alarm clock. TV goes off, I wake up and bung an episode of Mysterious Cities of Gold on, then over that 20 odd mins I tend to fully wake up. Have a shower and get to work on time. Fried Gold.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I need thirty minutes of "lie in bed perfectly awake for no good reason" time after I've been awoken from my slumber. If I don't get my lie-age, I'm a bit like the sugar puff monster.

I normally wake up about 0700-0730, although I'm at about the 0900 mark on weekends. Go to bed about midnight every day, give or take 30 mins.

Caffeine anywhere near bedtime is evil! :mad:


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
Put your alarm clock on the other side of the room, away from the bed. Only ever hit the snooze button until you are actually getting up. I snooze for about 30 mins every day, then go back to bed with my first coffee. My alarm first rings at 6 latest :/


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
TDc, I had problems getting up too, particularly in winter. I attributed it to being so dark in my room in the morning, so that when my alarm goes off in the morning, it feels like the middle of the night because it's pitch black.

I bought myself a timer from Ikea that plugs into the socket, then you plug a light into the timer. You set the timer to automatically switch the light on and off. My light comes on at 6:15am, when I have to get up at 7am. When my alarm does go off, I fell a lot fresher because i'm exposed to light and i'm already naturally waking up because it's bright in my room.

This solved my waking up problem.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
that sounds like a really good tip imo, BigG. I'll have to get a timer and try it out. I've also been thinking of getting a small cdplayer for the bedroom. perhaps that may come with a built-in alarmclock so I could have music as well as light. we'll see, but I'm deffo getting one of those timer switches!


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, nice idea, Big G. You could get hold of one of those big 'natural daylight' lamps for people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (something like this, maybe). Put that on a timer and you have comfortable 'spring day' light when you wake up on a cold, dark winter morning.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
It's deffo worth a shot teeds, i think the timer was only £4.

It worked for me - it feels great to be naturally waking up before the alarm goes off.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
no, in fact I usually feel worse :/ also I find that if I go to bed late, say 1am, I have less problems getting up than were I to go to bed "on time" (11pm).

Absolute snapperooo.

I have exactly the same problem m8. I f*cking hate mornings all year round. May try the lamp thang :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Laz's plan is a winner as far as "getting up" goes, the only problem I have is that they wont let me leave for work, therefore I tend to be more late if the Kidalarm sounds than if I wake naturally.

Teed's why not (and I know this is a bit gay, but bare with me) try a Tea's maid type thingy? For the younger than 20 amongst us, a Tea's maid was a kind of alarm-cum-tea making machine that sounded the old alarm, and then made a cup of tea for you. I think my mum even had one that turned a radio on and fried some breakfast while taking the dog for a walk*

*may have been my Dad.

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