Balanced Alb Group



Originally posted by bracken_woodman
2 Clerics, 1 minstrel, 1 sorc and a s/s paladin. That's your core. Then you need your 3 damage dealers

You need 2 tanks with determination to get out of mezz quickly n bash the enemies.

2 clerics, 1 mincer, 1 sorc, 1 pally, 3 wizzs might work really good if played well, but...........
..... if the enemy lands a mezz 1st, you are toasted coz all the group members will have the 100% duration of the mezz


Originally posted by samildanachh
swap 1 of the mercs/arms for a reaver, levi outdamages any merc and their debuff chants and insta's help increase the dmg while also disrupting enemy casters.
also gr8 fun to play :D

it would have to be a pretty high rr reaver and smart player to outdamage / out"fight" a merc on regular rvr mate ..

no cheap RAs for the reaver make him more gimped then the merc tbh.
u need to be un-CCable as offensive tank for many things vs good grps, not just have purge up every 30 mins


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
Light armour? Since when is leather with absorb buff and both AF-buffs 'light armour' ?

I got the same AF as chain, same absorb only different vulnerable/resistant-table.

666AF from a buffbot with MoArcane

10%base +15%buff is 25% which is not the same as chain

friar has around 1900hp max in this patch (i have 1860 with 294con and toughness 1)

so now lets look at the merc in chain with: 2400hp and well over 700AF with buffs

you can see why hybrid classes: thanes/champs/friars/reavers etc etc have been slowly weeded out from the high realm level groups...

BUT it will change for sure, if there is one thing about mythic they always keep moving the goalposts :p


Originally posted by samildanachh
swap 1 of the mercs/arms for a reaver, levi outdamages any merc and their debuff chants and insta's help increase the dmg while also disrupting enemy casters.
also gr8 fun to play :D

They do?

I doubt it,but yes they are good fun to play and their dmg is decent aswell as their defence,but a merc will do continiously good damage if it's played well.

Bastard sword+Ebony defiler>levi

If target has high resists which is most likely now...

Also for all those people who think mercs are gimps stfu and learn to play them and stop comparing them to other classes....if you can kill often played well who cares?


remember, alb mez sucks so pbae rvr grps only go so far.

HOWEVER hope they fix casters so you can do more with them in rvr cuz atm rvr is a hybrid/rogue/tank game.

so best rvr grp IMO in alb right now is :

Cleric (rejuv/enc) = heals + specbuffs + resistbuffs + bof
Friar (high enc) = damage + basebuffs + resistbuffs
Paladin (42 shield, high chants) = slambot + endregen + fh
Minstrel (50 inst) = speed + ablative + backup mez + demezz +stun + sos
Sorc (high mind) = mezz + powregen + mez resist + demezz
Merc x 3 (50/50/28 + PF) = main dmg dealers along with friar all /assist 4 teh win and pally slams while minstrel tries to protect sorc (the one weak point)(det3+ prefered)

variations would be , swap a merc for a reaver (50 flex, 42 shield -for extra slams & levi4tehwin & absdebuff), or if theres not enuff mercs go for a 50 pole armsman.

also swapping a merc for a cleric, or even swapping friar out for another cleric.


pala s+s
merc / arms 2h or pole
merc / arms 2h or pole

my perfect littul group :x

but i guess im just repeating what other ppl said before


Originally posted by Jiggs
you can see why hybrid classes: thanes/champs/friars/reavers etc etc have been slowly weeded out from the high realm level groups...


I'm a hybrid ^^ :m00:


My verision for PvE:
2 Ice wizards
2 pallys
1 cleric
1 theurgist
1 mincer or sorc
1 class of your choice


tbh, best alb group contains...

1) <Depends on playstyle, objective, and tactics.>
2) <Depends on playstyle, objective, and tactics.>
3) <Depends on playstyle, objective, and tactics.>
4) <Depends on playstyle, objective, and tactics.>
5) <Depends on playstyle, objective, and tactics.>
6) <Depends on playstyle, objective, and tactics.>
7) <Depends on playstyle, objective, and tactics.>
8) Rejuv Cleric.


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
Light armour? Since when is leather with absorb buff and both AF-buffs 'light armour' ?

I got the same AF as chain, same absorb only different vulnerable/resistant-table.

well u get 25% instead fo 27%, but yeah


Originally posted by skile
Let me rephrase, win. You are missing a few points. First the mid-tank grps attack 1 at the time. For example.

U have cleric1 with a armsman as guard, this armsman will block around 80% of the attacks, most likely more. The slow minded zerkers/savages will probably not take that much of a notice and gank this cleric in eternity while our sorc interupts their support with amnesia/aemezz and the other cleric heals the ganked cleric.

While the minstrel and the 2 damagedealers picks out the mid supportclasses.

Note that we have BoF and SoS to help with this defence tactics as well.

A tactic against this would be to split up all the midtanks and send 2 on each cleric and 1 on the sorc. Might work. Will probably result in a close fight.

Only one problem, sorc is most likely attacked before the cleric so no interupting there. ALso guard is not 360 degrees so the tanks can just strafe around the guarder and stand in a circle around the target pretty much, most mid groups have zerkers/savages wich are very hard to guard against.


Originally posted by .Asmo
I would imagen it take's more skill to be succesful, but alot of people underestimate Reaver's (which pisses me off hugely). Friar for base buff's and an extra resser. The resist's will come in use also (they are reworking debuff's so i think they won't do a huge amount, but that's just a guess) Merc for damage and det.\

I would personally go for x3 Merc's with the current state of the game, but i think both are viable.

more skill? understimate? reavers/friar dont have determination. nuff said.


based on FG VS FG!:

s/s paladin (low parry - ie, 3)
sorcerer (remember to spec the ae root as well)
minstrel (dont spec stealth)
2 x cleric (both with at least decent rejuv)
2 prime tanks (whether merc or armsmen can be discussed I guess - important thing is the assist, so they hit the same) - preferably thrust specced
1 spot left - done succesfully with several different ppl taking this spot, and I guess it can be discussed which is best. what seems to be amongst the best of choices is: friar, smite cleric, 3´d prime tank, and theurgist. all have worked so well that it´s tough to say which is the better.

benefits of the 8´th spot:
- friar: resists, hard hitter, back up heals, rezz, basically a prime tank, but with multiple emergency uses
- 3´d prime tank: killing power
- smite cleric: backup heals, smite (as assist to tanks ofc), rezz, 3´d bof
- theurgist: pbt, pets, nukes, eb, and haste, but is another vulnerable class in the grp (and no, thas not a benifit :))

most ppl would suggest 3´d prime tank, I have tried all of theese, and done very well with each, as they all have their advantages and disadvantages. best SEEMS indeed to be the 3´d prime tank, but is not nessecarily so.

many ppl seem to have suggested other classes and other setups as well, but imo, they are generally more of a specific purpose class/grp, where this is an all round grp, capable of dealing with anything. fights vs some will be closer, but with good players u´ll win em (take a reaver for instance, he can be rather god with his disruptive stuff vs a hib caster grp, but no determination sux vs mids for a prime tank, or take a caster grp, can be great if u jump the enemy, but u´ll die fast if they get the jump on u)

u wont loose many fights with this setup, if they are capable players.


just a little bit extra info for the ppl who think pole is superior to 2h

from the logs u can see that 2h and polearm styles do similar damage, with the exception of defenders revenge
this can be neglected since this style is hardly ever used in real rvr

if u take in account that 2h has 2 very easy accesible stuns......

like i said, just a little extra info :D


K- my two-pennies worth. Most classes are usefull in a group, depending on how they complement each other. Its true to say 1 sorc, 1 cleric and 6 tanks do rok, but my ideal group is:

Fire Wizard
Ice Wizard
Body Sorc
Mind Sorc
2 Clerics ( pref Herbs n Therg:D )
a Theurgist ( outlaw spec :D )
and a damage dealer of your choice.

Its risky but fun.

Plus, I have a policy to join good players, ie players who get kill spamms.


Originally posted by skile
Be sure to have an group-minstrel. 50 instruments, 43 slash... no stealthgimp.
Taking Slash above 30 for a minstrel gives very little in terms of weaponskill -- this has been confirmed by several independent tests (including my own :p). On the other hand, getting 30 stealth gives considerable utility in terms of safe fall and climb walls without sacrificing any group-friendliness.


Originally posted by old.m0000
well u get 25% instead fo 27%, but yeah

Though you didn't actually bother reading that friars also get less AF and if we want to survive when the cleric hits BoF we'll have to run around with just 10% absorb .


One thing a guildie pointed out about clerics... He's leveling a cleric atm and said he's going to be 39 rej/37 enh, so I asked why? Resists-buffs > best rez... The common 40 or 41 rej, rest enh leaves you short on Energy and Spirit resist buffs, which co-incidentally happen to be Hib & Mid PBAoE damage-type... Unless you intend to run back to PK every 10 mins, getting those resist buffs might be better than the 100% hp rez.


Originally posted by belth
One thing a guildie pointed out about clerics... He's leveling a cleric atm and said he's going to be 39 rej/37 enh, so I asked why? Resists-buffs > best rez... The common 40 or 41 rej, rest enh leaves you short on Energy and Spirit resist buffs, which co-incidentally happen to be Hib & Mid PBAoE damage-type... Unless you intend to run back to PK every 10 mins, getting those resist buffs might be better than the 100% hp rez.

Ummm... I use rez just about every fight, which means a caster has half power and full health and don't forget less rez sick time. This also means I don't have to spend power to heal them. The 41 heal is very good, esp for tanks (which is what dominates now). Rez & Heal >>> resists

I think it's worth it to have the 40 rez & 41 heal, but whatever floats your boat.


Originally posted by Tyka
What i thought of could maybe be successful in RvR but not that great in PVE, here it is, let me know what you think of it.

Ice Wizard
Ice Wizard
Ice Wizard

2 words, BAoD & +20%

Wizard != Chanter (not by a long long way)

current typical resists make all casters virtually redundant, hopefully that will change but atm thats the way it is. the only exception is the chanter cos he can debuff his own dmg, baod, nuking-snaring pet, heat based stun etc etc...

merc/reaver/hybrid arms/friar

why mercs? cheap ra's, determination, dw (so less troubled by pbt/guardbots), good dmg output, ~200dmg dd, charge, dirty tricks, 360degree evade, prevent flight (procs alot for dualwielders) etc

a reaver would be an essential component i think, IF they got cheap RAs and Determination, but they dont. having more than 1 tank whose gonna take full duration mezz/root (the pally) is a possible liability imo (no GP here...) hitpoints kinda low too

hybrid arms may be useful for the heavy hits and the added guard/stuns (50 pole, 23 or 42 shield spec)

friar may be useful for the resists, heals/rez/buffs and heavy hits, drop kinda fast with 2+ enemy on them tho

theurg can take place of sorc if played very well, upto a point. against the best grps out there u just need immaculate cc and only a good sorc can provide it.


Originally posted by old.Zoyster
K- my two-pennies worth. Most classes are usefull in a group, depending on how they complement each other. Its true to say 1 sorc, 1 cleric and 6 tanks do rok, but my ideal group is:

Fire Wizard
Ice Wizard
Body Sorc
Mind Sorc
2 Clerics ( pref Herbs n Therg:D )
a Theurgist ( outlaw spec :D )
and a damage dealer of your choice.

Its risky but fun.

Plus, I have a policy to join good players, ie players who get kill spamms.
Outlaw was just killed by randommid.
ah thats why he get grps :)


to the peeps with 3x mercs in grp i would say a word for the hybrid arms (no biased of course >_< ) assisting the mercs with slam (small shield) + pole for when dmg is required ... a little more flexibility i owuld have thought?


Originally posted by old.Zoyster
K- my two-pennies worth. Most classes are usefull in a group, depending on how they complement each other. Its true to say 1 sorc, 1 cleric and 6 tanks do rok, but my ideal group is:

Fire Wizard
Ice Wizard
Body Sorc
Mind Sorc
2 Clerics ( pref Herbs n Therg:D )
a Theurgist ( outlaw spec :D )
and a damage dealer of your choice.

Its risky but fun.

Plus, I have a policy to join good players, ie players who get kill spamms.

well that's a good exampel how to not make alb groups.


Originally posted by cougar-
well that's a good exampel how to not make alb groups.

Well he didn't mention the 2/3 fg albs in front of them (operation human shield) while he is blowing things up.



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